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Research Project: National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board Food Forum

Location: Food for Health of People and the Environment Lab

Project Number: 8040-52530-001-019-G
Project Type: Grant

Start Date: Sep 1, 2024
End Date: Aug 31, 2026

The objective is to partially support the activities of the Food Forum. The Food Forum provides opportunities for science and technology leaders in the food industry, top administrators from the government of the United States and Canada, representatives of consumer interest groups, and academicians to meet regularly on neutral ground to identify and discuss contemporary issues of mutual interest and concern related to nutrition science, food science, and food safety and health consequences.

Together with members of the Food Forum and the NAS staff, an annual plan for 3 activities will be developed: i) workshop; ii) symposium; and iii) webinar. The planning will occur via one virtual, face-to-face or hybrid meeting of the Food Forum members and conference calls as needed. Food Forum agendas are developed in consultation with the Forum chair and membership, considering criteria such as the magnitude of an issue, the relevance to the public, the extent of member interest in the issue, timeliness, and the unique contribution the Forum can make relative to other activities being conducted by either public or private agencies. Workshop and symposium planning committees will be appointed to develop agendas, invite expert speakers, and identify requests for the speakers. Speakers will be invited on the basis of their expertise relative to the specific topic to be addressed, as well as on the basis of achieving balance from the standpoint of scientific perspectives. ARS BHNRC will assist to shape the agenda to highlight relevant nutrition and health science and policy topics as a key component of the forum