Location: Food Animal Environmental Systems Research
2017 Annual Report
Obj 1: Enhance the benefits of using animal manure as means of improving soil productivity for longterm production systems. 1.1 Improve soil health/quality through a longterm mngmnt practice involving animal manure, cover crop, & crop rotation. 1.2 Determine if poultry litter application timing (fall/spring) & cover crop (cover crop/no cover crop) affects on corn N use efficiency & yield. 1.3 Develop improved models for describing phosphorus cycling in soils amended with animal manure. 1.4 Develop an energy-efficient & cost-effective method of capturing ammonia from animal facilities & subsequent usage as fertilizer. 1.5 Evaluate poultry litter application on the incidence of Clostridium botulinum in haylage forage harvest systems & stand persistence. 1.6 Improve sustainability through a management strategy using cover crop grazing & animal manure to improve soil quality & fertility while increasing grain & livestock production. 1.7 Combining a multi-proxy investigation of agricultural contaminant transport in Karst groundwater systems & informal education to improve stewardship & best management practices.
Obj 2: Develop strategies for managing the survival & transport of antibiotics, pathogens & indicator species through agroecosystems. 2.1 Determine whether biochar-amended sand filters are an effective management practice for removing pathogenic & indicator microorganisms from tile drainage waters. 2.2 Characterize persistence and transmission of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance (AR) genes, AR mobile genetic elements and AR bacteria through agro-ecosystems. 2.3 Determine factors controlling adhesion & survival of manure-borne pathogens in manured soils & on crops & identify mitigation strategies. 2.4 Develop of methods for measuring antibiotics in agricultural samples & the correlation of the presence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. 2.5 Develop a strategy for rapid detection & deletion of antibiotic resistance genes using DNA-binding domain based nucleases.
Obj 3: Assess gaseous & particulate matter emissions resulting from animal prod. facil. & manure application sites. 3.1 Develop methods for the determination of VOC that contribute to malodorous emissions from field applied manures & use these methods to compare emissions from different manure application methods to field crops. 3.2 Obtain field measurements of the temporal variability of gas & particulate matter emissions. 3.3 Determine the fate of atmospheric N and sulfur emissions from agricultural systems. 3.4 Measure & model the fates of VOCs, PM, & GHGs from agricultural systems. 3.5 Model the chemical partitioning of N compounds between gas & particulate phase.
Obj 4: Improve production efficiency & emissions management of renewable bioenergy production systems using technologies such as anaerobic digesters. 4.1 Investigate biogas production and substrate utilization of poultry litter & use microaeration to improve biogas production. 4.2 Optimize anaerobic digestion of poultry wastes to reduce emissions & obtain bioenergy for sustainability. 4.3 Develop novel & cost-effective composite alginate filter materials to capture ammonia, GHG, odors from livestock prod. facil.
This project was conceived as a cooperative/partnership and comprehensive research program between ARS and Cooperator. The project is designed to utilize the scientific expertise and facilities of both institutions to conduct problem-solving research related to animal waste management in Kentucky and the southeastern U.S. Through a series of innovative, cooperative research experiments at the animal production facilities and manure application sites, we will investigate manure microbial and nutrient losses as gas and through runoff water and odorous compounds from land and animal production sites. We will also determine levels of these compounds/contaminants in manure, application sites, and loading rates in agroecosystems. We will also investigate and find solutions to the environmental and agronomic problems such as nutrients, pathogens, greenhouse gases (GHGs), ammonia, odor-causing VOCs, particulates, dust, and sediment associated with animal production facilities and manure application lands. This will be accomplished based on new knowledge gained through the multidisciplinary approaches and the expertise of the scientists at this location through basic and applied research in the laboratory and in real farming sites and animal production environments. We will use the research results and develop best management practices (BMPs) for crop production on land receiving animal manure with regard to manure application timing, rate, nutrient, and loss of hazardous compounds within the agroecosystem of the unique “karst topography” common to this region. The research effort will be multi-disciplinary and multifaceted in support of decision making and systems development. Information generated from this research will be integrated into regional and national databases and statistical models to contribute towards improved environmental quality, sustainability, and economic viability of farms.
