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Raja Sekhar Nandety
Cereal Crops Improvement Research
Geneticist Plants

Phone: (701) 239-1224

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Improvement of Disease and Pest Resistance in Barley, Durum, Oat, and Wheat Using Genetics and Genomics
In-House Appropriated (D)
  Accession Number: 444812

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)
Association mapping of drought stress response for yield and quality traits in barley Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sapkota, S., Mndolwa, E., Hu, G., Fiedler, J.D., Nandety, R., Carlson, C.H., Esvelt Klos, K.L. 2024. Association mapping of drought stress response for yield and quality traits in barley. Crop Science. 65:1.
Vegetative indices data boost genomic selection models in predicting oat grain yield - (Abstract Only)
Oliveira, G., Bazzer, S., Maimaitijiang, M., Nandety, R., Chang, J., Fiedler, J.D., Cafee, M. 2024. Vegetative indices data boost genomic selection models in predicting oat grain yield. Meeting Abstract.
Can GWAS information from oat breeding programs be used to develop higher-yield oat varieties? A case study in the SDSU Oat Breeding Program - (Abstract Only)
Oliveira, G., Bazzer, S., Ayana, G., Fiedler, J.D., Nandety, R., Cafee, M. 2024. Can GWAS information from oat breeding programs be used to develop higher-yield oat varieties? A case study in the SDSU Oat Breeding Program. Meeting Abstract.
Evolution, diversity, and function of the disease susceptibility gene Snn1 in wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Seneviratne, S., Shi, G., Szabo-Hever, A., Zhang, Z., Peters Haugrud, A.R., Running, K., Singh, G., Nandety, R.S., Fiedler, J.D., Mcclean, P., Xu, S.S., Friesen, T.L., Faris, J.D. 2024. Evolution, diversity, and function of the disease susceptibility gene Snn1 in wheat. The Plant Journal. 119(4):1720-1736.
Genome-wide methylation landscape during somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula reveals correlation between Tnt1 retrotransposition and hyperactive methylation regions Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nandety, R.S., Oh, S., Lee, H., Krom, N., Gupta, R., Mysore, K. 2024. Genome-wide methylation landscape during somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula reveals correlation between Tnt1 retrotransposition and hyperactive methylation regions. Plant Journal (2024). 119:557-576.
Exploratory genomic sequence analysis reveals structural differences at key loci for growth habit, seed dormancy, and rust resistance in barley Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Massman, C., Maughn, P., Nandety, R.S., Clare, S., Fiedler, J.D., Hayes, P. 2024. Exploratory genomic sequence analysis reveals structural differences at key loci for growth habit, seed dormancy, and rust resistance in barley. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.
Development of epigenetic landscape and gene expression atlas of oats - (Abstract Only)
Ajayi-Moses, O., Gudi, S., Carlson, C.H., Esvelt Klos, K.L., Gupta, R., Nandety, R. 2024. Development of epigenetic landscape and gene expression atlas of oats (abstract). Plant and Animal Conference. Poster No. PO0359.
Exploratory genomic sequence analysis reveals structural differences at key loci for growth habit, seed dormancy, and rust resistance in barley - (Abstract Only)
Massman, C., Maughn, P.J., Nandety, R., Clare, S.J., Fiedler, J.D., Hayes, P.M. 2024. Exploratory genomic sequence analysis reveals structural differences at key loci for growth habit, seed dormancy, and rust resistance in barley (abstract). Poster No. PE0348.
Genome-wide association study of host resistance to Hessian fly in barley Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Karki, M., Chu, C.N., Anderson, K.M., Nandety, R.S., Fiedler, J.D., Schachterle, J.K., Bruggeman, R., Liu, Z., Yang, S. 2023. Genome-wide association study of host resistance to Hessian fly in barley. Phytopathology.
Genetic and physical localization of a major susceptibility gene to Pyrenophora teres f. maculata in barley Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Alhashel, A., Fiedler, J.D., Nandety, R., Skiba, R., Bruggeman, R., Baldwin, T., Friesen, T.L., Yang, S. 2023. Genetic and physical localization of a major susceptibility gene to Pyrenophora teres f. maculata in barley. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 136. Article e118.
Genetic diversity and marker-assisted elimination of the Snn1 gene in wheat - (Abstract Only)
Seneviratne, S., Shi, G., Szabo-Hever, A., Zhang, Z., Peters Haugrud, A., Running, K., Singh, G., Nandety, R., Fiedler, J.D., Xu, S.S., Friesen, T.L., Mcclean, P., Faris, J.D. 2022. Genetic diversity and marker-assisted elimination of the Snn1 gene in wheat. Meeting Abstract. Poster No. PO0487.
Comparative genome analysis of plant rust pathogen genomes reveal a confluence of pathogenicity factors to quell host plant defense responses Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nandety, R.S., Gill, U.S., Krom, N., Dai, X., Dong, Y., Zhao, P., Mysore, K.S.2022. Comparative genome analysis of plant rust pathogen genomes reveal a confluence of pathogenicity factors to quell host plant defense responses. Plants. 11.
Genetic and physical localization of a leaf rust susceptibility gene in barley - (Abstract Only)
Liu, R., Nandety, R.S., Zhong, S., Yang, S. 2022. Genetic and physical localization of a leaf rust susceptibility gene in barley. Meeting abstract. Plant Health Conference 2022. Page 624.
Medicago truncatula resources to study legume biology and symbiotic nitrogen fixation Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nandety, R., Wen, J., Mysore, K. 2023. Medicago truncatula resources to study legume biology and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Fundamental Research. 3(2):219-224.