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Research Programs and Projects at this Location

ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are  the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a National Program (NP) will take you  to the main ARS site for more information on the program. Clicking on a research  project title will take you to more information on the project.

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Food Animal Production (NP #101)
Applying Nutritional Strategies to Improve Early Embryonic Development and Progeny Performance in Beef Cows
(In-House Appropriated)
Approaches for Improving and Measuring Red Meat Quality and Composition
(In-House Appropriated)
Discovery of Novel Traits to Improve Efficiency and Sustainability of Different Sheep Production Systems
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Beef Cattle Production and Finishing Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Environmental and Management Influences on Animal Productivity and Well-Being Phenotypes
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetics of Veterinary Pests
(In-House Appropriated)
Genomes to Phenomes in Beef Cattle Research
(In-House Appropriated)
Identifying and Mitigating Factors that Limit Beef Production Efficiency
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Lifetime Productivity in Swine using Systems Biology and Precision Management Approaches
(In-House Appropriated)
Integrated Pest Management of Cattle Fever Ticks
(In-House Appropriated)
Management of Stable Flies to Improve Livestock Production
(In-House Appropriated)
Management of Ticks of Veterinary Importance
(In-House Appropriated)
Multi-Dimension Phenotyping to Enhance Prediction of Performance in Swine
(In-House Appropriated)
National Animal Germplasm Program
(In-House Appropriated)
Novel and Green Technologies Development for Enhanced Veterinary Pest Management and Improved Animal Welfare
(In-House Appropriated)
Optimizing Nutrient Management and Efficiency of Beef Cattle and Swine
(In-House Appropriated)
Precision Technologies and Management for Northern Plains Rangeland
(In-House Appropriated)
Strategies to Manage Feed Nutrients, Reduce Gas Emissions, and Promote Soil Health for Beef and Dairy Cattle Production Systems of the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Sustainable Management of Manure Nutrients and Environmental Contaminants from Beef and Swine Production Facilities
(In-House Appropriated)
Fertility Enhancement of Spermatozoa in Cattle
(Cooperative Agreement)
Fertility Enhancement of Spermatozoa in Cattle
(Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Livestock Production through the Development of Precision Rangeland Management Technologies
(Cooperative Agreement)
Establishing Native Vegetation on Coal Mining Lands
(AA2) - Greenhouse Gas Research Network - Bushland, TX, GHG and Ammonia Emissions from Pork Production in Texas/Oklahoma Panhandle region
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Assembly and Annotation of Rumen Protist Genomes to Determine Their Metabolic Contribution and Environmental Presence
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse CRP Plantings in Drylands - Miles City
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Fertility Enhancement of Spermatozoa in Cattle
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions from Beef Feedyard and Compost in the Upper Great Plains USMARC Clay Center, Nebraska
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Identification of Genetic Predictors and Molecular Indicators of Liver Abscesses in Beef Cattle
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Livestock Nutrient Management Research Unit, Bushland, Texas, contribution to Enteric Methane Monitoring - Midwest Area
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Methyl Donor Availability in utero and Programming of Postnatal Performance in Beef Cattle
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Testing Natural Product Repellents to Gastropod Aid Eradication and Management
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
US Meat Animal Research Center (Nutrition Growth and Physiology Research Unit) Contribution to Enteric Methane Monitoring – Midwest Area
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Memorandum of Agreement by and Between US Dept of Agriculture and The General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service, Energy Division
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Assessing the Utility of Geophones to Determine Animal Activity in Swine Farrowing Pens for Precision Management Monitoring - Stanford University
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Bovine and Porcine Research Projects Conducted at the Livestock Issues Research Unit's Liberty Farm Research Complex
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Cattle Fever Tick Research Laboratory - Moore Air Base
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between ARS and Texas Animal Health Commission
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between WTAMU and ARS
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Cooperative Research between Montana State University and ARS-Plains Area for Joining Research Projects at Research Sites and Facilities in Montana
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Injectable Eprinomectin Treatment Regimens for Cattle Fever Tick Management on Pastured Cattle
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Robustness and Climatic Resilience in U.S. Sheep Populations through Genomics
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Robustness and Climatic Resilience in U.S. Sheep Populations through Genomics
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Grassland and Cropland Observation Systems for Multi-Scale Observations Agroecosystem Processes
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Modernizing Parasite Control in Cattle Using Data Automation
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Organomineral Fertilizers: A Sustainable Fertility Option for Farmers?
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Controlling Weeds and Cool-season Grass Competition to Improve Revegetation Outcomes on Mine Lands
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Developing a Genetic Solution to the Billion-dollar Horn Fly Problem
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Boar Fertility in the Face of Climate Change through the Mitigation of In utero Heat Stress
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Expanding Precision-guided Sterile Insect Technique (pg-SIT) to Tick Species
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Increasing Water Productivity, Nutrient Efficiency and Soil Health in Rainfed Food Systems of Semi-Aris Southern Great Plains
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Influence of Maternal- and Embryonic- Derived Extracellular Vesicles on the Initiation of Porcine Conceptus Elongation.
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Use of Beef Sires on Dairy Cows to Produce Higher Value Offspring for Beef Production
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Quantifying the Effects of Growing System on the Carcass Yield from Beef Calves
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Relationships Between Feedlot Steer Activity, Feed Efficiency, Molecular Profiles, and Meat Quality
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Reseeding Downy Brome-infested Fields and Controlling Downy Brome on New Reclamation
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Tackling Liver Abscesses in Cattle by Exploring Pathogenesis and Developing Nutritional Strategies to Decrease Prevalence
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
The Swine Reference Pangenome (SRP) Project
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Towards Novel Acaricide Development Against Cattle Fever Tick: GPCR Target Validation, Tissue Localization and Bioactivity of Chemical Hits
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Host, Microbial, Environmental, and Management Factors Towards Methane Mitigation in Ruminants
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing Daughter Performance When Sired by Germplasm Collection Holsteins
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing the Environmental Protective Benefits of Tannins and Fat Supplementation for Finishing Beef Steers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Conservation Practices to Decrease Ammonia Emissions From Open Lot Cattle Operations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Burning and Mowing to Increase Utilization of Little Bluestem in Mixed-grass Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Cattle Use Fees to Texas A&M AgriLife
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collection of Sheep Germplasm in the Mid-Atlantic Region
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Cryopreservation of Shrimp Germplasm
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Cryopreservation of Shrimp Spermatophore
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing a Systems Biology Approach to Enhance Efficiency and Sustainability of Beef and Lamb Production
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Nano-enabled Drug Carriers for Delivering Gene-editing Material to Targeted Sites
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Duroc Genetic Diversity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of a Bacterial Probiotic, Butyric Acid, and Red Clover in Calves to Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Liver Abscesses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Feed and Crop Management to Support Livestock Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Field Exposures of Cattle Fever Tick Eggs and Larvae in Vietnam to Rear Biological Control Agents
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Fire Effects in Greasewood-Saline Ecological Sites in Wyoming and Montana
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Livestock Production through the Development of Precision Rangeland Management Technologies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Interstadial and Temporal Changes in Rhipicephalus Microplus Salivary Glands and Salivary Extracellular Vesicles
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Formation of Liver Abscesses in Dairy Influenced Beef Cattle
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Liver Abscesses in Cattle
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Maintaining and Refining Animal GRIN
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NAseq and Gut Microbiota Data Analysis for Enhanced Veterinary Pest Management and Improved Animal Welfare
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Model to Study Liver Abscesses in Cattle
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Organic Compounds for the Control of Rhipicephalus Microplus on Cattle
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precision Range and Livestock Management on Western Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Rumen Microbial Communities in Forage-based Beef Stockering and Cow Management Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Software and Database Development Related to Forage and Animal Production Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Support Effort for Developing Scientific Information and New Technology to Solve High Priority Problems for U.S. Beef, Sheep, and Swine Industries
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Use of Gene Knockout Pigs to Understand Reproductive Development in Swine
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Natural Sources of Tannins to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Cattle Grazing Winter Annual Pasture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determining the Role of Environment and Antimicrobial Resistance on Liver Abscess Formation in Feedlot Steers
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Beta Glucan Supplementation on the Immune Response of Holstein Steer Calves During an Endotoxin Challenge
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of a Bacterial Probiotic, Butyric Acid, and Red Clover in Calves to Reduce the Incidence and Severity of Liver Abscesses
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Longitudinal Quantification of Salmonella from Feedlot Cattle fed a novel Bacillus subtilis Feed Supplement
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Animal Health (NP #103)
Ecology of Hemorrhagic Orbiviruses in North America
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetics of Veterinary Pests
(In-House Appropriated)
Improved Methods for the Management of Dipteran Pests of Livestock
(In-House Appropriated)
Integrated Pest Management of Cattle Fever Ticks
(In-House Appropriated)
Intervention Strategies to Control and Eradicate Foreign Animal Diseases of Swine
(In-House Appropriated)
Intervention Strategies to Prevent and Control Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF)
(In-House Appropriated)
Intervention Strategies to Respond, Control, and Eradicate Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV)
(In-House Appropriated)
Japanese Encephalitis Virus Prevention and Mitigation Strategies
(In-House Appropriated)
Management of Ticks of Veterinary Importance
(In-House Appropriated)
Predicting and Mitigating Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) in North America
(In-House Appropriated)
Predicting and Mitigating Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) Outbreaks in North America
(In-House Appropriated)
Research, Development, Testing, and Technical Services to Advance the Technology Transfer of Veterinary Medical Countermeasures at the NBAF
(In-House Appropriated)
Rift Valley Fever Pathogenesis and Epidemiology
(In-House Appropriated)
Strategies to Control Respiratory Diseases of Cattle
(In-House Appropriated)
The Agrosecurity Partnerships for Innovative Research (ASPIRE) Project for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF)
(In-House Appropriated)
Training the Biodefense Research Workforce for the National Bio- and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF)
(In-House Appropriated)
Viral Ecology of Henipaviruses in Endemic Settings and Intervention Strategies to Prevent their Spread to Domestic Animals
(In-House Appropriated)
Achieving Data Quality and Integrity in Maximum Containment Laboratories Training Course
(Cooperative Agreement)
Agricultural Research Service - American Type Culture Collection Biological Repository Partnership
(Cooperative Agreement)
Antibody Production and Optimization
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development and U.S. Based Production of a Rugged Fully Encapsulating Suit for the ABSL-4 Ag and other BSL-4 Environments (Phase 3)
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Short-term Experiential Opportunities to Enhance the Veterinary Workforce
(Cooperative Agreement)
Emerging Coronaviruses Gap Analysis Workshop
(Cooperative Agreement)
Support Research Collaboration Efforts Between USDA/ARS and International Scientists Working on Priority Research Projects of Mutual Interest
(Cooperative Agreement)
Support Research Collaborations, Scientific Trainings, and Conferences for the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF)
(Cooperative Agreement)
Supporting Foreign Transboundary Arbovirus Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Addressing Agricultural Biorisk Evidence Base Gaps with Applied Research
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Assessing Priorities for African Swine Fever Research Gaps for Outbreak Prevention and Response
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
BSL4ZNet Support and Maintenance
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Diagnostics for High Consequence Pathogens
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of Reagents to Risk Group 4 Pathogens for Development of Diagnostic Capacities
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Establish, Develop and Coordinate a Network of BSL-3 and BSL-4 Large Animal and Laboratory Agricultural Research Facilities
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Immersive Internship Experiences for Federal Agency Careers
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Maximum-containment Capabilities for Animal Studies
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Support for Phase 3 of the RAV3N Partnership Between NBAF and Texas A&M University
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using House Flies as Sentinels to Monitor Existing, Emerging and Cryptic Microbial Threats to U.S. Military Personnel
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of Diagnostic Tools for Japanese Encephalitis Virus
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Memorandum of Understanding Between the USDA, Agricultural Research Service and the USDA, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Safety and Efficacy Assessment of African Swine Fever Vaccines For Use in the Dominican Republic
(Memorandum of Understanding)
African Swine Fever Collaborative Agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Cattle Fever Tick Research Laboratory - Moore Air Base
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between ARS and Texas Animal Health Commission
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between Kansas State University and ARS
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research Involving the Use of Biohazardous Materials, Biological Toxins, Non-Exempt rDNA, and/or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Designing a Bioinformatics Training Strategic Partnership and Hub
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Injectable Eprinomectin Treatment Regimens for Cattle Fever Tick Management on Pastured Cattle
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Foreign Animal Disease Spatial Analysis and Mapping Collaborative Agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Heritable Viruses in Insects
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Flower Nectar on Mosquito Longevity and Virus Transmission
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating New World Screwworm Courtship and Mate Selection
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Modernizing Parasite Control in Cattle Using Data Automation
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Insecticide Delivery and Formulation for Resistance Management in Zoonotic Disease Vectors
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Insecticide Delivery and Formulation for Resistance Management in Zoonotic Disease Vectors
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Planning and Conducting the 2025 Foot-and-Mouth Disease Symposium
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Quantifying the Long-Distance Dispersal Capacity of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Simulation and Epidemiological Parameter Development for Assessing Spread of Foreign Animal Diseases by Feral Swine
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Subject Matter Expert Support to NBAF Science Transition
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Whole Slide Imaging Analysis Using AI
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Phylogenomic-based Diagnostic Tools for Species Identification Across Diptera
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Expanding Precision-guided Sterile Insect Technique (pg-SIT) to Tick Species
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Regulation of Maintenance of Bovine Herepsvirus (BoHV-1) Latency by Viral and Cellular Factors
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Towards Novel Acaricide Development Against Cattle Fever Tick: GPCR Target Validation, Tissue Localization and Bioactivity of Chemical Hits
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
A Genetic Approach to Assess the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Disease Vectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
A Scalable Vascularized Hydrogel System for Agricultural Vector-borne Disease Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Addressing Agricultural Biorisk Evidence Base Gaps with Applied Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advance Development of FMD Diagnostics and Production of Mosaic FMD Virus-Like Particles to Globally Relevant FMDV Serotypes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Analysis of the Cross Protective Response Induced by ASFV Recombinant Vaccine ASFV-G-DeltaI177L
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Analysis of the Immune Response Elicited by Classical Swine Fever Virus Recombinant Vaccine Candidate FlagT4G
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Analysis of the Immunogenicity of ASFV Proteins
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Animal and Arthropod Studies in BSL3 Containment at Pat Roberts Hall for Comparative Zoonotic Arbovirus Studies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Animal Studies in BSL-3 Containment at Pat Roberts Hall for Comparative Zoonotic Arbovirus Studies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Applied Epidemiological Approaches to Evaluate the Progressive Control Pathway for Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Endemic Regions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing Arbovirus Effects on Sensory Function and Behavior of Female Culicoides Sonorensis Midges
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing the Risk of Arthropod-Borne Disease in the Caribbean and the Americas (RACE Risk of Arthropod-borne diseases in the Caribbean)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing the Risk of Emergence, Transmission and Establishment of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus in the United States
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessment of CCHV in Ugandan Cattle Corridor and Kenyan Arid North Tick Populations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessment of the Immune Response to Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) in Small Ruminant and the Influence of Other Viral Diseases Susceptibility
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Bio-hardened Environments: Integrating AI-based Biothreat Detection Networks into Situational Awareness and Rapid Response Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) Training Program for Research Support Personnel
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Biologically-inspired Odor Olfactory Detection Guided Machine Learning (BIODOG-ML): Odor Detection from Canines to Instrumentation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
BSL4ZNet Secretariat Support and Maintenance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Building Foundations for E. Ruminantium Vaccine Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
CCHFV Prevalence Outside the Ugandan Cattle Corridor
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Center for Tick Surveillance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization and Diagnostic Detection of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Strains Causing Outbreaks in North America
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Arbovirus-mosquito-vertebrate Host Interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Cellular Receptors for Bluetongue Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Emerging Zoonotic Threats
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Environmental Effects on Mosquito Saliva Composition Using Mass Spectrometry
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Risk for Emerging High-consequence Zoonoses in Liberia
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterizing the Structure-Function of Various Families of Viroporins to Support African Swine Fever Virus Vaccine Candidates
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Classical Swine Fever (CSF) Vaccine FlagT4G Vaccine Efficacy: Assessing Oral Administration and Protection in Pregnant Sows
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Communications Best Practices for High-containment Laboratories
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Comprehensive Mapping of Livestock B Cell Receptor Repertoire Using Single-cell Sequencing to Enhance Vaccine Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Considering FMDV Recombination and Strain Emergence in Context of Development of Live-attenuated Vaccines
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Curated African Swine Fever Genomic Database
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Defining Biochemical Pathways That Regulate Mouthpart Development and Seminal Fluid Production in Stable Fly Males
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Defining the Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Transcriptome of Cattle Health and Disease
