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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Houma, Louisiana » Sugarcane Research » People & Locations » James Todd

James R Todd
Sugarcane Research
Research Geneticist (Plants)

Phone: (985) 853-3186
Fax: (985) 868-8369

(Employee information on this page comes from the REE Directory. Please contact your front office staff to update the REE Directory.)

Development of Improved Sugarcane Varieties Adapted to Temperate Climates
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 445525
Three-way (LSUAC, ASCL, ARS) Sugarcane Breeding and Variety Development Agreement
Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement (N)
  Accession Number: 441255
Utilization of Cutting Edge Real Time Sensor Technology in Sugarcane Breeding
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444548
Development of a Medium-Density SNP Panel for Evaluating Genetic Diversity in Wild Accessions of Sugarcane and Tracking of Trait- and Accession
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 444683
Sugarcane Genomic Prediction Through Quantitative Genetics and Digital Phenotyping
Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement (S)
  Accession Number: 446672
Improving Sugarcane Production Efficiency (ASCL)
Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement (T)
  Accession Number: 438359

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Development and integration of an SSR marker-based molecular identity database into Louisiana sugarcane breeding program - (Abstract Only)
Gas exchange and time to reach maximum rate of photosynthetic rate and their relationship with whole-plant traits in sugarcane in water abundant Louisiana, USA Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ellsworth, P.Z., White Jr, P.M., Todd, J.R. 2024. Gas exchange and time to reach maximum rate of photosynthetic rate and their relationship with whole-plant traits in sugarcane in water abundant Louisiana, USA. Photosynthetica.
Molecular Dissection of the 5S Ribosomal RNA-Intergenic Transcribed Spacers in Saccharum spp. and Tripidium spp. Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pan, Y., Todd, J.R., Lomax, L.E., White Jr, P.M., Simpson, S.A., Scheffler, B.E. 2023. Molecular Dissection of the 5S Ribosomal RNA-Intergenic Transcribed Spacers in Saccharum spp. and Tripidium spp.. Agronomy Journal.
Registration of 'Ho 13-739' sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y., Tew, T.L., William, W.H., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Grisham, M.P., Hoy, J., Penn, H., Wilson, B.E., Orgeron, A., Waguespack, H., Pontif, M.J., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R., Duet Jr, M.J., Landry, C.J., Verdun, D.L. 2024. Registration of 'Ho 13-739' sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations.
2022 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials - (Experiment Station)
2022 Louisiana variety development program infield trials - (Experiment Station)
Registration of ‘L 14-267’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pontif, M., Kimbeng, C., Gravois, K., Taylor, Z., Sexton, D., Blanchard, B., Daigle, M., Fontenot, D., Hawkins, G., Hoy, J., Baisakh, N., Wilson, B., Orgeron, A., Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Waguespack, H. 2023. Registration of ‘L 14-267’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. pp. 1-16.
Accuracy of genomic prediction of yield and sugar traits in Saccharum spp. hybrids Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Islam, M.S., McCord, P.H., Read, Q.D., Qin, L., Lipka, A.E., Sood, S.G., Todd, J.R., Olatoye, O.M. 2022. Accuracy of genomic prediction of yield and sugar traits in Saccharum spp. hybrids. Agriculture. 12:1436.
Identification of selection preferences and predicting tield related traits in sugarcane seedling families using RGB spectral indices Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Johnson, R.M., Verdun, D.L., Richard, K.A. 2022. Identification of selection preferences and predicting tield related traits in sugarcane seedling families using RGB spectral indices. Agriculture. 12(9):1313.
Evaluation of models for utilization in genomic prediction in the Louisiana sugarcane breeding program Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Satpathy, S., Shahi, D., Blanchard, B., Pontif, M., Gravois, K., Kimbeng, C., Hale, A.L., Todd, J.R., Rao, A.R., Baisakh, N. 2022. Evaluation of models for utilization in genomic prediction in the Louisiana sugarcane breeding program. Agriculture. 12(9):1330.
