(Clicking on the reprint icon
will take you to the publication reprint.)
Micro-incubator protocol for testing a CO2 sensor for early warning of spontaneous combustion
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Pelletier, M.G., McIntyre, J.S., Holt, G.A., Butts, C.L., Lamb, M.C. 2024. Micro-incubator protocol for testing a CO2 sensor for early warning of spontaneous combustion. AgriEngineering. 4(4):4294-4307.
Computational fluid dynamics modeling of airflow through walnuts in drying bins and bin modification effect upon airflow
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Unexpected Benefits: Herbicide Diflufenzopyr's Neutral Impact on Transpiration and Enhanced Plant Performance in Arachis Hypogaea
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
An mmWave radar-based mass flow sensor using machine learning towards a peanut yield monitor
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bidese-Puhl, R., Butts, C.L., Rewis, M., Mcintyre, J.S., Morris, J., Branch, B., Bao, Y. 2023. An mmWave radar-based mass flow sensor using machine learning towards a peanut yield monitor. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 215: Article 108340.
Mechanical testing as a tool in peanut research
- (Abstract Only)
Reducing the number of probes for a farmers’ stock grade for a semi-drying trailer
- (Abstract Only)
Noise levels of a peanut dryer in an open shed with and without a muffler
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mcintyre, J.S., Cook, H. 2023. Noise levels of a peanut dryer in an open shed with and without a muffler. Peanut Science. 50(1)P.22-28.
Computational fluid dynamics modeled air speed through in-shell peanuts in drying wagons compared to measured air speed
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mcintyre, J.S., Butts, C.L., Read, Q.D. 2022. Computational fluid dynamics modeled air speed through in-shell peanuts in drying wagons compared to measured air speed. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(3):489-508.
First steps to develop a peanut dryer muffler to meet OSHA noise requirements
- (Abstract Only)
Hopper-bottom semi-trailer modified for in-shell peanut drying: design, fabrication, and performance testing
- (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mcintyre, J.S., Turner, A.P., Teddy, B.E., Fogle, B., Butts, C.L., Kirk, K.R. 2022. Hopper-bottom semi-trailer modified for in-shell peanut drying: design, fabrication, and performance testing. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38(3):477-488.
Drying peanuts in a modified hopper-bottom trailer: CFD modeling and design
- (Proceedings)
Drying peanuts in a modified hopper-bottom trailer: Evaluating drying performance
- (Proceedings)