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Delivery of FMDV Protein Antigens Using a Programmable Transdermal Microneedle System
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Demonstration of Long-term Protection Against RVFV Infection Afforded by a Single Dose of Rift Valley Fever Smithburn MLV Vaccine in Sheep
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Detection and Characterization of Arboviruses and Environmental Influences on Transmission at the U.S. Wildlife and Livestock Interface
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Detection and Characterization of Potential Emerging and Emergent Arboviruses in Mosquitoes in the Caribbean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Detection and Characterization of Potential Emerging Arboviruses in Brazil
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Detection from Relevant Matrices on Sherlock Disposable Molecular Platform
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determining Immune Cells Draining to Lymph Nodes and the Factors Affecting the Cell Drainage
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Collaborative Research Partnerships with the BSL4 Zoonotic network (BSL4Znet): Responding to Emerging Zoonotic Diseases
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Diagnostic Assay for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) Virus Like Particles (VLPs)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Nano-enabled Drug Carriers for Delivering Gene-editing Material to Targeted Sites
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Nipah Virus Diagnostic Assay
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Nipah Virus Vaccine in a Baculovirus Expression System
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Virus Like Particles (VLPs)for Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Expressed in Multiple Expression Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a Biosafety/Biorisk Management Graduate Certificate Program at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a Differential ELISA for ASV Vaccines
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a High Throughput System for Testing of Adjuvants for Toxicity and Efficacy
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a Novel Epitope-based Vaccine Candidate for FMDV
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of a Population Genetics Pipeline for Characterizing Viral and Vector Population Diversity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Agriculture Model Capabilities for Emerging Disease Threats
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of an ASFV Nano-biosensor for Discriminating Between Infected and Vaccinated Animals
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Diagnostic Reagents and Assays for Arbovirus Surveillance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of LAMP Based Diagnostics for Emerging Disease Threats
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Lateral Flow Assays for Rift Valley Fever Virus Antigen and Antibody Detection
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Multiplex Species Agnostic Diagnostics
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Novel Strategies to Investigate Arthropod Feeding and Arbovirus Transmission
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Reagents and New Technology for Detection and Surveillance of Lumpy Skin Disease
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Safe Vaccination Protocols for Pregnant Sows, Piglets and Boars Using ASFV-G-DI177L
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Short-term Opportunities for Experience in High Containment Research Animal Support Careers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Swine Models for High Consequence-emerging Zoonotic Threats
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Diversity and Cross-species Spillover of High-risk Zoonotic Viruses in Padma River Basin of Bangladesh
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Diversity and Cross-species Spillover of High-risk Zoonotic Viruses in Padma River Basin of Bangladesh
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Ecological and Epidemiological Investigations of High-consequence Zoonotic Pathogens at the Livestock, Wildlife and Human Interface
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Ecological Investigations of Emerging High-consequence Zoonotic Viruses at High-priority Livestock, Wildlife, and Human Interfaces
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Ecological Surveillance of Emerging High-consequence Zoonotic Viruses using Novel Assays
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Ecology of Nipah Virus in Bangladesh
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Arbovirus Infection on Insect Feeding Behavior
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Environmental Temperature on Arbovirus Vector Competence of Various Mosquito Species
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Repellent and Sublethal Insecticide Exposure on Culicoides Biting Midge Behavior and Susceptibility to Bluetongue Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Endemic Ecology and Molecular Epidemiology of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Asia and Africa
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancement of Lumpy Skin Disease Diagnostic: Antigen Generation for an Indirect ELISA Kit and Development of New Monoclonal Antibodies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Capacity for Veterinary Pathology
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Epidemiological Fitness Assessment of Segmented RNA Viruses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Epidemiological Modeling of Vector-borne Diseases
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Epidemiology of FMD in Small Ruminants and Domestic Pigs in Uganda
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating a Self-Boosting Vaccine Delivery Platform Using Ad5-FMD
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of the Modification of Virulence in Recombinant ASFV with Specific Gene Deletions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Transboundary Disease Mitigation Strategies in Kenya
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exosomes as Mediators of Arbovirus Transmission by Insects
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploration of Novel repRNA Vaccine Candidates for Japanese Encephalitis Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploration of Novel repRNA Vaccine Candidates for Rift Valley Fever Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploration of Novel Virus-like Particle Vaccine Candidates for Japanese Encephalitis Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring Alternative Uses for Muscid Antimicrobial Effectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring Insecticide Resistance Mechanisms and Effects on House Fly Behavior and Biology
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring Next Generation Modeling Solutions to Enhance Preparedness for FMD Outbreaks in USA
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring the Biology and Ecology of Dipteran Pests to Improve Management and Mitigation Strategies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Expression of Rift Valley Fever Virus Proteins for Diagnostic Assay Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Field Exposures of Cattle Fever Tick Eggs and Larvae in Vietnam to Rear Biological Control Agents
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Surveillance in Kenyan Livestock by Sampling at Animal Concentration Points
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Functional Characterization of Sex-biased Odorant Receptors in Screwworm to Develop Sex Specific Baits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Functional Genomics of African Swine Fever Virus Infections - An Effective System to Identify Pro-Tolerance and Resilience Pathways in Pigs
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Generation of Replication Competent Adenovirus Type 5 Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine with Increased Efficacy
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Host and Vector Transcriptional Responses for Transboundary Arboviral Disease of Livestock
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Host Cellular Immune Responses to Arboviruses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying Flavivirus Determinants of Entry and Replication and Design of Potential Vaccine Candidates
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Immersive Internship Experiences for Federal Agency Careers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Timing of Virus Acquisition on Bluetongue Virus Coinfection
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improved Vector-Borne Disease Response in South Asia
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Infectious Disease Research Supporting Workforce Development for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Insecticidal Nanoparticles
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrating Vesicular Stomatitis Surveillance, Phylogenetic Analysis and Remote Sensing Toward an Early Warning System for Vector-borne Diseases
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Intentional Genomic Alteration of Beef Cattle for Reducing Susceptibility to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Interstadial and Temporal Changes in Rhipicephalus Microplus Salivary Glands and Salivary Extracellular Vesicles
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating Arbovirus Dissemination and Transmission
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating Risk Factors of Rift Valley Fever Virus Direct Transmission in Kenya
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Dynamics of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in Endemic and Incursion Ecological Zones
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Ecology, Evolution, and Spatio-temporal Patterns of Arbovirus Spread in the United States
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of Arboviral Infection Rates and Blood Meal Sources of Various Mosquito Species in Rift Valley Fever Endemic Areas in Kenya
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of Henipaviruses and Other Viral Spillover Events
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of Nipah Virus Pathogenesis
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of the Risk of Zoonotic Spillovers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of the Spillover of High Consequence Agriculture Pathogens from Periodomestic Mammals in Latin America
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry as an Additional Tool for Vector-borne Disease Surveillance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mid-infrared Spectra (MIRS) Paired with Visual Spectrum Images for Deep Learning Based Classification of Surveillance Variables
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Characterization and Epidemiological Surveillance of Arboviruses in Kenya’s Livestock
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Characterization and Epidemiological Surveillance of Arboviruses in Kenya’s Wildlife
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Characterization of Arbovirus-Mosquito-Vertebrate Host Interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Characterization of Arboviruses in South African Livestock
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mosquito Cis-regulatory Elements Associated with Arbovirus Infection
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mosquito Dome Particles
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mosquito Vector Predictive Modeling in a Changing Climate
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Multi-Country Ecological Surveillance of High-Consequence Zoonotic Pathogens
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Natural History Studies of Henipaviruses and Emerging Bat Borne Viruses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Tools for Vector-pathogen-host Investigations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Nipah VLP Vaccine for Pandemic Preparedness
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Nipah VLP Vaccine for Pandemic Preparedness
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Partnerships for an Early-career Pipeline to Enhance the Biodefense Veterinary Workforce
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Organic Compounds for the Control of Rhipicephalus Microplus on Cattle
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Pathogenesis and Wildlife Host Range of Japanese Encephalitis Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Population Genetics of Potential Rift Valley Fever Virus Vectors in South Africa
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Predicting Insect Contact and Transmission Using Historical Epidemiological Data
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Prediction of Viral Zoonoses and Reverse Zoonoses Using Next Generation Serodiagnostics (NGSeroDx)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Production of GMP-compliant Master Seed Virus (MSV) for Development of Vaccine Against African Swine Fever (ASF)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Production of Master Seed Virus for Development of Vaccine Against African Swine Fever
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Proteomic Analysis and Species-Specific Immune Responses in Livestock Vaccination Strategies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Quantifying Feral Swine Behavioral Ecology for Improved FMD Modeling of USA Outbreaks
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Quantitative Analysis of the Fomite Transport Risk Reduction Provided by Shower Out Practices in Various Containment Settings
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Rational Development of Recombinant Vaccines for African Swine Virus and Classical Swine Fever
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
RAV3N Phase II: Network of University and Federal BSL-3/4 Large Animal and Laboratory Agricultural Research Facilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
RAV3N Phase III: Network of University and Federal BSL-3/4 Large Animal and Laboratory Agricultural Research Facilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Reversion to Virulene Studies for African Swine Fever Vaccines
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Screwworm Genetic Sexing Line Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Southeastern USA Arbovirus Landscape
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Southwestern USA Arbovirus Landscape
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Strategic Safety Climate Management Initiatives for National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Structural Characterization of African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) Membrane Interacting Proteins
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Supporting and Enhancing the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Grand Challenge Project
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Bat Cave: Viral Diversity and the Factors Driving Cross-species Transmission
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Impact of Insects as Animal Food
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Impact of Viral Recombination on the Epidemiology of Viruses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Role of House Flies in Harboring and Disseminating Antimicrobial-Resistant (AMR) Bacteria at Kansas Cattle Operations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Training a New Generation of Epidemiologists in Support of the NBAF Mission
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Training Veterinarians to be Entomologists
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Transmission Dynamics of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Uncovering Zoonotic Viral Threats: A Bioinformatic Approach to Pathogen Monitoring in Kenyan Environments
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Uncovering Zoonotic Viral Threats: A Bioinformatic Approach to Pathogen Monitoring in Kenyan Environments
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Molecular Bases in the Production of Genetic Diversity of African Swine Fever Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Pathogenesis and Epidemiology for Controlling Foreign Animal Diseases
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Transcriptomics and Proteomics to Understand Arbovirus Effects on Midge Sensory Function
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
UTMB-USDA Collaboration on Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Ticks and Animals
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Vector Surveillance at an Active Cache Valley Virus Focus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Waste Water Surveillance for the Detection of Zoonotic Spillover Event
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Xenosurveillance Using Arthropod Vectors to Characterize Vector-borne Disease Epidemiology
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Zoonotic Biosurveillance: Novel Approaches to Pathogen Monitoring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Veterinary, Medical and Urban Entomology (NP #104)
Biology, Management, and Surveillance of Dipteran Pests and Associated Pathogens
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetics of Veterinary Pests
(In-House Appropriated)
Improved Methods for the Management of Dipteran Pests of Livestock
(In-House Appropriated)
Integrated Pest Management of Cattle Fever Ticks
(In-House Appropriated)
Management of Stable Flies to Improve Livestock Production
(In-House Appropriated)
Management of Ticks of Veterinary Importance
(In-House Appropriated)
Novel and Green Technologies Development for Enhanced Veterinary Pest Management and Improved Animal Welfare
(In-House Appropriated)
Predicting and Mitigating Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) in North America
(In-House Appropriated)
Testing Natural Product Repellents to Gastropod Aid Eradication and Management
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using House Flies as Sentinels to Monitor Existing, Emerging and Cryptic Microbial Threats to U.S. Military Personnel
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Cattle Fever Tick Research Laboratory - Moore Air Base
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between ARS and Texas Animal Health Commission
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research Involving the Use of Biohazardous Materials, Biological Toxins, Non-Exempt rDNA, and/or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Designing a Bioinformatics Training Strategic Partnership and Hub
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Injectable Eprinomectin Treatment Regimens for Cattle Fever Tick Management on Pastured Cattle
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Heritable Viruses in Insects
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Flower Nectar on Mosquito Longevity and Virus Transmission
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating New World Screwworm Courtship and Mate Selection
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Modernizing Parasite Control in Cattle Using Data Automation
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Insecticide Delivery and Formulation for Resistance Management in Zoonotic Disease Vectors
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Insecticide Delivery and Formulation for Resistance Management in Zoonotic Disease Vectors
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Phylogenomic-based Diagnostic Tools for Species Identification Across Diptera
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Expanding Precision-guided Sterile Insect Technique (pg-SIT) to Tick Species
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Towards Novel Acaricide Development Against Cattle Fever Tick: GPCR Target Validation, Tissue Localization and Bioactivity of Chemical Hits
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing Arbovirus Effects on Sensory Function and Behavior of Female Culicoides Sonorensis Midges
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Defining Biochemical Pathways That Regulate Mouthpart Development and Seminal Fluid Production in Stable Fly Males
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Nano-enabled Drug Carriers for Delivering Gene-editing Material to Targeted Sites
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring Alternative Uses for Muscid Antimicrobial Effectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring Insecticide Resistance Mechanisms and Effects on House Fly Behavior and Biology
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring the Biology and Ecology of Dipteran Pests to Improve Management and Mitigation Strategies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Field Exposures of Cattle Fever Tick Eggs and Larvae in Vietnam to Rear Biological Control Agents
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Functional Characterization of Sex-biased Odorant Receptors in Screwworm to Develop Sex Specific Baits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Interstadial and Temporal Changes in Rhipicephalus Microplus Salivary Glands and Salivary Extracellular Vesicles
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NAseq and Gut Microbiota Data Analysis for Enhanced Veterinary Pest Management and Improved Animal Welfare
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Organic Compounds for the Control of Rhipicephalus Microplus on Cattle
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Screwworm Genetic Sexing Line Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Role of House Flies in Harboring and Disseminating Antimicrobial-Resistant (AMR) Bacteria at Kansas Cattle Operations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Human Nutrition (NP #107)
Approaches to Dietary and Physical Activity Guidelines Adherence
(In-House Appropriated)
Biomarkers of Nutritional Status Resulting from Altered Food Composition
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Accurate and Efficient Laboratory Methods for Testing End-use Qualities of Pulse Crops, Identify Factors Associated with End-use Quality, and Develop Processes to Add Value to Pulses
(In-House Appropriated)
Diet and Physical Activity Interventions to Promote Health in Models for Obesity-Related Diseases
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Childhood Health and Lifestyle Behaviors
(In-House Appropriated)
Food Systems Approach to Understanding the Impact of Pulses on Human Health
(In-House Appropriated)
Human Nutrition through Food Systems
(In-House Appropriated)
Impact of Dietary Components on Health
(In-House Appropriated)
Lactation and Nutritional Health
(In-House Appropriated)
Methods for Healthier Lifestyles to Reduce Diet-related Chronic Disease
(In-House Appropriated)
Pulse Crop Health Initiative
(In-House Appropriated)
Regulatory Aspects of Nutritional Metabolism
(In-House Appropriated)
Regulatory Aspects of Obesity Development
(In-House Appropriated)
Sensors, Technology, and Data Security to Enable Precision, Data-Driven Management
(In-House Appropriated)
Transdisciplinary Research that Improves the Productivity and Sustainability of Northern Great Plains Agroecosystems and the Well-Being of the Communities They Serve
(In-House Appropriated)
Agricultural Data Security to Enable Precision, Data-Driven Management
(Cooperative Agreement)
An Integrated Approach to Using Precision Nutrition, Responsive Agriculture, and Behavioral Research to Reduce Diet-Related Chronic Disease
(Cooperative Agreement)
Comparing the Healthfulness of Grass-fed and Grain-fed Beef
(Cooperative Agreement)
Exercise is Medicine - How Exercise Signals Health Benefits
(Cooperative Agreement)
Human Obesity Prevention Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network – Plains Area Cropland Emissions (Mandan)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Grazingland CEAP, Pasture Ecological Vulnerability Index (pEVI)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Great Plains Indigenous Seeds and Plants Research
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improved Establishment Techniques for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pollinator Mixtures in Semi-Arid regions of the western US
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - OSU
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - Purdue
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - U of M
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Diet, Attitudes, and Behaviors (DAB) Study - UND
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Ecometabolomic Profile of Maize and Wheat with Different Management Strategies
