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Research Project: Building Sustainable Cropping Systems for the Northeast

Location: New England Plant, Soil and Water Research Laboratory

2019 Annual Report

Objective 1: Develop sustainable cropping systems that include effective management practices to improve soil health, crop productivity, and economic viability, and reduce soil borne diseases for food production systems of the Northeast. Sub-objective 1.1. Develop and implement sustainable cropping systems consisting of effective management practices that maintain or improve soil health, productivity and market quality, reduce soilborne diseases, and enhance profitability for potato-based production systems. Sub-objective 1.2. Develop and evaluate crop and soil health management practices for conventional and organic vegetable production systems to improve crop productivity, economic viability, and reduce impacts on the environment.

Our approach to building sustainable cropping systems for improving crop productivity and enhancing economic viability for food production systems in the Northeast is through the development of improved biological and cultural management practices and incorporating these into integrated cropping systems. There are many practices and amendments that have been previously identified, in ours and others research, as providing beneficial responses for these production systems. However, much research is still needed to determine the best ways to utilize and implement these practices in production agriculture. In our previous research, through long-term cropping systems studies, we determined the areas that are the most crucial constraints to productivity in potato production systems, as well as some factors that were less important. Critical constraints were water availability, soil health, and disease pressure, whereas previously studied criteria such as fertility and soil physical properties were not critical factors. Further research indicated that a specific 3-yr cropping system containing a disease-suppressive rotation crop and a small grain could maintain low disease while achieving high yield, and be profitable. In addition, a system with organic amendments added periodically could substantially increase yield and productivity. This proposed research is building directly on this previous research, further developing and refining management practices that have shown the greatest potential for reducing soilborne diseases, enhancing soil health, and improving crop yields in a sustainable manner. Management practices of particular importance include the use of disease-suppressive rotation crops, cover crops, green manures, and organic amendments. Focus will be placed on developing practical cropping systems that can be readily implemented and provide useful benefits to growers. Special emphasis will be placed on the biological processes involved and the role of soil microbial communities in developing disease-suppressive, yield-enhancing cropping systems.

Progress Report
This is the first year of a new project, which builds upon the work of the previous project, 8030-62660-003-00D, “Improved Crop Production Systems for the Northeast”. This project consists of a series of research studies using crop and soil management practices to improve crop productivity and economic viability, and reduce diseases, with the goal of building and developing more productive and sustainable cropping systems for conventional and organic food production systems in the Northeast. In this first year of the project, new experiments and modifications to existing ongoing experiments were implemented in field research in Presque Isle and St. Albans, Maine. In our potato cropping systems research at Presque Isle, Maine, cropping systems were modified to include an additional potato variety with some improved characteristics, as well as some new cover cropping treatments for applicability and comparisons with existing systems. In addition, we continued to monitor enhanced cropping systems incorporating reduced tillage, cover crops, organic amendments, and disease-suppression rotation crops for improvements in crop productivity, disease suppression, and economics. Field preparation, soil sampling, and planting for the new 2019 field season was accomplished in May-June 2019. In our organic vegetable trials in St. Albans, Maine, new soil amendment treatments and cover crop comparisons have been implemented in our trials with green bean, squash, and sweet pepper vegetable crops (planted June 2019) for determination of improved management practices for organic vegetables. Characterization, analyses, and assessment of the soil microbiome in relation to numerous factors is also a feature of the new project for both the potato and vegetable cropping systems. In 2019, the initial steps to successfully completing this research have been made. Overall, this research will provide information needed to improve crop production and sustainability for potato and organic vegetable production, which can lead to improved agricultural viability and rural economic vitality in the Northeast.


Review Publications
Larkin, R.P., Lynch, R.P. 2018. Use and effects of different Brassica and other rotation crops on soilborne diseases and tuber yield of potato. Acta Horticulturae. 4:37.