Location: Food Surveys Research Group
Project Number: 8040-10700-001-004-N
Project Type: Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Apr 1, 2020
End Date: Mar 31, 2025
A collaborative agreement for the transfer of human data to conduct research to explore diet-health relationships and collaborate to develop manuscripts and presentations at professional conferences related to dietary intakes and health.
The Healthy Aging in Neighborhoods of Diversity across the Life Span (HANDLS) study is a large prospective cohort of Baltimore City residents that began in 2004 and will continue for twenty years. HANDLS is unique because it assesses health parameters of African American and white participants over a range of socioeconomic statuses. Interviewer-administered 24 hour recalls (24HRs) were collected at three different time points. Information obtained from these 24HRs is the principal data that will be analyzed. Intake of dietary components, including bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, will be assessed, and associations with markers of cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline will be investigated.