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Fostering the Development of Future Dietitians
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Nutrition Research and Chronic Disease Prevention for Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Pregnant and Lactating Women
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Does a Diverse Plant Diet for Cattle Improve the Healthfulness of Grass-fed Beef for People
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Next-Generation Feedstocks for the Emerging Bioeconomy - Mandan
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
A Systematic Research Approach to Responsive Agriculture for the Advancement of Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Accelerating IoT and Big Data Analytics to Drive Climate Smart and Precision Agriculture Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Accelerating IoT and Big Data Analytics to Drive Climate Smart and Precision Agriculture Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Aligning Production Agricultural Systems to Enhance Diet and Health Outcomes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
An Innovative Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-based Drying Approach to Enhancing Functionality and Sensory Properties of Pea and Lentil Proteins
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing Soil Microbiomes for Soil Health and Agricultural Productivity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Clinical Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research Between ARS and University of Alaska - Fairbanks
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Livestock Research Between ARS and NDSU-Hettinger Research Extension Center
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Community Nutrition and Physical Activity Program
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Community-led Monitoring and Management of Climate Resilient Indigenous Wild Edible Plants in Alaska
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Designing and Implementing a Systems Approach to Responsive Agriculture and Precision Nutrition
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determining Impacts of Soil Moisture and Weather Variability on CRP Emergence and Establishment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing and Utilizing Functionally Enhanced Pulse Proteins as Novel Food Ingredients
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Remote Sensing and Image Processing Tools for North Dakota Agricultural and Rangeland Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Diet and Neurocognitive Development: A Metabolomic Enhanced Analysis
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Early-Life Environment, Critical Windows, and Long-Term Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Roasting Parameters on the Functional and Organoleptic Properties of Lentil Flours
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Examine Drivers of Obesity Risk in Youth from Under-Represented Families
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Factors Regulating Plant Nutritional Quality and Productivity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Indigenous Seeds and Plants Research with United Tribes Technical College
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Harnessing Fermentation Technology to Overcome Functionality, Nutritional, and Sensory Challenges in Pulse Protein Ingredients for Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Health Benefits of Specific Dietary Components
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Prenatal Fish Oil on Newborn Cognition and Fetal Gestation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Texture and Nutritive Value of Pulse-based Protein-rich Ingredients with Fiber Adducts Formed with High Pressure Homogenization and Heat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Influence of Plant Secondary Metabolites on Abiotic CO2 Efflux from Soils
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrating Community Nutrition with Improved Pregnancy Outcomes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Interaction of Microbiome and Phenylalanine Metabolism in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diseases
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Agroecosystems Research (LTAR) Human Dimensions Data Collection and Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Metabolites in Meat from Animals Grazing Cover Crops
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Mechanisms in Diet-Related Chronic Disease
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
National Consumer Survey of Pulse Consumption and Views
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Neural Signaling and Feeding/Glycemic Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Effect of a Pulse-based USDA-diet on Gut Microbial Metabolites and Biomarkers of Healthspan: A Crossover Feeding Study in Older Adults
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Enzymatic Modification of Pulse Proteins to Improve Technical and Health Functionalities for Diversified Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Improving Environmental and Economic Sustainability Outcomes Through Incorporation of Pulses into Irrigated and Dryland Crop Rotations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Leveraging plant-microbe Interactions to Optimize Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Dry Bean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Minimizing Water and Nutrient Footprint for Sustainable Pulses-wheat Cropping Systems and Enhanced Soil Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Pea Protein Consumption to Promote Gut Health in Humans
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Targeted Messaging Highlighting Human Health and Sustainability Benefits to Promote Pulse Consumption
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI – Improving Functional & Nutritional Properties of Pulse Flours by Heat-moisture Treatment & Developing Pasta with Improved Health Benefits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI – Isolating and Characterizing Protein Fractions from Black Beans and Lentils for use as Novel Oil Structuring Agents
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Assessing the Impacts of Dryland Wheat-pea Rotations and Compost Application on Soil Health and Soil Carbon Dynamics
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Assessment of Soil Health and Nitrogen Economy in Lentil and Pea Cropping Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Assessment of Soil Health and Nitrogen Economy in Lentil and Pea Cropping Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Chickpea Genetic Improvement for Drought and Heat Stress Resilient Grain Yield
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Type of Pulse Consumed in Human Subjects and Pre-Clinical Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Controlling Pulse Fermentation to Improve Gut Microbiome Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Develop Efficient, Genotype-independent, Gene-editing Systems for Common Bean and Chickpea
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Developing Chickpea Cultivars with Radically Improved Nitrogen Fixation Rates
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Effects of Daily Consumption of Polyphenol-rich Pulses on Skin Health in Women
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Effects of Extraction Methods on Lentil and Dry Beans Extract Composition and Structural Modification
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Effects of Pulse Consumption on Maternal and Child Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Enhancing Pea Protein Functionality through Glycation Following a Novel and Efficient Upcycling Approach
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Enhancing Winter Pea Production in the Annually Cropped, Rainfed Region of the Inland Pacific Northwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Field Experiments to Incorporate Pulse Crops in Cropping Systems and Assess Soil Health and Plant Water Use Efficiency - Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Human Pulse Consumption, the Microbiome, and Meal Satiety
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Impact of Storage on Functionality and Shelf Life of Chickpea Flour
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Impact of Structural Modification Techniques on Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Protein’s Ability to Modulate Human Gut Microbiota
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Impacts of Pulse Consumption on Human Health, Diet Cost, and Environmental Sustainability
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Improving Extraction Yield, Purity, and Functionality of Proteins from Pulse Grains using Enzyme-Assisted Green Extraction
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Maternal Supplementation of Pea Fiber to Protect Against Obesity and Hypertension in Offspring
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Optimizing Nodulation in Chickpea for Enhanced Nitrogen Fixation - Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Processing Effects on the Composition of Pulses (Beans/Peas/Chickpea/Lentils) and Resulting Benefits in the Prevention of Type-2 Diabetes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Protective Mechanisms of Pulse Consumption in the Development of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mothers and Offspring Across Life Stages
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Pulse Consumption Improves Gut Health, Metabolic Outcomes, and Bone Biomarkers of Post Menopausal Women
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Pulse-fruit Aggregate Ingredients with Enhanced Taste, Functionality and Health Attributes for Diversified Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Quantifying, Predicting, and Parallelizing the Examination of Post-digestive Properties of Common Beans
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Rapid and in situ Screening for Key Quality Traits in Pulse Crops
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Re-structuring Pulse Proteins into Valuable Fibrils via Biocatalysis
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Screening of Field Pea Accessions for Combined and Superior Drought-tolerance and Enhanced Nitrogen Fixation in Semi Arid Climates
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Tempeh Fermentation of Dry Chickpeas and Dry Peas for Enhanced Protection against Western Diet-Induced Health Risks
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: The Effect of Regular Lentil and Chickpea Intake on Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Health in Healthy Young Adults: Randomized Clinical Trial
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Understanding Environmental Controls on Pea Protein
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Understanding Environmental Controls on Pea Protein
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Using Pulse Resistant Starch to Ameliorate Aging-Associated Dysbiosis of the Gut-Microbiome-Brain Axis
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI:Dough Rheology, Baking Performance and Bread Sensory Quality of Pulse-fortified Whole Wheat Flours
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Physical Activity, Energy Balance, Sleep and Health in Children
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Preparation and Presentation of Indigenous Foods
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Protective Effects of Dietary Pulse Flours on the Transgenerational Influence of Maternal Obesity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Pulse Quality Characteristics for Product Development That Consider Adverse Effects on Human Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Replacing Fallow & Cover Crops with Field Pea and Chickpea in the Semi-arid Northern High Plains: Impacts on Production and Sustainability-Un of NE
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Role of Perinatal Nutrition on Overall Health and the Prevention of Disease
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Seed Multiplication to Support Indigenous Seed Sovereignty
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Unraveling the Complexities of Lactation: Exploring Gene-Variant Networks, Hypothalamic Regulation, and Metabolic Adaptations of the Liver-Gut Axis
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
A Systems Approach to Responsive Agriculture
(Invalid Project Type)
Food Safety, (Animal and Plant Products) (NP #108)
Detection and Fate of Environmental Chemical and Biological Residues and their Impact on the Food Supply
(In-House Appropriated)
Ecological Factors that Enable Colonization, Retention, and Dispersal of Foodborne Pathogens and Intervention Strategies to Control the Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance in Cattle and Swine
(In-House Appropriated)
Holistic Tactics to Advance the Microbiological Safety and Quality of the Red Meat Continuum
(In-House Appropriated)
Identification, Genomic Characterization, and Metabolic Modeling of Foodborne Pathogens in the Meat Production Continuum
(In-House Appropriated)
Immunological and Practical Approaches to Manipulate the Ecological Niches and Reduce Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry
(In-House Appropriated)
Improved Methods for the Management of Dipteran Pests of Livestock
(In-House Appropriated)
Managing Manure as a Soil Resource for Improved Biosecurity, Nutrient Availability, and Soil Sustainability
(In-House Appropriated)
Mitigation and Control of Aflatoxin Contamination of Corn
(In-House Appropriated)
Prevention and Mitigation of Pathogen Transmission from Cattle and Swine to Food, Water, and Environment
(In-House Appropriated)
Strategies to Control Respiratory Diseases of Cattle
(In-House Appropriated)
Sustainable Management of Manure Nutrients and Environmental Contaminants from Beef and Swine Production Facilities
(In-House Appropriated)
2023-2024 USDA Survey of Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds in Beef, Pork, and Siluriformes
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions from Beef Feedyard and Compost in the Upper Great Plains USMARC Clay Center, Nebraska
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
PFAS Fate and Remediation in Agricultural systems: Developing Conservation Assistance for Landowners
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Precision Bacteriophage Identification Through Machine Learning for Mitigating Persistent Colonization of Shiga Toxin...
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Salmonella Grand Challenge Workshop 2024
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using House Flies as Sentinels to Monitor Existing, Emerging and Cryptic Microbial Threats to U.S. Military Personnel
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Collaborative Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Oversight and Research between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and ARS-Lincoln
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research Involving the Use of Biohazardous Materials, Biological Toxins, Non-Exempt rDNA, and/or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Consultation and Review Services for Biohazard Research
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Designing a Bioinformatics Training Strategic Partnership and Hub
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Enhance the Agronomic, Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Production Systems
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating New World Screwworm Courtship and Mate Selection
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Insecticide Delivery and Formulation for Resistance Management in Zoonotic Disease Vectors
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Insecticide Delivery and Formulation for Resistance Management in Zoonotic Disease Vectors
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
A Novel Probiotic to Increase Chicken Gut Integrity and Maturation at Early Life to Improve Health and Disease Resistance
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Collective Dynamics of Environmental Multispecies Biofilms That Facilitate Sanitizer Tolerance and Dissemination of Foodborne Pathogens
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Phylogenomic-based Diagnostic Tools for Species Identification Across Diptera
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying AMR Gene Reservoirs and Bacterial Host-AMR Gene Associations To Identify Bacterial Host Range of AMR Genes in Swine
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Emergence and Ecology of Antimicrobial Resistance in High Risk Beef Cattle
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Regulation of Maintenance of Bovine Herepsvirus (BoHV-1) Latency by Viral and Cellular Factors
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding the Risks Associated with Utilizing Genetically Engineered Microbes in Beef Cattle Production Systems: ...
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Utilizing Pre-harvest Enumeration and Risk Factors to Predict Ground Turkey Test Results
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing Arbovirus Effects on Sensory Function and Behavior of Female Culicoides Sonorensis Midges
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Defining Biochemical Pathways That Regulate Mouthpart Development and Seminal Fluid Production in Stable Fly Males
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring Alternative Uses for Muscid Antimicrobial Effectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring Insecticide Resistance Mechanisms and Effects on House Fly Behavior and Biology
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring the Biology and Ecology of Dipteran Pests to Improve Management and Mitigation Strategies
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Food Safety Studies Related to HPAI Virus in Food Products
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Functional Characterization of Sex-biased Odorant Receptors in Screwworm to Develop Sex Specific Baits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Intentional Genomic Alteration of Beef Cattle for Reducing Susceptibility to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NRATE: Nitrogen Research for Agriculture Transformation and Enhancement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
On-farm Preharvest Mitigation and Control of Aflatoxin Contamination of Corn
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Screwworm Genetic Sexing Line Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Control of Food Safety Pathogens in Preharvest Poultry
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Role of House Flies in Harboring and Disseminating Antimicrobial-Resistant (AMR) Bacteria at Kansas Cattle Operations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Soil Health Nexus: Biochar Use for Improving Soil Health and Limiting PFAS Movement in Soils
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Case Studies of Relatedness Between Salmonella Isolates from Foodborne Outbreaks Using a Recently Developed Analysis Pipeline
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of an Oregano-Based Feed Additive to Reduce Salmonella Colonization in Poultry
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Optimization of Industry Feasible Sampling and Laboratory Methods To Enabling Classification of Beef Feedyards by Salmonella Risk
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding the Impact of the Farm and Lairage Environments on Salmonella Contamination in Market Hogs
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Water Availability and Watershed Management (NP #211)
Agricultural Management for Long-Term Sustainability and Soil Health
(In-House Appropriated)
Climate-resilient Sustainable Irrigated and Dryland Cropping Systems in the Semi-arid Northern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Precision Management Strategies to Enhance Productivity, Biodiversity, and Climate Resilience in Rangeland Social-ecological Systems
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Strategies for Resilient and Sustainable Crop, Water, and Soil Management in Semi-Arid Environments
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of a Monitoring Network, Engineering Tools, and Guidelines for the Design, Analysis, and Rehabilitation of Embankment Dams, Hydraulic Structures, and Channels
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of Enhanced Tools and Management Strategies to Support Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Water Quality
(In-House Appropriated)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Beef Cattle Production and Finishing Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Crop Performance and Precision Irrigation Management in Semi-Arid Regions through Data-Driven Research, AI, and Integrated Models
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Resiliency of Semi-Arid Agroecosystems and Watersheds to Change and Disturbance through Data-Driven Research, AI, and Integrated Models
(In-House Appropriated)
Precision Technologies and Management for Northern Plains Rangeland
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs – Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - Fort Collins, CO
(In-House Appropriated)
Develop Mobile Phone-based Applications for the Larger-scale End-user Applications of the CWSI-Integrated WISE Irrigation Scheduling Tool
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Testing of New Groundwater Phosphorus Model in Selected HUC8 From the National Agroecosystem Model
(Cooperative Agreement)
Field-Scale SWAT+ Modeling to Support Regional Legacy P Model Development
(Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporating Precision Agriculture Equipment to Maximize Profitability in Maryland – Best Practices for Creating Management Zones
(Cooperative Agreement)
Parameterization and Testing of New Groundwater Flow and Salinity Model in the National Agroecosystem Model
(Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Modeling: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Livestock Grazer and Ecosystem Interactions
(Cooperative Agreement)
Using Landscape Features, Plot Measurements, and Remote Sensing Data to Improve Predictions of Fuels Treatment Longevity in the Colorado Front Range
(Cooperative Agreement)
Establishing Native Vegetation on Coal Mining Lands
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) - Greenhouse Gas Research Network - Initial Equipment Needs - Fort Collins
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network – Plains Area - Cropland Emissions- Ft. Collins, Colorado
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Characterization of Soil Microbiome in Diverse Biochar-Amended Soils and Ecosystems
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education - Fort Collins
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Plantings in Drylands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse CRP Plantings in Drylands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Colorado South Platte River Basin CEAP - Establishment of Monitoring and Modeling Foundation
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Conservation Effects Assessment Project - 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Contribution of Legacy P to Watershed Outcomes - Phase 1
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Developing a Conceptual Integrated Geospatial Architectures To Support Enterprise Deployment of Geographic Information Systems Products at USDA
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enhancement of Erosion Processes and Breach Prediction and Analysis Modules and Other Hydraulic and Hydrologic Support Tools
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enhancement of WinDAM User Interface
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enteric Methane Monitoring - Fort Collins, CO
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2021 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on Croplands) El Reno, OK
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2022 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) El Reno
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2022-2027 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) Temple
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY2021, FY2022 Contribution of Legacy Phosphorus to Watershed Outcomes, Phase 2 (Temple, TX)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improved Establishment Techniques for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pollinator Mixtures in Semi-Arid Regions of the Western U.S.