Progress Report
The research conducted under the objectives/sub-objectives of the project plan addresses environmental and agronomic problems related to the use of animal manure and other agricultural waste including nutrients, pathogens, greenhouse gases (GHGs), odor causing volatile organic compounds, dust and sediment associated with animal production facilities and manure application sites. The research also determines best management practices (BMPs) for crop production on land receiving animal manure and agricultural waste with regard to crop management and soil types particularly in unique “karst topography”. Following are research related activities and progress for the past year:
1. Two field plot studies were initiated under Objective 1 (Enhance the benefits of using animal manure as means of improving soil productivity for long term production systems). Field experiments were established as a randomized complete block on a Crider silt loam soil type. The crop rotation (corn, beans, and wheat), cover crops, and timing of manure application is designed to investigate how maximizing the five principles of soil health management practices (no-till, organic matter, live roots, plant diversity and animal manure) can improve soil’s physical, biological, and chemical properties and demonstrate sustainability and reduction in chemical fertilizer usage. Three fertilizer treatments [poultry litter, chemical fertilizer, and control (no fertilizer or litter applied)] were assigned to a plot size of 20’ x 60’, and planted with corn for the current growing season. Cover crops were rolled down or killed by chemical application prior to the planting of the next rotation crop. A field plot site was also identified and prepared for the fall vs. spring manure application study to begin in October 2017.
2. Research investigating the modeling of phosphorus cycling in soils is ongoing. The accuracy of a commonly used phosphorus cycling model is being evaluated by comparing model predictions with phosphorus sorption data compiled from published studies. A significant limitation with the existing model has been identified and modifications to the model are being tested against published data with the goal of developing an improved model for describing P cycling in soils.
3. Research is being conducted to determine whether biochar-amended sand filters are an effective management strategy for removing pathogenic and indicator microorganisms from tile-drainage waters. Experiments using a commercially-available biochar have been evaluated at application rates of 15 and 30 % (by volume). Two sand sizes have been investigated. Preliminary results indicate that the addition of the commercial biochar greatly reduces the transport of E. coli and Salmonella through laboratory-scale biofilters. The next set of experiments will investigate the role of flow rate and concentration of dissolved carbon in the aqueous solution.
4. Significant progress was made in designing a field trial with three treatment groups to evaluate the effect of poultry litter on the emergence and persistence of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in comparison with commercial fertilizer or un-amended soil. The experiment was initiated and soil samples were collected at three time points, and are cultured for total E. coli and enterococci and resistant strains of these bacterial genera to the selected antibiotics.
5. Significant progress was made with the first experiment in which 20 weaned calves were randomly allocated to receive tylosin medicated feed continuously or to receive non medicated feed to serve as a control group. The experimental animals are being followed for the entire feeding period. Fecal samples were collected at 4 time points, and are cultured for total E. coli and enterococci and resistant strains of these bacterial genera to the selected antibiotics.
6. Gas and particulate data was collected using a suite of analytical methods at the cooperating poultry house during two seasons so far. Data is being analyzed in-house and with collaborating students from Western Kentucky University.
7. ARS researchers analyzed data collected from the environmental chamber experiments at the University of California, Riverside. The inorganic nitrogen (ammonia) and inorganic sulfur (hydrogen sulfide) experiments show minimal reactions and product formation. We have already started looking at year two goals by examining organic nitrogen and sulfur compound interactions which are showing significantly enhanced chemistry.
8. Experiments were completed with continuously fed anaerobic digesters developed to study the effect of supplemental aeration to improve biogas production from a normally recalcitrant feedstock, poultry litter. It was found that low levels of aeration could improve biogas production by up to 70% when compared to strictly anaerobic digesters and also improve waste degradation without losses in biogas quality.
9. Construction is nearing completion of two pilot-scale anaerobic digester/sequencing batch reactor wastewater treatment systems. Each system is composed of a 3-stage process using anaerobic and aerobic treatments. Treated water from the systems is discharged into a 8,000 gallon lagoon, water from which will be recirculated into the wastewater treatment as process water for incorporating the feed for the system. Experiments were initiated to determine if these treatments could be used for the degradation of poultry litter waste.
