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Saski, C., and W. Molin. 2021. The role of extra chromosomal circular DNA in rapid adaption to glyphosate resistance in pigweed. Research Outreach. 120:30-33. PDF
Molin, W.T., C.A. Saski, and E.L. Patterson. 2020. Homogeneity among glyphosate-resistant Amaranthus palmeri in geographically distant locations. PLoS ONE. 15(9):e0233813 PDF
Molin, W.T., A. Yaguchi, M. Blenner, C.A. Saski. 2020. Autonomous replication sequences from the Amaranthus palmeri eccDNA replicon enable replication in yeast. BMC Research Notes. 13:330-335. PDF
Molin, W.T., A.J. Bowling, and K.C. Vaughn. 2020. Comparison of WeatherMax® and Engame™ formulations of glyphosate on cotyledon surface structure, chlorophyll A fluorescence and shikimate levels in isogenic cotton cultivars differing in roundup resistance. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 11:1193-1205. PDF
Nandula, V.K., D.A. Giacomini, and W.T. Molin. 2020. Target site-based resistance to ALS inhibitors, glyphosate, and PPO inhibitors in an Amaranthus palmeri accession from Mississippi. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 11(8):1206-1216. PDF
Molin, W.T., A. Yaguci, M. Blenner, and C.A. Saski. 2020. The EccDNA replicon: A heritable, extranuclear vehicle that enables gene amplification and glyphosate resistance in Amaranthus palmeri. The Plant Cell 32:2132-2140. PDF
Nandula, V.K., D.A. Giacomini, B.. Lawrence, W.T. Molin, and J.A. Bond. 2020. Resistance to clethodim in Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) from Mississippi and North Carolina. Pest Management Science. 76(4):1378-1385. PDF
Molin, W.T., K. Parys, and C.L. Beck. 2020. Early growth and development of horseweed [Conyza canadensis [L.] Cronq.]. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 11:40-50. PDF
Turley, R.B., S.R. Stetina, N. Bellaloui, and W.T. Molin. 2019. Comparison of growth, yield, and fiber quality of the obsolete SA30 yellow leaf with four sets of modern yellow and green leaf near isogenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lines. Journal of Cotton Science. 23:253-261. PDF
Molin, W.T. and C.T. Bryson. 2019. Variation in 5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-Phosphate Synthase (EPSPS) coding sequences and glyphosate response among Cyperus rotundus L. populations. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 10(12):2366-2381. PDF
Molin, W.T., R.R. Kronfol, J.D. Ray, B.E. Scheffler, and C.T. Bryson. 2019.Genetic diversity among geographically separated Cyperus rotundus accessions based on RAPD markers and morphological characteristics. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 10(11):2034-2046. PDF
Molin, W.T.. 2019. How Amaranthus palmeri evolved from an obscure plant of North America to become the biggest weed problem in the US corn and soybean belt. Outlooks on Pest Management. 30(4):176-170. PDF
Bellaloui, N., R.B. Turley, S.R. Stetina, and W.T. Molin. 2019. Cottonseed protein, oil and mineral nutrition in near-isogenic Gossypium hirsutum cotton lines expressing leaf color phenotypes under field conditions. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 10:834-859. PDF
Nandula, V.K., W.T. Molin, and J.A. Bond. 2018. Influence of water quality, formulation, adjuvant, rainfastness, and nozzle type on efficacy of formesafen on palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri ) control. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 9:1660-1676. PDF
Reddy, K.N. and W.T. Molin. 2019. Sustainable weed control in cotton. In: Korres, N. E., N.R. Burgos, and S.O. Duke, (eds.), Weed Control Sustainability, Hazards and Risks in Cropping Systems Worldwide. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.. pgs 306-324.
