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Popcorn: A Healthy, Whole Grain Snack
Most Americans eat snacks. Whether or not the snacks are healthy depends on the foods or beverages chosen and how they are prepared. Popcorn is a popular snack and can also be a healthy one as long as it’s prepared without adding lots of butter or salty toppings. (more...)
Other Oils in North Dakota
We are all aware of the economic impact that the Bakken oil has had on our state and country. But how many know about the other oil produced here? This oil is the kind you eat (more ...)
Start Young to be Healthy
Did you know that children can have risk factors for heart disease? And for type 2 diabetes? (more ...)
Emerald Oases in the Red River Valley
Outdoor parks are great resources and serve many communities needs from restoration to recreation. Accordingly, they can play important roles in public health.(more ...)
Blueberries and Health
The blueberry, named for its velvety, deep-blue color, is one of the few fruits native to North America. Native Americans used the berries, leaves and roots for medicine and used the fruit as a fabric dye. Blueberries originally are found in the wild, and now they can grow in many regions of the United States. (more ...)
A Healthy Diet: Good in More than One way
Did you know that you are never really alone? That is, that you spend every moment in the company of microorganisms in and on your body? (more ...)
Healthy Eating over 70
Whatever a person's age; it is always important to eat a healthy diet. As folks get older, their calorie and nutrient needs change and often, their eating habits change as well. While a balanced diet???including a variety of nutrient-rich foods???is recommended for everyone, there are some extra things older individuals may wish to keep in mind for themselves and others they know.(more ...)
Eat fish! Which Fish? That Fish! Go Fish!
For a healthy heart, the American Heart Association and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating two, 3.5 oz servings of fish per week. Questions like "Why? Which fish?" immediately come to mind. Also, "Should I be concerned about mercury? Is wild-caught fish better than farmed?"(more ...)
Fish Oils are good for your Health
Fats and oils are an essential part of healthy diets. They provide energy, help in forming cells and tissues, and many supply vitamins A, E and K. (more ...)
Go Nuts!
Nuts are a healthy addition to any diet and may impart important health benefits, important nutrients and a good balance of fat for reduction of cardiovascular disease risk. Each variety of nut is high in plant based protein and fiber but has its own combination of vitamins and minerals. (more ...)
Choose MYPLATE to Improve Health for Life
Most people know how important good nutrition is to their health. But most of us find it difficult to eat as healthfully as we think we should. The good news is that help is just a click away at the USDA ChooseMyPlate website ( (more ...)
Simple Plans to Achieving Your Health Goals
Remember the New Year's resolution that you made to improve your lifestyle? You may have resolved to eat healthier, to increase your physical activity or to lose weight. Making a resolution was a good start to being healthier because taking the first step increases the chances that you will attain your goal. (more ...)
The Crucial Role of Recess
In the winter months of North Dakota, it is understandable when children's recess time is reduced due to dangerously cold weather. But there is also evidence that recess time is being cut short all over the country for reasons unrelated to weather. Schools report that recess has been cut back to reallocate time for academic learning. In addition, withholding recess is commonly used as a punishment or tool to drive desired behavioral outcomes. (more ...)
To view articles published by the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center in 2012, please click here.
To view articles published by the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center in 2011, please click here.
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