Anna Smigocki--Selected Publications |
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(full publication list here)
Wilhite, S.E., T.C. Elden, V. Puizdar, S. Armstrong, and A.C.Smigocki. Inhibition of aspartyl and serine proteinases in the midgut of sugarbeet root maggot with proteinase inhibitors. Entomol. Experiment. Appli. 97:229-233, 2000.
Wilhite, S.E., T.C. Elden, J. Brzin, and A.C. Smigocki. Inhibition of cysteine and aspartyl proteinases in the alfalfa weevil midgut with proteinase inhibitors. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 30:1181-1188, 2000.
Fedorowicz, O., G. Bartoszewski, A.C. Smigocki, R. Malinowski, andK. Niemirowicz-Szczyt. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) transformants carrying ipt gene fused to heat-shock (HSP70) promoter. J. Food Biotech. 17:55-60, 2000.
Bartoszewski, G., Mujer, C.V., K. Niemirowicz-Szczytt, and A.C.Smigocki. A wound inducible cytochrome P450 from tomato. ACTA Physiol. Plant. 22(3):269-271, 2000.
Mujer, C.V. and A.C. Smigocki. Cytokinin and wound-inducible cytochrome P450 from Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Physiol. Plant. 111:172-181, 2001.
Ivic, S. and A. Smigocki. Evaluation of the biolistic transformation method for commercially important sugarbeet breeding lines. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 31: 207-213, 2001.
Ivic, S.D., R.C. Sicher, and A.C. Smigocki. Growth habit and sugar accumulation in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.) transformed with a cytokinin biosynthesis gene. Plant Cell Rep. 20:770-773, 2001.
Saunders, J.W., L.D. Kuykendall, and A.C. Smigocki. First report of adventitious shoots from intact sugar beet plants and its implication. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 31: 184-188. 2001.
Ivic, S., J. Saunders, and A. Smigocki. Leaf callus from sugarbeet breeding lines for biolistic transformation. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 31: 213-217, 2001.
Bartoszewski G., C. Mujer, K. Niemirowicz-Szczytt,and A.C.Smigocki. Cloning of a wound inducible Lycopersiconesculentum cytochrome P450 gene and lack of regeneration of transgenic plants with sense or antisense constructs. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 127(4): 535-539, 2002.
Smigocki, A.C., L.G. Campbell, and C.A. Wozniak. Leaf extracts from cytokinin-overproducing transgenic plants are lethal to sugar beet root maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis) larvae. J. Sugar Beet Res. 40 (4): 197-207, 2003.
Samac, D.A. and A.C. Smigocki. Expression of oryzacystatin I and oryzacystatin II in alfalfa increases resistance to the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans). Phytopath. 93 (7): 799-804, 2003.
Ivic-Haymes, S. and A. Smigocki. Transformation of sugar beet cell suspension cultures. In Vitro Cell. & Develop. Biol. 39: 573-577, 2003.
Smigocki, A., S. Hue,and J. Buta. Cytokinin-induced insecticidal activity in transgenic plants expressing the cytokinin biosynthesis gene ipt. Plant Growth Reg. 29: 1-7, 2003.
Smigocki, A., S. Ivic, D. Wilson, C. Wozniak, L. Campbell, R. Dregseth, and M. Boetel. Molecular approaches for control of the sugarbeet root maggot. Internat. Inst. Beet Res. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 1: 419-428, 2003.
Ivic-Haymes, S. and A. Smigocki. Direct gene transfer to sugarbeet leaves. Internat. Inst. Beet Res. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 1: 903-908, 2003.
Smigocki, A. and D. Wilson. Pest and pathogen resistance enhanced by heterologous suppression of a cytochrome P450 gene CYP72A2. Biotech. Lett. 26: 1809-1814, 2004.
Ivic-Haymes, S. and A. Smigocki. Biolistic transformation of highly regenerative sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaves. Plant Cell Rep. 23:699-704, 2005.
Thomas, J. C., M, Perron, P.C. LaRosa,and A.C. Smigocki. Cytokinin regulation of a tobacco metallothionein-like gene during copper stress. Physiol. Plant. 123:262-271, 2005.
Ivic-Haymes, S. and A. Smigocki. Identification of highly regenerative plants within sugar beet (Beta vulgari L.) breeding lines for molecular breeding . In Vitro Cell. & Develop. Biol. 41 (4): 483-488, 2005.