Molin, W.T., A.A. Wright, M.J. VanGessel, W.B. McCloskey, M. Jugulam and R.E. Hoagland. 2018. Survey of the genomic landscape surrounding the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) gene in glyphosate-resistant Amaranthus palmeri from geographically distant populations in the USA. Pest Management Science. 74: 1109–1117. PDF
Koo, DH., W.T. Molin, C.A. Saski, J. Jiang, K. Putta, M. Jugulam, B. Friebe, and B.S. Gill. 2018. Extrachromosomal circular DNA-based amplification and transmission of herbicide resistance in crop weed Amaranthus palmeri. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115(13): 3332-3337. PDF
Molin, W.T. and V.K. Nandula. 2017. Morphological characterization of Amaranthus palmeri x A. spinosus hybrids. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 8:1499-1510. PDF
Molin, W.T., A.A. Wright, A. Lawton-Rauh and C.A. Saski. 2017. The unique genomic landscape surrounding the EPSPS gene in glyphosate resistant Amaranthus palmeri: a repetitive path to resistance. BioMed Central Genomics. 18:91-107. PDF
Molin, W.T., and S.R. Stetina. 2016. Weed hosts and relative weed and cover crop susceptibility to Rotylenchulus reniformis in the Mississippi Delta. Nematropica. 46:121-131. PDF
Wright, A.A., W.T. Molin and V.K. Nandula. 2016. Distinguishing between weedy Amaranthus species based on intron one sequences from the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS)gene. Pest Management Science. 72(12): 2347–2354. PDF
Molin, W.T., V.K. Nandula A.A. Wright, and J.A. Bond. 2016. Transfer and expression of ALS inhibitor resistance from Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) to an A. spinosus x A. palmeri hybrid. Weed Science. 64(2):240-247. PDF
Nandula, V.K., A.A. Wright, C.R. Van Horn, W.T. Molin, P. Westra and K.N. Reddy. 2015. Glyphosate resistance in giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) from Mississippi is partly due to reduced translocation. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6:2104-2113. PDF
Zhao, F., Y. Guo, Y. Huang, K.N. Reddy, Y. Zhao and W.T. Molin. 2015. Detection of the onset of glyphosate-induced soybean plant injury through chlorophyll fluorescence signal extraction and measurement. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 9: DOI:10.1117/1.JRS.9.097098. PDF
Kebede, H., R. Sui, , D.K. Fisher, K.N. Reddy, N. Bellaloui, and W.T. Molin. 2014. Corn yield response to reduced water use at different growth stages. Agricultural Sciences. 5:1305-1315. PDF
Nandula, V.K., A.A. Wright, J.A. Bond, J.D. Ray, T.W. Eubank, and W.T. Molin. 2014. EPSPS amplification in glyphosate-resistant spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus): A case of gene transfer via interspecific hybridization from glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri). Pest Management Science. 70:1902-1909. PDF
Pettigrew, W.T., and W.T. Molin. 2014. Impact of starter fertilizer on cotton growth, development, lint yield and fiber quality production for an early planted no-till system. Crop Management. 12(1):doi:10.1094/CM-2013-0012-RS. 7 pgs. PDF
Molin, W.T., A.A. Wright, and V.K. Nandula. 2013. Glyphosate-resistant goosegrass from Mississippi. Agronomy. 3:474-487. PDF
Molin, W.T.,and S.R. Stetina. 2013. Responses of reniform nematode and browntop millet to tillage, cover crop, and herbicides in cotton. Crop Management. 28 May 2013. 11pgs. doi:10.1094/CM-2013-0428-01-RS. PDF
Bethke, R.K., W.T. Molin, C. Sprague, and D. Penner. 2013. Evaluation of the interaction between glyphosate and glufosinate.Weed Science. 61(1):41-47. PDF
Gaines, T.A., A.A. Wright, W.T. Molin, L. Lorentz, C.W. Riggins, P.J. Tranel, R. Beffa, P. Westra, and S.B. Powles. 2013. Identification of genetic elements associated with EPSPS gene amplification. PLoS One. 8(6):e65819. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone. 0065819. 10 pgs. PDF
