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Research Project: Cereal Rust: Pathogen Biology and Host Resistance

Location: Cereal Disease Lab

Publications (Clicking on the reprint icon Reprint Icon will take you to the publication reprint.)

Comparison of meiotic transcriptomes of three maize inbreds with different origins reveals differences in cell cycle and recombination Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Garcia, N., Yin, L., Dukowic-Schulze, S., Milsted, C., Kianian, P.A., Kianian, S., Pawlowski, W.P., Chen, C. 2022. Comparison of meiotic transcriptomes of three maize inbreds with different origins reveals differences in cell cycle and recombination. BMC Genomics. 23:702.

A transcriptomic-guided strategy used in identification of a wheat rust pathogen target and modification of the target enhanced host resistance to rust pathogens Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nyamesorto, B., Zhang, H., Rouse, M.N., Wang, M., Chen, X., Huang, L. 2022. A transcriptomic-guided strategy used in identification of a wheat rust pathogen target and modification of the target enhanced host resistance to rust pathogens. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13. Article e962973.

Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici population causing recent wheat stem rust epidemics in Kazakhstan is highly diverse and includes novel virulence pathotypes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olivera, P.D., Szabo, L.J., Kokhmetova, A., Morgounov, A., Luster, D.G., Jin, Y. 2023. Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici population causing recent wheat stem rust epidemics in Kazakhstan is highly diverse and includes novel virulence pathotypes. Phytopathology. 112(11):2403-2415.

A chromosome-level, fully phased genome asssembly of the oat crown rust fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: A resource to enable comparative genomics in cereal rusts Reprint Icon - (Pre-print Publication)
Henningsen, E.C., Hewitt, T., Dugyala, S., Nazareno, E., Gilbert, E., Li, F., Kianian, S., Steffenson, B.J., Dodds, P.N., Sperschneider, J., Figueroa, M. 2022. A chromosome-level, fully phased genome asssembly of the oat crown rust fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: A resource to enable comparative genomics in cereal rusts. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics. 12(8).

A chromosome-level, fully phased genome asssembly of the oat crown rust fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: a resource to enable comparative genomics in cereal rusts Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Henningsen, E.C., Hewitt, T., Dugyala, S., Nazareno, E., Gilbert, E., Li, F., Kianian, S., Steffenson, B.J., Dodds, P.N., Sperschneider, J., Figueroa, M. 2022. A chromosome-level, fully phased genome asssembly of the oat crown rust fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: a resource to enable comparative genomics in cereal rusts. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics. 12(8). Article jkac149.

Wheat stem rust back in Europe: Diversity, prevalence and impact on host resistance Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Patpour, M., Hovmøller, M.S., Rodriguez-Algaba, J., Randazzo, B., Villegas, D., Shamanin, V.P., Berlin, A., Flath, K., Czembor, P., Hanzalova, A., Sliková, S., Skolotneva, E.S., Jin, Y., Szabo, L.J., Meyer, K.J., Valade, R., Thach, T., Hansen, J.G., Justesen, A.F. 2022. Wheat stem rust back in Europe: Diversity, prevalence and impact on host resistance. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13. Article 882440.

Adult plant leaf rust resistance QTL derived from wheat line CI13227 maps to chromosomes 2AL, 4BS, and 7AL Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Rouse, M.N. 2022. Adult plant leaf rust resistance QTL derived from wheat line CI13227 maps to chromosomes 2AL, 4BS, and 7AL. The Plant Genome. 15(3). Article e20215.

Origin and genetic analysis of stem rust resistance in wheat line Tr129 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Sharma, J.S., Fetch, T.G., Ghazvini, H., Rouse, M.N., Danilova, T., Friebe, B., Hiebert, C.W. 2022. Origin and genetic analysis of stem rust resistance in wheat line Tr129. Scientific Reports. 12. Article 4585.

Genome-wide investigation of maize RAD51 binding affinity through phage display Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Milsted, C., Dai, B., Garcia, N., Yin, L., He, Y., Kianian, S., Pawlowski, W., Chen, C. 2022. Genome-wide investigation of maize RAD51 binding affinity through phage display. BMC Genomics. 23. Article 199.

Report on hard red spring wheat varieties grown in cooperative plot and nursery experiments in the spring wheat region in 2021 - (Other)
Blecha, S.M., Kolmer, J.A., Anderson, J.A. 2022. Report on hard red spring wheat varieties grown in cooperative plot and nursery experiments in the spring wheat region in 2021. Hard Red Spring Wheat Quality Report. Available:

Report of the 2021 uniform regional scab nursery for spring wheat parents - (Other)
Blecha, S.M., Kolmer, J.A., Anderson, J.A. 2022. Report of the 2021 uniform regional scab nursery for spring wheat parents. Uniform Regional Scab Nursery for Spring Wheat Parents. Available:

Development of a diagnostic assay for differentiation between genetic groups in clades I, II, III and IV of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Szabo, L.J., Olivera, P.D., Wanyera, R., Visser, B., Jin, Y. 2022. Development of a diagnostic assay for differentiation between genetic groups in clades I, II, III and IV of Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. Plant Disease. 106(8):2211-2220.