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Nitrogen Fertility and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers for Sustainable Biofuels Production
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using Landscape Features, Plot Measurements, and Remote Sensing Data to Improve Predictions of Fuels Treatment Longevity in the Colorado Front Range
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
WEPS Workplan 2024 With NRCS
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Wind Erosion Prediction Tool for Conservation Planning
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Variability and Change in Central Oklahoma
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Cooperative Research for Joint Projects in Basic and Applied Research with Regional or National Importance
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Develop and Evaluate a Site-specific Climate Downscaling Tool for Climatic Impact Assessment
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Canopy Temperature Based Methodologies to Inform Irrigation Decisions
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Soil Quality and Productivity of Eroded Crop Land Using Animal Beef Manure
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Sustainability in Cropping Systems of Semi-arid Regions
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Knowledge Enhancement of Shortgrass Steppe Ecology and Management
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Beef Manure Influences Soil Quality, Carbon Dynamics, and Corn Productivity
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Cover Crops Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Content in Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Oil Seed Production Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Content in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Tillage Influence Soil Nutrient Dynamics and Soil Quality in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Tillage Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Cycling in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Natural Carbon Sinks in Grass and Cropland
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Optimized Allocation of Limited Amount of Irrigation Water among Simultaneous Annual Crops at Farm Level (ORDILS)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Partitioning of Anthropogenic Radioisotopes on Aeolian Sediments and Erosion-affected Soils
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Residue Removal Study and Manure Addition to Maintain Soil Quality and Sustainability
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Soil Water Holding Capacity in Long-Term Compost Study
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Techniques for Enhancing Pollinator CRP Plantings in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: Curtis Ranch agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Techniques for Enhancing Pollinator CRP Plantings in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: John Wright Agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Precision Irrigation Systems for Increased Crop Water Productivity in Different Climates
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Use of Beef Sires on Dairy Cows to Produce Higher Value Offspring for Beef Production
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Metrics, Management, and Monitoring: An Investigation in Rangeland and Pasture Soil Health and Their Drivers - Fort Collins
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Oklahoma Center for Hydrological Integrated Monitoring, Modeling, and Mitigation
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Resilience Following Wildfire: Post-Fire Soil Health
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
REEU: Student Career in Agricultural Research, Learning, and Extension Training (SCARLET)
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainability of Groundwater and Irrigated Agriculture in the Western United States Under a Changing Climate
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Accounting for Stem Water Capacitance in Earth Systems and Hydrologic Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Adaptation Strategies for Livestock Grazing in a Changing Climate
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Plantings in Drylands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-informed Assessment of Water Availability and Adaptive Management for Cropping Systems in the Fort Cobb Reservoir Experimental Watershed
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Co-Developing Precision Rangeland Management Approaches in the Context of Variable Precipitation and Disturbance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas A&M
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas Tech
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative, Adaptive, and Precision Management Strategies to Improve Multiple Ecosystem Services in Shortgrass Rangeland Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dam Analysis Modernization of Tools, Applications, Guidance and Standardization (DAM-TAGS) Project
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
DayCent Model Development and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Climate Based Ag Management Operation Scheduling and Natural Infrastructure Practices in the National Agroecosystem Model
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Ecophysiological Components for Post-Fire Hydrologic Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Integrated Geospatial Architectures to Support Enterprise Deployment of Geographic Information Systems Products at USDA
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of an Analogue Weather Forecast Using Machine Learning and K Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Data and Tools to Support Precision Dryland Farming
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Kansas State University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Kansas State University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancement of Erosion Processes and Breach Prediction and Analysis Modules for Sites and WinDAM and Other Hydraulic and Hydrologic Support Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Climate Literacy, Adaptation, and Mitigation among Working-land Managers and Partners in the Northern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Knowledge of Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Among Native Agricultural Producers and Other Working-Land Managers and Partners in Montana
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Carbon Regulation of Grazing Lands Across the USA
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Management Impacts on Water and Soil Quality using Distributed Hydrologic and Transport Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
FY23 Conservation Effects Assessment Project - Colorado South Platte River Establishment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Agrohydrological Variability in the Water-limited Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Graphical User Interface for Multi-Group Particle Swarm Optimization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Grass-Cast: Decision Support for Climate-Smart Decision-Making in Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - Colorado State Univ
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - Kansas State Univ
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - North Dakota State University
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - Univ Nebraska
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improve the Usage of Remote Sensing and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Crop Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Dryland Agricultural Crops, Practices, and Data Utilization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Irrigated and Dryland Agriculture Via Xylem, Stomata, and Leaf Traits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating Grazing Impacts on Soil Carbon
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Lake Champlain Legacy Phosphorus Assessment - Phases 1 and 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Livestock Responses to Adaptive Grazing Management in High Plains Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Lower Missouri River Basin Water Resource Monitoring and Modeling
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mapping of Soil Moisture with Mobile Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Missouri River Basin Water Resource Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NextGenEEF: Evaluation and Testing of Biodegradable Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Operation of the ARS Micronet to Provide a Long-Term, High Spatial Resolution Climate Record for Study of Hydrologic and Agricultural Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Post-fire Runoff Response in Mulched Montane Catchments
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production- OAP 3rd Phase with TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Process Modeling, Machine Learning, and Computational Tools for Watershed Modeling from Fire to Field
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Rumen Microbial Communities in Forage-based Beef Stockering and Cow Management Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Soil C Cycling in Irrigated Agroecosystems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Stakeholder Development, Student Help, and Educational Opportunities Associated with the Southern Plains LTAR Network Site
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Soils for Healthy Communities and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Soils for Healthy Communities and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Soil and Environmental Effects on Crop Species and Rangeland Ecosystems Under Water Limitation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding the Role of Kernza in the Intermountain West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Upper Washita River Basin Water Resources Monitoring and Evaluation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Natural Sources of Tannins to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Cattle Grazing Winter Annual Pasture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Water Quality and Hydrology Research on Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Water Use, Growth, and Yield of Cotton and Guayule under Gravity Drip Irrigation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
WinDAM User Interface Enhancement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Soil and Air (NP #212)
Agricultural Management for Long-Term Sustainability and Soil Health
(In-House Appropriated)
Climate-resilient Sustainable Irrigated and Dryland Cropping Systems in the Semi-arid Northern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Combined Management Tactics for Resilient and Sustainable Crop Production
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Strategies for Resilient and Sustainable Crop, Water, and Soil Management in Semi-Arid Environments
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of a Monitoring Network, Engineering Tools, and Guidelines for the Design, Analysis, and Rehabilitation of Embankment Dams, Hydraulic Structures, and Channels
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of Enhanced Tools and Management Strategies to Support Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Water Quality
(In-House Appropriated)
Diet and Physical Activity Interventions to Promote Health in Models for Obesity-Related Diseases
(In-House Appropriated)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Cropping System and Grassland Sustainability in the Texas Gulf Coast Region by Managing Systems for Productivity and Resilience
(In-House Appropriated)
Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Crop Performance and Precision Irrigation Management in Semi-Arid Regions through Data-Driven Research, AI, and Integrated Models
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Resiliency of Semi-Arid Agroecosystems and Watersheds to Change and Disturbance through Data-Driven Research, AI, and Integrated Models
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving the Production and Processing of Western and Long-Staple Cotton and Companion Crops to Enhance Quality, Value, and Sustainability
(In-House Appropriated)
Integrated Agricultural Systems for a Resilient Circular Bioeconomy in the Central Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Knowledge Systems and Tools to Increase the Resilience and Sustainablity of Western Rangeland Agriculture
(In-House Appropriated)
Managing Manure as a Soil Resource for Improved Biosecurity, Nutrient Availability, and Soil Sustainability
(In-House Appropriated)
Optimizing Nutrient Management and Efficiency of Beef Cattle and Swine
(In-House Appropriated)
Resilient Plants and Production Systems in a Changing Climate for the Central Plains Bioeconomy
(In-House Appropriated)
Strategies to Manage Feed Nutrients, Reduce Gas Emissions, and Promote Soil Health for Beef and Dairy Cattle Production Systems of the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Sustainable Management of Manure Nutrients and Environmental Contaminants from Beef and Swine Production Facilities
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs - Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - El Reno, OK
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs – Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices – Las Cruces, NM
(In-House Appropriated)
Transdisciplinary Research that Improves the Productivity and Sustainability of Northern Great Plains Agroecosystems and the Well-Being of the Communities They Serve
(In-House Appropriated)
Comparing the Healthfulness of Grass-fed and Grain-fed Beef
(Cooperative Agreement)
Continuing Technology Development for Sustainable Land Management, Monitoring, and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Data Partnership with PhenoCam Network to Process, Serve, and Archive LTAR Digital Camera Imagery and Derived Data Products
(Cooperative Agreement)
Develop Mobile Phone-based Applications for the Larger-scale End-user Applications of the CWSI-Integrated WISE Irrigation Scheduling Tool
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Testing of New Groundwater Phosphorus Model in Selected HUC8 From the National Agroecosystem Model
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Rangeland Fractional Cover and Production Models
(Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancements to the Database for Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment
(Cooperative Agreement)
Expanding NRCS Climate Literacy and Leadership
(Cooperative Agreement)
Field-Scale SWAT+ Modeling to Support Regional Legacy P Model Development
(Cooperative Agreement)
Improvement and Maintenance of a Knowledge of a Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS)
(Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporating Precision Agriculture Equipment to Maximize Profitability in Maryland – Best Practices for Creating Management Zones
(Cooperative Agreement)
Land Health Assessment and Visualization Tools
(Cooperative Agreement)
NCARL Sequencing Projects
(Cooperative Agreement)
Outreach and Communication for the Rangeland Analysis Platform
(Cooperative Agreement)
Parameterization and Testing of New Groundwater Flow and Salinity Model in the National Agroecosystem Model
(Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Monitoring and Data Analyses Using the AIM Strategy
(Cooperative Agreement)
Recycling Nutrients for Robust Agricultural Supply Chains
(Cooperative Agreement)
Response to Nutrients, Disturbance, Drought, and Management Practice in C4 Grasslands
(Cooperative Agreement)
Scientific Support and Partnership for BLM Renewable Resource Programs in NM
(Cooperative Agreement)
Standardized Monitoring Implementation and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Technology Development for Sustainable Land Management, Monitoring and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Texas Water Observatory Monitoring at the Riesel Watersheds
(Cooperative Agreement)
Using Landscape Features, Plot Measurements, and Remote Sensing Data to Improve Predictions of Fuels Treatment Longevity in the Colorado Front Range
(Cooperative Agreement)
Wind Erosion Tools and the Landscape Data Commons
(Cooperative Agreement)
Producing Upland and Pima Seed Cotton for ARS Research Studies
Strategies for Sustaining Multi-functional Rangelands
The 4 Directions Projections
(AA2) - Greenhouse Gas Research Network - Bushland, TX, GHG and Ammonia Emissions from Pork Production in Texas/Oklahoma Panhandle region
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) - Greenhouse Gas Research Network - Initial Equipment Needs - Fort Collins
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network – Plains Area - Cropland Emissions- Ft. Collins, Colorado
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network – Plains Area Cropland Emissions (Mandan)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network – Plains Area Cropland Emissions – Lincoln, Nebraska Location
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Characterization of Soil Microbiome in Diverse Biochar-Amended Soils and Ecosystems
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Plantings in Drylands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Colorado South Platte River Basin CEAP - Establishment of Monitoring and Modeling Foundation
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Conservation Effects Assessment Project - 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Contribution of Legacy P to Watershed Outcomes - Phase 1
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Developing a Conceptual Integrated Geospatial Architectures To Support Enterprise Deployment of Geographic Information Systems Products at USDA
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of a Tool to Support Emergency Haying and Grazing Decisions on CRP lands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of an All-lands Wind Erosion Model
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
EDIT Update
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enhancement of Erosion Processes and Breach Prediction and Analysis Modules and Other Hydraulic and Hydrologic Support Tools
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enhancement of WinDAM User Interface
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enhancing Climate-smart Disaster Relief in FSA programs: Non-stationarity at the Intersection of Normal Grazing Periods and US Drought Assessment
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Environmental Monitoring to Support Eco-Geomorphic Modeling and Atmospheric Prediction
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
EXCHANGE: Expanding the Conversion of Habitat in the Northern Great Plains Ecosystem
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2021 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on Croplands) El Reno, OK
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2022 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) El Reno
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2022-2027 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) Temple
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY2021, FY2022 Contribution of Legacy Phosphorus to Watershed Outcomes, Phase 2 (Temple, TX)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Grazingland CEAP, Pasture Ecological Vulnerability Index (pEVI)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Great Plains Indigenous Seeds and Plants Research
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions from Beef Feedyard and Compost in the Upper Great Plains USMARC Clay Center, Nebraska
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improve Temporal and Spatial Coverage of National Conservation Activity Data
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improved Establishment Techniques for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pollinator Mixtures in Semi-Arid regions of the western US
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Inventory of Forest Resources: Forest Management Resources in New Mexico and Arizona
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Land Management and Monitoring Apps Development
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Livestock Nutrient Management Research Unit, Bushland, Texas, contribution to Enteric Methane Monitoring - Midwest Area
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Maintaining and Improving the Rangeland Analysis Platform
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Monitoring Tools and Research in Support of Adaptive Management
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Nitrogen Fertility and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers for Sustainable Biofuels Production
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Rangeland Analysis Platform Support and Development
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Scientific Support and Partnership for BLM Renewable Resources Programs in New Mexico
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Streamlining the Use of Monitoring Data in Multiple Resource Decision Making
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
US Meat Animal Research Center (Nutrition Growth and Physiology Research Unit) Contribution to Enteric Methane Monitoring – Midwest Area
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using Landscape Features, Plot Measurements, and Remote Sensing Data to Improve Predictions of Fuels Treatment Longevity in the Colorado Front Range
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using Quantitative Approaches to Developing Ecological Sites
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
(Memorandum of Understanding)
U.S. Department of State Temporary Detail for Jeffrey Herrick
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Climate Adaptation and Sustainability in Switchgrass: Exploring Plant-microbe-soil Interactions Across Continental Scale Environmental Gradients
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Variability and Change in Central Oklahoma
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaboration on Tools to Manage Ecosystem Transitions for Agricultural Sustainability in the Americas
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between New Mexico State University (NMSU and ARS)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between WTAMU and ARS
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Oversight and Research between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and ARS-Lincoln
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Cooperative Research for Joint Projects in Basic and Applied Research with Regional or National Importance
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Develop and Evaluate a Site-specific Climate Downscaling Tool for Climatic Impact Assessment
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Canopy Temperature Based Methodologies to Inform Irrigation Decisions
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Ecometabolomic Profile of Maize and Wheat with Different Management Strategies
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Enhance the Agronomic, Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Production Systems
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Soil Quality and Productivity of Eroded Crop Land Using Animal Beef Manure
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Sustainability in Cropping Systems of Semi-arid Regions
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Grassland and Cropland Observation Systems for Multi-Scale Observations Agroecosystem Processes
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Beef Manure Influences Soil Quality, Carbon Dynamics, and Corn Productivity
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Cover Crops Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Content in Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Oil Seed Production Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Content in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Tillage Influence Soil Nutrient Dynamics and Soil Quality in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Tillage Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Cycling in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
LTER: Long-Term Research at the Jornada Basin
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Natural Carbon Sinks in Grass and Cropland
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Optimized Allocation of Limited Amount of Irrigation Water among Simultaneous Annual Crops at Farm Level (ORDILS)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Organomineral Fertilizers: A Sustainable Fertility Option for Farmers?
