Supervisory Plant Physiologist
Hardegree, S.P., Richards, C.M., Sheley, R.L., Reeves, P.A., Jones, T.A., Walters, C.T., Schantz, M.C., Flerchinger, G.N. 2024. Virtual reciprocal garden assessment of germination syndromes for Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius and Elymus multisetus. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 96:1-11.
Ree, J.F., Powell, C., Folgado, R., Pence, V.C., Walters, C.T., Maschinski, J. 2024. Development of a micropropagation protocol for the ex situ conservation of Nuttall’s scrub oak (Quercus dumosa). Plants. 13(8). Article e1148.
Groeten, D., Walters, C.T., Hill, L.M., Steiner, N. 2024. Embryos of Butia catarinensis are rudimentary and tolerant of desiccation and liquid nitrogen temperatures, but require GA3 to germinate. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 156. Article e95.
Tetreault, H.M., Redden, R.J., Fleming, M., Hill, L.M., Zingerman, Z., Whitehouse, K., Norton, S., Walters, C.T. 2024. Evaluating seed longevity: Use of RNA integrity to characterize variation within species of legume grain. Seed Science Research.
Groeten, D., Farias-Soares, F., Rogge-Renner, G.D., Pereira, M.L., Walters, C.T., Silveira, V., Catarina, C.S., Guerra, M.P., Steiner, N. 2023. Carbohydrate and dehydrin-like protein profiles during Araucaria angustifolia seed development provides insights toward ex situ conservation. Trees. 37:1201-1215.
Nadarajan, J., Walters, C.T., Pritchard, H., Ballesteros, D., Colville, L.P. 2023. Seed longevity-the evolution of knowledge and a conceptual framework. Plants. 12(3). Article e471.
Goeten, D., Elias, R.A., Giacomolli Polesi, L., Walters, C.T., Guerra, M.P., Steiner, N. 2022. Effect of water content and biochemical cell state on the germination rate of cryopreserved Butia eriospatha embryos (Arecaceae). Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 152:339–356.
Tetreault, H.M., Fleming, M.B., Hill, L.M., Dorr, E.J., Yeater, K.M., Richards, C.M., Walters, C.T. 2022. A power analysis for detecting aging of dry-stored soybean seeds: Germination versus RNA integrity assessments. Crop Science. 63(3):1481-1493.
Volk, G.M., Walters, C.T., Warburton, M.L., Bretting, P.K. 2022. Safeguarding plant genetic resource collections for agriculture. CSA News. 67(7):34-36.
Ballesteros, D., Pritchard, H., Walters, C.T. 2020. Dry architecture - towards the understanding of the variation of longevity in desiccation-tolerant germplasm. Seed Science Research. 30(2):142-155.
Genna, N., Perez, H., Walters, C.T. 2020. Viability and vigour loss during storage of Rudbeckia mollis seeds having different mass: An intra-specific perspective. Seed Science Research. 30(2):122-132.
Walters, C.T., Pence, V. 2020. The unique role of seed banking and cryobiotechnologies in plant conservation. Plants, People, Planet. 3(1):83-91.
Volk, G.M., Richards, C., Walters, C., Dempewolf, H., Byrne, P. 2020. Crop wild relatives in genebanks. In: Volk, G.M., Byrne, P., editors. Crop Wild Relatives in Genebanks. Fort Collins, Colorado: Colorado State University. Available:
Maschinski, J., Walters, C.T., Haskins, K.E., Birker, C., Randall, J., Randall, L., Watkins, K., Clarke, M., Davitt, J., Havens, K., Vitt, P., Horn, C. 2019. Curating small samples: Increasing the number of seeds for storage and restoration. In: Falk, D., Holsinger, K., Wieland, G., Olwell, P., et al., editors. CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. p. 43-47.
Pence, V., Westwood, M., Maschinski, J., Powell, C., Sugii, N., Walters, C.T., et al. 2019. Collecting and maintaining exceptional species in tissue culture and cryopreservation. In: Falk, D., Holsinger, K., Wieland, G., Olwell, P., et al., editors. CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. p. 4-21.
Pence, V., Philpot, M., Ballesteros, D., Culley, T., Vanhove, A., Reed, B., Walters, C.T., Pritchard, H., Dixon, K. 2020. Cryobiotechnologies: Tools for expanding long-term ex situ conservation to all plant species. Biological Conservation. 250. Article e108736.
Hardegree, S.P., Sheley, R.L., James, J., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Walters, C.T., Boyd, C.S., Moffet, C., Flerchinger, G.N. 2020. Germination syndromes and their relevance to rangeland seeding strategies in the intermountain western United States. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 73(2):334-341.