A unique race of the wheat stem rust pathogen with virulence on Sr31 identified in Spain and reaction of wheat and durum cultivars to this race Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olivera, P.D., Villegas, D., Cantero-Martinez, C., Szabo, L.J., Rouse, M.N., Luster, D.G., Bartaula, R., Lopes, M.S., Jin, Y. 2022. A unique race of the wheat stem rust pathogen with virulence on Sr31 identified in Spain and reaction of wheat and durum cultivars to this race. Plant Pathology. 71(4):873-889.

Virulence phenotypes of the wheat leaf rust pathogen, Puccinia triticina, in the United States 2018-2020 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Fajolu, O.L. 2022. Virulence phenotypes of the wheat leaf rust pathogen, Puccinia triticina, in the United States 2018-2020. Plant Disease. 106(6):1723-1729.

Identification and characterization of Sr22b, a new allele of the wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr22 effective against the Ug99 race group Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Luo, J., Rouse, M.N., Hua, L., Li, H., Li, T., Zhang, W., Caixia, G., Wang, Y., Dubcovsky, J., Chen, S. 2021. Identification and characterization of Sr22b, a new allele of the wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr22 effective against the Ug99 race group. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 20:554-563.

Study of Triticum aestivum resistome in response to wheat dwarf India virus infection Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kumar, J., Rai, K.M., Kianian, S.F., Singh, S.P. 2021. Study of Triticum aestivum resistome in response to wheat dwarf India virus infection. Life. 11(9). Article 955.

Mapping and characterization of a wheat stem rust resistance gene in durum wheat 'Kronos' Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Li, H., Hua, L., Rouse, M.N., Li, T., Pang, S., Bai, S., Shen, T., Luo, J., Li, H., Zhang, W., Wang, X., Dubcovsky, J., Chen, S. 2021. Mapping and characterization of a wheat stem rust resistance gene in durum wheat 'Kronos'. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12. Article 751398.

Genotype groups of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in the United States as determined by genotyping by sequencing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Herman, A.C., Fellers, J.P. 2022. Genotype groups of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in the United States as determined by genotyping by sequencing. Phytopathology. 112(3):653-662.

Registration of 'Driver' hard red spring wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Glover, K.D., Kleinjan, J.L., Graham, C., Ali, S., Byamukama, E., Jin, Y., Ingemansen, J.A., Turnipseed, B., Dykes, L. 2021. Registration of 'Driver' hard red spring wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. Article e20165.

Wheat leaf rust in the United States in 2020 - (Other)
Kolmer, J.A., Fajolu, O.L. 2021. Wheat leaf rust in the United States in 2020. Wheat Newsletter. Available:

Genome-wide association mapping for yield and related traits under drought stressed and non-stressed environments in wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Al Rabbi, H.S., Kumar, A., Naraghi, S.M., Simsek, S., Sapkota, S., Solanki, S., Alamri, M.S., Elias, E.M., Kianian, S.F., Missaoui, A., Mergoum, M. 2021. Genome-wide association mapping for yield and related traits under drought stressed and non-stressed environments in wheat. Frontiers in Genetics. 12. Article: 649988.

Identification of candidate susceptibility genes to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Henningsen, E.C., Omidvar, V., Coletta, R.D., Michno, J., Gilbert, E., Li, F., Miller, M.E., Myers, C.L., Gordon, S.P., Vogel, J.P., Steffenson, B.J., Kianian, S.F., Hirsch, C.D., Figueroa, M. 2021. Identification of candidate susceptibility genes to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici in wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12. Article e657796.

Genome-wide association studies reveal all-stage rust resistance loci in elite durum wheat genotypes Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Aoun, M., Rouse, M.N., Kolmer, J.A., Kumar, A., Elias, E.M. 2021. Genome-wide association studies reveal all-stage rust resistance loci in elite durum wheat genotypes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12. Article e640739.

Two indigenous Berberis species from Spain were confirmed as alternate hosts of the yellow rust fungus Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rodriguez-Algaba, J., Hovmoller, M.S., Villegas, D., Cantero-Martinez, C., Jin, Y., Justesen, A.F. 2021. Two indigenous Berberis species from Spain were confirmed as alternate hosts of the yellow rust fungus Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici. Plant Disease. 105(9):2281-2285.

Field resistance to wheat stem rust in durum wheat accessions deposited at the USDA National Small Grains Collection Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olivera, P.D., Bulbula, W.D., Badebo, A., Bockelman, H.E., Edae, E.A., Jin, Y. 2021. Field resistance to wheat stem rust in durum wheat accessions deposited at the USDA National Small Grains Collection. Crop Science. 61(4):2565-2578.