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Partitioning of Anthropogenic Radioisotopes on Aeolian Sediments and Erosion-affected Soils
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Remote Sensing to Quantify Benefits of Cropping System Diversification
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Residue Removal Study and Manure Addition to Maintain Soil Quality and Sustainability
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Soil Water Holding Capacity in Long-Term Compost Study
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) Grazing Research Proposal - Northern Plains
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Wetland Restoration in the Conservation Reserve Program
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Does a Diverse Plant Diet for Cattle Improve the Healthfulness of Grass-fed Beef for People
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Precision Irrigation Systems for Increased Crop Water Productivity in Different Climates
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Next-Generation Feedstocks for the Emerging Bioeconomy - Mandan
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Oklahoma Center for Hydrological Integrated Monitoring, Modeling, and Mitigation
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Resilience Following Wildfire: Post-Fire Soil Health
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
REEU: Student Career in Agricultural Research, Learning, and Extension Training (SCARLET)
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Relationships Between Feedlot Steer Activity, Feed Efficiency, Molecular Profiles, and Meat Quality
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Host, Microbial, Environmental, and Management Factors Towards Methane Mitigation in Ruminants
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Accelerating IoT and Big Data Analytics to Drive Climate Smart and Precision Agriculture Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Accelerating IoT and Big Data Analytics to Drive Climate Smart and Precision Agriculture Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Accounting for Stem Water Capacitance in Earth Systems and Hydrologic Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate Change Resilience in the Southwest United States
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate Smart Agricultural Practices and Climate Literacy among Limited Resource Horticulture Producers in Oklahoma
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate-Informed Agroforestry and Sustainable Community Forestry in the Southwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing Soil Microbiomes for Soil Health and Agricultural Productivity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing the Environmental Protective Benefits of Tannins and Fat Supplementation for Finishing Beef Steers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessment of the Effectiveness of Conservation Practices to Decrease Ammonia Emissions From Open Lot Cattle Operations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Cattle Use Fees to Texas A&M AgriLife
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Adaptation Technical Assistance & Outreach in the Southwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Education for Teacher Professional Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Education for Teachers and Students in the Southern Plains Climate Hub Region
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Conversation with NRCS and Conservation Partnership Personnel
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Conversations with Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers of Oklahoma
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Extension in Arizona
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Plantings in Drylands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-informed Assessment of Water Availability and Adaptive Management for Cropping Systems in the Fort Cobb Reservoir Experimental Watershed
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research Between ARS and University of Alaska - Fairbanks
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Livestock Research Between ARS and NDSU-Hettinger Research Extension Center
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas A&M
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas Tech
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Community-led Monitoring and Management of Climate Resilient Indigenous Wild Edible Plants in Alaska
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dam Analysis Modernization of Tools, Applications, Guidance and Standardization (DAM-TAGS) Project
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
DayCent Model Development and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determining Impacts of Soil Moisture and Weather Variability on CRP Emergence and Establishment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Climate Based Ag Management Operation Scheduling and Natural Infrastructure Practices in the National Agroecosystem Model
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Ecophysiological Components for Post-Fire Hydrologic Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Integrated Geospatial Architectures to Support Enterprise Deployment of Geographic Information Systems Products at USDA
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Multiple-scale Validation Tools for Forage Mass and Forage Production in Rangelands: A Pilot Study
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Remote Sensing and Image Processing Tools for North Dakota Agricultural and Rangeland Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Southern Plains Region Management And Resiliency Tools for Agricultural Systems (SMART Ag Systems)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of an Analogue Weather Forecast Using Machine Learning and K Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Data and Tools to Support Precision Dryland Farming
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Improved Soil Sampling Design Using Geophysical Layers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Kansas State University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Kansas State University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Grazing Land Management on Soil Organic Carbon in the United States: A Climate Hubs-LTAR Science Synthesis and Translation Collaboration
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancement of Erosion Processes and Breach Prediction and Analysis Modules for Sites and WinDAM and Other Hydraulic and Hydrologic Support Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Climate-smart Disaster Relief in FSA Programs: Non-stationarity at the Intersection of Normal Grazing Periods and US Drought Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Current Air Quality Dispersion Models Used to Permit Low-level Agricultural Point Sources - Cotton Gins
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Management Impacts on Water and Soil Quality using Distributed Hydrologic and Transport Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Experimental Evaluation of Drought and Grazing Duration on Grassland Productivity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
FY23 Conservation Effects Assessment Project - Colorado South Platte River Establishment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Agrohydrological Variability in the Water-limited Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Graphical User Interface for Multi-Group Particle Swarm Optimization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Indigenous Seeds and Plants Research with United Tribes Technical College
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - Colorado State Univ
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - Kansas State Univ
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - North Dakota State University
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Wheat Stem Sawfly Coalition - Univ Nebraska
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying Drivers of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Semi-arid Agroecosystems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Agricultural Intensification on Microbial Processes Underpinning Soil Health in the Western Corn Belt
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improve the Usage of Remote Sensing and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Crop Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Dryland Agricultural Crops, Practices, and Data Utilization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Irrigated and Dryland Agriculture Via Xylem, Stomata, and Leaf Traits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Influence of Plant Secondary Metabolites on Abiotic CO2 Efflux from Soils
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems for the Western Corn Belt
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Cropland and Rangeland Drought Preparation for Enhanced Climate Resiliency in Utah
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Introgression Breeding to Develop Cotton Cultivars with Desirable Seed and Fiber Quality for Sustainable Agriculture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating Grazing Impacts on Soil Carbon
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Lake Champlain Legacy Phosphorus Assessment - Phases 1 and 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Long Term Monitoring for Crop and Integrated Agricultural Systems Resilience
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Long Term Rotation Experiment at ENREC
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Agroecosystems Research (LTAR) Human Dimensions Data Collection and Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Lower Missouri River Basin Water Resource Monitoring and Modeling
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mapping of Soil Moisture with Mobile Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Metabolites in Meat from Animals Grazing Cover Crops
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Missouri River Basin Water Resource Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NextGenEEF: Evaluation and Testing of Biodegradable Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NRATE: Nitrogen Research for Agriculture Transformation and Enhancement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Operation of the ARS Micronet to Provide a Long-Term, High Spatial Resolution Climate Record for Study of Hydrologic and Agricultural Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Optimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Partnership for Improving Southwestern Specialty Crop Sustainability and Byproducts Utilization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Post-fire Runoff Response in Mulched Montane Catchments
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production- OAP 3rd Phase with TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Process Modeling, Machine Learning, and Computational Tools for Watershed Modeling from Fire to Field
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Science and Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Rangeland Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Science Curricula Through Education, Development and Outreach Programs
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Seed Multiplication to Support Indigenous Seed Sovereignty
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Software and Database Development Related to Forage and Animal Production Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Soil C Cycling in Irrigated Agroecosystems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Stakeholder Development, Student Help, and Educational Opportunities Associated with the Southern Plains LTAR Network Site
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Support Climate-smart Decision Making on Diné Lands, USDA Southwest Climate Hub
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Supporting Career Pathways for Indigenous Agriculture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Soils for Healthy Communities and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Soils for Healthy Communities and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Synthesis, Research & Outreach of Climate Change Mitigation Practices: A Research and Outreach Effort with Southern Plains Climate Hub & NRCS
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Association Between the Conservation Reserve Program, Extreme Weather, Water Quality, and Economic Development in the Southern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Soil and Environmental Effects on Crop Species and Rangeland Ecosystems Under Water Limitation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding the Role of Kernza in the Intermountain West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Upper Washita River Basin Water Resources Monitoring and Evaluation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Urban Forestry as a Strategy in the Heat Management Portfolio for a Resilient Nevada
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
USDA Southwest Climate Hub Advancing Climate Informed Decision Making in Hawaii and USAPI
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
USDA-ARS Science Communication & Outreach Specialist for Agriculture and Climate in the U.S. Southern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Water Quality and Hydrology Research on Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
WinDAM User Interface Enhancement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Recycling Nutrients for Robust Agricultural Supply Chains
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Grass, Forage, and Rangeland Agroecosystems (NP #215)
Developing Precision Management Strategies to Enhance Productivity, Biodiversity, and Climate Resilience in Rangeland Social-ecological Systems
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Beef Cattle Production and Finishing Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Cropping System and Grassland Sustainability in the Texas Gulf Coast Region by Managing Systems for Productivity and Resilience
(In-House Appropriated)
Integrated Research to Enhance Forage and Food Production from Southern Great Plains Agroecosystems
(In-House Appropriated)
Knowledge Systems and Tools to Increase the Resilience and Sustainablity of Western Rangeland Agriculture
(In-House Appropriated)
Precision Technologies and Management for Northern Plains Rangeland
(In-House Appropriated)
Resilient Plants and Production Systems in a Changing Climate for the Central Plains Bioeconomy
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs - Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - El Reno, OK
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs – Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - Fort Collins, CO
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs – Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices – Las Cruces, NM
(In-House Appropriated)
Continuing Technology Development for Sustainable Land Management, Monitoring, and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Rangeland Fractional Cover and Production Models
(Cooperative Agreement)
Expanding NRCS Climate Literacy and Leadership
(Cooperative Agreement)
Outreach and Communication for the Rangeland Analysis Platform
(Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Modeling: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Livestock Grazer and Ecosystem Interactions
(Cooperative Agreement)
Response to Nutrients, Disturbance, Drought, and Management Practice in C4 Grasslands
(Cooperative Agreement)
Standardized Monitoring Implementation and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Texas Water Observatory Monitoring at the Riesel Watersheds
(Cooperative Agreement)
Establishing Native Vegetation on Coal Mining Lands
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education - Fort Collins
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse CRP Plantings in Drylands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse CRP Plantings in Drylands - Miles City
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of a Tool to Support Emergency Haying and Grazing Decisions on CRP lands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
EDIT Update
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enhancing Climate-smart Disaster Relief in FSA programs: Non-stationarity at the Intersection of Normal Grazing Periods and US Drought Assessment
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enteric Methane Monitoring - Fort Collins, CO
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Fertilize Right Initiative Research Projects
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improve Temporal and Spatial Coverage of National Conservation Activity Data
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improved Establishment Techniques for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pollinator Mixtures in Semi-Arid Regions of the Western U.S.
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Inventory of Forest Resources: Forest Management Resources in New Mexico and Arizona
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Livestock, Forage, and Pasture Management Research Unit, El Reno, Oklahoma, contribution to Enteric Methane Monitoring - Midwest Area
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Maintaining and Improving the Rangeland Analysis Platform
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Monitoring Tools and Research in Support of Adaptive Management
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
WEPS Workplan 2024 With NRCS
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Wind Erosion Prediction Tool for Conservation Planning
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Memorandum of Agreement by and Between US Dept of Agriculture and The General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service, Energy Division
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Climate Adaptation and Sustainability in Switchgrass: Exploring Plant-microbe-soil Interactions Across Continental Scale Environmental Gradients
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Grassland and Cropland Observation Systems for Multi-Scale Observations Agroecosystem Processes
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Knowledge Enhancement of Shortgrass Steppe Ecology and Management
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Monitoring Climatic Changes in Northwest Oklahoma
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Organomineral Fertilizers: A Sustainable Fertility Option for Farmers?
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Techniques for Enhancing Pollinator CRP Plantings in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: Curtis Ranch agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Techniques for Enhancing Pollinator CRP Plantings in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: John Wright Agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Controlling Weeds and Cool-season Grass Competition to Improve Revegetation Outcomes on Mine Lands
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Increasing Water Productivity, Nutrient Efficiency and Soil Health in Rainfed Food Systems of Semi-Aris Southern Great Plains
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Use of Beef Sires on Dairy Cows to Produce Higher Value Offspring for Beef Production
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Metrics, Management, and Monitoring: An Investigation in Rangeland and Pasture Soil Health and Their Drivers - Fort Collins
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Next-Generation Feedstocks for the Emerging Bioeconomy
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Quantifying the Effects of Growing System on the Carcass Yield from Beef Calves
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Reseeding Downy Brome-infested Fields and Controlling Downy Brome on New Reclamation
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Adaptation Strategies for Livestock Grazing in a Changing Climate
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate Change Resilience in the Southwest United States
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate Smart Agricultural Practices and Climate Literacy among Limited Resource Horticulture Producers in Oklahoma
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate-Informed Agroforestry and Sustainable Community Forestry in the Southwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Burning and Mowing to Increase Utilization of Little Bluestem in Mixed-grass Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Education for Teacher Professional Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Education for Teachers and Students in the Southern Plains Climate Hub Region
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Conversation with NRCS and Conservation Partnership Personnel
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Conversations with Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers of Oklahoma
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Extension in Arizona
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Co-Developing Precision Rangeland Management Approaches in the Context of Variable Precipitation and Disturbance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative, Adaptive, and Precision Management Strategies to Improve Multiple Ecosystem Services in Shortgrass Rangeland Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Multiple-scale Validation Tools for Forage Mass and Forage Production in Rangelands: A Pilot Study
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Southern Plains Region Management And Resiliency Tools for Agricultural Systems (SMART Ag Systems)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Grazing Land Management on Soil Organic Carbon in the United States: A Climate Hubs-LTAR Science Synthesis and Translation Collaboration
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Climate Literacy, Adaptation, and Mitigation among Working-land Managers and Partners in the Northern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Climate-smart Disaster Relief in FSA Programs: Non-stationarity at the Intersection of Normal Grazing Periods and US Drought Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Knowledge of Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Among Native Agricultural Producers and Other Working-Land Managers and Partners in Montana
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Carbon Regulation of Grazing Lands Across the USA
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Fire Effects in Greasewood-Saline Ecological Sites in Wyoming and Montana
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Grass-Cast: Decision Support for Climate-Smart Decision-Making in Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying Drivers of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Semi-arid Agroecosystems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Cropland and Rangeland Drought Preparation for Enhanced Climate Resiliency in Utah
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating Inheritance of Plant Architecture in Nimblewill
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Impacts of Climate and Management Practices on Agroecosystems Using Remote Sensing and In-situ Observations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Livestock Responses to Adaptive Grazing Management in High Plains Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precision Range and Livestock Management on Western Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Rumen Microbial Communities in Forage-based Beef Stockering and Cow Management Systems in the Southern Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Software and Database Development Related to Forage and Animal Production Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Support Climate-smart Decision Making on Diné Lands, USDA Southwest Climate Hub
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Supporting Career Pathways for Indigenous Agriculture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Synthesis, Research & Outreach of Climate Change Mitigation Practices: A Research and Outreach Effort with Southern Plains Climate Hub & NRCS
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Association Between the Conservation Reserve Program, Extreme Weather, Water Quality, and Economic Development in the Southern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Urban Forestry as a Strategy in the Heat Management Portfolio for a Resilient Nevada
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
USDA Southwest Climate Hub Advancing Climate Informed Decision Making in Hawaii and USAPI
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
USDA-ARS Science Communication & Outreach Specialist for Agriculture and Climate in the U.S. Southern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Natural Sources of Tannins to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Cattle Grazing Winter Annual Pasture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Agricultural Systems Research (NP #216)
Climate-resilient Sustainable Irrigated and Dryland Cropping Systems in the Semi-arid Northern Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Combined Management Tactics for Resilient and Sustainable Crop Production
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Precision Management Strategies to Enhance Productivity, Biodiversity, and Climate Resilience in Rangeland Social-ecological Systems
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Strategies for Resilient and Sustainable Crop, Water, and Soil Management in Semi-Arid Environments
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of Enhanced Tools and Management Strategies to Support Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Water Quality
(In-House Appropriated)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Cropping System and Grassland Sustainability in the Texas Gulf Coast Region by Managing Systems for Productivity and Resilience
(In-House Appropriated)
Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Resiliency of Semi-Arid Agroecosystems and Watersheds to Change and Disturbance through Data-Driven Research, AI, and Integrated Models
(In-House Appropriated)
Integrated Agricultural Systems for a Resilient Circular Bioeconomy in the Central Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Knowledge Systems and Tools to Increase the Resilience and Sustainablity of Western Rangeland Agriculture
(In-House Appropriated)
National Measurement and Monitoring Innovations for Environmental and Sustainable Agricultural Systems
(In-House Appropriated)
Sensors, Technology, and Data Security to Enable Precision, Data-Driven Management
(In-House Appropriated)
Sustainable Multi-functional Agricultural and Energy Systems for Arid Environments
(In-House Appropriated)
Sustainable Multi-functional Agricultural and Energy Systems for Arid Environments
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs - Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - El Reno, OK
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs – Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices - Fort Collins, CO
(In-House Appropriated)
The USDA ARS Climate Hubs – Increasing Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability by Impactful Development and Communication of Climate Smart Agricultural Research and Practices – Las Cruces, NM
(In-House Appropriated)
Transdisciplinary Research that Improves the Productivity and Sustainability of Northern Great Plains Agroecosystems and the Well-Being of the Communities They Serve
(In-House Appropriated)
Agricultural Data Security to Enable Precision, Data-Driven Management
(Cooperative Agreement)
Comparing the Healthfulness of Grass-fed and Grain-fed Beef
(Cooperative Agreement)
Continuing Technology Development for Sustainable Land Management, Monitoring, and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Data Partnership with PhenoCam Network to Process, Serve, and Archive LTAR Digital Camera Imagery and Derived Data Products
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Testing of New Groundwater Phosphorus Model in Selected HUC8 From the National Agroecosystem Model
(Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Rangeland Fractional Cover and Production Models
(Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancements to the Database for Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment
(Cooperative Agreement)
Expanding NRCS Climate Literacy and Leadership
(Cooperative Agreement)
Field-Scale SWAT+ Modeling to Support Regional Legacy P Model Development
(Cooperative Agreement)
Improvement and Maintenance of a Knowledge of a Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS)
(Cooperative Agreement)
Incorporating Precision Agriculture Equipment to Maximize Profitability in Maryland – Best Practices for Creating Management Zones
(Cooperative Agreement)
Land Health Assessment and Visualization Tools
(Cooperative Agreement)
NCARL Sequencing Projects
(Cooperative Agreement)
Outreach and Communication for the Rangeland Analysis Platform
(Cooperative Agreement)
Parameterization and Testing of New Groundwater Flow and Salinity Model in the National Agroecosystem Model
(Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Modeling: Spatial and Temporal Variability of Livestock Grazer and Ecosystem Interactions
(Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Monitoring and Data Analyses Using the AIM Strategy
(Cooperative Agreement)
Recycling Nutrients for Robust Agricultural Supply Chains
(Cooperative Agreement)
Response to Nutrients, Disturbance, Drought, and Management Practice in C4 Grasslands
(Cooperative Agreement)
Scientific Support and Partnership for BLM Renewable Resource Programs in NM
(Cooperative Agreement)
Standardized Monitoring Implementation and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Technology Development for Sustainable Land Management, Monitoring and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Texas Water Observatory Monitoring at the Riesel Watersheds
(Cooperative Agreement)
Using Landscape Features, Plot Measurements, and Remote Sensing Data to Improve Predictions of Fuels Treatment Longevity in the Colorado Front Range
(Cooperative Agreement)
Wind Erosion Tools and the Landscape Data Commons
(Cooperative Agreement)
Strategies for Sustaining Multi-functional Rangelands
The 4 Directions Projections
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network – Plains Area Cropland Emissions (Mandan)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Action Area No. 2 (AA2) – Greenhouse Gas Research Network – Plains Area Cropland Emissions – Lincoln, Nebraska Location
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate Mitigation Outreach and Education - Fort Collins
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Plantings in Drylands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse CRP Plantings in Drylands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse CRP Plantings in Drylands - Miles City
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Colorado South Platte River Basin CEAP - Establishment of Monitoring and Modeling Foundation
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Conservation Effects Assessment Project - 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of a Tool to Support Emergency Haying and Grazing Decisions on CRP lands
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of an All-lands Wind Erosion Model
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
EDIT Update
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enhancing Climate-smart Disaster Relief in FSA programs: Non-stationarity at the Intersection of Normal Grazing Periods and US Drought Assessment
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enteric Methane Monitoring - Fort Collins, CO
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Environmental Monitoring to Support Eco-Geomorphic Modeling and Atmospheric Prediction
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
EXCHANGE: Expanding the Conversion of Habitat in the Northern Great Plains Ecosystem
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2021 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on Croplands) El Reno, OK
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2022 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) El Reno
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY 2022-2027 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) Temple
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
FY2021, FY2022 Contribution of Legacy Phosphorus to Watershed Outcomes, Phase 2 (Temple, TX)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Grazingland CEAP, Pasture Ecological Vulnerability Index (pEVI)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Great Plains Indigenous Seeds and Plants Research
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improve Temporal and Spatial Coverage of National Conservation Activity Data
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improved Establishment Techniques for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pollinator Mixtures in Semi-Arid Regions of the Western U.S.
