Identifying Carbon Sources & Sinks
Estimating corn leaf chlorophyll content using airborne multispectral
imagery and machine learning
(Mar 2025)
Measuring and mapping moisture content in agricultural fields by neutron-gamma analysis
(Jan 2025)
Nutrient competitive effects in chrysanthemum amended with flue gas desulfurization gypsum
(Dec 2024)
Influence of iron-modified biochar on phosphate transport and deposition in saturated porous media under varying pH, ionic strength, phosphate concentrations, and biochar dosage
(Dec 2024)
Enhancing LAI estimation using multispectral imagery and machine learning: a comparison between reflectance-based and vegetation indices-based approaches
(Dec 2024)
Simulating sagebrush-cheatgrass plant community Biomass production in the Great Basin using ALMANAC
(Dec 2024)
Soil microbial biomass influenced by cover crop after fumigation of potato fields
(Dec 2024)
Gypsum increases orthophosphate and blue-green algae in catfish production ponds
(Dec 2024)
Phenotyping cotton leaf chlorophyll via in situ hyperspectral reflectance sensing, spectral vegetation indices, and machine learning
(Nov 2024)
Corn grain yield response to nitrogen rate timing, source, and nitrification inhibitor in Missouri
(Nov 2024)
On field soil carbon measurement
(Nov 2024)
Losing control: What happens when we exclude the control treatment in nitrogen fertilizer rate trials?
(Nov 2024)
Updating fertilizer recommendations in Missouri based on crop response to variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application
(Nov 2024)
Water and nitrogen use efficiency of corn and switchgrass on variable claypan-soil landscapes
(Nov 2024)
Ammonia and greenhouse gas emission from poultry manure stockpiles under three storage conditions
(Nov 2024)
Distribution of phosphorus forms in soil amended with poultry litter of different ages and application rates: Agronomic and environmental perspectives
(Nov 2024)
Evaluating the tolerance of harmful algal blooms to copper sulfate pentahydrate
(Oct 2024)
Optimizing copper sulfate pentahydrate dosages for controlling of harmful algal blooms using multiple linear regression (MLR)
(Oct 2024)
Using proximal vis-NIR soil spectroscopy to assess soil health
(Oct 2024)
Vis-NIR spectroscopy for on-the-go soil organic matter estimation in agricultural fields
(Oct 2024)
vegspec: A compilation of spectral vegetation indices and transformations in Python
(Oct 2024)
Soil chemistry determinations using neutron-gamma analysis
(Sep 2024)
Influence of biochar-herbicide interactions on weed control efficacy in sandy soil in Alabama
(Sep 2024)
Long-term response of bahaigrass pastures to elevated atmospheric CO2 and fertility management: Forage quality
(Sep 2024)
Soil mapping for carbon sequestration and regenerative agriculture using gamma analysis technology
(Sep 2024)
Measuring and mapping soil moisture in agricultural fields by neutron-gamma analysis
(Sep 2024)
Co-transport and deposition of biochar and arsenic through saturated porous media
(Sep 2024)
Fertilizer and lime impacts on edaphic mesofauna in a southern Brazil loblolly pine system
(Sep 2024)
Evaluating the tolerance of harmful algal blooms to copper sulfate pentahydrate
(Sep 2024)
Does covering broiler litter in open field minimize nutrient losses and reduce environmental concerns
(Sep 2024)
Evaluating UAV-based remote sensing for hay yield estimation
(Aug 2024)
A novel approach to mapping corn chlorophyll content using a spectral-based airborne sensor
(Jul 2024)
Tagged neutron technique for in-situ soil composition determination
(Jul 2024)
Advancements in field measurement of soil composition: Introducing the tagged neutron technique mobile system
(Jul 2024)
VARI as an indicator of site productivity of Pinus taeda L.: soil, litter, and plant nutrition
(Jun 2024)
A global atlas of soil viruses reveals unexplored biodiversity and potential biogeochemical impacts
(Jun 2024)
Improving corn nitrogen recommendations through on-farm research
(Jun 2024)
Microbial proxies for anoxic microsites vary with management and partially explain soil carbon concentration
(Jun 2024)
The LTAR cropland common experiment at the Texas Gulf
(Jun 2024)
Soil biological and physical measurements did not improve the predictability of corn response to phosphorus fertilization
(Jun 2024)
Monte-Carlo simulations for soil content determinations on Atlas
(Jun 2024)
Understanding how phosphorus could be removed in aquaculture ponds by gypsum
(Jun 2024)
The LTAR-integrated grazing land common experiment at the Texas Gulf
(May 2024)
Long-term effects of recycled paper alkaline waste use on soil, litter, weeds, and development and nutrition of Pinus taeda L
(May 2024)
Preferential flow of phosphorus and nitrogen under steady-state saturated conditions
(May 2024)
Magnesium doped biochar for simultaneous adsorption of phosphate and nitrogen ions from aqueous solution
(May 2024)