Selection preferences of sugarcane seedling families related to yield traits and RGB spectral indices - (Abstract Only)
Evaluation of Genomic Selection Model of Different Yield and Sugar Component Traits in Sacharum Spp. Hybrid - (Abstract Only)
Islam, M.S., Mccord, P.H., Read, Q.D., Qin, L., Lipka, A.E., Sood, S.G., Todd, J.R., Olatoye, M.O. 2022. Evaluation of Genomic Selection Model of Different Yield and Sugar Component Traits in Sacharum Spp. Hybrid. American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 30-31.
Analysis of sugarcane genotype by environment yield in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas - (Abstract Only)
Registration of ‘L 12-201’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pontif, M., Kimbeng, C., Gravois, K.A., Bishoff, K.P., Sexton, D.R., Laborde, C.M., Hawkins, G., Hoy, J., Baisakh, N., Wilson, B.E., Orgeron, A., Todd, J.R., Waguespack, H.L. 2022. Registration of ‘L 12-201’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16(2):363-377.
Registration of ‘L 12-201’ Sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pontif, M., Kimbeng, C., Gravois, K.A., Bishoff, K.P., Sexton, D.R., Laborde, C.M., Hawkins, G., Hoy, J., Baisakh, N., Wilson, B.E., Orgeron, A., Todd, J.R., Waguespack, H.L. 2022. Registration of ‘L 12-201’ Sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16(2):363-377.
Experimental evaluation of genomic selection prediction for rust resistance in sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Islam, M.S., Mccord, P.H., Olatoye, M.O., Qin, L., Sood, S.G., Lipka, A.E., Todd, J.R. 2021. Experimental evaluation of genomic selection prediction for rust resistance in sugarcane. The Plant Genome. 14(3). Article e20148.
Prediction of ratoon sugarcane family yield and selection using remote imagery Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Johnson, R.M. 2021. Prediction of ratoon sugarcane family yield and selection using remote imagery. Agronomy. 11(7):Article 1273.
Release of ‘HoCP 14-885’ sugarcane - (Abstract Only)
Analysis of sugarcane genotype by environment yield in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas using GGE biplot - (Abstract Only)
A report on the 2019 outfield variety trials - (Trade Journal)
Registration of ‘Ho 07-613’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hale, A.L., Todd, J.R., Pan, Y., Tew, T.L., Veremis, J.C., White, W.H., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Grisham, M.P., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R., Dalley, C.D., Spaunhorst, D.J., Duet Jr, M.J., Landry, C.J., Verdun, D.L. 2022. Registration of ‘Ho 07-613’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16(2):351-362.
Occurrence of two races of Puccinia kuehnii causing orange rust of sugarcane in Florida Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sanjel, S., Hincapie, M., Wang, Y., Todd, J.R., Chaulagain, B., Sood, S.G., Comstock, J.C., Raid, R.N., Rott, P. 2021. Occurrence of two races of Puccinia kuehnii causing orange rust of sugarcane in Florida. Plant Pathology. 00:1-10.
Notice of release of sugarcane variety HoCP 14-885 - (Trade Journal)
Todd, J.R., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y.-B., White, W.H., Grisham, M.P., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R., Dalley, C.D., Waguespack, H.L., Kimbeng, C., Naquin, M.J., Spaunhorst, D.J., Duet Jr, M.J., Landry, C.J., Verdun, D.L. 2021. Notice of release of sugarcane variety HoCP 14-885. Sugar Bulletin. 99(8):19-20.
Identifying resistance loci associated with orange rust and yellow leaf diseases through genome-wide association studies in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) - (Abstract Only)
Yang, X., Sood, S.G., Luo, Z., Todd, J.R., Wang, J. 2021. Identifying resistance loci associated with orange rust and yellow leaf diseases through genome-wide association studies in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Sugar Journal. 41:29.
