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Research Project: Assessment of Intestinal Permeability in Human Participants

Location: Diet, Microbiome and Immunity Research

Project Number: 2032-51530-026-006-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Sep 1, 2019
End Date: Aug 31, 2021

The objective of the current project is to assess intestinal permeability of human subjects, primarily through the use of an assay of non-metabolizable sugars in urine.

ARS is conducting a study of intestinal permeability in response to an oral typhoid vaccine challenge in preparation for a dietary fiber study. The Cooperator has prior experience with intestinal permeability studies in human subjects. ARS and the Cooperator will work collaboratively to assess intestinal permeability in human participants using a triple sugar assay (lactulose, mannitol, and sucralose). Participants will undergo the triple sugar assays and vaccine challenges at ARS and the Cooperator will measure lactulose, mannitol, and sucralose in urine samples from these participants. In addition, the Cooperator will measure citrulline in plasma from human participants in the same trial as a biomarker of damage to the intestinal epithelium. ARS will measure urinary creatinine as a measure of renal function. ARS and the Cooperator will collaboratively analyze and interpret project data to determine the effect of the vaccine on intestinal permeability.