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Improved Establishment Techniques for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Pollinator Mixtures in Semi-Arid regions of the western US
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Interagency Cooperation to Support IRA GHG Quantification, Section 21002(a)(2) - Action Area #3, Data Management, Infrastructure, and Capacity
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Interagency Cooperation to Support OCIO-EGMO Geospatial Data Communities Hub
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Interagency Cooperation to Support USDA-ARS Digital/Geospatial Solutions
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Inventory of Forest Resources: Forest Management Resources in New Mexico and Arizona
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Land Management and Monitoring Apps Development
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Maintaining and Improving the Rangeland Analysis Platform
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Monitoring Tools and Research in Support of Adaptive Management
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Nitrogen Fertility and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers for Sustainable Biofuels Production
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Rangeland Analysis Platform Support and Development
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Scientific Support and Partnership for BLM Renewable Resources Programs in New Mexico
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Streamlining the Use of Monitoring Data in Multiple Resource Decision Making
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using Landscape Features, Plot Measurements, and Remote Sensing Data to Improve Predictions of Fuels Treatment Longevity in the Colorado Front Range
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using Quantitative Approaches to Developing Ecological Sites
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
WEPS Workplan 2024 With NRCS
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Wind Erosion Prediction Tool for Conservation Planning
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
National GHG Measurement, Monitoring and Data Innovations for Environmental and Sustainable Agricultural Systems
(Invalid Project Type)
(Memorandum of Understanding)
U.S. Department of State Temporary Detail for Jeffrey Herrick
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Climate Adaptation and Sustainability in Switchgrass: Exploring Plant-microbe-soil Interactions Across Continental Scale Environmental Gradients
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Variability and Change in Central Oklahoma
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaboration on Tools to Manage Ecosystem Transitions for Agricultural Sustainability in the Americas
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between New Mexico State University (NMSU and ARS)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Develop and Evaluate a Site-specific Climate Downscaling Tool for Climatic Impact Assessment
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Ecometabolomic Profile of Maize and Wheat with Different Management Strategies
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Soil Quality and Productivity of Eroded Crop Land Using Animal Beef Manure
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Knowledge Enhancement of Shortgrass Steppe Ecology and Management
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Beef Manure Influences Soil Quality, Carbon Dynamics, and Corn Productivity
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Cover Crops Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Content in Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Oil Seed Production Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Content in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Tillage Influence Soil Nutrient Dynamics and Soil Quality in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Long-term Tillage Influence Soil Quality and Carbon Cycling in Dryland Cropping System
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
LTER: Long-Term Research at the Jornada Basin
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Natural Carbon Sinks in Grass and Cropland
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Optimized Allocation of Limited Amount of Irrigation Water among Simultaneous Annual Crops at Farm Level (ORDILS)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Partitioning of Anthropogenic Radioisotopes on Aeolian Sediments and Erosion-affected Soils
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Remote Sensing to Quantify Benefits of Cropping System Diversification
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Residue Removal Study and Manure Addition to Maintain Soil Quality and Sustainability
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Soil Water Holding Capacity in Long-Term Compost Study
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Techniques for Enhancing Pollinator CRP Plantings in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: Curtis Ranch agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Techniques for Enhancing Pollinator CRP Plantings in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: John Wright Agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) Grazing Research Proposal - Northern Plains
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Wetland Restoration in the Conservation Reserve Program
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Controlling Weeds and Cool-season Grass Competition to Improve Revegetation Outcomes on Mine Lands
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Does a Diverse Plant Diet for Cattle Improve the Healthfulness of Grass-fed Beef for People
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Precision Irrigation Systems for Increased Crop Water Productivity in Different Climates
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Metrics, Management, and Monitoring: An Investigation in Rangeland and Pasture Soil Health and Their Drivers - Fort Collins
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Next-Generation Feedstocks for the Emerging Bioeconomy - Mandan
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Resilience Following Wildfire: Post-Fire Soil Health
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
REEU: Student Career in Agricultural Research, Learning, and Extension Training (SCARLET)
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainability of Groundwater and Irrigated Agriculture in the Western United States Under a Changing Climate
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Accelerating IoT and Big Data Analytics to Drive Climate Smart and Precision Agriculture Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Accelerating IoT and Big Data Analytics to Drive Climate Smart and Precision Agriculture Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Accounting for Stem Water Capacitance in Earth Systems and Hydrologic Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Adaptation Strategies for Livestock Grazing in a Changing Climate
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate Change Resilience in the Southwest United States
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate Smart Agricultural Practices and Climate Literacy among Limited Resource Horticulture Producers in Oklahoma
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Advancing Climate-Informed Agroforestry and Sustainable Community Forestry in the Southwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Agrivoltaics in Agricultural Processing
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing Soil Microbiomes for Soil Health and Agricultural Productivity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Adaptation Technical Assistance & Outreach in the Southwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Education for Teacher Professional Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Education for Teachers and Students in the Southern Plains Climate Hub Region
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Conversation with NRCS and Conservation Partnership Personnel
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Conversations with Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers of Oklahoma
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Extension in Arizona
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-adaptive Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Establishment of Diverse Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Plantings in Drylands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-informed Assessment of Water Availability and Adaptive Management for Cropping Systems in the Fort Cobb Reservoir Experimental Watershed
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Co-Developing Precision Rangeland Management Approaches in the Context of Variable Precipitation and Disturbance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaboration on Agrivoltaics Research for Water-limited Agricultural Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Food Production Systems Research Between ARS and University of Alaska - Fairbanks
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Livestock Research Between ARS and NDSU-Hettinger Research Extension Center
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas A&M
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas Tech
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative, Adaptive, and Precision Management Strategies to Improve Multiple Ecosystem Services in Shortgrass Rangeland Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Community-led Monitoring and Management of Climate Resilient Indigenous Wild Edible Plants in Alaska
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Contributing to a UAS/UAV Fleet Management System and Imagery Data Management System with USDA-ARS and Partnerships for Data Innovations (PDI)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Data Solutions for Climate Smart and Resilient Agriculture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determining Impacts of Soil Moisture and Weather Variability on CRP Emergence and Establishment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing a Global Ecosystem of IoT and Sensor Technology and Research to Augment the Partnerships for Data Innovations Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing a Standardized and Integrated Living Agricultural Research Data System of Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing a Standardized Semi-automated QA/QC Software System and Low-cost Sensor and Datalogging Technologies for a USDA-ARS Cloud Platform
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Climate Based Ag Management Operation Scheduling and Natural Infrastructure Practices in the National Agroecosystem Model
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Ecophysiological Components for Post-Fire Hydrologic Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Multiple-scale Validation Tools for Forage Mass and Forage Production in Rangelands: A Pilot Study
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Remote Sensing and Image Processing Tools for North Dakota Agricultural and Rangeland Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Southern Plains Region Management And Resiliency Tools for Agricultural Systems (SMART Ag Systems)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of an Analogue Weather Forecast Using Machine Learning and K Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Data and Tools to Support Precision Dryland Farming
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Improved Soil Sampling Design Using Geophysical Layers
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Kansas State University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with KSU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Kansas State University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 3
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Grazing Land Management on Soil Organic Carbon in the United States: A Climate Hubs-LTAR Science Synthesis and Translation Collaboration
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Climate Literacy, Adaptation, and Mitigation among Working-land Managers and Partners in the Northern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Climate-smart Disaster Relief in FSA Programs: Non-stationarity at the Intersection of Normal Grazing Periods and US Drought Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Knowledge of Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Among Native Agricultural Producers and Other Working-Land Managers and Partners in Montana
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Carbon Regulation of Grazing Lands Across the USA
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Management Impacts on Water and Soil Quality using Distributed Hydrologic and Transport Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Experimental Evaluation of Drought and Grazing Duration on Grassland Productivity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Fire Effects in Greasewood-Saline Ecological Sites in Wyoming and Montana
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
FY23 Conservation Effects Assessment Project - Colorado South Platte River Establishment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Agrohydrological Variability in the Water-limited Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Graphical User Interface for Multi-Group Particle Swarm Optimization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Grass-Cast: Decision Support for Climate-Smart Decision-Making in Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Great Plains Indigenous Seeds and Plants Research with United Tribes Technical College
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying Drivers of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Semi-arid Agroecosystems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Agricultural Intensification on Microbial Processes Underpinning Soil Health in the Western Corn Belt
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Dryland Agricultural Crops, Practices, and Data Utilization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Influence of Plant Secondary Metabolites on Abiotic CO2 Efflux from Soils
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems for the Western Corn Belt
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Cropland and Rangeland Drought Preparation for Enhanced Climate Resiliency in Utah
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Livestock Responses to Adaptive Grazing Management in High Plains Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Long Term Monitoring for Crop and Integrated Agricultural Systems Resilience
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Long Term Rotation Experiment at ENREC
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Long-Term Agroecosystems Research (LTAR) Human Dimensions Data Collection and Assessment
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mapping of Soil Moisture with Mobile Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Metabolites in Meat from Animals Grazing Cover Crops
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Operation of the ARS Micronet to Provide a Long-Term, High Spatial Resolution Climate Record for Study of Hydrologic and Agricultural Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Optimizing Cover Crop Decisions for Enhanced Productivity, Resilience and Environmental Sustainability
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Partnerships for Data Innovations and Data Solutions to Support Ecosystem Modeling
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Post-fire Runoff Response in Mulched Montane Catchments
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with TTU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with WTAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production- OAP 3rd Phase with TAMU
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Precision Range and Livestock Management on Western Rangelands
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Process Modeling, Machine Learning, and Computational Tools for Watershed Modeling from Fire to Field
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Science and Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Rangeland Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Seed Multiplication to Support Indigenous Seed Sovereignty
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Stakeholder Development, Student Help, and Educational Opportunities Associated with the Southern Plains LTAR Network Site
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Support Climate-smart Decision Making on Diné Lands, USDA Southwest Climate Hub
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Supporting Career Pathways for Indigenous Agriculture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Soils for Healthy Communities and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainable Soils for Healthy Communities and Climate Resilience in the Semi-Arid West
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Synthesis, Research & Outreach of Climate Change Mitigation Practices: A Research and Outreach Effort with Southern Plains Climate Hub & NRCS
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Association Between the Conservation Reserve Program, Extreme Weather, Water Quality, and Economic Development in the Southern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Upper Washita River Basin Water Resources Monitoring and Evaluation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Urban Forestry as a Strategy in the Heat Management Portfolio for a Resilient Nevada
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
USDA Southwest Climate Hub Advancing Climate Informed Decision Making in Hawaii and USAPI
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
USDA-ARS Science Communication & Outreach Specialist for Agriculture and Climate in the U.S. Southern Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Water Quality and Hydrology Research on Impacts of Variable Land Management and Climate on Water and Soil Resources
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Water Use, Growth, and Yield of Cotton and Guayule under Gravity Drip Irrigation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
WinDAM User Interface Enhancement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Recycling Nutrients for Robust Agricultural Supply Chains
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (NP #301)
Curation and Research to Safeguard and Expand Collections of Plant and Microbial Genetic Resources and Associated Descriptive Information
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Accurate and Efficient Laboratory Methods for Testing End-use Qualities of Pulse Crops, Identify Factors Associated with End-use Quality, and Develop Processes to Add Value to Pulses
(In-House Appropriated)
Development of Climate Resilient Germplasm and Management Tools for Sustainable Row Crop Production
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetic Improvement for Resistance to Aphids and Major Diseases in Wheat, Barley, and Sorghum in the Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetic Improvement of Sorghum for Biomass, Grain, and Disease Resistance
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetic Improvement of Sorghum Traits that Advance Agricultural Productivity and Climate Resilience
(In-House Appropriated)
Genomic Mining of Sugar Beet Crop Wild Relative Germplasm Resources for New Sources of Disease Resistance
(In-House Appropriated)
High Oleic Peanut Cultivars and Germplasm with Improved Disease Resistance for the Southwestern United States
(In-House Appropriated)
Identification and Characterization of Quality Parameters for Enhancement of Marketability of Hard Spring Wheat, Durum, and Oat
(In-House Appropriated)
Identification, Characterization, and Utilization of Priority Traits for the Genetic Improvement of Winter Wheat and Barley Germplasm Adapted to the Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Improvement of Disease and Pest Resistance in Barley, Durum, Oat, and Wheat Using Genetics and Genomics
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Crop Performance and Precision Irrigation Management in Semi-Arid Regions through Data-Driven Research, AI, and Integrated Models
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Sugarbeet Productivity and Sustainability through Genetic, Genomic, Physiological, and Phytopathological Approaches
(In-House Appropriated)
Management of Cotton Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement of Cotton
(In-House Appropriated)
Mobilizing Genetic Resources and Technologies for Breeding Profitable, Resilient, and Nutritious Hard Winter Wheat
(In-House Appropriated)
Modern Breeding Approaches for Sorghum Hybrid Improvement and Molecular Analysis of Grain Traits Critical to End-use Quality
(In-House Appropriated)
Pecan Breeding and Management of the National Collection of Carya Genetic Resources
(In-House Appropriated)
Pulse Crop Health Initiative
(In-House Appropriated)
Sunflower Yield, Crop Quality, and Interactions with Biotic and Abiotic Stressors
(In-House Appropriated)
Advancement of Cotton Genetic Resources Through Use of a Costa Rican Counter Season Nursery
(Cooperative Agreement)
Develop Mobile Phone-based Applications for the Larger-scale End-user Applications of the CWSI-Integrated WISE Irrigation Scheduling Tool
(Cooperative Agreement)
Fusion of Machine Learning and Electromagnetic Sensors for Real-Time Local Decisions in Agriculture
(Cooperative Agreement)
Towards a Pecan Pan-genome: Generating Three Reference, Annotated Genomes for Pecan
(Cooperative Agreement)
Wheat Resilience Initiative: Breeding for Wheat Stem Sawfly Resistance in Colorado
(Cooperative Agreement)
Wheat Resilience Initiative: Breeding for Wheat Stem Sawfly Resistance in Nebraska
(Cooperative Agreement)
Winter Nursery and Seed Production for Rapid Germplasm Enhancement
(Cooperative Agreement)
Winter Nursery and Seed Production for Rapid Germplasm Enhancement
(Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating and Incorporating Resistance to Important Diseases and Pests of Sugar Beet from Crop Wild Relatives
Biological Barriers to Prevent Gene Flow in Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) for Bioenergy and Forage Uses
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enriching and Understanding the Wheat Genome by Inducing Secondary Homoeologous Recombination
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Genebanking Seeds of U.S. Native Species for the Seeds of Success (SOS) National Collection
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Germination and Longevity Characteristics of Seeds from US Native Species Collected for the Seeds of Success Program to Support Genebanking and Use
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Agreement with Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) to Store PVP Seed Material
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Agricultural Research Projects Conducted at the Cropping Systems Research Laboratory and Texas Tech University
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaboration on Plant Pathogen Strain Identification (CPPSI)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Oversight between Oklahoma State University and ARS-Stillwater
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Canopy Temperature Based Methodologies to Inform Irrigation Decisions
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Release of Improved Peanut Germplasm and Varieties for the U.S. Southern Plains
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Exploiting Genetic Variation of Australian and African Diploid Accessions for American Tetraploid Cotton
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Framework for Cooperation on Sugar Beet Research
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance for Sustainable Cotton Production
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Sustainability in Cropping Systems of Semi-arid Regions
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Oat Pangenome Project Data Sharing Agreement
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Perennial Crops for Sustainable Agriculture in the Northern Plains
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Permeability of Vitrification Solutions into Plant Cells and Shoot Tips
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Quality of Cryostored Strawberry Plant Germplasm from the University of Florida
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Uniting Long-term Field Experiments and Modern Genomics to Prepare Sunflower for the Future
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Develop a Two-Line Hybrid Breeding System Using a Nuclear Male Sterile Mutant and ITS Gene
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Elucidating the Role of Brown midrib12 (Bmr12) Gene in Modulating Sorghum Defense Against Sugarcane Aphid
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Exploring the Genetics of Drought Resistance with Field-based Phenomics and Biophysical Process-based Modeling
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Leveraging high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping technologies to accelerate wheat improvement
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
NIFA CAP for Innovation in Genomic Technology to Accelerate Breeding
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Prebreeding of peanut for resistance to root-knot nematodes and disease
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Structural Analysis of the Flavonoid Pathway to Enable Tailored Production of Bio-Active Compounds in Grasses
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Sustainability of Groundwater and Irrigated Agriculture in the Western United States Under a Changing Climate
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Transforming Grain Sorghum’s Climatic Yield Potential and Grain Quality Through Trait-based Ideotype Breeding
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Trees for the Future: Coordinated Development of Genetic Resources and Tools to Accelerate Breeding of Geographic and Climate Adapted Pecan Trees
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Wheat Breeding and Variety Development (Wheat Improvement Team)
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
An Innovative Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-based Drying Approach to Enhancing Functionality and Sensory Properties of Pea and Lentil Proteins
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Analyses of Enhanced Sink Capacity and Carbon Partitioning in Novel Sorghum Germplasm
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Sensors and Image Analysis to Improve Phenotyping Throughput of Sunflower Germplasm
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
BeetPAI: AI-Enabled Hyperspectral Phenotyping to Accelerate Sugar Beet Breeding
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Centralized Genomic Selection Resources in Spring Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization and Improvement of Wheat FHB Resistance Using Genomic Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization in Planta Delivery of Biopesticides Targeting Insect Vectors of Sugar Beet Pathogens
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat and its Relatives
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Thecaphora frezzii Isolates in Argentina
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Continued Development of a Publicly Accessible Comprehensive Cotton Database
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Coordination of the International Oat Nursery (ION)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determination of Biochemical Functions of Hessian Fly Effectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Develop Functional Markers for Wheat Biotic and Abiotic Stress
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing and Utilizing Functionally Enhanced Pulse Proteins as Novel Food Ingredients
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Bioinformatic Pipelines and Models for Genomics-assisted Breeding
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Knowledge and Tools to Optimize Sunflower Breeding for Sclerotinia Resistance and Improved Microbiome-Related Traits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Methods to Enable Efficient Sunflower Transformation and Gene Editing
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Pecan Database Resources
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Educational Materials for the Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of New Biotech Traits in Wheat for Resistance against Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of Online Content for Educating About Plant Genetic Resources
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Drought Stress Tolerance Trait Discovery in Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Roasting Parameters on the Functional and Organoleptic Properties of Lentil Flours
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhance Barley Breeding and Pest Research Capabilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Establishing Micropropagation for Pecan Propagation and Breeding
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Advanced Breeding Lines and Current Peanut Varieties Performance Under Managed Conditions Across Oklahoma
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Salt Tolerance of Pecan Rootstocks
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Wheat Germplasm for Wheat Stem Sawfly Resistance in Regional Nurseries
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Wheat Rust Resistance in South Texas
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Field Screening of Barley Plants Transformed with Wheat FHB Resistance Genes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genetic Analysis and Characterization of Genes Governing Disease Susceptibility in Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genetic Analysis and Improvement of Wheat for Resistance to Foliar Disease
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genomic Analysis of Pest Resistance Genes in US Winter Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genomic Analysis of Septoria Nodorum Blotch Susceptibility Genes in Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genomic Analysis of Yield and End-use Quality Traits in Hexaploid Oats
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genomic Plus Phenomic Modeling of Breeding Populations from Ancient Ancestors of Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genomics-assisted Disease Resistance Gene Mining of the Sugar Beet Wild Relative Beta corolliflora
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genotypic Analyses of the USDA-National Plant Germplasm System Apple Collection
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genotyping and Selection of Smut Resistant Peanut Breeding Lines
