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Research Project: Alternatives to Antibiotics and Genomics of Antimicrobial Resistance to Control Foodborne Pathogens in Poultry

Location: Poultry Microbiological Safety and Processing Research Unit

Title: Genome analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar enteritis isolated from poultry and humans in Burkina Faso

item KAGAMBEGA, ASSETA - Joseph Ki-Zerbo University
item RAMADAN, HAZEM - Mansoura University
item DIONE, MICHEL - Mansoura University
item BOUDA, SOUTONGNOOMA - Joseph Ki-Zerbo University
item Hiott, Lari
item McMillan, Elizabeth
item SHARMA, POONAM - Orise Fellow
item GUPTA, SUSHIM - Orise Fellow
item Jackson, Charlene
item Frye, Jonathan

Submitted to: Microbiology Resource Announcements
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/7/2024
Publication Date: 5/3/2024
Citation: Kagambega, A., Ramadan, H., Dione, M., Bouda, S.C., Hiott, L.M., Mcmillan, E.A., Sharma, P., Gupta, S.K., Jackson, C.R., Frye, J.G. 2024. Genome analysis of Salmonella enterica serovar enteritis isolated from poultry and humans in Burkina Faso. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 2024:e01024.

Interpretive Summary: Salmonella is a foodborne pathogen found globally, however, little is known about its emergence in developing countries. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was used to characterize four Salmonella enterica Enteritidis isolated from poultry and humans in Burkina Faso. Analysis detected antimicrobial resistance genes, chromosomal mutations, and mobile genetic elements. Further testing determine that all four strains were resistant to seven antibiotics. Nine resistance genes were identified in all strains encoding resistance to aminoglycosides (aac6-Iy; aph(6)), chloramphenicol (catA1), beta-lactams (blaTEM-1B); Sulfonamide (sulI; sulII); Trimethoprim (dhfr7); Tetracycline (tetB) and Streptomycin (strB and strA). Additionally, a parC mutation was identified in one strain. Plasmids detected included IncI1 and IncQ1. All isolates were MLST type ST 11. These results show that poultry could be a reservoir for MDR Salmonella Enteritidis strains in Burkina Faso.

Technical Abstract: Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was used to characterize four Salmonella enterica Enteritidis isolates from poultry (n=2) and human (n=2) from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Antimicrobial resistance genes, chromosomal mutations, and mobile genetic elements were identified by analysis of WGS data using sequence homology.