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56 research projects found.
Biochar-based polishing technology for treated municipal wastewater to mitigate antimicrobial resistance dissemination in irrigated cropping systems (Agricultural Water Efficiency and Salinity Research)
Managing manure as a soil resource for improved biosecurity, nutrient availability, and soil sustainability (Agroecosystem Management Research)
Chemical and physical properties of novel potting substrates from wood-based biochar (Application Technology Research)
Mitigating mercury migration through a novel treatability study on soil amendments (Beltsville Agricultural Research Center: Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory)
Management of aflatoxin and other mycotoxins in row crops such as maize, peanut, and soybean (Biological Control of Pests Research)
Characterization of soil microbiome in diverse biochar-amended soils and ecosystems (Center for Agricultural Resources Research: Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research)
Soil c cycling in irrigated agroecosystems (Center for Agricultural Resources Research: Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research)
Use of locally effective microorganisms and other amendments for the improvement of soil health in mine-impacted remediated soils (Coastal Plains Soil, Water and Plant Conservation Research)
Innovative manure treatment technologies and enhanced soil health for agricultural systems of the southeastern coastal plain (Coastal Plains Soil, Water and Plant Conservation Research)
Investigating naturally revegetated chat-contaminated soils-assisted revegetation (Coastal Plains Soil, Water and Plant Conservation Research)
Optimizing conservation management practices for improved agronomic performance and enhanced ecosystem services of cropping systems in the mississippi delta region (Crop Production Systems Research)
Inflation reduction act cropland greenhouse gas monitoring starkville mississippi (Crop Science Research Laboratory: Genetics and Sustainable Agriculture Research)
Mitigation of foodborne pathogens in water and fresh produce via application of biochar (Eastern Regional Research Center: Microbial and Chemical Food Safety Research)
Thermo-catalytic biorefining (Eastern Regional Research Center: Sustainable Biofuels and Co-products Research)
Fast pyrolysis of agricultural wastes and advanced pretreatment of the pyrolytic aqueous phase (Eastern Regional Research Center: Sustainable Biofuels and Co-products Research)
Pfas fate and remediation in agricultural systems: developing conservation assistance for landowners (Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center: Food Animal Metabolism Research Unit)
The soil health nexus: biochar use for improving soil health and limiting pfas movement in soils (Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center: Food Animal Metabolism Research Unit)
Biochar bedding amendment and anaerobic digestion mitigate foodborne pathogens, antimicrobial resistance and ammonia in poultry production (Food Animal Environmental Systems Research)
Developing agronomically and environmentally beneficial management practices to increase the sustainability and safety of animal manure utilization (Food Animal Environmental Systems Research)
Can targeted biochar addition be used to promote precision restoration of sagebrush rangelands? (Forage and Range Research)
Geographical and functional expansion of the pnw biochar atlas (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Geographical and functional expansion of the pnw biochar atlas - usbi (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Geographical and functional expansion of the pnw biochar atlas - wsu (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Geographical and functional expansion of the pnw biochar atlas - oregon state university (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Geographical and functional expansion of the pnw biochar atlas - american farmland trust (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Optimizing and stabilizing economic and ecological sustainability of pacific northwest seed cropping systems under current and future climate conditions (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Restore: replenishing ecosystems by transforming residues to energy (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Geographical and functional expansion of the pacific northwest biochar atlas (Forage Seed and Cereal Research)
Identifying huckleberry pollinators and the impact of soil amendment treatments (Horticultural Crops Disease and Pest Management Research)
Assessment of biochar- chronic wasting disease interactions and the feasibility of using biochar to reduce spread of chronic wasting disease (National Animal Disease Center: Virus and Prion Research)
Development of enhanced bio-based products from low value agricultural co-products and wastes (National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research: Functional Foods Research)
Agricultural-feedstock derived biobased particles (National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research: Plant Polymer Research)
Novel manure management technologies: reducing odors, producing slow-release fertilizers, and providing ecosystem services (National Laboratory for Agriculture and The Environment: Agroecosystems Management Research)
Innovative fertilizer research for improved crop nutrient use efficiency and reduced environmental impacts (National Programs)
Assessment of sediment and chemical transport processes for developing and improving agricultural conservation practices (National Soil Erosion Research)
Enhancing soil health in potato production by applying soil amendments and manipulating post-fumigation microbiomes (New England Plant, Soil and Water Research Laboratory)
Enhancing soil health in potato production by applying soil amendments and manipulating post-fumigation microbiomes (New England Plant, Soil and Water Research Laboratory)
Strategies to improve anaerobic digestion for small to medium-sized livestock operations in the u.s. (Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research)
Valorization of forest-based biomass (Nutrition, Food Safety, and Quality)
Novel forest products with commercial relevance (Nutrition, Food Safety, and Quality)
Intervention strategies to mitigate avian escherichia coli infections and antimicrobial resistance in the poultry environment (Poultry Research)
Nutrient cycling and precipitation use efficiency for increasing productivity and resilience in dryland agroecosystems (Soil and Water Conservation Research)
Developing aspirational practices through improved process understanding to protect soil and air resources and increase agricultural productivity in the upper midwest u.s. (Soil and Water Management Research)
Developing and evaluating strategies to protect and conserve water and environmental resources while maintaining productivity in agronomic systems (Soil and Water Management Research)
Weathering of sewage sludge biochar in soil (Soil and Water Management Research)
Use of biochar in agricultural systems (Soil Dynamics Research)
Sustaining productivity and ecosystem services of agricultural and horticultural systems in the southeastern united states (Soil Dynamics Research)
Dissipation and activity of selected pesticides in sugarcane production soil of louisiana (Sugarcane Research)
Nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide soil flux from climate-smart sugarcane production systems in louisiana (Sugarcane Research)
Pretreatment technologies for managed aquifer recharge to mitigate clogging and to remove contaminants (Sustainable Agricultural Water Systems Research)
Multi-site study of soil, sediments and water for pfass analysis in north carolina (U.s. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center: Water Management and Conservation Research)
Pfas fate and remediation in agricultural systems: developing conservation assistance for landowners (U.s. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center: Water Management and Conservation Research)
Adsorption of pfas by biochars and subsequent regeneration with microwave treatment (U.s. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center: Water Management and Conservation Research)
Increased water security through safe reuse of reclaimed water (U.s. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center: Water Management and Conservation Research)
Slow filtration of pharmaceuticals from wastewater using biochar fixed-bed columns (U.s. Arid Land Agricultural Research Center: Water Management and Conservation Research)
Advanced carbon from almond byproducts - west biofuels (Western Regional Research Center: Bioproducts Research)
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