Registration of ‘Ho 11-573’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y., Tew, T.L., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Landry, C.J., Grisham, M.P., Kimbeng, C., Gravois, K.A., Bischoff, K.P., Pontif, M.J., Jackson, W.R., Waguespack Jr, H.L., Davidson, W., Scott Jr, A.W., Hernandez, E., Klostermann, M., Nuessly, G.S., White, W.H., Richard, R.T. 2021. Registration of ‘Ho 11-573’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15:463-470.
2020 Louisiana variety development program infield trials - (Experiment Station)
2020 Louisiana variety development program infield trials - (Experiment Station)
Sugarcane breeding programs in the USA Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hale, A.L., Todd, J.R., Gravois, K.A., Mollov, D.S., Malapi-Wight, M., Momotaz, A., Laborde, C., Goenaga, R.J., Solis, A., Waguespack, H. 2021. Sugarcane breeding programs in the USA. Sugar Tech. 24(1):97-111.
Data mining sugarcane breeding yield data for ratoon yield prediction Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Waguespack, H., Kimbeng, C., Pontif, M., Boykin, D.L. 2021. Data mining sugarcane breeding yield data for ratoon yield prediction. Euphytica. 217:54.
Registration of ‘L 11-183’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pontif, M.J., Kimbeng, C.A., Bischoff, K.P., Gravois, K.A., LaBorde, C.M., Hawkins, G.L., Sexton, D.R., Hoy, J.W., Baisakh, N.E., Wilson, B.E., Orgeron, A., Todd, J.R., Waguespack, H.L. 2021. Registration of ‘L 11-183’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15:447-462.
Ratoon family selection using remote sensing - (Abstract Only)
Registration of ‘Ho 05-961’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y., Tew, T.L., White, W.H., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Spaunhorst, D.J., Dalley, C., Grisham, M.P., Wilson, B.E., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R. 2022. Registration of ‘Ho 05-961’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 16(2):341-350.
An enriched sugarcane diversity panel for utilization in genetic improvement of sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ficket, N., Ebrahimi, L., Parco, A., Hale, A.L., Gutierrez, A.V., Pontif, M.J., Todd, J.R., Kimbeng, C.A., Hoy, J.W., Ayala Silva, T., Gravois, K.A., Baisakh, N. 2020. An enriched sugarcane diversity panel for utilization in genetic improvement of sugarcane. Scientific Reports. 10:1-13.
Measurement of the variability of brix along sugarcane stalk - (Abstract Only)
Notice of release of sugarcane variety Ho 13-739 - (Trade Journal)
Genetic variation within and among lowland switchgrass cultivars as revealed with AFLP polymorphisms Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Makaju, S.O., Wu, Y., Anderson, M.P., Kakani, V.G., Smith, M., Todd, J.R., Adhikari, L. 2020. Genetic variation within and among lowland switchgrass cultivars as revealed with AFLP polymorphisms. Global Journal of Agricultural and Allied Sciences. 2(1):11-17.
2019 Louisiana variety development program infield trials - (Experiment Station)
2019 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials - (Experiment Station)
Fidelity of sugarcane crosses assessed with SSR markers Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Pan, Y.-B., Boykin, D.L. 2020. Fidelity of sugarcane crosses assessed with SSR markers. Agronomy. 10(3):1-18.
Genome-wide association study of multiple yield components in a diversity panel of polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Luo, Z., Todd, J.R., Sood, S.G., Wang, J. 2020. Genome-wide association study of multiple yield components in a diversity panel of polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Genetics. Plant Genome 13(1).
Genome-wide association study of multiple yield traits in a diversity panel of polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Luo, Z., Todd, J.R., Sood, S.G., Wang, J. 2020. Genome-wide association study of multiple yield traits in a diversity panel of polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Plant Methods.
