Location: Food Surveys Research Group
Title: Food Pattern Food Group Intakes of Children 2 to 5 Years: What We Eat In America, NHANES 2017-2018Author
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Bowman, Shanthy |
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CLEMENS, JOHN - Retired ARS Employee |
Submitted to: Worldwide Web Site: Food Surveys Research Group
Publication Type: Research Technical Update Publication Acceptance Date: 9/13/2022 Publication Date: 9/26/2022 Citation: Bowman, S.A., Clemens, J.C. 2022. Food Pattern Food Group Intakes of Children 2 to 5 Years: What We Eat In America, NHANES 2017-2018. Worldwide Web Site: Food Surveys Research Group. Available: https://www.ars.usda.gov/nea/bhnrc/fsrg/wweia/dbrief. Interpretive Summary: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 (DGA) encourage Americans to increase their fruit, vegetables, and whole grains intakes. This study examines food pattern food group intakes of children, aged 2 to 5 years with complete and reliable dietary intake from the What We Eat In America, NHANES 2017-2018, day 1 data. The estimated mean intake of total vegetables including legumes was 0.70 cup equivalent (eq.). Potatoes were the most consumed vegetables followed by red and orange vegetables (31 and 29%, respectively). The children consumed 67% of their mean total fruit intake of 1.53 cup eq. as intact/whole fruit, meeting the DGA recommendation of consuming at least 50% total fruit as intact/whole fruit versus 100% juice. The estimated mean intake of total grains was 5.1 ounce (oz.) eq. However, only 14% was consumed as whole grains instead of at least 50%, as recommended by the DGA. They ate 2.53 oz. eq. of animal protein foods and 0.66 oz. eq. of plant protein foods that included nuts, seeds, legumes computed as protein food, and soy. Contribution of each protein food to the total protein foods intakes is poultry 30%, meat 14%, cured and luncheon meat 20%, seafood 4%, eggs 11%, nuts and seeds 13%, and legumes computed as protein foods 7%. The estimated mean intake of total dairy was 1.96 cup eq. When the food pattern food group intakes were estimated per 1,000 calories of energy intake, vegetables, fruit, and dairy intakes were very much below the DGA recommendations per 1,000 calories. Technical Abstract: The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 (DGA) encourage Americans to increase their fruit, vegetables, and whole grains intakes. This study examines the mean intakes of food patterns groups by 540 children aged 2 to 5 years with complete and reliable dietary intake from the What We Eat In America, NHANES 2017-2018, day 1 data. Sample weights were applied in the analysis to get nationally representative estimates. The estimated mean intake of total vegetables including legumes was 0.83 cup equivalent (eq.). Percentage contribution to total vegetable intakes were potatoes (starchy vegetables) 31%, red and orange vegetables 29%, other vegetables 23%, dark green vegetables 7%, legumes 7%, and non-potato starchy vegetables 5%. The estimated mean intake of total fruit was 1.17 cup eq. Percentage contribution to the total fruit intakes were citrus, melon, and berries 21%; other fruit 42%; and 100% fruit juice 37%. The children consumed only 14% of total grains as whole grains instead of at least 50%, as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines. They ate 2.53 oz. eq. of animal protein foods and 0.66 oz. eq. of plant protein foods that included nuts, seeds, legumes, and soy. The estimated mean intake of total dairy was 1.96 cup eq. with fluid milk contributing 65% of dairy intake, cheese 30%, and yogurt 5%. They consumed only 0.5 cup eq. of vegetables and 1.0 cup eq. of fruit per 1,000 calories, which are below the DGA recommendations. |