Walters, C.T. 2020. Technologies from agriculture to help “Noah” save plants. Symposium Proceedings. 146:176-187.
Maschinski, J., Walters, C.T., Guerrant, E., Murray, S., Kunz, M., Schneider, H., Affolter, J., Gurnoe, T., Fraga, N., Havens, K., Vitt, P., Heineman, K.D., Horn, K. 2019. Collecting seeds from wild rare plant populations. In: Falk, D., Holsinger, K., Wieland, G., Olwell, P., Millar, C., Guerrant, E.O., Havens, J.K., Maunder, M., Haskins, K., editors. CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild. Escondido, CA: Center for Plant Conservation. p. 31-42.
Walters, C., Maschinski, J. 2019. Conventional seed banking to support species survival in the wild: Introduction. In: Falk, D., Holsinger, K., Wieland, G., Olwell, P., Millar, C., Guerrant, E.O., Havens, J.K., Maunder, M., Haskins, K., editors. CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild. Escondido, CA: Center for Plant Conservation. p. 1-9.
Maschinski, J., Walters, C.T., Meyer, E., Fitch, R., Havens, K., et al. 2019. Splitting samples for safety duplication storage and testing. In: Falk, D., Holsinger, K., Wieland, G., Olwell, P., Millar, C., Guerrant, E.O., Havens, J.K., Maunder, M., Haskins, K., editors. CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild. Escondido, CA: Center for Plant Conservation. p. 15-30.
Lima, L.W., Stonehouse, G.C., Walters, C.T., El Mehdawi, A.F., Fakra, S.C., Pilon-Smits, E.A. 2019. Selenium accumulation, speciation and localization in Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.). Plants. 8(8):289.
Ballesteros, D., Walters, C.T. 2019. Solid-State biology and seed longevity: A mechanical analysis of glasses in pea and soybean embryonic axes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10:920.
Walters, C.T., Maschinski, J., Havens, K., Vitt, P., Heineman, K., Horn, C. 2019. Cleaning, processing, drying and storing orthodox seeds. In: Falk, D., Holsinger, K., Wieland, G., Olwell, P., Millar, C., Guerrant, E.O., Havens, J.K., Maunder, M., Haskins, K., editors. CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support Species Survival in the Wild. Escondido, CA: Center for Plant Conservation. p. 10-23.
Walters, C.T., Fleming, M.B., Hill, L.M., Dorr, E.J., Richards, C.M. 2020. Stress-response relationships related to aging and death of orthodox seeds: A study comparing viability and RNA integrity in soybean (Glycine max) cv. Williams 82. Seed Science Research. 30(2):161-172.
Fleming, M.B., Hill, L.M., Walters, C.T. 2018. The kinetics of aging in dry-stored seeds: a comparison of viability loss and RNA degradation in unique ‘legacy’ seed collections. Annals Of Botany. 123:1133-1146.
Ballesteros, D., Hill, L.M., Lynch, R.T., Pence, V., Pritchard, H., Walters, C.T. 2018. Longevity of preserved germplasm: The temperature dependency of aging reactions in glassy matrices of dried fern spores. Plant and Cell Physiology. 60(2):376-392.
Volk, G.M., Jenderek, M.M., Walters, C.T., Bonnart, R.M., Shepherd, A.N., Skogerboe, D.M., Hall, B.D., Moreland, B.L., Krueger, R., Polek, M. 2019. Implementation of citrus shoot tip cryopreservation in the USDA-ARS national plant germplasm system. Acta Horticulturae. 1234:329-334.
Fleming, M.B., Patterson, E., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Gaines, T., Walters, C.T. 2018. Exploring the fate of mRNA in aging seeds: protection, destruction, or slow decay? Journal of Experimental Botany. 69(18):4309-4321.
Hardegree, S.P., Roundy, B., Walters, C.T., Reeves, P.A., Richards, C.M., Moffet, C., Sheley, R.L., Flerchinger, G.N. 2018. Hydrothermal germination models: assessment of the wet-thermal approximation of potential field response. Crop Science. 58(5):2042-2049.
Volk, G.M., Jenderek, M.M., Walters, C.T., Bonnart, R.M., Shepherd, A.N., Skogerboe, D.M., Hall, B.D., Moreland, B.L., Krueger, R., Polek, M. 2018. Implementation of Citrus Shoot Tip Cryopreservation in the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm System. Meeting Abstract. 20.
Maschinski, J., Possley, J., Walters, C.T., Hill, L.M., Walters, D., Kreuger, L., Hazelton, D. 2017. Seed biology influences recruitment, demography, restoration success, and population persistence of endangered Dalea carthagenensis var. floridana (Fabaceae). Restoration Ecology. 26: 636-641.
