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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Mississippi State, Mississippi » Crop Science Research Laboratory » Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research » People & Locations » People List - Offices

Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research
Brooks, John
Acting Director
(662) 320-7387
150 Twelve Lane
Mississippi State, MS 39762

The mission of the Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research Unit is to expand knowledge of the genetics and molecular processes of cotton, of the biology of selected cotton pests, of sustainable agricultural crop production practices, and of sustainable management of swine effluent and poultry litter. This knowledge will be used to develop improved strategies and practices that will improve cotton genetics and breeding, pest control, sustainable crop production, and safe and efficient use of waste from swine and poultry. The expected outcomes are new technologies for cotton production and pest control methods that are friendly to the environment, economical, sustainable, and managed in a manner that will improve profits and delay the development of resistant strains of cotton pests, and safe and efficient use of waste from swine and poultry. This Research Unit develops close cooperative relationships with cotton growers, seed companies, the cotton industry, the agricultural chemical industry, academia, and other ARS research units.

  Southeast Area
    Mississippi State, Mississippi
      Crop Science Research Laboratory
      Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research
Adeli, Ardeshir
(662) 320-7510

Research Soil Scientist
Brand, David
(662) 320-7512

Physical Science Technician
Culpepper, Travis
(662) 320-7513

Biological Science Technician
Dai, Wei

Post Doc (Research Associate)
Deng, Dewayne
(662) 320-7514

Biologist (Computational/Bioinformatics)
Feng, Gary
(662) 320-7516

Research Soil Scientist
Gaudin, Amanda
(662) 320-7518

Molecular Biologist
Gebremariam, Tibebu
(662) 320-7519

Biological Science Technician
Harmon, Virginia
(662) 320-7521

Program Support Assistant (Office Automation)
Hayes, Russell Russ
(662) 320-7522

Research Agronomist
Huang, Yanbo
(662) 320-7523

Research Agricultural Engineer
Jenkins, Johnie
(662) 320-7524

Research Geneticist (Plants)
Lopez, Evita
(662) 320-7380

Biological Science Technician
McCarty, Jack
(662) 320-7526

Research Agronomist
Miles, Dana
(662) 320-7527

Chemical Engineer
Podrebarac, Frances
(662) 320-7528

Biological Science Technician
Robinson, Charles Trey
(662) 320-7530

Agricultural Engineer
Shammi, Sadia

Post Doc (Research Associate)
Smith, Renotta
(662) 320-7532

Biological Science Technician
Tewolde, Haile
(662) 320-7533

Research Agronomist
Waldbieser, Joshua
(662) 320-7529

Physical Science Technician
Woolfolk, Walter
(662) 320-7515

Biological Science Technician
Wu, Jixiang
(662) 320-7531

Research Geneticist (Plants)
Wubben, Martin
(662) 320-7534

Molecular Geneticist
Yang, Jing

Post Doc (Research Associate)
Yao, Haibo
(662) 320-7520

Research Agricultural Engineer
Young, Wyatt
(662) 320-7536

Physical Science Technician
(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)