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Research Project: Towards Resilient Agricultural Systems to Enhance Water Availability, Quality, and Other Ecosystem Services under Changing Climate and Land Use

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Title: Use of indicators of soil and water quality to monitor shifts in natural resources and climate

item Fortuna, Ann Marie
item Starks, Patrick
item Moriasi, Daniel

Submitted to: Soil and Water Conservation Society Proceedings
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 8/30/2021
Publication Date: 7/28/2021
Citation: Fortuna, A., Starks, P.J., Moriasi, D.N. 2021. Use of indicators of soil and water quality to monitor shifts in natural resources and climate. Soil and Water Conservation Society Proceedings. 152.1 v6.

Interpretive Summary: Abstract only.

Technical Abstract: Our work addresses the design, technical measurements, and statistical methodologies used to link soil point measurements across variable land-use and conservation with summary measures of water quality and climatic data. These approaches reduce the variability associated with terrain attributes enabling us to relate the remaining variability in soil and water quality to land management and specific conservation practices. Drainage sites where water samples are collected from within the 786 km2 sized Fort Cobb Reservoir Experimental Watershed (FCREW) located in OK, USA are in close proximity to soil sampling stations and meteorological and soil climate networks. Predicting soil and water quality at variable scale requires ground truthing of soil, water and climatic data coupled with radiometry, remote and proximal sensing (350-1200 nm) to reduce the number of soil and water quality samples required (after parameterization) to represent spatial variability, land use and management. Our research inspires new approaches and collaborations that leverage soil quality to strengthen our understanding of the soil-water nexus through use of historic and current data at all spatial scales for research projects associated with the Long-term Agricultural Research (LTAR) and Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) national USDA initiatives. The use of radiometry with proximal and remote sensing can aid growers in making informed fact-based decisions. Future work will include FCREW as a Dynamic Soil Survey site that links RASTER (GRID) Soil Maps, Dynamic Soil Properties, Hydrology and Ecological Site Descriptions.