Genomic selection: A new marker-assisted breeding tool to facilitate Louisiana sugarcane variety development - (Trade Journal)
Baisakh, N., Kimbeng, C., Pontiff, M., Hoy, J., Gravois, K., Hale, A.L., Todd, J.R. 2020. Genomic selection: A new marker-assisted breeding tool to facilitate Louisiana sugarcane variety development. Sugar Bulletin. 98(4):23-25.
Evaluation of susceptibility to mosaic in Louisiana's sugarcane breeding program - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rice, J.L., Hoy, J.W., Hale, A.L., Todd, J.R., Grisham, M.P., Kimbeng, C.A., Pontif, M.J. 2019. Evaluation of susceptibility to mosaic in Louisiana's sugarcane breeding program. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 39:1-11.
Sugarcane cultivar response to glyphosate and trinexapac-ethyl ripeners in Louisiana Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Spaunhorst, D.J., Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L. 2019. Sugarcane cultivar response to glyphosate and trinexapac-ethyl ripeners in Louisiana. PLoS One. 14(6):e0218656.
A report on the 2019 outfield variety trials - (Trade Journal)
Notice of release of sugarcane variety Ho 12-615 - (Trade Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Dufrene Jr, E.O., White, W.H., Tew, T.L., Grisham, M.P., Kimbeng, C., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Waguespack, H., Pan, Y.-B., Gravois, K.A. 2019. Notice of release of sugarcane variety Ho 12-615. Sugar Bulletin. 97(8):17-18.
Prediction of sugarcane yield by machine learning - (Abstract Only)
Todd, J.R., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Pontiff, M. 2019. Prediction of sugarcane yield by machine learning [abstract]. Journal American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 39:43.
Confirmation of herbicide resistance mutations Trp574Leu, G210, and EPSPS gene amplification and control of multiple herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) with chlorimuron-ethyl, fomesafen, and glyphosate Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Spaunhorst, D.J., Nie, H., Todd, J.R., Young, J.M., Young, B.G., Johnson, W.G. 2019. Confirmation of herbicide resistance mutations Trp574Leu, G210, and EPSPS gene amplification and control of multiple herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) with chlorimuron-ethyl, fomesafen, and glyphosate. PLoS One. 14(3):e0214458.
Registration of ‘HoCP 11-537’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Hale, A.L., Pan, Y.-B., Milligan, S.B., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Landry, C.J., Grisham, M.P., Comstock, J.C., Collins, K., Gravois, K., Bischoff, K.P., Pontif, M.J., Jackson, W.R., Waguespack, H.L., Scott, A.W., Hernandez, E., Klostermann, M., Nuessly, G., White, W.H., Richard, R.T. 2019. Registration of ‘HoCP 11-537’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 13:187-192.
Identifying loci controlling fiber composition in polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) through genome-wide association study Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Todd, J.R., Arundale, R., Binder, J., Luo, Z., Islam, M.S., Sood, S.G., Wang, J. 2019. Identifying loci controlling fiber composition in polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) through genome-wide association study. Industrial Crops and Products. 130:598-605.
Identifying loci controlling fiber composition in polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) through genome wide association study - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Todd, J.R., Arunadale, R., Binder, J., Luo, Z., Islam, M.S., Sood, S.G., Wang, J. 2019. Identifying loci controlling fiber composition in polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) through genome wide association study. Industrial Crops and Products. 130:598-605.
Registration of ‘HoCP 09-804’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Pan, Y.-B., Tew, T.L., White, W.H., Hale, A.L., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Grisham, M.P., Petrie, E.C., Gravois, K., Waguespack, H., Abbott, T.E. 2019. Registration of ‘HoCP 09-804’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 13:161–169.
Genome-wide association studies identify resistance loci to orange rust and yellow leaf virus diseases in a diversity panel of polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Sood, S.G., Luo, Z., Todd, J.R., Wang, J. 2019. Genome-wide association studies identify resistance loci to orange rust and yellow leaf virus diseases in a diversity panel of polyploid sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). Phytopathology. 109(4):623-631.