Hardegree, S.P., Moffet, C., Walters, C.T., Sheley, R.L., Flerchinger, G.N. 2017. Hydrothermal germination models: Improving experimental efficiency by limiting data collection to the relevant hydrothermal range. Crop Science. 57(5):2753-2760. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.02.0133.
Ballesteros, D., Hill, L.M., Walters, C.T. 2017. Variation of desiccation tolerance and longevity in fern spores. Journal of Plant Physiology. 211:53-62
Fleming, M.B., Richards, C.M., Walters, C.T. 2017. Decline in RNA integrity of dry-stored soybean seeds correlates with loss of germination potential. Journal of Experimental Botany. 68: 2219-2230. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erx100.
Walters, C.T., Crane, J., Hill, L.M., Michalak, M., Carstens, J.D., Conrad, K.P. 2016. Preserving oak (Quercus sp.) germplasm to promote ex situ conservation. International Oaks. 27:255-266..
Mira, S., Hill, L.M., Gonzalez-Benito, M., Ibanez, M.A., Walters, C.T. 2016. Volatile emission in dry seeds as a way to probe chemical reactions during initial asymptomatic deterioration. Journal of Experimental Botany. 67(6):1783-1793.
Pohl, J.M., Greene, S.L., Walters, C.T. 2015. Monitoring viability of seeds in gene banks: developing software tools to increase efficiency. Meeting Abstract. nternational Seed Science Society, Seed Longevity Workshop, Wernigerode, Germany, July 5-8, 2015. pp 73.
Walters, C.T. 2015. Orthodoxy, recalcitrance and in-between: describing variation in seed storage characteristics using threshold responses to water loss. Planta. 242(2):397-406.
Hardegree, S.P., Walters, C.T., Boehm, A.R., Olsoy, P.J., Clark, P., Pierson Jr, F.B. 2015. Hydrothermal germination models: comparison of two data-fitting approaches with probit optimization. Crop Science. 55(5):2276-2290.
Wesley-Smith, J., Walters, C.T., Pammenter, N., Berjak, P. 2015. Why is intracellular ice lethal? A microscopical study showing evidence of programmed cell death in cryo-exposed embryonic axes of recalcitrant seeds of Acer saccharinum. Annals of Botany. 115(6):991-1000. DOI:10.1093/aob/mcv009.
Xia, K., Hill, L.M., Decorte, A., Li, D., Walters, C.T. 2014. Factors affecting stress tolerance in recalcitrant embryonic axes from four Quercus (Fagaceae) species native to the US or China. Annals Of Botany. 114(8):1747-1759.
Xia, K., Hill, L.M., Li, D., Walters, C.T. 2014. Factors affecting stress tolerance in recalcitrant embryonic axes from four Quercus (Fagaceae) species native to the US or China. Annals Of Botany. 114(8):1747-1759. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcu193.
Walters, C.T. 2015. Genebanking seeds from natural populations. Natural Areas Journal. 35(1):98-105. DOI: 10.3375/043.035.0114.
Cruz, V.V., Walters, C.T., Dierig, D.A. 2013. Dormancy and after-ripening response of seeds from natural populations and conserved Physaria (syn. Lesquerella) germplasm and their association with environmental and plant parameters. Industrial Crops and Products. 45:191-199.
Walters, C.T. 2014. Extreme biology: probing life at low water contents and temperatures. Acta Horticulturae. 1039:49-56.
Wesley-Smith, J., Berjak, P., Pammenter, N., Walters, C.T. 2014. Intracellular ice and cell survival in cryo-exposed embryonic axes of recalcitrant seeds of Acer saccharinum: an ultrastructural study of factors affecting cell and ice structures. Annals Of Botany. 113(4):695-709. DOI: 10.1093/aob/mct284.
Walters, C.T. 2013. Seed biology of tree species and strategies for ex situ conservation. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Breeding and Utilization of Forest Special Purpose Trees, September 9-12, 2013, Suwon, Korea. p.23-35.
Walters, C.T. 2013. Extreme biology: probing life at low water contents and temperatures. International Society for Horticultural Science Meeting. p.19.
Volk, G.M., Walters, C.T., Waddell, J., Grauke, L.J. 2013. Cryopreservation of pecan pollen for long-term storage. Meeting Abstract. Second International Symposium on Plant Cryopreservation, p.106.
Crane, J., Irish, B.M., Walters, C.T. 2013. Factors influencing the survival of developing embryos of theobroma cacao L. (Malvaceae) in cryogenic storage. International Society for Horticultural Science Meeting. p. 72.