10. Continuing field study in monitoring and optimization of biochemical factors on methane production from a complete-mixed anaerobic digestion system (300K gallons) of poultry litter and potential co-substrates is in progress to understand the effect of operating parameters and feedstock on biogas production. Just completed, lab-scale systems (200 L) of anaerobic digestion of poultry rendering wastewater to examine the effect of various system parameters on biogas production. Pilot-scale anaerobic digesters (2000 L) will be constructed to examine the physico-chemical and biological effects on biogas production from woody feedstocks such as poultry litter. In addition, study on the extraction and characterization of nanoparticles and nanofibers from agricultural residues for agricultural air pollution mitigation is in progress. Evaluation of nanotechnology in antimicrobial and odors reduction in livestock production is underway as well.
1. Effect of manure application rate and timing on the leaching and runoff potential of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and their associated genes. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) are often found in swine lagoon effluent. Because land application is the most common method of disposing of swine lagoon effluent, there exists the potential threat of contaminating the underlying groundwater with resistant bacteria and their antibiotic-resistant genes. Research at Bowling Green, Kentucky centered on improving our scientific understanding of the effect of liquid swine manure application rate and timing on soil leaching of ARB and their associated genes. Results showed that application of the swine lagoon effluent did not significantly elevate the risk of ARB transport through laboratory columns packed with a fine sand soil. In experiments using swine manure spiked with antibiotic-resistant E. coli and Salmonella, recovery of both microorganisms eluted from fine sand columns was affected by both manure application rate and time interval between manure application and rainfall event; recovery of genetic determinants, however, was mostly unaffected but some differences were observed. These results indicate that manure management strategies that reduce total manure application and avoid manure application prior to large rain events may reduce the potential for contaminating groundwater supplies with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
2. Evaluation of molecular assay for a rapid detection of Salmonella in beef cattle. Food animal production environment presents a complex challenge for the persistence of foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella. Cattle are asymptomatic carriers of Salmonella continuously shedding bacteria into the environment resulting in hide contamination which can subsequently lead to carcass contamination posing a significant food safety risk. In collaboration with ARS scientists in Clay Center, Nebraska, scientists from a commercial manufacturer, and an ARS scientist in Bowling Green, Kentucky conducted a study to evaluate an automated detection assay for the detection and quantification of Salmonella from rectoanal mucosal swabs (RAMS) collected from beef cattle. When tested on enriched RAMS samples, this method was 100% sensitive and specific for the detection of Salmonella. When used on RAMS samples without enrichment it showed 67% sensitivity and 100% specificity compared to a culture method. This method provided a rapid and reliable procedure for the detection and quantification of Salmonella from RAMS in feedlot cattle, reducing time to result by 3 days, reducing labor and supply cost, with the potential for improvement of the safety of beef supply, through early detection.
3. Evaluation of rectoanal mucosal swab sampling for molecular detection of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in beef cattle. Cattle are a primary reservoir of EHEC, and contaminated beef products are a source of human infections. The USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) declared 7 EHEC serogroups (O26, O45, O103, O111, O121, O145, and O157) as adulterants in raw ground beef. Sampling a large number of animals for EHEC surveillance or evaluations of EHEC-focused preharvest interventions requires a convenient and robust sampling method. In collaboration with ARS scientists in Clay Center, Nebraska, a scientist from a commercial partner, and an ARS scientist in Bowling Green, Kentucky evaluated the diagnostic performance of rectoanal mucosal swab (RAMS) for the molecular detection of the top 7 EHEC serogroups. RAMS detected higher proportions of samples positive for EHEC virulence genes than fecal grab sampling. RAMS and fecal grab sampling did not differ in classifying animals as positive for each of the 7 top EHEC serogroups. The reliability and accuracy of RAMS for the detection of the top 7 EHEC serogroups coupled with its convenience to obtain, ease of transportation, storage and processing, makes it a suitable sampling method for testing large number of cattle at farms to ensure beef safety.
