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Publications at this Location

ARS scientists publish results of their research projects in many formats. Listed below are the publications from research projects conducted at this location.

Clicking on a publication title will take you to more information on the publication. Clicking on the reprint icon Repository URL will take you to the publication reprint.

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |

2024 Publications
(listed by order of acceptance date)

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Displaying 1 to 16 of 16 Records

Phytoplasmas: Molecular characterization and host-pathogen interactions Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Unraveling morphological, physiological, and transcriptomic alterations underlying the formation of little leaves in phytoplasma-infected sweet cherry trees Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Serological detection of a novel ipomo-like virus infecting alfalfa in the U.S Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
First report of a phytoplasma strain in the Elm Yellows Group (16SrV) associated with Virginia Creeper in Maryland, USA Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
iPhyDSDB: Phytoplasma disease and symptom database Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
The annotation of genomic dataset sequences of the sugar beet root maggot Tetanops myopaeformis, TmSBRM_v1.0 Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
First report of novel Medicago trirhavirus 1 infecting alfalfa in Washington State, USA Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
First report of nectarine virus M in grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi Macfad.) in association with citrus chlorotic blotch disease in Texas, USA Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Momordica charantia is a novel host of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma malaysianum'-related strains associated with bitter melon stem fasciation disease in China Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Glycine max polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (PGIP) functions in the root to suppress Heterodera glycines parasitism Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
First report of a ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma sacchari’-related strain associated with yellowing and decline of Silver Bluestem in Texas, U.S.A. Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Differential symptomology, susceptibility, and titer dynamics manifested by phytoplasma-infected periwinkle and tomato plants Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
An assembly of genomic sequences of the sugar beet root maggot Tetanops myopaeformis, TpSBRM_v1.0 Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Complete genome sequence of alfalfa-associated picorna-like virus 2 Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Meta-transcriptomic analysis uncovers the presence of four novel viruses and multiple known virus genera in a single Hibiscus rosa-sinensis plant in Colombia Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
AGRAMP: Machine learning models for predicting antimicrobial peptides against phytopathogenic bacteria Reprint Icon
(Peer Reviewed Journal)