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ARS Home » Plains Area » Clay Center, Nebraska » U.S. Meat Animal Research Center » WGS » Species mapped to cattle » Wildebeest

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1 - Species mapped to cattle
2 - Banteng
3 - Bison
4 - Bongo
5 - Buffalo, Cape
6 - Buffalo, water
7 - Bushbuck
8 - Caribou
9 - Eland
10 - Gaur
11 - Gemsbok
12 - Moose
13 - Muskox
14 - Nilgai
15 - Pronghorn
16 - Sheep, bighorn
17 - Sheep, domestic
18 - Wildebeest
19 - Yak
20 - Temp


10-20x WGS of Wildebeest, black (Connochaetes gnou)

To view DNA sequence data for an animal or a breed group:


  Species/breeda Animal ID Public links Estimated mapped read coverage GB
  Wildebeest 200758005 URL 15.9 47.6 
  Wildebeest 200758006 URL 30.8 92.5
  Wildebeest 200758007 URL 28.3 84.8
  Wildebeest 201258013 URL 24.4 73.1
  Wildebeest 201258014 URL 20.4 61.1
  Wildebeest 201258015 URL 21.7 65.0
  Wildebeest 201258016 URL 21.5 64.6
  Wildebeest 201258017 URL 20.5 61.6
  Wildebeest, 8 genomes URL    
bTotal gigabases of genomic sequence with a quality score greater than or equal to 20. Tru-Seq paired-end libraries were sequenced with NextSeq500 high-output kits (300 cycles, Illumina Inc. San Diego CA).  
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