4. Creating nanoparticles from agro-industrial residues for sustainability and antifungal in crop production. The ever-increasing human population has put a great pressure on our food production systems. To increase profit margin along with productivity, the utilization of fungicides (pesticides) to protect crops and reduce fungal diseases has contributed to the widespread of pesticides contamination in the environment since most of these applied pesticides reach destinations other than their intended targets. Thus, it is necessary to find a simple and environmental friendly way to counter or reduce the proliferation of these pesticides in the environment by utilizing naturally occurring antimicrobial agents. Scientists from Bowling Green, Kentucky and a university in South Korea carried out a study on nontoxic and eco-friendly methods for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles using agricultural residues along with the study on the antimicrobial (anti-fungal) properties of silver nanoparticles obtained from sugarcane leaf extracts. The results show that silver nanoparticles obtained from sugarcane leaf extracts have a remarkable activity against plant pathogenic fungi. Therefore, this method provides a potential eco-friendly and sustainable way for the synthesis of antimicrobial nanoparticles from agricultural wastes that may be useful in reducing pathogens.
5. Understanding the fate of mercury from Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Gypsum applied to edible crops. Increasing production of FGD gypsum from coal fired power plants has led to increased pressure for alternative uses of FGD gypsum. One promising avenue is land application of FGD gypsum to provide readily available sources of plant nutrients such as calcium. Land application of FGD gypsum also could help improve soil quality by reducing surface crusting and compaction, increasing water infiltration and retention which reduce water runoff and erosion, and improving soil stability. However, FGD gypsum also has higher mercury content than agriculture limestone or naturally occurring gypsum. Scientists from Bowling Green, Kentucky along with a university partner carried out a study utilizing corn as a model crop to determine the fate of mercury from FGD gypsum applied to agricultural lands. Mercury from FGD gypsum amended soils tends to stay in the vicinity of application and plant uptake is minimal within one harvest season, suggesting it is safe to use FGD gypsum for soil amendment in crop production.
6. Investigating biochar impact on soil health and corn yield. Past management of agricultural lands and other ecosystems has substantially degraded and reduced the quality of many soils throughout the world. In particular, mechanical cultivation and the continuous production of row crops has resulted in physical loss of soil, displacement through erosion, and large decreases in soil organic matter content with a concomitant release of CO2 to the atmosphere. Degraded soils and soil health in general can be remediated by utilization of biochar. Scientist from ARS lab in Bowling Green, Kentucky participated in an ARS multi-location to conduct field research to investigate the impact of utilizing biochar to improve soil quality and crop yield, applied alone or in combination with animal manure. Averaged across five reporting locations, biochar or biochar plus manure treatments significantly increased surface soil organic carbon (SOC) levels by about 47%, relative to control treatments. Analysis of three or four years of pooled biomass yield data from the six locations showed a significant location effect, but treatment effects were not significant. Hardwood biochar produced by fast pyrolysis can be an effective soil amendment for increasing SOC levels within a broad range of temperate soils, but crop yield responses should be anticipated only when specific soil quality problems limit productivity.
7. Biochar impact on soil health, crop productivity, microbial transport, and mine spoil reclamation. Interest in understanding our soil quality/health resources has been stimulated by increasing awareness that soil is a critically important component of the earth’s biosphere, functioning not only in the production of food and fiber but also in the maintenance of local, regional, and global environmental quality. Biochar is a carbon and nutrient enriched byproduct created from the pyrolysis of organic feedstocks such as crop residues, manures, biosolids, and wood waste products. The type of feedstocks and selection of pyrolysis conditions causes biochars to have a variety of pH values, surface areas, nutrient concentrations, porosity, and metal binding capabilities. These characteristics have propelled biochars use as an amendment to rebuild soil health characteristics, improve crop yields, increase soil water storage, and restore mine impacted soils/spoils. Scientist from ARS lab in Bowling Green, Kentucky participated in an ARS multi-locations study using hardwood biochar from the same supplier as a soil amendment to assess its impact on row crops (corn and sorghum) biomass and grain yield production. Results sorted by individual location revealed no consistent significant impact of biochar on crop yield. However, positive impact of biochar application particularly in combination with animal manure on soil chemical and physical properties were observed.