Puthoff, D.P., and A. Smigocki. Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) genes regulated by sugar beet root maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis)infestation. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 33:214-219, 2005.
Smigocki, A.C., S.D.Ivic-Haymes, M.A. Boetel, L.G.Campbell, and R.J. Dregseth. An in vitro sugarbeet root maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis) feeding assay. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 33:208-213, 2005.
Smigocki A., S. Ivic-Haymes, L. Campbell, and M. Boetel. A Sugarbeet Root Maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis Roder) Bioassay Using Beta vulgaris L.Seedlings and In vitro Propagated Transformed Hairy Roots. J. Sugar Beet Research 43:1-13, 2006.
Uzelac,B., S. Ninkovic, A. Smigocki, and S. Budimir. Origin and development of secondary somatic embryos in transformed embryogenic cultures of Medicago sativa L. cv. Zaje?arska 83. Biol. Plant. 51(1):1-6, 2007.
Puthoff, D.P. and A. Smigocki. Beta vulgaris root ESTs modulated by sugar beet root maggot feeding and their regulation by wounding and defense signaling molecules. Plant Cell Rep., 26, 71-84, 2007.
Ninkovi?, S., J. Milju?-Duki?, S. Radovi?, V. Maksimovi?, J. Lazarevi?, M. Ne?kovi? and A. Smigocki. Phytodecta fornicata Br?ggemann resistance mediated by oryzacystatin II proteinase inhibitor transgene. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult., 91:289-294, 2007.
Smigocki, A.C., Puthoff, D.P., Ivic-Haymes, S. and S. Zuzga. A Beta vulgaris serine proteinase inhibitor gene (BvSTI) regulated by sugar beet root maggot feeding on moderately resistant F1016 roots. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 34, online only, Feb. 28 - March 3, Salt Lake City, UT, 2007.
Plati?aJ., Veljovi?-Jovanovi? S., Kukavica B., VinterhalterB., SmigockiA. andNinkovi? S. Induction of peroxidases and superoxide dismutases in transformed embryogenic calli of alfalfa
(Medicago sativa L.). J. Plant Physiology, 165:895-900, 2008.
Smigocki, A.C.,S.D.Ivic-Haymes, D.P. Puthoff, and S. Zuzga. Recent advances in functional genomics for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) improvement: progress in determining the role of BvSTI in pest resistance. SugarTech 10(1):91-98, 2008.
Uzelac B., Popovi? Z., Mijovi? A., Smigocki A. and Ninkovi?S. Growth habit and photo-synthetic activity of shoot cultures of Medicago sativa L. transformed with the oryzacystatin II gene. Period. Biol. 100: 1-5, 2008.
Smigocki A., Larry Campbell, Rebecca Larson, Chris Wozniak, Sugar Beet, in Kole, C. and Hall, T. C. (eds.), "Compendium of Transgenic Crop Plants: Transgenic Sugar, Tuber and Fiber Crops", Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp 59-96, 2008.
Barna, B., A.C. Smigocki and J.C. Baker. Cytokinin inhibition of senescence and its effect on Nicotiana-Pseudomonas interactions, Phytopath., 99(11):1242-1247, 2008.
Smigocki,A. C., D.P.Puthoff, S. Zuzga and S. Ivic-Haymes.Low efficiency processing of an insecticidal Nicotiana proteinase inhibitor precursor in Beta vulgaris hairy roots. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult., 97:167-174, 2009.
Smigocki, A.C., Ivic-Haymes, S. D., Zuzga, S. and J. Savic. Insect resistance to sugar beet pests mediated by a Beta vulgaris proteinase inhibitor transgene.Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 35,, Orlando, Florida, Feb. 25-28, 2009.
Cingel, A., Vinterhalter, B., Vinterhalter, D., Smigocki , A., Ninkovic, S.Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of two Serbian potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Draga?evka and cv. Jelica), African J. Biotechnology, 9(30):4644-4650, 2010.
Ghanem, M.E., Smigocki, A.C., Albacete, A., Mart?nez-And?jar, C. Posp??ilov?, H., Dodd, I.C., P?rez-Alfocea, F. and S. Lutts. Temporal pulses of root ipt-dependent cytokinin overproduction induce salinity tolerance in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). J. Expt. Botany, 62(1):125-140, 2011.
Campbell, L.G., Panella, L. and A.C. Smigocki. Registration of F1024 sugarbeet germplasm with resistance to sugarbeet root maggot. J. Plant Registrations, 5(2):1-7, 2011.
