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Midwest Area
(309) 681-6602
Peoria, IL 61604

Midwest Area research enables the development of environmentally and economically sustainable production systems that provide high quality, nutritious and safe food, and other agricultural products that can be converted to “green” fuel and industrial products that reduce our reliance on imported petroleum. The Midwest Area consists of ARS programs in 9 states -- Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Research is conducted by over 340 scientists and their respective support staff at 12 locations and 2 large Centers. The ARS locations are: Bowling Green, KY; Lexington, KY; West Lafayette, IN; Columbus, OH; Wooster, OH; Urbana, IL; Columbia, MO; Ames, IA; East Lansing, MI; St. Paul, MN; Morris, MN; Madison, WI; National Animal Disease Center, Ames, IA; and National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, IL.

  Midwest Area
Office of The Area Director
Peoria, Illinois
Urbana, Illinois
West Lafayette, Indiana
Ames, Iowa
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky
East Lansing, Michigan
Morris, Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota
Columbia, Missouri
Columbus, Ohio
Wooster, Ohio
Madison, Wisconsin
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)