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Haplotype-informed Prediction of Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) Resistance in U.S. Wheat Breeding Programs
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Harnessing Fermentation Technology to Overcome Functionality, Nutritional, and Sensory Challenges in Pulse Protein Ingredients for Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identification and Introgression of Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot and Root Maggot for Sugarbeet Improvement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying Differential Gene and Protein Expression in Two Pecan Cultivars With Contrasting Nut Size, Shape, and Maturity Timing
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improve the Usage of Remote Sensing and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Crop Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improvement of Barley Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight, Stripe Rust, and Hessian Fly
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improvement of Barley Resistance to Spot Form Net Blotch and Stripe Rust
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Abiotic Stress Tolerance of Grain and Forage Sorghum
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Irrigated and Dryland Agriculture Via Xylem, Stomata, and Leaf Traits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Texture and Nutritive Value of Pulse-based Protein-rich Ingredients with Fiber Adducts Formed with High Pressure Homogenization and Heat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Increasing Genetic Gain in Spring Oat Using Genetics and Genomics
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Insect Responses to Intraspecific Floral Trait Variation in Asteraceae
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Introgression and Molecular Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat and Barley Type of
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Introgression of Aphid Resistance Genes from Ae. Tauschii into Bread Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of Population Shifts of Fusarium Wilt and Pathogen Infection Assessment for Maintaining Sustainable Cotton Production
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of the Genetics of Disease Resistance in Spring and Durum Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Maintenance, Distribution, and Utilization of Cotton Genetic Resources
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mobilizing the Genetic Resources of Ancient Grains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Network in Wheat - Hessian Fly Interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
National Consumer Survey of Pulse Consumption and Views
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Strategies for Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot and Rhizomania Diseases of Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Technologies to Study Virus-host Interactions to Identify Strategies for Sugarbeet Viral Disease Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Next Generation Sequencing of the USDA Sunflower Breeding Program and Identification of Red Sunflower Seed Weevil Resistance Genes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Resistance Phenotyping Strategies for Hessian Fly of Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Omics-Assisted Breeding Approaches for Sorghum Hybrid Improvement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Effect of a Pulse-based USDA-diet on Gut Microbial Metabolites and Biomarkers of Healthspan: A Crossover Feeding Study in Older Adults
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Enzymatic Modification of Pulse Proteins to Improve Technical and Health Functionalities for Diversified Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Improving Environmental and Economic Sustainability Outcomes Through Incorporation of Pulses into Irrigated and Dryland Crop Rotations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Leveraging plant-microbe Interactions to Optimize Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Dry Bean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Minimizing Water and Nutrient Footprint for Sustainable Pulses-wheat Cropping Systems and Enhanced Soil Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Pea Protein Consumption to Promote Gut Health in Humans
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI - Targeted Messaging Highlighting Human Health and Sustainability Benefits to Promote Pulse Consumption
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI – Improving Functional & Nutritional Properties of Pulse Flours by Heat-moisture Treatment & Developing Pasta with Improved Health Benefits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI – Isolating and Characterizing Protein Fractions from Black Beans and Lentils for use as Novel Oil Structuring Agents
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Assessing the Impacts of Dryland Wheat-pea Rotations and Compost Application on Soil Health and Soil Carbon Dynamics
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Assessment of Soil Health and Nitrogen Economy in Lentil and Pea Cropping Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Assessment of Soil Health and Nitrogen Economy in Lentil and Pea Cropping Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Chickpea Genetic Improvement for Drought and Heat Stress Resilient Grain Yield
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Type of Pulse Consumed in Human Subjects and Pre-Clinical Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Controlling Pulse Fermentation to Improve Gut Microbiome Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Develop Efficient, Genotype-independent, Gene-editing Systems for Common Bean and Chickpea
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Developing Chickpea Cultivars with Radically Improved Nitrogen Fixation Rates
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Effects of Daily Consumption of Polyphenol-rich Pulses on Skin Health in Women
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Effects of Extraction Methods on Lentil and Dry Beans Extract Composition and Structural Modification
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Effects of Pulse Consumption on Maternal and Child Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Enhancing Pea Protein Functionality through Glycation Following a Novel and Efficient Upcycling Approach
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Enhancing Winter Pea Production in the Annually Cropped, Rainfed Region of the Inland Pacific Northwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Field Experiments to Incorporate Pulse Crops in Cropping Systems and Assess Soil Health and Plant Water Use Efficiency - Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Human Pulse Consumption, the Microbiome, and Meal Satiety
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Impact of Storage on Functionality and Shelf Life of Chickpea Flour
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Impact of Structural Modification Techniques on Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Protein’s Ability to Modulate Human Gut Microbiota
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Impacts of Pulse Consumption on Human Health, Diet Cost, and Environmental Sustainability
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Improving Extraction Yield, Purity, and Functionality of Proteins from Pulse Grains using Enzyme-Assisted Green Extraction
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Maternal Supplementation of Pea Fiber to Protect Against Obesity and Hypertension in Offspring
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Optimizing Nodulation in Chickpea for Enhanced Nitrogen Fixation - Phase 2
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Processing Effects on the Composition of Pulses (Beans/Peas/Chickpea/Lentils) and Resulting Benefits in the Prevention of Type-2 Diabetes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Protective Mechanisms of Pulse Consumption in the Development of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mothers and Offspring Across Life Stages
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Pulse Consumption Improves Gut Health, Metabolic Outcomes, and Bone Biomarkers of Post Menopausal Women
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Pulse-fruit Aggregate Ingredients with Enhanced Taste, Functionality and Health Attributes for Diversified Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Quantifying, Predicting, and Parallelizing the Examination of Post-digestive Properties of Common Beans
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Rapid and in situ Screening for Key Quality Traits in Pulse Crops
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Re-structuring Pulse Proteins into Valuable Fibrils via Biocatalysis
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Screening of Field Pea Accessions for Combined and Superior Drought-tolerance and Enhanced Nitrogen Fixation in Semi Arid Climates
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Tempeh Fermentation of Dry Chickpeas and Dry Peas for Enhanced Protection against Western Diet-Induced Health Risks
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: The Effect of Regular Lentil and Chickpea Intake on Gut Microbiome and Metabolic Health in Healthy Young Adults: Randomized Clinical Trial
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Understanding Environmental Controls on Pea Protein
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Understanding Environmental Controls on Pea Protein
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI: Using Pulse Resistant Starch to Ameliorate Aging-Associated Dysbiosis of the Gut-Microbiome-Brain Axis
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI:Dough Rheology, Baking Performance and Bread Sensory Quality of Pulse-fortified Whole Wheat Flours
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Phenotyping for Pythium Pod Rot Resistance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Exploration in the Central Highlands and Mountainous Area of Northern Vietnam to Collect Malus doumeri Germplasm
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Exploration to Collect Citrus in Vietnam
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Genetic Resources for Tropical Crop Collections
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Predictive Crop Performance Research Initiative
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Protective Effects of Dietary Pulse Flours on the Transgenerational Influence of Maternal Obesity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Pulse Quality Characteristics for Product Development That Consider Adverse Effects on Human Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
QTL Mapping of Sclerotinia Head Rot Resistance and Pyramiding of Basal Stock Rot QTL in Sunflower
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Red Sunflower Seed Weevil Responses to Conspecific and Host Volatiles
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Replacing Fallow & Cover Crops with Field Pea and Chickpea in the Semi-arid Northern High Plains: Impacts on Production and Sustainability-Un of NE
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Screening Elite Peanut Breeding Lines for Resistance to Peanut Smut
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Seed Quality and Germination Tests of Seeds Stored at NLGRP
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sequencing and Assembly of Cereal Wild Relatives’ Genomes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Small Grains Pangenome Assembly and Annotation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI A Comprehensive Model for Cercospora Leaf Spot Risk Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Disrupting Beet Curly Top Virus Transmission by Targeting Critical Genes in Beet Leafhopper Using Nanoparticle-Mediated RNAi Delivery
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Design and Testing of a Pilot Scale Sugar Beet Diffuser and Press to Evaluate Optimum Microbial Control Mechanisms
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Investigation of Soil Management Practices to Control Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Genetic Dissection of Sugarbeet Respiration Rate and Root Firmness to Identify Genes for Reducing Post-harvest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Improving sugar beet production through greater understanding of light-mediated crop-weed interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Integrating Cover Crops into High Plain and Intermountain West Sugar Beets for Management of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Intelligence On-farm Sugarbeet Weed Management Solution Based on Edge AI and Unmanned Automation Systems (UAV and UGV)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Molecular Evolution of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus and Rhizomania Disease Epidemiology Compromising the Host Resistance in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Non-destructive Sugar Beet Yield Estimation Using Ground Penetrating Radar for Breeding and Harvest Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Novel Palmer Amaranth Management Tools Using RNA-targeting with FANA Antisense Oligonucleotides
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Understanding the Impact of Sugar Beet Variety Mixtures on Cercospora Leaf Spot Epidemiology and Evolution of Cercospora beticola
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI: Using Nanotechnology to Enhance Fungicide Efficacy and Duration for Sugarbeet Disease Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Structures and Functions of Selected Hessian Fly Effectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Studies of Fruit-bud Differentiation for Pecan Breeding Selections
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Studies of Genetic Mechanisms of Sorghum Resistance to Aphids
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Studying of Metabolic Biomarkers for Rapid Detection of Microbial Contamination and Antimicrobial Resistance in Sugarbeet Processing Facilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sunflower Pollinator Foraging on Non-Helianthus Plants
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Tools for High-throughput Rheological Evaluation of Breeding Germplasm
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding of Storage Diseases in Sugarbeet and Assessing the Quality Problems in the Factory Processing
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Soil and Environmental Effects on Crop Species and Rangeland Ecosystems Under Water Limitation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding the Molecular Mechanisms of Stress Tolerance in Cereals
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Comparative Genomics to Identify Genes Associated with Sucrose Production in Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Virus-Host-Vector Interactions of Barley/Cereal Yellow Dwarf Viruses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Water Use, Growth, and Yield of Cotton and Guayule under Gravity Drip Irrigation
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Wheat Pathology Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
When SAM Meets Weeds: AI-driven Weed Identification for Herbicide Resistant Weed Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
X-ray System for Detecting Peanut Smut in Pods
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Breeding and Deployment of Smut Resistant Peanut Cultivars
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization and Identification of Barley Resistance Genes to Spot Form Net Blotch
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization and Identification of Broad-spectrum Resistance to Spot Form Net Blotch of Barley
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Research with the Center for Plant Conservation to Determine Responses to Long-term Storage Conditions
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Extending the USDA Sunflower Breeding Program to Address Producer Outcomes.
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Leverage of USDA Operational Resources for the Development of New Sorghum Technologies and Breeding Germplasm
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
RNA Integrity as a Powerful Metric of Aging in Preserved Seed Collections of Wild Rare Plant Species
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Diseases (NP #303)
Advancing Precision Aerial Application for Sustainable Crop Production and Protection
(In-House Appropriated)
Genetic Improvement of Sorghum for Biomass, Grain, and Disease Resistance
(In-House Appropriated)
Host-Pathogen Interactions Affecting Wheat and Barley
(In-House Appropriated)
Identification, Characterization, and Utilization of Priority Traits for the Genetic Improvement of Winter Wheat and Barley Germplasm Adapted to the Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Improvement of Sclerotinia Disease Resistance and Management
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Sugarbeet Productivity and Sustainability through Genetic, Genomic, Physiological, and Phytopathological Approaches
(In-House Appropriated)
Mobilizing Genetic Resources and Technologies for Breeding Profitable, Resilient, and Nutritious Hard Winter Wheat
(In-House Appropriated)
Molecular and Genetic Approaches to Manage Cotton and Sorghum Diseases
(In-House Appropriated)
Wheat Resilience Initiative: Breeding for Wheat Stem Sawfly Resistance in Colorado
(Cooperative Agreement)
Wheat Resilience Initiative: Breeding for Wheat Stem Sawfly Resistance in Nebraska
(Cooperative Agreement)
Biological Barriers to Prevent Gene Flow in Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) for Bioenergy and Forage Uses
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Enriching and Understanding the Wheat Genome by Inducing Secondary Homoeologous Recombination
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Elucidating the Role of Brown midrib12 (Bmr12) Gene in Modulating Sorghum Defense Against Sugarcane Aphid
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
NIFA CAP for Innovation in Genomic Technology to Accelerate Breeding
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Partners in Crime: Pathobiome of Fusarium Cotton Wilt Pathogen
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Structural Analysis of the Flavonoid Pathway to Enable Tailored Production of Bio-Active Compounds in Grasses
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Barley Pest Research Initiative for Spot Blotch, Bacterial Leaf Streak, Net Blotch, Stem Rust, and Other Barley Pathogens
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization and Improvement of Wheat FHB Resistance Using Genomic Tools
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Host-range Defining Factors in Xanthomonas translucens
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of necrotrophic effectors in the Parastagonospora nodorum-wheat interaction
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat and its Relatives
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determination of Biochemical Functions of Hessian Fly Effectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Develop Functional Markers for Wheat Biotic and Abiotic Stress
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of New Biotech Traits in Wheat for Resistance against Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Drought Stress Tolerance Trait Discovery in Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Enhance Barley Breeding and Pest Research Capabilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Sclerotinia Head Rot Resistance in Experimental Sunflower Germplasm Lines and Mapping Populations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Wheat Rust Resistance in South Texas
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Functional Characterization of Pathogen Produced Effectors and Their Host Targets
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genomic Analysis of Pest Resistance Genes in US Winter Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Genomic Plus Phenomic Modeling of Breeding Populations from Ancient Ancestors of Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Haplotype-informed Prediction of Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) Resistance in U.S. Wheat Breeding Programs
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identification and Introgression of Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot and Root Maggot for Sugarbeet Improvement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identification of Biological Control Agents in the Northern Great Plains and Evaluation of BCAs For Controlling Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Introgression and Molecular Mapping of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat and Barley Type of
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigation of viral diseases of barley and wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mapping Basal Stalk Rot Resistance and Oxalic Acid Tolerance Traits in Two Sunflower Recombinant Inbred Line Populations
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mobilization of White Mold Resistance in Common Bean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mobilization of White Mold Resistance in Common Bean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mobilizing the Genetic Resources of Ancient Grains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Network in Wheat - Hessian Fly Interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Strategies for Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot and Rhizomania Diseases of Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Technologies to Study Virus-host Interactions to Identify Strategies for Sugarbeet Viral Disease Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Resistance Phenotyping Strategies for Hessian Fly of Wheat
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Characterizing and Bioengineering Soybean Phenylpropanoid Pathway Genes for Resistance Against Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Developing Soybean Varieties with Resistance to Sclerotinia Stem Rot
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Development of RNA Fungicides for Management of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Canola
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Enhanced Sclerotinia Stem Rot Resistance in Soybean through the Manipulation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Virulence Determinants
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Evaluation and Optimization of Genomic Selection for Durable White Mold Resistance in Dry Bean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Exploiting Small Cysteine-rich Antifungal Peptides for Management of White Mold Disease in Soybean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Genetic Variability Associated with the Traits of Fungicide Resistance and Pathogenicity in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Identifying Genetic Determinants of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Aggressiveness Across Crop Species
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Improved White Mold Resistance in Dry and Snap Beans Through Multi-site Screening Throughout Major Production Areas
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Improving Resistance of Spring Canola to Sclerotinia Stem Rot
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Introgression and Pyramiding of Sclerotinia Stem Rot Disease Resistant Gene(s) into Canola Cultivars
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Less is More: Removing R-gene Mediated Susceptibility to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Soybean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Manipulating Endogenous Host Pathways to Enhance White Mold resistance in Brassicaceae
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Systems View of Pathogenesis and Host Defense Response at Specific Infection Stages of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: Tapping Wild Cicer Genetic Diversity for Trait Identification and Breeding of Resistance to Sclerotinia Disease in Chickpea
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
NSI: White Mold Resistance-QTL: Identification, Interactions and Fine Mapping in Common Bean
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI A Comprehensive Model for Cercospora Leaf Spot Risk Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Disrupting Beet Curly Top Virus Transmission by Targeting Critical Genes in Beet Leafhopper Using Nanoparticle-Mediated RNAi Delivery
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Design and Testing of a Pilot Scale Sugar Beet Diffuser and Press to Evaluate Optimum Microbial Control Mechanisms
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Investigation of Soil Management Practices to Control Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Genetic Dissection of Sugarbeet Respiration Rate and Root Firmness to Identify Genes for Reducing Post-harvest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Improving sugar beet production through greater understanding of light-mediated crop-weed interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Integrating Cover Crops into High Plain and Intermountain West Sugar Beets for Management of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Intelligence On-farm Sugarbeet Weed Management Solution Based on Edge AI and Unmanned Automation Systems (UAV and UGV)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Molecular Evolution of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus and Rhizomania Disease Epidemiology Compromising the Host Resistance in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Non-destructive Sugar Beet Yield Estimation Using Ground Penetrating Radar for Breeding and Harvest Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Novel Palmer Amaranth Management Tools Using RNA-targeting with FANA Antisense Oligonucleotides
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Understanding the Impact of Sugar Beet Variety Mixtures on Cercospora Leaf Spot Epidemiology and Evolution of Cercospora beticola
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI: Using Nanotechnology to Enhance Fungicide Efficacy and Duration for Sugarbeet Disease Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Structures and Functions of Selected Hessian Fly Effectors
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Studying of Metabolic Biomarkers for Rapid Detection of Microbial Contamination and Antimicrobial Resistance in Sugarbeet Processing Facilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Tools for High-throughput Rheological Evaluation of Breeding Germplasm
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding of Storage Diseases in Sugarbeet and Assessing the Quality Problems in the Factory Processing
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Comparative Genomics to Identify Genes Associated with Sucrose Production in Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Virus-Host-Vector Interactions of Barley/Cereal Yellow Dwarf Viruses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Wheat Pathology Research
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
When SAM Meets Weeds: AI-driven Weed Identification for Herbicide Resistant Weed Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Crop Protection & Quarantine (NP #304)
Biological Control and Habitat Restoration for Invasive Weed Management
(In-House Appropriated)
Biology of Weed-Crop Interactions to Improve Weed Management Strategies in Northern Agro-ecosystems
(In-House Appropriated)
Combined Management Tactics for Resilient and Sustainable Crop Production
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing Insect Ecosystem Services that Benefit Modern Cropping Systems
(In-House Appropriated)
Forecasting, Outbreak Prevention, and Ecology of Grasshoppers and Other Rangeland and Crop Insects in the Great Plains
(In-House Appropriated)
Management Strategies for Invasive Aphid Pests of Cereals
(In-House Appropriated)
Next-Generation Approaches for Monitoring and Management of Stored Product Insects
(In-House Appropriated)
Novel Approaches for Management of Row Crop Pests and Continued Boll Weevil Eradication
(In-House Appropriated)
Data Partnership with PhenoCam Network to Process, Serve, and Archive LTAR Digital Camera Imagery and Derived Data Products
(Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancements to the Database for Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment
(Cooperative Agreement)
Flowering Rush Agent Rearing and Collection
(Cooperative Agreement)
Improvement and Maintenance of a Knowledge of a Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS)
(Cooperative Agreement)
Land Health Assessment and Visualization Tools
(Cooperative Agreement)
Modeling Mormon Cricket Centers of Endemism with Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) Analysis of Spatiotemporal Distribution Data
(Cooperative Agreement)
Monitoring, Implementing and Evaluating the Impacts of New Biological Control Programs for Flowering Rush and Common Crupina
(Cooperative Agreement)
NCARL Sequencing Projects
(Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland Monitoring and Data Analyses Using the AIM Strategy
(Cooperative Agreement)
Recycling Nutrients for Robust Agricultural Supply Chains
(Cooperative Agreement)
Scientific Support and Partnership for BLM Renewable Resource Programs in NM
(Cooperative Agreement)
Technology Development for Sustainable Land Management, Monitoring and Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
USDA Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Federal Research in Collaboration with Texas A&M University
(Cooperative Agreement)
Wind Erosion Tools and the Landscape Data Commons
(Cooperative Agreement)
Strategies for Sustaining Multi-functional Rangelands
The 4 Directions Projections
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Impacts on Biocontrol and Parasitoid Diversity in Wheat and Alfalfa
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Development of an All-lands Wind Erosion Model
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Environmental Monitoring to Support Eco-Geomorphic Modeling and Atmospheric Prediction
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Evaluation of Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Humanitarian Aid
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Land Management and Monitoring Apps Development
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Modeling Mormon Cricket Centers of Endemism with Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) Analysis of Spatiotemporal Distribution Data
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Population Genetics of Asiatic Garden Beetle: Are Great Lakes Populations Infesting Agronomic Crops Unique?