Hill, L.M., Haiby, K., Volk, G.M., Walters, C.T. 2013. "Intermediate" seed storage physiology: populus as a natural model system. International Society for Horticultural Science Meeting. p.88.
Xia, K., Hill, L.M., Decorte, A., Zhou, Z., Walters, C.T. 2013. Cryopreservation of recalcitrant seeds: factors affecting survival of embryonic axes from four Quercus (Fagaceae) species native to the US or China. International Society for Horticultural Science Meeting. p. 107.
Walters, C.T. 2013. Extreme biology: probing life at low water contents and temperatures. Society for Cryobiology Meeting. p.52.
Volk, G.M., Walters, C.T., Waddell, J.W., Grauke, L.J. 2013. Pecan pollen: cryopreservation for long-term storage. Program for the International Symposium on Pecans and Other Carya in Indigenous & Managed Systems. p.26.
Ballesteros, D., Estrelles, E., Walters, C.T., Ibars, A. 2012. Effects of temperature and desiccation on ex situ conservation of nongreen fern spores. American Journal of Botany. 99(4): 721-729.
Walters, C.T., Berjak, P., Pammenter, N., Kennedy, K., Raven, P. 2013. Preservation of recalcitrant seeds. Science. 339:915-916.
Perez, H.E., Hill, L.M., Walters, C.T. 2012. An analysis of embryo development in palm: interactions between dry matter accumulation and water relations in Pritchardia remota (Arecaceae). Seed Science Research. 22:97-111.
De Oliveira, J.L., Alves, A.A., Walters, C.T. 2011. Physiological effects of seed coat darkening in Cowpea bean (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp): aging and water uptake. Meeting Abstract. Crop Science Society of America, San Antonio, TX. October 16-19, 2011.
Ballesteros, D., Walters, C.T. 2011. Detailed characterization of mechanical properties and molecular mobility within dry seed glasses: relevance to the physiology of dry biological systems. Plant Journal. 68(4): 607-619.
Walters, C.T., Kennedy, K., Brian, N., Strong, A., Hill, L.M., Luhman, R., Mehrhoff, L., Dratch, P., Raven, P. 2011. The ex situ conservation strategy for endangered plant species: small samples, storage and lessons from seed collected from US national parks. Meeting Abstract. International Society for Seed Science , Bahia, Brazil April 10-15, 2011. pp.100.
Walters, C.T., Hill, L.M., Volk, G.M., Haiby, K. 2011. "Intermediate" seed storage physiology: populus as a natural model system. Meeting Abstract. International Society for Seed Science, Bahia, Brazil Apr 10-15, 2011. pp. 280.
Ballesteros, D., Walters, C.T. 2011. Characterization of molecular mobility within the glassy matrix of dry seeds using mechanical properties: pea cotyledon as a test study. Meeting Abstract. International society for Seed Science, Bahia, Brazil, April 10-15, 2011. pp. 279.
Walters, C.T., Hill, L.M., Koster, K.L., Bender, J. 2011. Comparisons of seed longevity under simulated aging and genebank storage conditions using brassicaceae seeds. Meeting Abstract. International Society for Seed Science, Bahia, Brazil, April 10-15, 2011. pp 279.
Crane, J., Walters, C.T. 2011. Changes within lipid fractions offer a new way to non-invasively monitor seed viability during storage. Meeting Abstract. International Society for Seed Science, Bahia Brazil, April 10-15, 2011. pp. 278.
González-Benito, M.S., Walters, C.T. 2011. Water properties in seeds from wild species native to Spain. Meeting Abstract. International Society for Seed Science, Bahia Brazil, April 10-15-2011. pp. 280.
Ballesteros, D., Estrelles, E., Walters, C.T., Ibars, A.M. 2011. Effect of temperature on green spore longevity for the ferns Equisetum ramosissimum and Osmunda regalis. CryoLetters. 32:89-98.
Walters, C.T. 2010. Seed Longevity and deterioration in orthodox seed: A perspective based on structural stability of Visco-Elastic Materials. Symposium Proceedings IuFRO Tree Seed Symposium: Recent Advances in Seed Research and Ex Situ conservation, Taipei, Taiwan 16-18 August 2010. TFRI Extension Series No. 212: 1-8.
Mira, S., Gonzalez-Benito, E., Hill, L.M., Walters, C.T. 2010. Characterization of volatile production during storage of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seed. Journal of Experimental Botany. 61:3915-3924.
Ballesteros, D., Hill, L.M., Ibars, A.M., Estrelles, E., Walters, C.T. 2010. Cryopreservation of fern spores. Meeting Abstract. Society for Cryobiology, July 17-20, 2010. Bristol UK. pp. P076.
