Location: Animal Disease Research Unit
Project Number: 2090-32000-045-001-S
Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Sep 1, 2021
End Date: Aug 31, 2024
The objectives of this collaborative research are to determine the seroprevalence of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) in sheep and cattle from South Brazil and identify risk factors for transmission of MCF viruses and disease development.
The collaboration will advance research on epidemiology of MCF. Serological data will support the understanding of SA-MCF prevalence in major regions of sheep and cattle production in Brazil. Serum samples will be collected from a stratified random group of sheep and cattle from different geographic regions in Brazil, along with data on animal's age, sex, breed, health, and management practices. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ci-ELISA) that detects antibodies specific to a protein present in all MCF viruses will be used. The assay has been developed and validated in the PI's laboratory and is considered a gold standard for detection of antibodies to MCF viruses. The cooperator will obtain the serum samples for analyses whereas the serological assay kit will be provided by ARS. The sample size for the proposed cross-sectional study will be determined considering the estimated prevalence for each species, a level of confidence of 95% and 5% precision. The cooperator will provide the facilities for bench work, reagents, and equipment to run the serological test. A researcher (post-doc) will be hired to run the project and advance the proposed research. The data analysis and publication will be shared between the parties. At the completion of the study, the seroprevalence of MCF viruses and the risk factors for transmission and disease will be determined.