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Rangeland Analysis Platform Support and Development
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Scientific Support and Partnership for BLM Renewable Resources Programs in New Mexico
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Streamlining the Use of Monitoring Data in Multiple Resource Decision Making
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Using Quantitative Approaches to Developing Ecological Sites
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
(Memorandum of Understanding)
U.S. Department of State Temporary Detail for Jeffrey Herrick
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Animal and Plant Health Research - Biosafety - Infectious Agent and Recombinant DNA Control
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-Smart Cotton: Developing Precision Regenerative Practices & Market Opportunities for Addressing Climate Change in the US Cotton Belt
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaboration on Tools to Manage Ecosystem Transitions for Agricultural Sustainability in the Americas
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research between New Mexico State University (NMSU and ARS)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Semiochemical Tools for a New Putative Postharvest Seed Crop, Silphium Integrifolium
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Improving the Efficacy of Methyl Bromide Alternatives for Stored Grains in Food Grade Shipping Containers
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
LTER: Long-Term Research at the Jornada Basin
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Management and Distribution of Seed of Released ARS Sunflower Germplasm
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Pest Management Strategies for Flour Mills
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Remote Sensing to Quantify Benefits of Cropping System Diversification
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Freezing Tolerance and Other Agronomically Important Traits in Canola
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Spatio-temporal Habitat Functionality of Land Cover Types for Conservation of Coccinellids and Pest Suppression in Alfalfa
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) Grazing Research Proposal - Northern Plains
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Agricultural Biosecurity PARTNERSHIP: Predicting, Mitigating and Rapidly Responding to Quarantined Stored Product Insects of Global Importance
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Assessing the Climate Change Mitigation Potential of Wetland Restoration in the Conservation Reserve Program
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Developing a Rapid Response Protocol for Phosphine Resistance Management at Food Facilities by Leveraging Tools at or Close to Market
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Livestock Production from Rangelands in the Great Plains
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Establishing Alfalfa in Intercropping with Sunflower and Sorghum to Improve Alfalfa Yield and Profitability
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Improving the Efficacy of Methyl Bromide Alternatives for Stored Grains in Shipping Containers
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Agronomic and Molecular Responses of Maize and Sunflower to Competition with Cover Crops and Alfalfa
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Attract-and-kill and Mating Disruption of the Stored Product Quarantine Threat Khapra Beetle
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Bacterial Endosymbiont Effects on Biology of Cereal Aphids and Key Natural Enemies in Cereal Agroecosystems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Climate Change Adaptation Technical Assistance & Outreach in the Southwest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Comparative Chemosensory Genomics of Stored Product Insects
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Determining the Host Suitability and If Cross-resistance Exists for Cereal and Grass Crops Infested by the Hedgehog Grain Aphid in the Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Systems to Expedite Phenotyping of Freezing Damage in Brassica Oilseed Crops
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Agronomic Traits of Camelina sativa Germplasm Grown under Field Conditions in the Northern Great Plains
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Rotational Cropping Systems and their Impact on Soil Microbiota, Crop Yield and Ecosystem Benefits in Northern Agro-Ecosystems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Experimental Evaluation of Drought and Grazing Duration on Grassland Productivity
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Geospatial Artificial Intelligence for Spatiotemporal Modeling of Pest Insects
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Immunogenomics of Insects
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impacts of Climate Change on Integrated Pest Management of Stored Product Insects
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Influence of Soil Microbiota and Entomopathogenic Nematodes on Cotton Defensive Chemical Production
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating Differences Between Spring and Winter Biotypes of Camelina
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating Inter- and Intra-specific Interference in Sunflower
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Insect-microbe Interactions and Their Ramifications for Food Quality in the Post-harvest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Investigating the Role of FLC Genes in Mediating Differences in Freezing Tolerance between Spring and Winter Biotypes of Camelina
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Quantifying Growth, Development, and Freezing Damage in Brassica Oilseed Crops
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Science and Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Rangeland Systems
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sorghum Aphid Ecological Model for Improved Areawide Pest Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Grain Protectants on Grain Shrink Characteristics During Storage
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
First Steps to Creating Weed Tolerant Corn
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Freezing Tolerance and Weed Suppression in Canola
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Pheromone Components of the Pecan Weevil
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Recycling Nutrients for Robust Agricultural Supply Chains
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Spray Drift Characterization of Remotely Piloted Aerial Application Systems
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Crop Production (NP #305)
Advancing Precision Aerial Application for Sustainable Crop Production and Protection
(In-House Appropriated)
Biological Control and Habitat Restoration for Invasive Weed Management
(In-House Appropriated)
Conservation and Improved Storage Technologies for Pollinators and Other Insects of Agricultural Importance
(In-House Appropriated)
Flowering Rush Agent Rearing and Collection
(Cooperative Agreement)
Monitoring, Implementing and Evaluating the Impacts of New Biological Control Programs for Flowering Rush and Common Crupina
(Cooperative Agreement)
USDA Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Federal Research in Collaboration with Texas A&M University
(Cooperative Agreement)
Climate-Smart Cotton: Developing Precision Regenerative Practices & Market Opportunities for Addressing Climate Change in the US Cotton Belt
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Livestock Production from Rangelands in the Great Plains
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Bee Stress Response and Overwintering Physiology
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Fusion of Machine Learning and Electromagnetic Sensors for Real-Time Local Decisions in Agriculture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Overwintering Physiology of Insect Pollinators and Pests
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
The Regulation of Diapause by Maternal Effects & the Effect of Environmental Stress on Bee Quality
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Cryopreservation of Anopheles Mosquitoes
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Spray Drift Characterization of Remotely Piloted Aerial Application Systems
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Product Quality and New Uses (NP #306)
Advancing Technologies for Grain Trait Measurement and Storage Preservation
(In-House Appropriated)
Developing Accurate and Efficient Laboratory Methods for Testing End-use Qualities of Pulse Crops, Identify Factors Associated with End-use Quality, and Develop Processes to Add Value to Pulses
(In-House Appropriated)
Diet and Physical Activity Interventions to Promote Health in Models for Obesity-Related Diseases
(In-House Appropriated)
Enhancing the Profitability and Sustainability of Upland Cotton, Cottonseed, and Agricultural Byproducts through Improvements in Pre-Ginning, Ginning, and Post-Ginning Processes
(In-House Appropriated)
Grain Composition Traits Related to End-Use Quality and Value of Sorghum
(In-House Appropriated)
Identification and Characterization of Quality Parameters for Enhancement of Marketability of Hard Spring Wheat, Durum, and Oat
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving Potato Postharvest Quality by Identifying and Manipulating Molecular Processes Regulating Tuber Dormancy and Wound-Healing
(In-House Appropriated)
Improving the Production and Processing of Western and Long-Staple Cotton and Companion Crops to Enhance Quality, Value, and Sustainability
(In-House Appropriated)
Measurement and Improvement of Hard Winter Wheat End-Use Quality Traits
(In-House Appropriated)
Producing Upland and Pima Seed Cotton for ARS Research Studies
Better Trap Design, Identification Automation, and Spatial Monitoring for Better Stored Product Insect Pest Control
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Detecting Precursors to Combustion for Cotton Coproducts to Improve Storage and Mitigate Fires
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Mitigating Potato Seed Decay and Associated Economic Losses Using Enhanced Suberization Strategy
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Pre-cleaning System Design and Evaluation for Whole-plant Harvested Cotton for Improved Logistics and Residue Utilization
(Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement)
Bacterial & Human Metabolism of High-polyphenol Varietals of Sorghum Bicolor, and Effects on Human Colon Cancer Cells
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Characterization of Phenolic Compounds in Sorghum Bicolor
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Deriving Functional Wheat Bran Extracts for Bakery Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Developing Automated Monitoring Solutions for Detection and Identification of Insect Pests of Grain
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Characterization of Sorghum with Improved End-use Quality
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Development of High Extensibility Wheat for Flatbreads and Blending
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effect of Natural and Controlled Fermentation on the Functional Properties of Sorghum
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effect of Sorghum on Reducing Stress Feeding Behavior, Inflammation and Improve Swine Muscle Composition
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Grain Properties and Fermentation Approaches on Fermentation Efficiency and Co-product Quality
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Effects of Sorghum Polyphenols on Human Microbiome in vitro and of Mice in vivo
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluate and Compare Current Amylose Quantification Methods for Grain Sorghum
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Current Air Quality Dispersion Models Used to Permit Low-level Agricultural Point Sources - Cotton Gins
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Round Module Moisture Content Effects on Cotton Quality
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Sorghum Bioactive Compounds as Anti-bacterial Agents in Legionella and Listeria Infections
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Sorghum Extracts as Anti-bacterial Agents against Staphylococcus aureus
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identify Key Alleles for Improving Sorghum Grain Nutrition
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying the Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Wound-Healing Processes to Improve Postharvest Quality of Potato
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Imaging and Hyper Spectral Analysis of Sorghum and Other Grains for Grain Composition and Properties Affecting Processing and End-use Quality
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Agronomic and Post-harvest Management Practices on Potato Quality
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Crop Growth Environment and Postharvest Storage Conditions on Physiological Age of Seed Tubers and Their Yield Performance
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impact of Sorghum Pericarp Color and Grain Composition in Pet Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Impacts of Single Kernel NIR Sorting on Hard Winter Wheat Quality, Flour Functionality and Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrating Advanced Monitoring Techniques to Mitigate Environmental Factors in Storage Systems to Reduce Postharvest Losses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integrating Metabolome and Phytohormone Analyses to Investigate Postharvest Physiology of Potato
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Integration of Advanced Technologies for Documenting the Impact of Climate-Induced Stress on Whole Potato Plant Growth and Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Introgression Breeding to Develop Cotton Cultivars with Desirable Seed and Fiber Quality for Sustainable Agriculture
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Mass Spectroscopy Analysis of High Polyphenol Sorghum Brans
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Modeling for Postharvest Grain Quality and Insect Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Modeling of Phosphine Fumigations in Shipping Containers for Humanitarian Aid
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Monitoring Potato Plant, Root and Tuber Growth via Non-Destructive Means to Identify Key Factors Impacting Climate Adaptability of Cultivars
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Uses for Low Falling Number Hard Winter Wheat and Mechanism Study
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Novel Ingredients from Sorghum and Sorghum Byproducts for High-moisture and Low-moisture Food Applications
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Optimized Sorghum Fermentation on Production of Antioxidants and Value-added Products from Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Partnership for Improving Southwestern Specialty Crop Sustainability and Byproducts Utilization
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
PCHI:Dough Rheology, Baking Performance and Bread Sensory Quality of Pulse-fortified Whole Wheat Flours
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Phenolic Extracts from USDA-ARS Sorghum Novel Lines and Inhibition of the Inflammasomes
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Pulse Quality Characteristics for Product Development That Consider Adverse Effects on Human Health
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Refining Molecular Mechanisms that Control Potato Meristem Dormancy and Tuber Sprouting via Omics
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Relationship Between Physical and Chemical Properties of Sorghum and Susceptibility to Stored Product Insects
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Robotic Delivery (SKUNK) for Pest Management in Food Processing Facilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Science Curricula Through Education, Development and Outreach Programs
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sorghum Bioactive Compounds in Mouse Disease Models
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sorghum Phenolic Acids: Stability During Pet Food Processing and Their Effects on Pet Food Quality and Gut Health in Healthy Adult Dogs
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Sorting of Haploid Maize Kernels for Accelerated Maize Development
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Swine Digestive Efficiency in Feed Rations Containing Identified Microflora Designed Digestion of Sorghum Grain and Sorghum Distiller Grain Solubles
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Postharvest Physiology of Potato by Genomics, Phenomics, Bioinformatics
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding Pressure Bruise Susceptibility of Russet Potato Cultivars Using X-ray Ct and Cell Wall Analyses
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Use of Sorghum Flour in Production of Gluten-free Cookies for Incorporation into Ice Cream
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Use of the Sorghum Association Panel to Develop a Phenotypic Dataset and Phenotyping Protocols for Grain Quality and Agronomic Traits
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluating Bruising in Storage among Fresh-market and Processing Varieties
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Postharvest Processing Quality among New Public Potato Clones
(Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement)
General National Program (NP #990)
National Bio and Agro Defense Facility Operations Project
(In-House Appropriated)
Collaborative Support for NBAF ARU Training and Research Program
(Cooperative Agreement)
Enhanced Capacity for Cooperative Research Related to Insect Transmission of Pathogens
(Cooperative Agreement)
Life Cycle Analysis of Equipment
(Cooperative Agreement)
Supporting African Swine Fever and Classical Swine Fever Research
(Cooperative Agreement)
Continuous Improvement Initiative Through Lean Six Sigma Implementation
Scialog: Mitigating Zoonotic Threats (MZT)
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Support Transfer of USDA Scientific Mission
(Interagency Reimbursable Agreement)
Support Transfer of USDA Scientific Mission - US Army North
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Support Transfer of USDA Scientific Mission - USAF-AMC
(Memorandum of Understanding)
Collaborative Animal Husbandry Training Between Kansas State University and National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Collaborative Animal Research Between Kansas State University and National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Institutional Biosafety Committee- Kansas State University and National Bio and Agro-defense Facility (NBAF)
(Non-Funded Cooperative Agreement)
Scialog: Mitigating Zoonotic Threats (MZT)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)