Ballesteros, D., Walters, C.T. 2010. Detecting Molecular Mobility in Cryopreserved Materials using Mechanical Properties: Seeds as a Case Study. Meeting Abstract. Society for Cryobiology, July 17-20, 2010. Bristol UK. pp. P077.
Walters, C.T., Ballesteros, D., Vertucci, V. 2011. Structural mechanics of seed deterioration: Standing the test of time. Plant Science. 179:565-573.
Richards, C.M., Lockwood, D.R., Volk, G.M., Walters, C.T. 2010. Modeling demographics and genetics in ex situ collections during seed storage and regeneration. Crop Science. 50:2440-2447.
Walters, C.T., Crane, J., Volk, G.M., Ballesteros, D., Hill, L.M., Miller, A.L., Wiesneberger, L., Yoshinaga, A., Eira, M., Gardner, C.A., Zee, F.T., Coonrod, D. 2010. Water-triacylglycerol interactions affect oil body structure and seed viability [abstract]. Frontiers in Water Biophysics. p. 138-139.
Mikula, A., Makowski, D., Walters, C.T., Rybczynski, J.J. 2010. Exploration of cryo-methods to preserve fern gametophytes. pp. 173-192. In Fernandez, H, Kumar A, Revilla, MA (eds) Working with ferns: issues and applications. Springer, New York, NY.
Xu, X., Walters, C.T., Antolin, M.F., Alexander, M.L., Lutz, S., Ge, S., Wen, J. 2010. Phylogeny and biogeography of North-American wild rice (Zizania L.Poaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 55:1008-1017.
Niedzielski, M., Walters, C.T., Luczak, W., Hill, L.M., Wheeler, L.J., Puchalski, J. Assessment of Variation in Seed Longevity within Rye, Wheat and the Intergeneric Hybrid Triticale. Seed Science Research. 19:213-224.
Volk, G.M., Bonnart, R.M., Walters, C.T. 2009. Annonaceae seeds: Desiccation tolerant with unusual physiologies. Seed Technologists Newsletter. 83 (2):18-19. Association of Official Seed Analysts and Society for Commercial Seed Technologists. May 29-June 4, 2009. Fort Collins, Colorado. Meeting Abstract.
Crane, J., and Walters, C. 2009. Differential Scanning Calorimetry as a Tool for Nondestructive Measurements of Seed Deterioration in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa, CV “Black Seeded Simpson”). Seed Technologists Newsletter. 83(2):21-22. Association of Official Seed Analysts and Society for Commercial Seed Technologists. May 29-June 4, 2009. Fort Collins, Colorado. Meeting Abstract.
Walters, C.T., Wheeler, L.J., and Stanwood, P.C. 2009. Cryogenic Storage of Cereal Grains: Results from a 20 Year Experiment. Seed Technologists Newsletter. 83(2):22. Association of Official Seed Analysts and Society for Commercial Seed Technologists. May 29-June 4, 2009. Fort Collins, Colorado. Meeting Abstract.
Walters, C.T., Hill, L.M. Seed Storage Containers: Implications of water permeability properties on moisture management. Seed Technologists Newsletter. 83 (2):23. Association of Official Seed Analysts and Society for Commercial Seed Technologists. May 29-June 4, 2009. Fort Collins, Colorado. Meeting Abstract.
Walters, C.T., Volk, G.M., Towill, L., Forsline, P.L. 2009. Survival of cryogenically-stored dormant apple buds: A 20 year assessment. I International Symposium on Cryopreservation in Horticultural Species, April 5-8, 2009. Leuven, Belgium. pp. 25. Meeting abstract.
Walters, C.T., Volk, G.M., Koster, K.L., Stanwood, P.C., Towill, L.E. 2011. Long-term survival of cryopreserved germplasm: contributing factors and assessments from 30 year old experiments. Acta Horticulturae. 908: 113-120.
Walters, C.T. 2008. Biophysical approaches to measure and predict seed longevity. 9th International Society for Seed Science Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 88. Meeting Abstract.
Niedziekski, M.,Waters, C.T., Luczak, C.,L.M. Hill, Puchalski, J. 2008. Variation of seed aging rates among lines of wheat, rye and triticale in response to storage humidity. 9th International Society for Seed Science Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 94-95. Meeting Abstract.
Walters, C.T., Niedziekski, M., Hill, L.M., Wheeler, L.J., Puchalski, J. 2008. Temperature and moisture control of seed aging in rye. 9th International Society for Seed Science Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 281. Meeting Abstract.
Perez, H., Hill, L.M., Criley, R., Baskin, C., Drake, D., Kobayashi, K., Maunder, M., Walters, C.T. 2008. Physiological aspects of seed development in a hawaiian palm. 9th International Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 135. Meeting Abstract.