Registration of 'MN-Washburn' hard red spring wheat containing barley yellow dwarf virus resistance gene bdv2 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Anderson, J.A., Wiersma, J.J., Reynolds, S.K., Conley, E.J., Caspers, R.A., Linkert, G.L., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Rouse, M.N., Dill-Macky, R., Smith, M.J., Dykes, L., Ohm, J. 2021. Registration of 'MN-Washburn' hard red spring wheat containing barley yellow dwarf virus resistance gene bdv2. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15(3):490-503.

Mapping and validation of stem rust resistance loci in spring wheat line CI 14275 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kosgey, Z.C., Edae, E.A., Dill-Macky, R., Jin, Y., Bulbula, W.D., Gemechu, A., Godwin, M., Bhavani, S., Randhawa, M.S., Rouse, M.N. 2021. Mapping and validation of stem rust resistance loci in spring wheat line CI 14275. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11. Article e609659.

Increased virulence of Puccinia coronata f. sp.avenae populations through allele frequency changes at multiple putative Avr loci Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Miller, M.E., Nazareno, E.S., Rottschaefer, S.M., Riddle, J.M., Dos Santos Pereira, D.A., Li, F., Nguyen-Phuc, H., Henningsen, E., Persoons, A., Saunders, D.G., Stukenbrock, E., Dodds, P., Kianian, S.F., Figueroa, M. 2020. Increased virulence of Puccinia coronata f. sp.avenae populations through allele frequency changes at multiple putative Avr loci. PLoS Genetics. 16(12). Article e1009291.

Genomic prediction of rust resistance in tetraploid wheat under field and controlled environment conditions Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Azizinia, S., Bariana, H., Kolmer, J.A., Pasam, R., Bhavani, S., Chhetri, M., Toor, A., Miah, H., Hayden, M.J., Del Carpio, D.P., Bansal, U., Daetwyler, H.D. 2020. Genomic prediction of rust resistance in tetraploid wheat under field and controlled environment conditions. Agronomy. 10. Article e1843.

A five-transgene cassette confers broad-spectrum resistance to a fungal rust pathogen in wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Luo, M., Xie, L., Chakraborty, S., Wang, A., Matny, O., Jugovich, M., Kolmer, J.A., Richardson, T., Bhatt, D., Hoque, M.S., Patpouir, M., Sorenson, C., Ortiz, D., Dodds, P., Steuernagel, B., Wulff, B.B., Upadhyaya, N.M., Mago, R., Periyannan, S., Lagudah, E., Freedman, R., Reuber, T.L., Steffenson, B.J., Ayliffe, M. 2021. A five-transgene cassette confers broad-spectrum resistance to a fungal rust pathogen in wheat. Nature Biotechnology. 39:561-566.

Genetic basis of spring wheat resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in Kazakhstan and Russia Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Morgounov, A., Pozherukova, V., Kolmer, J.A., Gultyaeva, E., Abugalieva, A., Chudinov, V., Kuzmin, O., Rasheed, A., Rsymbetov, A., Shepelev, S., Ydyrys, A., Yessimbekova, M., Shamanin, V. 2020. Genetic basis of spring wheat resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in Kazakhstan and Russia. Euphytica. 216. Article: 170.

Epigenetic control of Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kumar, J., Rai, K.M., Pirseyedi, S.M., Elias, E.M., Xu, S.S., Dill-Macky, R., Kianian, S.F. 2020. Epigenetic control of Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10. Article: 17610.

Extensive genetic variation at the Sr22 wheat stem rust resistance gene locus in the grasses revealed through evolutionary genomics and functional analyses Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hatta, A.M., Ghosh, S., Athiyannan, N., Richardson, T., Steuernagel, B., Yu, G., Rouse, M.N., Ayliffe, M., Lagudah, E.S., Radhakrishnan, G.V., Periyannan, S.K., Wulff, B.B. 2020. Extensive genetic variation at the Sr22 wheat stem rust resistance gene locus in the grasses revealed through evolutionary genomics and functional analyses. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 33(11):1286-1298.

Wheat leaf lust in the United States in 2019 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Fajolu, O.L. 2020. Wheat leaf lust in the United States in 2019. Wheat Newsletter. 66:89-91.

Adult plant leaf rust resistance in AC Taber wheat maps to chromosomes 2BS and 3BS Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Turner, M.K., Rouse, M.N., Anderson, J.A. 2021. Adult plant leaf rust resistance in AC Taber wheat maps to chromosomes 2BS and 3BS. Phytopathology. 111(2):380-385.

Association mapping of resistance to emerging stem rust pathogen races in spring wheat using genotyping-by-sequencing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Edae, E.A., Rouse, M.N. 2020. Association mapping of resistance to emerging stem rust pathogen races in spring wheat using genotyping-by-sequencing. The Plant Genome. 13(3). Article e20050.

