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Waste Utilization
item Recharge drives microbial heterogeneity in a karst aquifer of the northern United States (Aug 2024)
item Quantitative microbial risk assessment with microbial source tracking for mixed fecal sources contaminating recreational river waters, Iowa, USA (Jun 2024)
item Des Moines water trails: health risk from waterborne pathogens during recreational water use (Jun 2024)
item Two risk assessments: Evaluating the use of indicator HF183 bacteroides versus pathogen measurements for modelling recreational illness risks in an urban watershed (Jun 2024)
item Temporal and spatial variation of nitrate, fecal indicator bacteria, and microbial source tracking markers in private well water from a karst aquifer (Jun 2024)
item Community-level microbial responses to recharge and fecal contamination in a karst aquifer (Jun 2024)
item Human and livestock fecal source tracking for antibiotic resistance genes in rural private well water (Jun 2024)
item Combining microbial source tracking with quantitative microbial risk assessment in recreational water contaminated by mixed fecal sources, Iowa, USA (Jun 2024)
item Alternative hemodialysis ultrafilter for sampling microbes in water (Jun 2024)
item Sea-level rise and Arsenic-rich soils: A toxic relationship (May 2024)
item Applying Red Mud in Cadmium Contamination Remediation: A Scoping Review (May 2024)
item Impact of recharge and fecal contamination on microbial communities in a karst aquifer (Apr 2024)
item Health risk from waterborne human and livestock pathogens during swimming, kayaking, and fishing (Apr 2024)
item Fecal source tracking and land use associations for antibiotic resistance genes in private wells (Apr 2024)
item Fecal source tracking for antibiotic resistance genes in private wells in southwest Wisconsin (Apr 2024)
item Evaluating association of runoff risk advisory forecasts with private well contamination in Kewaunee County, WI (Apr 2024)
item Alternative hemodialysis ultrafilter for sampling microbes in water (Apr 2024)
item Saltwater intrusion increases phosphorus abundance and alters availability in coastal soils with implications for future sea level rise (Apr 2024)
item Beef cattle feedlot runoff impacts on soil antimicrobial resistance (Apr 2024)
item Stocking methods for greener pastures (Mar 2024)
item Perspective: Expanding transdisciplinary-collaborative research to graduate education (Mar 2024)
item Mitigation of viruses of concern and bacteriophage surrogates via common unit processes for water reuse: a meta-analysis (Feb 2024)
item Carbon fate, iron dissolution, and molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter in Yedoma permafrost thaw under varying redox conditions (Feb 2024)
item Quantitative microbial risk assessment for ingestion of antibiotic resistance genes from private wells contaminated by human and livestock fecal sources (Feb 2024)
item Arsenic sorption and oxidation by natural manganese-oxide-enriched soils: Reaction kinetics respond to varying environmental conditions (Dec 2023)
item Influence of pasture stocking method on surface runoff and nutrient loss in the US Upper Midwest (Nov 2023)
item Runoff water quality in hay and pasture systems (Nov 2023)
item Grazing system impacts on surface runoff water quality compared to a hay crop production field with broadcast manure application (Nov 2023)
item Evaluation of idexx quantitray for quantification and isolation of antibiotic resistant bacteria (Nov 2023)
item Changes in the antibiotic resistome over 71 years in soils of the U.S. plains (Oct 2023)
item CRISPR-Cas inhibits plasmid transfer and immunizes bacteria against antibiotic resistance acquisition in manure (Oct 2023)
item Chromium speciation and mobility in contaminated coastal urban soils affected by water salinity and redox conditions (Sep 2023)
item Above and belowground litter decomposition of cover crops grazed at different intensities (Aug 2023)
item Community intervention trial for estimating the risk of acute gastrointestinal illness from groundwater-supplied non-disinfected drinking water (Aug 2023)
item When and why adjust environmental sequence relative abundances using Q-PCR (Aug 2023)
item Factors influencing ammonia concentrations above corn fields after dairy manure application (Aug 2023)
item Grazing intensity effects on sward responses of UF Riata Bahiagrass (Aug 2023)
item An Outbreak of Shiga Toxin–Producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 Associated with a Farming Camp — Tennessee, 2022 (Jul 2023)
item Exposure rates for ingestion of antibiotic resistance genes from rural private wells contaminated by human and livestock fecal sources (Jun 2023)
item Methane emissions and 13C composition from beef steers consuming binary C3-C4 diets (Jun 2023)
item A one health study on antimicrobial resistance in rural groundwater (Jun 2023)
item Notes from the field: shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli linked to raw milk consumption among participants in a cow share agreement – Tennessee 2022 (Apr 2023)
item Scanning x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and micro-x-ray absorption near-edge structure analysis as a guiding tool for the conservation treatment of two eighteenth-century Philadelphian portraits (Apr 2023)
item Strip cropping (Mar 2023)
item Erosion control systems (Feb 2023)
