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Latest Publications

Association of candidate single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes with plasma and skin carotenoid concentrations in adults provided a lycopene-rich juice

Dietary intake of chromista oil alters hepatic metabolomic profile of mice with excess fat mass

The protective potential of butyrate against colon cancer cell migration and invasion is critically dependent on cell type

Administration of low intensity vibration and a rankl inhibitor, alone or in combination, reduces bone loss after spinal cord Injury-induced Immobilization in rats

Using less processed food to mimic standard American diet (sad) does not improve nutrient value and may result in a shorter shelf life at a higher financial cost

Metabolomic Alteration in Adipose Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Deficient Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet

Effects of defined voluntary running distances coupled with high-fat diet consumption on the murine skeletal muscle transcriptome

Dietary quality and diet-related factors among u.s. emerging adults (18-23y) are a cause for concern, nhanes 2015-2018

Daily dietary protein distribution does not influence changes in body composition during weight loss in women of reproductive years with overweight or obesity: a randomized controlled trial

Efficacy of butyrate to inhibit colonic cancer cell growth Is cell type-specific and apoptosis-dependent

Calcium deficiency decreases bone mass without affecting adiposity in ovariectomized rats fed a high-fat diet

Chokeberry reduces inflammation in human preadipocytes

Frontiers | Time of day of exercise does not affect the beneficial effect of exercise on bone structure in older female rats (

Frontiers | Editorial: Secondary analysis of national nutrition surveys: from science to policy (

How ICP-OES changed the face of trace element analysis: Review of the global application landscape - ScienceDirect

Effect of source on trust of pulse nutrition information and perceived likelihood of following dietary guidance: Psychology & Health: Vol 0, No 0 (

Dietary Guidelines Meet NOVA: Developing a Menu for A Healthy Dietary Pattern Using Ultra-Processed Foods - ScienceDirect

Time-Restricted Feeding Modifies the Fecal Lipidome and the Gut Microbiota - PubMed (

Sensitivity of Pressure-Mediated Reflection Spectroscopy to Detect Changes in Skin Carotenoids in Adults Without Obesity in Response to Increased Carotenoid Intake: A Randomized Controlled Trial - PubMed (

Identification of oncogenic signatures in the inflammatory colon of C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet - PubMed (

Understanding the link between frequency of eating and cardiometabolic health outcomes in Americans who “snack” - ScienceDirect


The influence of active video game play upon physical activity and screen-based activities in sedentary children | PLOS ONE

Modeling Dairy-Free Vegetarian and Vegan USDA Food Patterns for Nonpregnant, Nonlactating Adults - ScienceDirect

Influence of fat-free mass and resting metabolic rate on increased food reinforcement after exercise training | Sport Sciences for Health (

The Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center is located in Grand Forks, ND and is part of the Plains Area.
Phone: (701)795-8456
Fax: (701)795-8230
Grand Forks, ND 58203