Environmental Risk Factors |
Environmental Risk Factors
Weather conditions do not have to be in the Emergency category to be harmful. A sudden increase from cool weather in the Normal category to hot weather in the Alert or Danger category can cause problems especially early in the summer season. Additionally, the following factors may contribute to a more intense heat event than indicated.
saturated soils at or near the feedlot
recent rain
irrigated cropland
leaking stock tank
high overnight lows (above 70? F)
danger or extreme conditions for 2 or more consecutive days
minimal cloud cover
low or no air movement
high relative humidity
Conditions at a particular feedlot may be different than either the forecast has indicated or that the local public weather station is recording. This can be due to natural variation in weather or local landscape. Feedlots in low lying areas or with large windbreaks may experience more serious conditions than indicated on the forecast map.