Submitted to: Symposium Proceedings
Publication Type: Proceedings Publication Acceptance Date: 8/15/2010 Publication Date: N/A Citation: N/A Interpretive Summary: Technical Abstract: Rice blast and sheath blight diseases are the two major constraints for stable rice production in the Southern USA. New genetic and molecular tool boxes have been developed at the USDA-ARS Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center. Resistance (major and minor) genes from rice have been identified and tagged with DNA markers for breeders to use for marker assisted breeding. Easy to use PCR based DNA markers have also been developed to characterize genetic make-ups of both blast and sheath blight pathogens. Mono and digenic, and introgression lines have been developed for studying epistatic interactions of disease resistance with yield and yield components. Mechanisms of evolutionary processes of host resistance and adaption of the pathogens have been better understood, and these new knowledge will benefit the implementation of effective rice crop protection strategies and will be presented. For more information, please visit |