The wheat Sr22, Sr33, Sr35, and Sr45 genes confer resistance against stem rust in barley Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hatta, M.M., Arora, S., Ghosh, S., Matny, O., Smedley, M.A., Yu, G., Chakraborty, S., Bhatt, D., Xia, X., Steuernagel, B., Richardson, T., Mago, R., Lagudah, E.S., Patron, N.J., Ayliffe, M., Rouse, M.N., Harwood, W.A., Periyannan, S., Steffenson, B.J., Wulff, B.B. 2021. The wheat Sr22, Sr33, Sr35, and Sr45 genes confer resistance against stem rust in barley. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 19(2):273-284.

Registration of KUWNSr, a wheat stem rust nested association mapping population Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bajgain, P., Jin, Y., Tsilo, T.J., Macharia, G.K., Reynolds, S.E., Wanyera, R., Anderson, J.A. 2020. Registration of KUWNSr, a wheat stem rust nested association mapping population. Journal of Plant Registrations. 2020:1-7.

The wheat dwarf India virus-betasatellite complex has a wider host range than previously reported Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kumar, J., Sachin, K., Kianian, S.F. 2020. The wheat dwarf India virus-betasatellite complex has a wider host range than previously reported. Plant Health Progress. 21(2):119-122.

Wheat dwarf India Virus and associated betasatellite infecting wheat in Pakistan Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kumar, J., Ahmad, J., Imtiaz, M., Kianian, S.F. 2020. Wheat dwarf India Virus and associated betasatellite infecting wheat in Pakistan. Australasian Plant Disease Notes. 15. Article 16.

Stem rust resistance in wheat is suppressed by a subunit of the mediator complex Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hiebert, C.W., Moscou, M.J., Hewitt, T., Steuernagel, B., Hernandez-Pinzon, I., Green, P., Pujol, V., Zhang, P., Rouse, M.N., Jin, Y., McIntosh, R.A., Upadhyaya, N.M., Zhang, J., Bhavani, S., Vrana, J., Karafiatova, M., Huang, L., Fetch, T.G., Dolezel, J., Wulff, B.B., Lagudah, E.S., Spielmeyer, W. 2020. Stem rust resistance in wheat is suppressed by a subunit of the mediator complex. Nature Communications. 11(1123).

Registration of 'GA06343-13E2 (TX-EL2)' soft red winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ibrahim, A.M., Sutton, R., Johnson, J.W., Mergoum, M., Simoneaux, B., Harrison, S.A., Murphy, J.P., Mason, R.E., Baber, M.A., Neely, C., Opena, G., Jin, Y., Kolmer, J.A., Boyles, R., Cambron, S.E., Baik, B.V., Brown Guedira, G.L., Marshall, D.S., Fountain, M.O. 2021. Registration of 'GA06343-13E2 (TX-EL2)' soft red winter wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 15(1):107-112.

Endemic and panglobal genetic groups and divergence of host-associated forms in world-wide collections of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina as determined by genotype by sequencing Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Herman, A.C., Ordonez, M.E., German, S.E., Morgnounov, A., Pretorius, Z.A., Botma, V., Anikster, Y., Acevedo, M.A. 2019. Endemic and panglobal genetic groups and divergence of host-associated forms in world-wide collections of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina as determined by genotype by sequencing. Heredity. 124:397–409.

Progress on molecular genetics and manipulation of rust fungi Reprint Icon - (Literature Review)
Bakkeren, G., Szabo, L.J. 2020. Progress on molecular genetics and manipulation of rust fungi. Phytopathology. 110:532-543.

Genotyping-by-sequencing for the study of genetic variation in Puccinia triticina Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Aoun, M., Kolmer, J.A., Breiland, M., Richards, J., Brueggeman, R.S., Szabo, L.J., Acevedo, M. 2020. Genotyping-by-sequencing for the study of genetic variation in Puccinia triticina. Plant Disease. 104(3):752-760.

Wheat gene Sr60 encodes a protein with two putative kinase domains that confers resistance to stem rust Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, S., Rouse, M.N., Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Guo, Y., Briggs, J., Dubcovsky, J. 2019. Wheat gene Sr60 encodes a protein with two putative kinase domains that confers resistance to stem rust. New Phytologist. 225(2):948–959.

Identification of seedling resistance to stem rust in advanced wheat lines and varieties from Pakistan Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rehman, M.U., Gale, S.W., Brown-Guedira, G.L., Jin, Y., Marshall, D.S., Whitcher, L.C., Williamson, S.M., Rouse, M.N., Ahmad, J., Ahmad, G., Shah, I., Sial, M., Rauf, Y., Rattu, A., Ward, R.W., Nadeem, M., Ullah, G., Imtiaz, M. 2020. Identification of seedling resistance to stem rust in advanced wheat lines and varieties from Pakistan. Crop Science. 60:804–811.