Weisenberger, L. Hill, L.M., Yoshinaga, A., Wood, K., Walters, C.T. 2008. Storage behavior of seeds from native hawaiian taxa. 9th International Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 281-282. Meeting Abstract.
Mira, S., Walters, C.T., Hill, L.M., Estrelles, E., Gonzalez-Benito, M.E. 2008. Seed deterioration increases in the presence of volatiles. 9th International Society for Seed Science Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 89. Meeting Abstract.
Walters, C.T., Hill, L.M., Wheeler, L.J., Rao, N.K., Hu, X., Dulloo, M.E., Engels, J.M.M. 2008. Water content-temperature interactions regulate seed aging. 9th International Conference on Seed Biology. July 6-11, 2008. Olsztyn, Poland. pp. 280. Meeting Abstract
Walters, C.T., Volk, G.M., Richards, C.M. 2008. Genebanks in the post-genomic age: emerging roles and anticipated uses. Biodiversity Issues 9:68-71.
Walters, C. 2007. Materials used for seed storage containers: Response. Seed Science Research 17:233-242.
Walters, C. 2007. Biophysical Approaches to Measure and Predict Seed Longevity. Meeting Abstract for the First symposium of Translational Biology in Seeds. September 17-20, 2007, Davis, California. pp. 12.
Walters, C.T. 2007. Longevity of Native Wildflower Seeds. Meeting Abstract for the Wildflower Symposium. July 19-20, 2007, Orlando, Flordia. pp. 16.
Walters, C.T. 2007. Longevity of Native Wildflower Seeds. Symposium Proceedings and oral presentation for the Wildflower Symposium. July 19-20, 2007, Orlando, Flordia.
Walters, C. and K.L. Koster. 2007. Structural Dynamic and Desiccation Damage in Plant reproductive Organs. p. 251-280. In Jenks, M.A. and Wood A. (eds)Plant Desiccation Tolerance. Blackwell publishing, Oxford, U.K.
Volk, G.M., Caspersen, A.M., Walters, C.T. 2007. Shoot tip structural and biophysical responses to plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) exposure. Meeting abstract for the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. July 28 - August 01, 2007, Lake Louise, Canada. pp. 45.
Walters, C.T. 2007. Glass formation, glass fragility, molecular mobility and longevity of germplasm stored at cryogenic temperatures. Meeting abstract for the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology. July 28 - August 1, 2007, Lake Louise, Canada. pp. 44.
Ballesteros, D., Walters, C.T. 2007. Calorimetric properties of water and triacylglycerols in fern spores relating to storage at cryogenic temperatures. Cryobiology 55:1-9.
Volk, G.M., Crane, J., Caspersen, A.M., Kovach, D.A., Gardner, C.A., Walters, C.T. 2007. Hydration of Cuphea seeds containing crystallized triacylglycerols. Functional Plant Biology 34:360-367.
Walters, C. 2007. About the Limited Benefit of Water Content and Temperature on Orthodox Seed Longevity. Symposium Proceedings for the 5th Workshop on Desiccation of Plants. January 14-24, 2007, Durban, South Africa. pp. 34.
Chmielarz, P., C. Walters. 2007. Desiccation sensitivity of white and black (red) oak embryonic axes. Symposium Proceedings for the 5th Workshop on Desiccation of Plants. January 14-24, 2007, Durban, South Africa. pp. 38.
Walters, C.T. 2006. Accelerated Aging. 5. Arrhenius Plot. 23. Antioxidants.17. Deterioration and Longevity. 137-143. Glass. 295-296. Harrington’s Thumb Rules. 322. Hydration Force Explanation. 341. Hysteresis. 343. Maillard Reaction. 389-390. Phase Transition. 498-499. Reactive Oxygen Species. 570. Superoxide Dismutase. 695. Water Binding. 749. Water Replacement Hypothesis. 751. In M. Black, J.D. Bewley and P, Halmer (eds.) Encyclopedia of Seeds: Science, Technology and Uses. CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK.
Ballesteros, D., Walters, C.T. 2007. Water properties in fern spores: sorption characteristics relating to water affinity, glassy states and storage stability. Journal of Experimental Botany 58:1185-1196.
Walters C, J. Wesley-Smith, J. Crane, L.M. Hill, P. Chmielarz, N.W. Pammenter and P. Berjak. 2008. Cryopreservation of recalcitrant (i.e. desiccation-sensitive) seeds. pp. 465-484. In B. Reed (ed.) Plant Cryopreservation: A practical guide. Springer Publishing, New York, NY.