Target enrichment sequencing of 307 germplasm accessions identified ancestry of ancient and modern hybrids and signatures of adaptation and selection in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), a “sweet” crop with “bitter” genomes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Yang, X., Song, J., Todd, J.R., Peng, Z., Paudel, D., Luo, Z., Ma, X., You, Q., Hanson, E., Zhao, Z., Zhang, J., Ming, R., Wang, J. 2018. Target enrichment sequencing of 307 germplasm accessions identified ancestry of ancient and modern hybrids and signatures of adaptation and selection in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), a “sweet” crop with “bitter” genomes. Plant Biotechnology. 17(2):488-498.
Minimizing the influence of genotype by environment interaction on selection decisions in a sugarcane variety trial - (Abstract Only)
Kimbeng, C., Todd, J.R., Pontif, M., Sexton, D., Dufrene Jr, E.O. 2018. Minimizing the influence of genotype by environment interaction on selection decisions in a sugarcane variety trial [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 38:58.
Registration of ‘HoCP 04-838’ sugarcane Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., White, W.H., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Tew, T.L., Pan, Y.-B., Duet Jr, M.J., Verdun, D.L., Hale, A.L., Dalley, C.D., Grisham, M.P., Gravois, K.A., Jackson, W.R., Miller, J.D. 2018. Registration of ‘HoCP 04-838’ sugarcane. Journal of Plant Registrations. 12:324–332.
History and progress in Texas: Sugarcane variety development since 2011 - (Abstract Only)
Comstock, J.C., Scott Jr., A.W., Hernandez, E., Davidson, R.W., Grisham, M.P., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Hale, A.L., Todd, J.R., Nuessly, G., Kimbeng, C., Gravois, K., Pontif, M., Waguespack, H.L., Shine Jr, J.M., Prado, J.A. 2018. History and progress in Texas: Sugarcane variety development since 2011 [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 38:57-58.
Advances in the basic breeding program - (Abstract Only)
Hale, A.L., White Jr, P.M., Todd, J.R., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Viator, R.P. 2018. Advances in the basic breeding program [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 38:57.
2017 Louisiana variety development program infield trials - (Experiment Station)
2017 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials - (Experiment Station)
New sugarcane hybrids in Saccharum spontaneum cytoplasm developed through a combination of conventional and molecular breeding approaches - (Abstract Only)
Pan, Y., Burner, D.M., Todd, J.R. 2018. New sugarcane hybrids in Saccharum spontaneum cytoplasm developed through a combination of conventional and molecular breeding approaches [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 38:56.
Family selection with vegetation indices derived from UAS acquired aerial imagery - (Abstract Only)
Todd, J.R., Johnson, R.M. 2018. Family selection with vegetation indices derived from UAS acquired aerial imagery [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 38:66.
Analysis of genotype by environment interaction in Louisiana sugarcane research plots by GGE biplots Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Pan, Y.-B, Kimbeng, C., Dufrene Jr, E.O., Waguespack, H., Pontif, M. 2017. Analysis of genotype by environment interaction in Louisiana sugarcane research plots by GGE biplots. Sugar Tech. 20(4):407-419. https://doi:10.1007/s12355-017-056-z.
Ensuring and exploiting the genetic diversity of sugarcane - (Book / Chapter)
Effect of growing media and fertilization on sugarcane flowering under artificial photoperiod Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hale, A.L., White Jr, P.M., Webber III, C.L., Todd, J.R. 2017. Effect of growing media and fertilization on sugarcane flowering under artificial photoperiod. PLoS One. 12(8):1-10.
Distribution and frequency of Bru1, a major brown rust resistance gene, in the sugarcane world collection Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Parco, A.S., Hale, A.L., Avellaneda, M.C., Hoy, J.W., Kimbeng, C.S., Pontiff, M.J., Mccord, P.H., Ayala Silva, T., Todd, J.R., Baisakh, N. 2017. Distribution and frequency of Bru1, a major brown rust resistance gene, in the sugarcane world collection. Plant Breeding. 136:637-651.