Improving grain yield, stress resilience and quality of bread wheat using large-scale genomics Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Juliana, P., Poland, J., Huerta-Espino, J., Shrestha, S., Crossa, J., Crespo-Herrera, L., Toledo, F.H., Govindan, V., Mondal, S., Kumar, U., Bhavani, S., Singh, P.K., Randhawa, M.S., He, X., Guzman, C., Dreisigacker, S., Rouse, M.N., Jin, Y., Perez-Rodriguez, P., Montesinos-Lopez, O.A., Singh, D., Rahman, M., Marza, F., Singh, R. 2019. Improving grain yield, stress resilience and quality of bread wheat using large-scale genomics. Nature Genetics. 51:1530–1539.

First report of TTRTF race of wheat stem rust, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, in Ethiopia Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Tsegaab, T., Alemayehu, C., Shikur, E., Hodson, D.H., Szabo, L.J. 2019. First report of TTRTF race of wheat stem rust, Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, in Ethiopia. Plant Disease Notes. 104(1):293-293.

Registration of MNR434 and MNR527 wheat germplasm with new resistance to rusts Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Zhang, H., Nyamesorto, B., Giroux, M.J., Jin, Y., Chen, X., Huang, L. 2019. Registration of MNR434 and MNR527 wheat germplasm with new resistance to rusts. Journal of Plant Registrations. 13(3):461-464.

Presence of a sexual population of Puccinia graminisi f. sp. tritici in Georgia provides a hotspot for genotypic and phenotypic diversity Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olivera, P.D., Sikharulidze, Z., Dumbadze, R., Szabo, L.J., Newcomb, M., Natsarishvili, K., Rouse, M.N., Luster, D.G., Jin, Y. 2019. Presence of a sexual population of Puccinia graminisi f. sp. tritici in Georgia provides a hotspot for genotypic and phenotypic diversity. Phytopathology. 109(12):2152-2160.

Identifying loci conferring resistance to leaf and stripe rusts in a spring wheat population (Triticum aestivum L.) via genome-wide association mapping Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Liu, W., Kolmer, J.A., Rynearson, S., Chen, X., Liangliang, G., Anderson, J.A., Turner, M.K., Pumphrey, M. 2019. Identifying loci conferring resistance to leaf and stripe rusts in a spring wheat population (Triticum aestivum L.) via genome-wide association mapping. Phytopathology. 109:1932-1940.

Bulked segregant analysis RNA-seq (BSR-Seq) validated a stem resistance locus in Aegilops umbellulata, a wild relative of wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Edae, E.A., Rouse, M.N. 2019. Bulked segregant analysis RNA-seq (BSR-Seq) validated a stem resistance locus in Aegilops umbellulata, a wild relative of wheat. PLoS One. 14(9):e0215492.

Thatcher wheat line RL6149 carries Lr64 and a second leaf rust resistance gene on chromosome 1DS Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Bernardo, A.N., Bai, G., Hayden, M.J., Anderson, J.A. 2020. Thatcher wheat line RL6149 carries Lr64 and a second leaf rust resistance gene on chromosome 1DS. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 132:2809–2814.

Mapping non-host resistance to the stem rust pathogen in an interspecific barberry hybrid Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bartaula, R., Melo, A.T., Kingan, S., Jin, Y., Hale, I. 2019. Mapping non-host resistance to the stem rust pathogen in an interspecific barberry hybrid. Biomed Central (BMC) Plant Biology. 19:319.

Development of barley introgression lines carrying the leaf rust resistance genes Rph1 to Rph15 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Martin, M.J., Chicaiza, O., Caffarel, J.C., Sallam, A.H., Druka, A., Waugh, R., Ordon, F., Kopahnke, D., Keilwagen, J., Perovic, D., Fetch, T.G., Jin, Y., Franckowiak, J.D., Steffenson, B.J. 2020. Development of barley introgression lines carrying the leaf rust resistance genes Rph1 to Rph15. Crop Science. 60(1):282-302.

Mapping of novel leaf rust and stem rust resistance genes in the Portuguese durum wheat landrace PI 192051 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Aoun, M., Kolmer, J.A., Rouse, M.N., Elias, E.M., Breiland, M., Bulbula, W.D., Chao, S., Acevedo, M. 2019. Mapping of novel leaf rust and stem rust resistance genes in the Portuguese durum wheat landrace PI 192051. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics. 9(8):2535-2547.

Crown rust fungi with short lifecycles – the Puccinia mesnieriana species complex - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hambleton, S., Liu, M., Eggerston, Q., Wilson, S., Carey, J., Aniskter, Y., Kolmer, J.A. 2019. Crown rust fungi with short lifecycles – the Puccinia mesnieriana species complex. Sydowia. 71:47-63.