Walters, C.T., Crane, J., Volk, G.M. 2006. Triacylglycerol phase and seed storage behavior. 17th International Symposium on Plant Lipids. July 16-21, 2006, East Lansing, Michigan. p. 67. Meeting Abstract.
Volk, G.M., J. Crane, A.M. Caspersen, L.M. Hill, C.A. Gardner and C. Walters. 2006. Massive cellular disruption occurs during early imbibition of Cuphea seeds containing crystallized triacylglycerols. Planta 224:1415-1426.
Eira, M.T.S., E.A. da Silva, R.D. de Castro, S. Dussert, C. Walters, J.D. Bewley and H.W.M. Hilhorst. 2006. Coffee seed physiology. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 18:149-163.
Richards, C.M., Antolin, M.F., Reilley, A., Poole, J., Walters, C.T. Capturing genetic diversity of wild populations for ex situ conservation: Texas wild rice (Zizania texana) as a model. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 54:837-848.
Walters, C., A.A. Reilley, P.A. Reeves, J. Baszczak, and C.M. Richards. 2006. The utility of aged seeds in DNA banks. Seed Science Research 16:169-178.
Volk, G.M. and C. Walters. 2006. Plant vitrification solution 2 lowers water content and alters freezing behavior in shoot tips during cryoprotection. Cryobiology 52:48-61.
Crane, J., Kovach, D.A., Gardner, C.A., Walters, C.T. 2005. Triacylglycerol phase and 'intermediate' seed storage physiology: a study of cuphea carthagenensis. Planta 223:1081-1089.
Walters, C., and Hanner, R. 2006. Platforms for DNA Banking. p. 25-35. In M. Carmen de Vicente and Meike S. Andersson (eds.) Issues in Genetic Resources DNA Banks - Providing Novel Options for Genebanks? International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome, Italy.
Walters, C., L.M. Hill and L.J. Wheeler. 2005. Dying while dry: kinetics and mechanisms of deterioration in desiccated organisms. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45(5):751-758.
Merritt, D.J., Touchell, D.H., Senaratna, T., Dixon, K.W., Walters, C. 2005. Survival of four accessions of Anigozanthos manglesii (Haemodoraceae) seeds following exposure to liquid nitrogen. CryoLetters 26:121-130.
Walters, C., P. Landre, L.M. Hill, F. Corbineau and C. Bailly. 2005. Organization of lipid reserves in cotyledons of primed and aged sunflower seeds. Planta 222:397-407.
Walters, C. 2005. Water properties and cell longevity. In P. Buera, J. Welti-Chanes, P. Lillford and H. Corti (eds). Water Properties of Food, Pharmaceutical and Biological Materials. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. p. 191-204.
Walters, C.T., Wheeler, L.J., Grotenhuis, J.A., 2005. Longevity of seeds stored in a genebank: Species characteristics. Seed Science Research 15:1-20.
Walters, C. 2005. Dying while dry: kenetics and mechanisms of deterioration in desiccated organisms. Annual Meetings of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology. January 4-8, 2004, San Diego, California. pp. 246.
Walters, C.T., Wheeler, L.J., Grotenhuis, J.A. 2004. Longevity of seeds stored in a genebank: species characteristics. Proceedings of CSSA Annual Meetings, Seattle, Washington October 31 - September 11, 2004.
Towill L.E., P.L. Forsline, C. Walters, J.W. Waddell and J. Laufmann. 2004. Cryopreservation of Malus germplasm using a winter vegetative bud method: results from 1915 accessions. CryoLetters 25:323-334.
Richards C.M., A. Reilley, D.H. Touchell, M.F. Antolin and C. Walters. Microsatellite primers for Texas wild rice (Zizania texana), and a preliminary test of the impact of cryogenic storage on allele frequency at these loci. Conservation Genetics 5:853-859.
Walters, C. 2004. The status of water in preserved cells and what it means for long-term viability. 9th International Symposium on the Properties of Water, September 25-30, 2004, Mar del Plata, Argentina. pp. 121.
Walters, C. 2004. Guidelines for Seed Storage. pp.442-453. In E. Guerrant, K. Havens and M. Maunder (eds) Ex Situ Plant Conservation: Supporting Species Survival in the Wild. Island Press, Covela, CA.
Walters, C. 2004. Principles for Preserving Germplasm in Genebanks. pp.113-138. In E. Guerrant, K. Havens and M. Maunder (eds) Ex Situ Plant Conservation: Supporting Species Survival in the Wild. Island Press, Covela, CA.
Walters C., L.J. Wheeler and P.C. Stanwood. 2004. Longevity of cryogenically-stored seeds. Cryobiology 48:229-244.