Length and nucleotide sequence polymorphism at the trnL and trnF non-coding regions of chloroplast genomes among Saccharum and Erianthus species - (Abstract Only)
Pan, Y., Todd, J.R., Scheffler, B.E., Hale, A.L., Lomax, L.E., Simpson, S.A., Liu, F., Grisham, M.P. 2017. Length and nucleotide sequence polymorphism at the trnL and trnF non-coding regions of chloroplast genomes among Saccharum and Erianthus species [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 37:32.
GGE analysis of ratooning ability in Louisiana sugarcane breeding - (Abstract Only)
Todd, J.R., Kimbeng, C., Hale, A.L., Gravois, K., Dufrene Jr, E.O. 2017. GGE analysis of ratooning ability in Louisiana sugarcane breeding [abstract]. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 37:29-30.
2016 Louisiana variety development program infield trials - (Experiment Station)
Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Adams, F.J., Lovell Jr, L., Todd, J.R., Pontiff, M.J., Hawkins, G.L. 2017. 2016 Louisiana variety development program infield trials. Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. p. 80-89.
2016 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials - (Experiment Station)
Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Adams, F.J., Lovell Jr, L., Todd, J.R. 2017. 2016 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials. Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. p. 65-79.
Fiber composition of a diversity panel of the world collection of sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) and related grasses Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Sandhu, H., Binder, J., Arundale, R., Gordon, V.S., Song, J., Glaz, B., Wang, J. 2017. Fiber composition of a diversity panel of the world collection of sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) and related grasses. Bragantia. 77(1):48-61.
Phenotypic evaluation of a diversity panel selected from the world collection of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and related grasses - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Sandhu, H., Hale, A.L., Glaz, B., Wang, J. 2017. Phenotypic evaluation of a diversity panel selected from the world collection of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and related grasses. Maydica. 62(2):M19.
Dry mass yield and fiber composition of a diversity panel of the world collection of sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) and related grasses - (Abstract Only)
Todd, J.R., Sandhu, H., Wang, J., Gordon, V.S., Glaz, B.S. 2016. Dry mass yield and fiber composition of a diversity panel of the world collection of sugarcane (Saccharum sp.) and related grasses [abstract]. HortScience. 51(9):S70.
Notice of release of sugarcane variety HoCP 09-804 - (Trade Journal)
Todd, J.R. 2016. Notice of release of sugarcane variety HoCP 09-804. Sugar Bulletin. 94(10):17-19.
Natural allelic variations in highly polyploidy Saccharum complex Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Song, J., Yang, X., Resende, M., Neves, L.G., Todd, J.R., Zhang, J., Comstock, J.C., Wang, J. 2016. Natural allelic variations in highly polyploidy Saccharum complex. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7:804. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00804.
2015 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials - (Experiment Station)
Dufrene Jr, E.O., Duet Jr, M.J., Adams, F.J., White, W.H., Todd, J.R. 2016. 2015 Louisiana “Ho” nursery variety trials. Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. p. 66-81.
Historical use of cultivars as parents in Florida and Louisiana sugarcane breeding programs Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Glaz, B.S., Burner, D.M., Kimbeng, C. 2015. Historical use of cultivars as parents in Florida and Louisiana sugarcane breeding programs. International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN). Article ID 257417. 2015:1-9.
Genotypes Using Best Linear Unbiased Predictors. Journal of American Society of Sugar Cane Technologist - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tahir, M., Khalil, I., Mccord, P.H., Todd, J.R. 2014. Genotypes Using Best Linear Unbiased Predictors. Journal of American Society of Sugar Cane Technologist. American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 34: 44-56.2014.