Relationship between pH and base saturation associated with soil cation exchange capacity in soils of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
(May 2024)
Effects of swine manure dilution with lagoon effluent on microbial
communities and odor formation in pit recharge systems
(May 2024)
Evaluating the resistance of phytoplankton to copper sulfate pentahydrate
(Apr 2024)
Development of a multiple linear regression (MLR) model for copper toxicity to phytoplankton
(Apr 2024)
Carbon analysis of large soil samples using the tagged neutron method: Accounting for radiation attenuation
(Apr 2024)
Weed competition below ground: A three-year study
(Apr 2024)
Version 1.3.0 - pyfao56: FAO-56 evapotranspiration in Python
(Apr 2024)
SHAPEv1.0 scoring curves and peer group benchmarks for dynamic soil health indicators
(Apr 2024)
Monitoring cotton water status with microtensiometers
(Apr 2024)
Long-term cropping management practices affect the biochemical properties of an Alabama Ultisol
(Apr 2024)
Evaluation of RothC model for predicting soil organic carbon stock in north-west Ethiopia
(Apr 2024)
Evaluation of the impact of gypsum as a novel bedding material on broiler performance, foot pad health, and fear response
(Apr 2024)
Evaluating the sensitivity of phytoplankton to copper sulfate pentahydrate at industry standard doses in hypereutrophic communities
(Mar 2024)
Development of a multiple linear regression (MLR) model for copper toxicity to phytoplankton
(Mar 2024)
Ancient prairies as a reference for soil organic carbon content and microbial community structure
(Mar 2024)
Temporal variability is a major source of uncertainty in soil carbon measurements
(Mar 2024)
Investigating the role of pH effects on the efficacy of copper sulfate pentahydrate in mitigating harmful algal blooms and off-flavors
(Mar 2024)
Application of biochar in agricultural systems
(Mar 2024)
Understanding the role of active carbon in sugarbeet cropping systems
(Mar 2024)
Characterization of soil pores in strip-tilled and conventionally-tilled soil using X-ray computed tomography
(Feb 2024)
Biochar as a media amendment in container plant production of viola and daylily: Greenhouse gas emissions, plant growth, and N leachate
(Feb 2024)
Belowground response of a bahiagrass pasture to long-term elevated [CO2] and soil fertility management
(Feb 2024)
Winter wheat response to winter pea cover crop under dryland cropping
(Jan 2024)
Evaluating intra-field spatial variability for nutrient management zone delineation through geospatial techniques and multivariate analysis
(Jan 2024)
Net greenhouse gas balance in U.S. croplands: How can soils be part of the climate solution?
(Dec 2023)
Is magnesium deficiency the major cause of needle chlorosis of Pinus taeda in Brazil?
(Dec 2023)
Influence of biochar addition to nursery container media: trace gas efflux, growth, and leachate N.
(Dec 2023)
Effects of vertical load and inflation pressure on tire-soil interaction on artificial soil
(Dec 2023)
Impacts of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on water quality and the algal community in catfish aquaculture ponds
(Dec 2023)
A hydrothermal model to predict Russian thistle (Salsola tragus) seedling emergence in the dryland of the Pacific Northwest (USA)
(Nov 2023)
Revamping nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for Missouri
(Nov 2023)
Revamping nitrogen fertilizer recommendations for Missouri
(Nov 2023)
Soil health assessment at the national scale
(Nov 2023)
Struvite as a phosphorus source in potato
(Nov 2023)
Effects of selected manure sources on runoff, soil loss, and nutrient transport
(Nov 2023)
Mobile inelastic neutron scattering (MINS) system
(Nov 2023)
Corn yield variance in response to nitrogen fertilization
(Nov 2023)
Perspectives on the future of soil carbon modeling in agroecosystems
(Oct 2023)
Soil health assessment at the national scale
(Oct 2023)
Leveraging 132 years of research from Sanborn Field to understand soil health
(Oct 2023)
Sanborn Field: Challenges and Opportunities
(Oct 2023)
Neutron-gamma soil elemental content determination for field mapping
(Oct 2023)
Nitrogen biological additives in corn: Understanding the spatial response of Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40
(Oct 2023)
Quantifying carbon sequestration with proximal soil sensors
(Oct 2023)
Soil carbon increase from crop roots and amendments still present twelve years later
(Oct 2023)
Life cycle assessment of a decoupled biofloc aquaponics facility across seasons
(Oct 2023)
Positive and negative impacts of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on water quality
(Oct 2023)
Application of neutron-gamma technologies for soil elemental content determination
(Sep 2023)
Measuring and mapping subsurface soil elemental distribution using neutron-gamma analysis
(Sep 2023)
Can cultivar variation in yield help differentiate mechanisms underlying nutrient decline of soybean grown under elevated [CO2]?