Walters, C. 2004. Temperature-dependency of molecular mobility in preserved seeds. Biophysical Journal 86:1253-1258.
Wesley-Smith, J., C. Walters, P. Berjak and N.W. Pammenter. 2004. The influence of water content, cooling and warming rate upon survival of embryonic axes of Poncirus trifolata (L.). CryoLetters 25:129-138.
Wesley-Smith, J., C. Walters, P. Berjak and N.W. Pammenter. 2004. Non-equilibrium cooling of Poncirus trifoliate (L.) embryonic axes at various water contents. CryoLetters 25:121-128.
Walters, C. 2003. Longevity and Genetic stability of cryopreserved materials. International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories Newsletter, May 4-7, 2003, Philadelphia, PA. pp. 14.
Walters, C., 2003. Short and long term survival of phylogenetically diverse organismsin genebanks. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Febuary 13-18, 2003, Denver, Colorado. p. S21-22.
Walters, C. 2003. Conservation of Tropical Island Seeds: an example from Hawai'i. 54:957-963. In R.D. Smith, J.B. Dickic, S.H. Linington, H.W. Pritchard and R.J. Probert (eds) Seed Conservation: turning science into practice. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London.
Volk, G.M. and C. Walters. 2003. Preservation of genetic resources in the national plant germplasm clonal collections. Plant Breeding Reviews 23:291-344.
Crane, J., A.L. Miller, J.W. van Roekel and C. Walters. 2003. Triacylglycerols determine the unusual storage physiology of Cuphea seed. Planta 217:699-708.
Walters, C. 2003 Optimizing seed banking procedures. 36:723-743. In R.D. Smith, J.B. Dickic, S.H. Linington, H.W. Pritchard and R.J. Probert (eds) Seed Conservation: turning science into practice. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London.
WALTERS, C. EX SITU CONSERVATION OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES. 2002. International Symposium on ART for the Conservation and Genetic Managment of Wildlife. Doorly Zoo, Omaha, NE. Pp 193-195.
Walters, C., l. Wheeler, and P. Stanwood. 2002. Viability losses in cryopreserved germplasm: A Pilot Study Using Lettuce Seeds. 39th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, July 28-31, 2002, Breckenridge, Colorado. p. 78.
Richards, C.M., M. Antolin, and C. Walters. 2002. Maintenance of genetic variability in a cryopreserved population of Zizana texana embryos. 39th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, July 28-31, 2002, Breckenridge, Colorado. p. 145.
Volk, G.M., Walters, C. 2002. Vegetatively propagated collections in the U.S. national plant germplasm system. Cryobiology. 39th Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, July 28-31, 2002, Breckenridge, Colorado. p.151.
Bailly, C., B. Poli, F. Corbineau, and C. Walters. 2002. Storability of primed sunflower seeds as related to water status. 7th International Workshop on Seed Biology, May 11-19, 2002, Salamanca, Spain.
Medeiros, A. and C. Walters. 2002. Sensitivity of Araucaria angustifolia embryos to low water contents and temperature. 7th International Workshop on Seed Biology, May 11-19, 2002, Salamanca, Spain.
Mirian E.TS., C. Walters R.B. Reis, and L.M. Hill. 2002. Conservation of genetic resources of coffee using cryopresvation. 7th International Workshop on Seed Biology, May 11-19, 2002, Salamanca, Spain.
Wesley-Smith, J., N.W. Pammenter, P. Berjak and C. Walters 2001. The effects of two drying rates on the desiccation tolerance of embryonic axes of recalcitrant jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.) seeds. Annals of Botany 88:653-664.
Wesley-Smith, J., C. Walters, N.W. Pammenter and P. Berjak. 2001. Interactions of water content, rapid (non-equilibrium) cooling to -196°C and survival of embryonic axes of Aesculus hippocastanum seeds. Cryobiology 42:196-206.
My research focuses on how to keep germplasm within our collections alive and healthy. I focus on seeds and pollen because they naturally develop tolerance to the extreme dry and cold that we use in the genebank. A lot of people think of seeds as little ‘rocks,’ but they are living! They don’t seem to be alive until they are germinated, and they can age and die during storage. I am responsible for identifying conditions that prevent aging in dry seeds and developing tools that detect aging before it causes seeds and pollen to die. Seeds from some of our favorite trees (e.g., oaks) and fruits (e.g., citrus) don’t survive well under genebanking conditions and my work also investigates how we can treat these ‘special cases’ to ensure we have the genetic resources needed for the future. In my lab, we work with all kinds of species. Most of them are wild, but related to the crop germplasm that is stored at NLGRP. I work with plant conservation groups to make sure we can genebank the diversity of Earth’s flora.