Ghanem, M.E., Hichri, I. Smigocki, A.C., Albacete, A., Fauconnier, M.-L., Diatloff, E., Martinez-Andujar C., Dodd, I.C. and F. P?rez-Alfocea. Root-targeted biotechnology to mediate hormonal signalling and improve crop stress tolerance. Plant Cell Reports, DOI 10.1007/s00299-011-1005-2, 2011.
Li, H., Padmanaban, S., Campbell, L. and A.C. Smigocki. Sugar beet root maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis) genes modulated by resistant and susceptible interactions with Beta vulgaris. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 36,, 2011.
Padmanaban, S., Li, H., Puthoff, D.P.and A.C. Smigocki. Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) promoters for directed tissue-specific root transcription. Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 36,, 2011.
Savic, J. and A. Smigocki. Beta vulgaris L. serine proteinase inhibitor gene expression in insect resistant sugar beet. Euphytica, DOI 10.1007/s10681-012-0679-z, 2012.
Smigocki,A. C. Novel Proteinase Inhibitor Promotes Resistance to Insects. US Patent pending S/N 13/685,017, 2012.
Smigocki, A.C., Ivic-Haymes, S., Li, H., Savic, J. Pest Protection Conferred by a Beta vulgaris Serine Proteinase Inhibitor Gene. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57303. doi:10.1371, 2013.
Li, H. and Smigocki, A. Molecular technology for developing durable resistance to the sugar beet root maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis). Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 37, 2013.
Albacete, A., Cantero-Navarro, E., Balibrea, M., Mart?nez-And?jar, C., Smigocki, A., Roitsch, T. and P?rez-Alfocea, F. Hormonal and metabolic regulation of tomato fruit sink activity and yield under salinity. J. Expt. Bot. doi:10.1093/jxb/eru347, 2014.
Smigocki A., Bruccoleri, R. Methods and compositions for altering sugar beet and other root crops storage tissue. U.S. Provisional Patent 62/033,694, 2014.
Vinterhalter, B., Krsti?-Milo?evi?, D., Jankovi?, T., Pljevljaku?i?, D., Ninkovi?, S., Smigocki, A., Vinterhalter, D. Gentiana dinarica hairy root cultures and evaluation of factors affecting growth and xanthone production.Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult. DOI 10.1007/s11240-015-0737-z. 2015.
Li, H., Padmanaban S. and A.C. Smigocki. Characterization of a Beta vulgaris polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein: a defense response gene.Am. Soc. Sugar Beet Tech. Proc. 28,, 2015.
Cingel, A., Savic, J., Vinterhalter, B., Vinterhalter, D., Kostis, M. , ?e?lija Jovanovi?, D., Smigocki, A.and S. Ninkovic. Growth and development of Colorado potato beetle larvae, Leptinotarsadecemlineata, on potato plants overexpressing the oryzacystatin II proteinase inhibitor. Transgenic Research, DOI 10.1007/s11248-015-9873-9, 2015.
Cingel, A., Savic, J., Cosic, T., Zdravkovic-Korac, S., Momeilovic, I., Smigocki, A.and S. Ninkovic. Pyramiding rice cystatin genes (OCI and OCII) in potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Jelica) by sequential re-transformation, Euphytica, DOI 10.1007/s10681-014-1119-z, 2015.
Cingel, A., Savic, J., Cosic, T., Martin,R., Nabil, G., Smigocki, A.and S. Ninkovic. Phenotypic performance of transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants with pyramided rice cystatin genes (OCI and OCII). Arch. Biol. Sci., 67, in press, 2015.
Savic, J. and A. Smigocki.Wound and insect induced GUS expression from a sugar beet serine proteinase inhibitor gene promoter in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. In review, 2015.
Li, H. and A. Smigocki. Differential expression of sugar beet root maggot (Tetanops myopaeformis) genes modulated by resistant and susceptible interactions with Beta vulgaris. In preparation, 2015.
Li, H., Padmanaban S. and A.C. Smigocki. Cloning and characterization of sugar beet PGIP genes and their association with insect and fungal resistance. In preparation, 2015.
Cingel, A., Savic, J., Cosic, T., Lazarevi?, J.,Martin,R., ?osi?, T., Smigocki, A.and S. Ninkovic. Developmental response of Colorado potato beetle larvae to co-expressed cystatin inhibitors OCI and OCII in transgenic potato plants. In preparation, 2015.