(402) 762-4109 Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Res.
P.O. BOX 166 (State Spur 18D)/USDA-ARS-PA-MARC
Clay Center, NE 68933
Scientists at the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) are developing scientific information and new technology to solve high priority problems for the U.S. beef, sheep, and swine industries. Objectives are to increase efficiency of production while maintaining a lean, high quality product; therefore, the research ultimately benefits the consumer as well as the production and agri-business sectors of animal agriculture. The research is directed toward problems of national concern and to meeting USDA's Action Agencies' research needs. Research approaches involve multidisciplinary teams with emphasis on both short-term and long-term solutions to improving animal production and product quality. About 50 percent of the effort is with beef cattle, 30 percent with swine, and 20 percent with sheep. The comprehensive program includes research on genetics and breeding, reproduction, nutrition, meats science, production systems, biological engineering, and animal health. The program is cooperative with the University of Nebraska and land-grant universities in the U.S.