Ratnayaka, H., W.T. Molin, and T. Sterling. 2012. Comparison of physiological and antioxidant responses of Anoda cristata and cotton to progressive drought Weed Research. 52:358-366. PDF
Huang, Yanbo, Steven J. Thomson, William T. Molin, Krishna N. Reddy and Haibo Yao. 2012. Early detection of soybean plant injury from glyphosate by measuring chlorophyll reflectance and fluorescence. J. Agric. Sci. 4(5) 117-125 PDF
Pettigrew, W.T., W.T. Molin and S.R. Stetina. 2009. Impact of varying planting dates and tillage systems on cotton growth and lint yield production. Agronomy Journal 101 (5): 1131-1138. PDF
Arai, K., K. Hirase, K. Moriyasu, and W.T. Molin. 2006. Herbicidal efficacy of 4-ethyl-3-(3-fluorophenyl)-1-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)pyrrolidin-2-one (MT-141) in the control of graminaceous and broad-leaved weeds in cotton. J. Pestic. Sci. 31(1): 29-34. PDF
Bettmann, G.T., H.H. Ratnayaka, W.T. Molin, and T.M. Sterling. 2006. Physiological and antioxidant responses of cotton and spurred anoda (Anoda cristata) under nitrogen deficiency. Weed Science54: 641-650. PDF
Molin, W.T., D. Boykin, J.A. Hugie, H.H. Ratnayaka, and T.M. Sterling. 2006. Spurred anoda (Anoda cristata) interference in wide row and ultra narrow row cotton. Weed Science54: 651-657. PDF
Molin, W.T. and K. Hirase. 2005. Effects of surfactants and simulated rainfall on the efficacy of the Engame formulation of glyphosate in johnsongrass, prickly sida and yellow nutsedge. Weed Biology and Management 5: 123-127. PDF
Molin, W.T. and K. Hirase. 2004. Comparison of commercial glyphosate formulations for control of prickly sida, purple nutsedge, morningglory and sicklepod. Weed Biology and Management4: 136-141. PDF
Molin, W.T., J.A. Hugie, and K. Hirase. 2004. Prickly sida (Sida spinosaL.) and spurge (Euphorbia hyssopifoliaL.) response to wide row and ultra narrow row cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.) management systems. Weed Biology and Management 4: 222-229. PDF
Ratnayaka, H. Harish, William T. Molin and Tracy M. Sterling. 2003. Physiological and antioxicant responses of cotton and spurred anoda under interference and mild drought. Journal of Experimental Botany 54(391): 2293-2305. PDF
Hirase, Kangetsu and William T. Molin. 2003. Sulfur assimilation in plant and weed control: Potential targets for novel herbicides and action sites of certain safeners. Weed Biology and Management 3: 147-157. PDF
Bryson, C.T., K.N. Reddy, W.T. Molin. 2003. Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) population dynamics in narrow row transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and soybean (Glycine max) rotation. Weed Technology 17: 805-810. PDF
Hirase, Kangetsu and William T. Molin. 2002. Effect of submergence and naproanilide application on the growth of hemp sesbania and rice. Weed Biology and Management2: 116-119. PDF
Hirase, Kangetsu and William T. Molin. 2002. Effects of MT-101 and NOP on germination and seedling growth of hemp sesbania and rice. Weed Science 50: 386-391. PDF
Hirase, K. and W.T. Molin. 2001. Effect of Flurazole and Other Safeners for Chloroacetanilide Herbicides on Cysteine Synthase in Sorghum Shoots. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 71: 116-123. PDF
Hirase, Kangetsu and William T. Molin. 2001. Characterization of Cysteine Synthase in Echinochloa crus-galliL. and Its Inhibition by Substrate Analogues. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 69: 189-197. PDF
Hirase, Kangetsu and William T. Molin. 2001. Effect of inhibitors of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent enzymes on cysteine synthase in Echinochola crus-galliL. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 70: 180-188. PDF
Molin, W.T.,A.A. Maricic, R.A. Khan and C.F. Mancino. 1999. Effect of MON12037 on the growth and tuber viability of purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus). Weed Technology 13:1-5. PDF