(Sep 2023)
Assessment and application of EPIC in simulating upland rice productivity, soil water, and nitrogen dynamics under different nitrogen applications and planting windows
(Sep 2023)
Phosphorus adsorption using chemical and metal chloride activated biochars: Isotherms, kinetics and mechanism study
(Sep 2023)
Effectiveness of flue gas desulfurization gypsum in reducing phosphorus solubility in poultry litter when applied as an in-house amendment
(Aug 2023)
Cover crop effects on X-ray computed tomography-derived soil pore characteristics
(Jul 2023)
Wood production and nutritional status of Pinus taeda L. in response to fertilization and liming: a meta-analysis of the Americas
(Jul 2023)
Impact of land use/cover change and slope gradient on soil organic carbon stock in anjeni watershed, north-west ethiopia
(Jul 2023)
Application of neutron-gamma technologies for soil elemental content determination and mapping
(May 2023)
Neutron gamma analysis of soil carbon: post-irradiation physicochemical effects
(May 2023)
Modeling tire-soil compression resistance on artificial soil using the scaling law of pressure-soil sinkage relationship
(Apr 2023)
Hydrotreatment of pyrolysis bio-oil and triglyceride blends
(Apr 2023)
Biogeochemical impacts of flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGDG) in catfish aquaculture ponds
(Mar 2023)
Influence of broiler litter band positioning on cotton growth and yield in a Blackland Prairie soil
(Mar 2023)
Soil analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
(Mar 2023)
Effect of nitrogen application rate under organic and conventional systems on rice (Oryza sativa l.) growth, grain yield, soil properties, and greenhouse gas emissions
(Mar 2023)
Effects of elevated CO2 on the response of glyphosate resistant and susceptible Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) to varying rates of glyphosate
(Mar 2023)
Accumulation capacity of nickel and zinc in yerba mate cultivated in soils with contrasting parent materials
(Feb 2023)
Effect of increased deflection tire technology on soil compaction
(Feb 2023)
Variation in soil organic carbon over time in no-till versus minimum tillage dryland wheat-fallow
(Feb 2023)
Influence of gypsum and cover crop on greenhouse gas emissions in soybean cropping systems
(Feb 2023)
Sorptive removal of phosphorus by flue gas desulfurization gypsum in batch and column systems
(Feb 2023)
Influence of flue gas desulfurization gypsum on phosphorus loss in pine bark substrates
(Jan 2023)
Soil rut effects on planter performance for cotton in a conservation tillage system
(Dec 2022)
Quantification of net greenhouse gases emissions from U.S. croplands using data-model integration
(Dec 2022)
Effects of flue gas desulfurization gypsum-amended poultry litter on nutrient release and crop yield
(Nov 2022)
Effects of flue gas desulfurization gypsum-amended poultry litter on nutrient release and water quality
(Nov 2022)
Soil mapping for precision agriculture using mobile inelastic neutron scattering technology
(Nov 2022)
Controlling harmful algal blooms in aquaculture ponds using flue gas desulfurization gypsum (FGDG)
(Nov 2022)
Neutron-gamma technologies for carbon sequestration assessments
(Nov 2022)
Phosphorus solubility in traditional versus gypsum treated poultry litter and its environmental implications
(Sep 2022)
Effects of poultry litter with flue gas desulfurization gypsum bedding on nutrient release and water quality
(Sep 2022)
Nitrate losses in subsurface drainage and nitrous oxide emissions from a winter camelina relay cropping system reveal challenges to sustainable intensification
(Aug 2022)
Effects of soil neutron irradiation in soil carbon neutron gamma analysis
(Aug 2022)
Piling secondary subtropical forest residue: long-term impacts on soil, trees, and weeds
(Jul 2022)
Tillage timing to improve soil water storage in Mediterranean long fallow
(Jul 2022)
Exploring alternate methods for predicting sorption-desorption parameters for environmental phosphorus loss assessment in poultry litter impacted soils
(Jun 2022)
Synchronizing nitrogen fertilization and planting date to improve resource use efficiency, productivity, and profitability of upland rice
(May 2022)
Within-field variability in nutrients for site-specific agricultural management in irrigated cornfield
(May 2022)
Improving yield and health of legume crops via co-inoculation with rhizobia and Trichoderma: A global meta-analysis
(Apr 2022)
Predicting soil organic carbon dynamics of integrated crop-livestock system in Brazil using the CQESTR model
(Mar 2022)
Neutron-gamma soil analysis for digital agriculture
(Mar 2022)
Temporal and spatial variability in 3D soil macropore characteristics determined using X-ray computed tomography
(Feb 2022)
Bridging the gap between microbial ecology and modeling to improve N2O models
(Nov 2021)
Effects of gypsum-amended poultry litter on nutrient release and crop yield
(Nov 2021)
Identification of optimum side dress nitrogen rate for dryland corn using poultry litter as starter fertilizer
(Nov 2021)
Determination of phosphorus loss in runoff from soils with different soil test phosphorus ratings
(Nov 2021)
Effects of gypsum-amended poultry litter on nutrient release and runoff from a hayfield
(Nov 2021)
Phosphorus solubility in traditional versus gypsum treated poultry litter
(Nov 2021)
Does the applied gauge-wheel loads have influence on seeding depth and soil structure?
(Jul 2021)
Variability of gauge-wheel loads resulting from a hydraulic downforce system and the impacts on corn seeding depth and emergence
(Jul 2021)
Determining trace gas efflux from container production of woody nursery crops
(May 2017)