item Higher concentrations of microplastics in runoff from biosolid-amended croplands than manure-amended croplands (Feb 2023)
item Chiral separation of metolachlor metabolites in a single, large volume injection to facilitate watershed tracer studies (Feb 2023)
item Synchrotron resolved microscale and bulk mineralogy in manganese-rich soils and associated pedogenic concretions (Jan 2023)
item Invited Review: Ecosystem services provided by grasslands in the Southeast United Stataes (Dec 2022)
item Microbial source tracking and land use associations for antibiotic resistance genes in private wells influenced by human and livestock fecal sources (Dec 2022)
item Two-step multi-residue antibiotic extraction method for comparison of antibiotic concentrations in manure as it moves through a manure treatment system (Dec 2022)
item Greenhouse gas emissions with low disturbance liquid dairy manure incorporation into a live winter cereal cover crop-corn system (Nov 2022)
item Manure application timing and incorporation effects on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions in corn (Nov 2022)
item Nitrogen, phosphorus, and snowmelt runoff losses after application of dairy manure with variable solids content (Nov 2022)
item The clinic vs the farm: exploring prevalence and function of CRISPR-Cas in agriculturally relevant niches (Nov 2022)
item Trans enantiomeric separation of MESA and MOXA, two environmentally important metabolites of the herbicide, metolachlor (Oct 2022)
item Stable isotopes of C and N differ in their ability to reconstruct diets of cattle fed C3–C4 forage diets (Oct 2022)
item Neonicotinoid pesticide and nitrate mixture removal and persistence in floating treatment wetlands (Oct 2022)
item Intake, digestibility, and nitrogen balance by sheep offered ensiled tall fescue, meadow fescue or orchardgrass that was fertilized with dairy slurry or urea (Sep 2022)
item Grazing management effects on cover crop responses and cotton lint yield (Sep 2022)
item Canopy characterization and nutritive value of stockpiled 'Floralta' limpograss (Hemarthria altissima) (Aug 2022)
item Inclusion of a tannin-rich legume in the diet of beef steers reduces greenhouse gas emissions from their excreta (Aug 2022)
item Targeting current and future threats: Recent methodological trends in environmental antimicrobial resistance research and their relationship to risk assessment (Jul 2022)
item Effects of feeding mode on the performance, life span and greenhouse gas emissions of a vertical flow macrophyte assisted vermifilter (Jul 2022)
item Composition and decomposition of rhizoma peanut (Arachis glabrata benth) belowground biomass (Jun 2022)
item The clinic vs the farm: exploring prevalence and function of CRISPR-Cas in agriculturally relevant niches (Jun 2022)
item Assessing private well contamination in Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette counties, Wisconsin: The southwest Wisconsin groundwater and geology study (May 2022)
item A review: Enteric methane emissions and animal performance in dairy and beef cattle production: enumerating the opportunities and impact of reducing emissions (Apr 2022)
item Nutritive value and storage characteristics of large-round bales of alfalfa-grass or perennial-grass hays treated with a propionic acid-based preservative at elevated application presets (Mar 2022)
item Variation in cadmium accumulation and speciation within the same population of the hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens grown in a moderately contaminated soil (Mar 2022)
item Manure and septic systems: The microbial health risk from contaminated household wells in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin (Mar 2022)
item Effects of harvest date and growth stage on triticale forages in the southwest United States: agronomic characteristics, nutritive value, energy density, and in-vitro disappearance of dry matter and fiber (Mar 2022)
item Effects of harvest date and growth stage on triticale forages in the southwest USA: Kinetics of in-vitro disappearance of fiber and dry matter (Mar 2022)
item Organic matter: The backbone of soil health (Feb 2022)
item Soil microbiomes in three farming systems more affected by depth than farming system (Jan 2022)
item Performance efficiency of conventional treatment plants and constructed wetlands towards reduction of antibiotic resistance (Jan 2022)
item Grazing cool-season cover crops in North Florida (Jan 2022)
item Alfalfa yield impacts of low-disturbance manure application (Dec 2021)
item The balance of manure management (Nov 2021)
item Recycling and management of manure in forage crops (Nov 2021)
item Tracking nitrogen transfer in grass-legume systems using enriched 15N2 during the warm season (Nov 2021)
item Unravelling the role of condensed tannins in ruminants using stable isotopes (Nov 2021)
item Above and belowground litter decomposition of cover crops grazed at different intensities (Nov 2021)
item Belowground responses of rhizoma peanut-bahiagrass mixtures across three on-farm locations (Nov 2021)
item Impacts of drainage water management on phosphorus and nitrogen losses from northern New York corn silage fields (Nov 2021)
item Manure and septic systems: The microbial health risk from contaminated household wells in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin (Nov 2021)
item Challenges and successes in identifying the transfer and transformation of phosphorus from soils to open waters and sediments (Oct 2021)