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Title: Registration of 'VENUS' peanut

item Chamberlin, Kelly
item Bennett, Rebecca
item DAMICONE, JOHN - Oklahoma State University

Submitted to: Journal of Plant Registrations
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 9/29/2016
Publication Date: 1/3/2017
Citation: Chamberlin, K.D., Bennett, R.S., Damicone, J.P. 2017. Registration of 'VENUS' peanut. Journal of Plant Registrations. 11(1):33-37.

Interpretive Summary: Virginia-type peanut production takes place on approximately 45% of the certified acres in Oklahoma and Texas, with most producers of those acres planted in Jupiter, a Virgina-type peanut released by Oklahoma State University in 2000 which is not high-oleic and is susceptible to fungal diseases such as Sclerotinia blight and pod rot. Producers, shellers, and manufacturers are in urgent need high-oleic virginia cultivars adapted for production in the Southwest. VENUS is a large-seeded high-oleic Virginia-type peanut that has enhanced Sclerotinia blight and pod rot resistance when compared to the cultivar Jupiter. VENUS is the first high-oleic Virginia peanut developed for optimal performance in the Southwestern U.S., and was released cooperatively by the USDA-ARS and the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES) in 2015. The purpose for releasing VENUS was to provide peanut producers the first high-oleic Virginia-type cultivar developed specifically for the Southwestern U.S. with acceptable yield, enhanced grade and enhanced disease resistance when compared to Jupiter. Production of VENUS instead of Jupiter will result in lower input cost and increased profits for peanut farmers in the Southwestern U.S.

Technical Abstract: VENUS is a large-seeded high-oleic Virginia-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. subsp. hypogaea var. hypogaea) that has enhanced Sclerotinia blight and pod rot resistance when compared to the cultivar Jupiter. VENUS is the first high-oleic Virginia peanut developed for optimal performance in the Southwestern U.S., and was released cooperatively by the USDA-ARS and the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES) in 2015. VENUS (experimental designation ARSOK-V30B) is the result of a cross between the cultivar Jupiter, a non high-oleic Virginia peanut released by the OAES in 2000, and ARSOK-R2, a high-oleic advanced runner breeding line with resistance to Sclerotina blight. Tests conducted in three locations across Oklahoma in 2012-2014 showed there was no significant difference between the yields of VENUS and Jupiter. However, VENUS graded significantly higher than Jupiter in two out of three locations. VENUS also exhibited enhanced resistance to Sclerotinia blight (61% less) and pod rot (70% less) when compared to Jupiter. Production of VENUS peanut in areas of high Sclerotinia blight and/or pod rot disease pressures will result in reduced need for fungicide application and increased profits for producers.