Location: National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center
Project Number: 8030-10600-001-010-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Feb 1, 2023
End Date: Jan 31, 2028
The purpose of this Nonfunded Collaboration Agreement (NFCA) is to carry out cooperative research and to establish understandings on the research relationship between the two collaborators: (1) the United States Department of Agriculture - Agriculture Research Service (ARS) having a headquarters Jamie L. Whitten Building, Room 302A 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington DC 20250 (herein referred to USDA-ARS). USDA-ARS has five regional Areas. The ARS worksite at 120 FLAGG ROAD, KINGSTON RI 02881 is part of the National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center, located in Orono Maine, which is within the ARS Northeast Area, and (2) the University of Rhode Island (herein referred to as URI), a public institution of higher education established by the laws of the State of Rhode Island. For purpose of this NFCA, USDA-ARS and URI may each be referred to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.” This NFCA is effective on the date last signed by the Parties below (Effective Date). Both parties share an interest in research, education and extension in agriculture, aquaculture, and related fields.
The Parties collaborative worksite for this agreement includes but is not limited to research at URI’s Center for Biotechnology and Life Science (CBLS), Woodward Hall, and Morrill Hall located on the main campus of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston, Rhode Island.
Each Party will participate in planning, conducting and interpreting shared research and furnish such facilities, human resources and/or funds for defined cooperative research projects as is practicable and agreed upon as long as all terms are in compliance with the policies and regulations of each Party, this agreement, and the Lease Agreement 58-8030-23-030 to be agreed upon (“LEASE AGREEMENT”).
It is also recognized that successful cooperation can only be achieved through mutual understanding and efficient administration of cooperative programs. Nothing in this NFCA will be construed as interfering in any way with the basic responsibilities of either Party for independent actions and missions. This NFCA serves as the broad umbrella for the development of collaborative research and education opportunities.