Characterization of Ethiopian wheat germplasm for resistance to four Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races facilitated by single race nurseries Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hundie, B., Girma, B., Tadesse, Z., Edae, E., Olivera, P., Abera, E.H., Bulbula, W.D., Abeyo, B., Badebo, A., Cisar, G., Brown Guedira, G.L., Gale, S.W., Jin, Y., Rouse, M.N. 2019. Characterization of Ethiopian wheat germplasm for resistance to four Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici races facilitated by single race nurseries. Plant Disease.

Multilocus genotypes of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in worldwide regions indicate past and current long distance migration Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Ordonez, M.E., German, S., Morgounov, A., Pretorius, Z., Visser, B., Goyeau, H., Anikster, Y., Acevedo, M. 2019. Multilocus genotypes of the wheat leaf rust fungus Puccinia triticina in worldwide regions indicate past and current long distance migration. Phytopathology.

Virulence of Puccinia triticina, the wheat leaf rust fungus, in the United States in 2017 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A. 2019. Virulence of Puccinia triticina, the wheat leaf rust fungus, in the United States in 2017. Plant Disease.

Introgression of a novel Ug99-effective stem rust resistance gene into wheat and development of Dasypyrum villosum chromosome specific markers via genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Ando, K., Krishnan, V., Rouse, M.N., Danilova, T., Friebe, B., See, D.R., Pumphrey, M. 2019. Introgression of a novel Ug99-effective stem rust resistance gene into wheat and development of Dasypyrum villosum chromosome specific markers via genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). Plant Disease.

Identification and validation of a common stem rust resistance locus in two bi-parental populations Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Randhawa, M.S., Sing, R.P., Dreisigacker, S., Bhavani, S., Huerta-Espino, J., Rouse, M.N., Nirmala, J., Sandoval-Sanchez, M. 2018. Identification and validation of a common stem rust resistance locus in two bi-parental populations. Frontiers in Plant Science.

Identification of new sources of resistance to wheat stem rust in Aegilops spp. in the tertiary genepool of wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Olivera, P., Rouse, M.N., Jin, Y. 2019. Identification of new sources of resistance to wheat stem rust in Aegilops spp. in the tertiary genepool of wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:1719.

The Rust Fungi Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Kolmer, J.A., Ordonez, M., Groth, J. 2019. The Rust Fungi. In: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., editors. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Hoboken, NJ:Wiley. 1039-9.

A novel approach to assess salt stress tolerance in wheat using hyperspectral imaging Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Moghimi, A., Yang, C., Miller, M.E., Kianian, S., Marchetto, P.M. 2018. A novel approach to assess salt stress tolerance in wheat using hyperspectral imaging. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9(1182).

A backcross line of Thatcher wheat with adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from Duster wheat has Lr46 and Lr77 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Su, Z., Bernardo, A., Bai, G., Chao, S. 2018. A backcross line of Thatcher wheat with adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from Duster wheat has Lr46 and Lr77. Phytopathology.

Detection of race-specific resistance against Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae in Brachypodium species Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Omidvar, V., Dugyala, S., Li, F., Rottschaefer, S.M., Miller, M.E., Ayliffe, M.A., Moscou, M.J., Kianian, S., Figueroa, M. 2018. Detection of race-specific resistance against Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae in Brachypodium species. Phytopathology. 108(12):1443-1454.

High-resolution crossover mapping reveals similarities and differences in the patterns of male and female recombination in maize Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kianian, P.M., Wang, M., Simons, K.J., Ghavami, F., He, Y., Dukowic-Schulze, S., Sundararajan, A., Sun, Q., Pillardy, J., Mudge, J., Chen, C., Kianian, S., Pawlowski, W. 2018. High-resolution crossover mapping reveals similarities and differences in the patterns of male and female recombination in maize. Nature Communications. 9(1):2370.

Mapping and characterization of the new adult plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr77 derived from Santa Fe winter wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Zhi, S., Bernardo, A.N., Hayden, M.J., Chao, S. 2018. Mapping and characterization of the new adult plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr77 derived from Santa Fe winter wheat. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 131(7):1553-1560.

Comparative analysis of transcriptome in two wheat genotypes with contrasting levels of drought tolerance Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kumar, J., Gunapati, S., Kianian, S., Singh, S.P. 2018. Comparative analysis of transcriptome in two wheat genotypes with contrasting levels of drought tolerance. Protoplasma. 255(5):1487-1504.

Identification and characterization of wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr21 effective against the Ug99 race group at high temperature Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, S., Zhang, W., Bolus, S., Rouse, M.N., Dubcovsky, J. 2018. Identification and characterization of wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr21 effective against the Ug99 race group at high temperature. PLoS Genetics. 14(4):e1007287.