Review Publications
Abdi, R.D., Agga, G.E., Aregawi, W.G., Bekana, M., Van Leeuwen, T., Delespaux, V., Duchateau, L. 2017. A systematic review and meta-analysis of trypanosome prevalence in tsetse flies. BMC Veterinary Research. 13:100. doi:10.1186/s12917-017-1012-9.
Abdissa, R., Haile, W., Fite, A.T., Beyi, A.F., Agga, G.E., Edao, B.M., Tadesse, F., Korsa, M.G., Beyene, T., Beyene, T.J., De Zutter, L., Cox, E., Goddeeris, B.M. 2017. Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef cattle at slaughter and beef carcasses at retail shops in Ethiopia. BMC Infectious Diseases. 17:277. doi:10.1186/s12879-017-2372-2.
Agga, G.E., Arthur, T.M., Hinkley, S., Bosilevac, J.M. 2017. Evaluation of rectoanal mucosal swab sampling for molecular detection of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli in beef cattle. Journal of Food Protection. 80(4):661-667. doi:10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-16-435.
Arthur, T.M., Kalchayanand, N., Agga, G.E., Wheeler, T.L., Koohmaraie, M. 2017. Evaluation of bacteriophage application to cattle in lairage at beef processing plants to reduce Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence on hides and carcasses. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 14(1):17-22. doi:10.1089/fpd.2016.2189.
Mebratu, Y.A., Smith, K.R., Agga, G.E., Tesfaigzi, Y. 2016. Inflammation and emphysema in cigarette smoke-exposed mice when instilled with poly (I:C) or infected with influenza A or respiratory syncytial viruses. Respiratory Research. 17(1):75. doi:10.1186/s12931-016-0392-x.
Forsberg, T.A., Radcliffe, D.E., Bolster, C.H., Mittelstet, A., Storm, D.E., Osmond, D. 2017. Evaluation of the TBET model for potential improvement of southern P indices. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2016.06.0210.
Manikandan, V., Velmurugan, P., Park, J., Lovanh, N.C., Seo, S., Javanthi, P., Cho, M., Oh, B. 2016. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of palladium nanoparticles from Prunus × yedoensis leaf extract. Materials Letters. 185:335-338.
Price, D.J., Kacarab, M.E., Cocker, D.R., Purvis-Roberts, K.L., Silva, P.J. 2016. Effects of temperature on the formation of secondary organic aerosol from amine precursors. Atmospheric Environment. 50(11):1216-1226. doi:10.1080/02786826.2016.1236182.
Simmons, J.R., Sistani, K.R., Pote, D.H., Ritchey, E.L., Jn-Baptiste, M., Tewolde, H. 2016. Corn response and soil nutrient concentration from subsurface application of poultry litter. Agronomy Journal. 108:1674-1680.
Tewolde, H., Sistani, K.R., McLaughlin, M.R. 2016. Residual effect of poultry litter applications on no-till cotton lint yield. Agronomy Journal. 108:1405-1414.
Laird, D.A., Novak, J.M., Collins, H.P., Ippolito, J.A., Karlen, D.L., Lentz, R.D., Sistani, K.R., Spokas, K.A., Van Pelt, R.S. 2016. Multi-year and multi-location soil quality and crop biomass yield responses to hardwood fast pyrolysis biochar. Geoderma. 289:46-53.
Sistani, K.R., Simmons, J.R., Warren, J.G., Higgins, S. 2017. Nitrogen source and application method impact on corn yield and nutrient uptake. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 40(6):878-889.
Bolster, C.H., Forsberg, A., Mittelstet, A., Radcliffe, D., Storm, D., Ramirez-Avila, J., Osmond, D. 2017. Comparing an annual and daily time-step model for predicting field-scale phosphorus loss. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2016.04.0159.
Manikandan, V., Lee, J., Chang, W., Lovanh, N.C., Park, Y., Jayanthi, P., Velmurugan, P., Oh, B. 2017. Fabrication, optimization, and characterization of noble silver nanoparticles from sugarcane leaves (Saccharum officinarum) extract for antifungal application. 3 Biotech. 7:147. doi:10.1007/s13205-017-0749-y.