Promoting utilization of Saccharum spp. genetic resources though genetic diversity analysis and core collection construction - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nayak, S.N., Song, J., Villa, A., Pathak, B., Ayala Silva, T., Yang, X., Todd, J.R., Glynn, N.C., Kuhn, D.N., Glaz, B.S., Gilbert, R., Comstock, J.C., Wang, J. 2014. Promoting utilization of Saccharum spp. genetic resources though genetic diversity analysis and core collection construction. PLoS One. 9(10):e110856. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110856.
Evaluating sugarcane families by the DTOPSIS method - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhao, P., Todd, J.R., Xia, H., Zhao, J., Liu, J., Yang, K., Hou, C., Zan, F., Yao, L., Wu, C., Chen, X. 2014. Evaluating sugarcane families by the method of Dynamic Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (DTOPSIS) Bragantia. 73(3)229-236.
Stability of genotypes and sources of variability in the Canal Point sugarcane cultivar selection program - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tahir, M., Khalil, I.H., Mccord, P.H., Glaz, B.S., Todd, J.R. 2014. Stability of genotypes and sources of variability in the Canal Point sugarcane cultivar selection program. Journal of the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. 34 pgs. 1-20.
Phenotypic Characterization of the Miami World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses for Selecting a Representative Core - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Todd, J.R., Wang, J., Glaz, B.S., Sood, S.G., Ayala Silva, T., Nayak, S.N., Glynn, N.C., Gutierrez, O.A., Kuhn, D.N., Tahir, M., Comstock, J.C. 2014. Phenotypic Characterization of the Miami World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses for Selecting a Representative Core. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. 61:1581-1596.
Phenotyping of Association Mapping Panel of Sugarcane and Related Grasses - (Abstract Only)
Todd, J.R., Glaz, B.S., Wang, J., Sood, S.G., Comstock, J.C. 2014. Phenotyping of Association Mapping Panel of Sugarcane and Related Grasses. Plant and Animal Genome Conference Proceedings. p. 184.
Genetic Diversity and Genome Complexity of Sugarcane - (Abstract Only)
Wang, J., Song, J., Todd, J.R., Spurthi, N., Zhang, J., Villa, A., Glaz, B. 2014. Genetic Diversity and Genome Complexity of Sugarcane. Plant and Animal Genome. p. W089.
Todd, J.R., Glaz, B.S., Irey, M.S., Zhao, D., Hu, C., El-Hout, N. 2014. SUGARCANE GENOTYPE SELECTION ON A SAND SOIL WITH AND WITHOUT ADDED MILL MUD. Agronomy Journal. 106(1):315-323.
Core Selection from the Miami World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses using Phenotypic Markers - (Abstract Only)
Todd, J.R., Ayala Silva, T., Glaz, B.S., Wang, J., Sood, S.G., Nayak, S.N., Glynn, N.C., Gutierrez, O.A., Kuhn, D.N., Comstock, J.C. 2013. Core Selection from the Miami World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses using Phenotypic Markers. Sugar Journal. p. 3.
Exploring Broad Genetic Resources Available to Sugarcane - (Abstract Only)
Wang, J.P., Ayala-Silva, T., Nayak, S.N., Todd, J.R., Villa, A., Glynn, N.C., Yang, X., Glaz, B.S., Comstock, J.C., Kuhn, D.N., Gutierrez, O.A., Gilbert, R. 2012. Exploring Broad Genetic Resources Available to Sugarcane. Symposium on New Paradigms in Sugarcane Research, October 15-17, 2012, Coimbatore, India. p.172. Ed. by R. Viswanathan et al.
Phenotypic evaluation of the World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses - (Abstract Only)
Todd, J.R., Glynn, N.C., Ayala Silva, T., Glaz, B.S., Wang, J., Sood, S.G., Nayak, S.N., Gutierrez, O.A., Kuhn, D.N., Comstock, J.C. 2013. Phenotypic evaluation of the World Collection of Sugarcane and Related Grasses. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. P. 7.