Temperature-sensitive wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr15 is effective against Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race TTKSK Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Gao, L., Babiker, E.M., Nava, I.C., Nirmala, J., Bedo, Z., Lang, L., Chao, S., Gale, S.W., Jin, Y., Anderson, J.A., Bansal, U., Park, R.F., Rouse, M.N., Bonman, J.M., Bariana, H. 2018. Temperature-sensitive wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr15 is effective against Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race TTKSK. Plant Pathology.

Genes for wheat stem rust postulated in German cultivars in seedling stage and their resistance in adult-plant field tests Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Flath, K., Miedaner, T., Olivera Firpo, P., Rouse, M.N., Jin, Y. 2018. Genes for wheat stem rust postulated in German cultivars in seedling stage and their resistance in adult-plant field tests. Plant Breeding. 137:301-312.

Adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from the wheat landrace cultivar Americano 44d is conditioned by interaction of three QTL Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Garvin, D.F., Hayden, M., Spielmeyer, W. 2018. Adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from the wheat landrace cultivar Americano 44d is conditioned by interaction of three QTL. Euphytica. 214:59.

An interspecific barberry hybrid enables genetic dissection of non-host resistance to the wheat stem rust pathogen Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bartaula, R., Melo, A., Connolly, B., Jin, Y., Hale, I. 2018. An interspecific barberry hybrid enables genetic dissection of non-host resistance to the wheat stem rust pathogen. Journal of Experimental Botany. 69:2483-2493.

A genome-wide association study of field and seedling response to stem rust pathogen races reveals combinations of race-specific resistance genes in North American spring wheat Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Edae, E.A., Pumphrey, M.O., Rouse, M.N. 2018. A genome-wide association study of field and seedling response to stem rust pathogen races reveals combinations of race-specific resistance genes in North American spring wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science.

Physiologic specialization of Puccinia triticina on wheat in the United States in 2016 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Hughes, M.E. 2018. Physiologic specialization of Puccinia triticina on wheat in the United States in 2016. Plant Disease. 102(6):1066-1071.

De novo assembly and phasing of dikaryotic genomes from two isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, the causal agent of oat crown rust Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Miller, M.E., Zhang, Y., Omidvar, V., Sperschneider, J., Schwessinger, B., Raley, C., Palmer, J.M., Garnica, D., Upadhyaya, N., Rathjen, J., Tayler, J., Park, R.F., Dodds, P.N., Hirsch, C., Kianian, S., Figueroa, M. 2018. De novo assembly and phasing of dikaryotic genomes from two isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, the causal agent of oat crown rust. mBio. 9(1):1-21. https://doi: 10.1128/mBio.01650-17.

Development of genetic and genomic resources to evaluate wheat organellar genome variants and their functional implications - (Abstract Only)
Liberatore, K.L., Miller, M.E., Kianian, S. 2018. Development of genetic and genomic resources to evaluate wheat organellar genome variants and their functional implications. Plant and Animal Genome Conference [abstract]. Paper No. 31800.

Identification, introgression, and molecular marker genetic analysis and selection of a highly effective novel oat crown rust resistance from diploid oat, Avena strigosa Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Rines, H.W., Miller, M.E., Carson, M.L., Chao, S., Tiede, T., Wiersma, J., Kianian, S. 2017. Identification, introgression, and molecular marker genetic analysis and selection of a highly effective novel oat crown rust resistance from diploid oat, Avena strigosa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 131(3):721-733.

Somatic recombination in wheat stem rust leads to virulence for Ug99-effective SR50 resistance - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Chen, J., Upadhyaya, N.M., Ortiz, D., Sperschneider, J., Li, F., Bouton, C., Breen, S., Dong, C., Xu, B., Zhang, X., Mago, R., Newell, K., Xia, X., Bernoux, M., Taylor, J.M., Steffenson, B.J., Jin, Y., Zhang, P., Kanyuka, K., Figueroa, M., Ellis, J.G., Park, R.F., Dodds, P.N. 2017. Somatic recombination in wheat stem rust leads to virulence for Ug99-effective SR50 resistance. Science. 358:1607-1610.

Adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from Toropi wheat is conditioned by Lr78 and three minor QTL - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Bernardo, A.N., Bai, G., Hayden, M.J., Chao, S. 2018. Adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from Toropi wheat is conditioned by Lr78 and three minor QTL. Phytopathology. 108:246-253.

Detection of wheat stem rust race RRTTF in Ecuador in 2016 Reprint Icon - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Barnes, C.W., Ordóñez, M.E., Hambleton, S., Dadej, K., Szabo, L.J., Fetch, T.G. 2018. Detection of wheat stem rust race RRTTF in Ecuador in 2016. Plant Disease. 102(2)448.

Registration of spring wheat sources of the resistance genes Lr53, Lr56, Lr59 and Lr62 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Marais, G.F., McCallum, B., Kolmer, J.A., Pirseyedi, S., Bisek, B.R., Somo, M. 2018. Registration of spring wheat sources of the resistance genes Lr53, Lr56, Lr59 and Lr62. Journal of Plant Registrations. 12:157-161.

Adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from the soft red winter wheat cultivar Caldwell maps to chromosome 3BS - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Chao, S., Brown Guedira, G.L., Bansal, U., Bariana, H. 2018. Adult plant leaf rust resistance derived from the soft red winter wheat cultivar Caldwell maps to chromosome 3BS. Crop Science. 58:152-158.

Discovery of a novel stem rust resistance allele in durum wheat that exhibits differential reactions to Ug99 isolates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nirmala, J., Saini, J., Newcomb, M., Olivera, P., Gale, S.W., Klindworth, D.L., Elias, E., Talbert, L., Chao, S., Faris, J.D., Xu, S.S., Jin, Y., Rouse, M.N. 2017. Discovery of a novel stem rust resistance allele in durum wheat that exhibits differential reactions to Ug99 isolates. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics. 7:3481-3490.

Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: a threat to global oat production - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nazareno, E.S., Li, F., Madeleine, S., Park, R.F., Kianian, S., Figueroa, M. 2017. Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae: a threat to global oat production. Molecular Plant Pathology.

Discovery of a novel stem rust resistance allele in durum wheat that exhibits differential reactions to Ug99 isolates - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Nirmala, J., Saini, J., Newcomb, M., Olivera, P., Gale, S.W., Klindworth, D.L., Elias, E., Talbert, L., Chao, S., Faris, J.D., Xu, S.S., Jin, Y., Rouse, M.N. 2017. Discovery of a novel stem rust resistance allele in durum wheat that exhibits differential reactions to Ug99 isolates. G3, Genes/Genomes/Genetics.

Wheat rusts in the United States in 2016 - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Hughes, M.E. 2017. Wheat rusts in the United States in 2016. Wheat Newsletter. 63:74.

Hyperspectral imaging to identify salt-tolerant wheat lines - (Proceedings)
Moghimi, A., Yang, C., Miller, M.E., Kianian, S.F., Marchetto, P. 2017. Hyperspectral imaging to identify salt-tolerant wheat lines. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.

Genetics of leaf rust resistance in the hard red winter wheat cultivars Santa Fe and Duster - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kolmer, J.A. 2017. Genetics of leaf rust resistance in the hard red winter wheat cultivars Santa Fe and Duster. Crop Science. 57:2500-2505.

Evaluation of grain dimension and weight using backcross recombinant inbred lines (BRILs) between wild and domesticated Emmer wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Miyazaki, Y., Ngoc, P., Liberatore, K.L., Kianian, S., Vladutu, C., Mori, N. 2017. Evaluation of grain dimension and weight using backcross recombinant inbred lines (BRILs) between wild and domesticated Emmer wheat. Crop Research. 62:31-36.

Evaluation of grain dimension and weight using backcross recombinant inbred lines (BRILs) between wild and domesticated emmer wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Miyazaki, Y., Ngoc, P., Liberatore, K.L., Kianian, S., Vladutu, C., Mori, N. 2017. Evaluation of grain dimension and weight using backcross recombinant inbred lines (BRILs) between wild and domesticated emmer wheat. Crop Research. 62:31-36.

Multi-locus mixed model analysis of stem rust resistance in a worldwide collection of winter wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mihalyov, P.D., Nichols, V.A., Bulli, P., Rouse, M.N., Pumphrey, M.O. 2017. Multi-locus mixed model analysis of stem rust resistance in a worldwide collection of winter wheat. The Plant Genome. 10(2):1-12.

Genetic mapping of stem rust resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race TRTTF in the Canadian wheat cultivar 'Harvest' - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Hiebert, C.W., Rouse, M.N., Jayaveeramuthu, N., Fetch, T. 2016. Genetic mapping of stem rust resistance to Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici race TRTTF in the Canadian wheat cultivar 'Harvest'. Phytopathology. 107:192-197.

Comparison between genotyping by sequencing and SNP-chip genotyping in QTL mapping in wheat - (Peer Reviewed Journal)
Bajgain, P., Rouse, M.N., Anderson, J.A. 2015. Comparison between genotyping by sequencing and SNP-chip genotyping in QTL mapping in wheat. Crop Science. 56:232-248.

Emergence and spread of new races of wheat stem rust: continued threat to food security and prospects of genetic control Reprint Icon - (Book / Chapter)
Singh, R.P., Hodson, D.P., Jin, Y., Lagudah, E.S., Ayliffe, M.A., Bhavani, S., Rouse, M.N., Pretorius, Z.A., Szabo, L.J., Huerta-Espino, J., Basnet, B.R., Lan, C., Hovmoller, M.S. 2015. Emergence and spread of new races of wheat stem rust: continued threat to food security and prospects of genetic control. Book Chapter. 105(7):872-884.