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Research Project: Managing Honey Bees against Disease and Colony Stress

Location: Bee Research Laboratory

Title: Honey bee Diseases in the State of Ohio (1984-2022)

item Alburaki, Mohamed
item ABBAN, SAMUEL - US Department Of Agriculture (USDA)
item Chen, Yanping - Judy

Submitted to: Bee Culture
Publication Type: Review Article
Publication Acceptance Date: 4/1/2024
Publication Date: 5/1/2024
Citation: Alburaki, M., Abban, S., Chen, Y. 2024. Honey bee Diseases in the State of Ohio (1984-2022). Bee Culture. May 2024:54-55.

Interpretive Summary: Not needed.(jt)

Technical Abstract: The Bee Disease Diagnostic Service, operating from the USDA-ARS Beltsville Bee Research Laboratory (BRL), has been a pivotal resource in honey bee disease diagnosis since its establishment in 1891. With an enduring legacy, BRL strives to provide high quality and complimentary honey bee disease diagnostic service for beekeepers, State Apiary Inspectors, and various federal and state agencies across the nation. Our commitment to honey bee health spans over a century. Through this series of articles, we aim to offer our stakeholders a state-by-state overview of honey bee diseases and pathogens from 1984 to 2022. This journey begins with Ohio, where we thoroughly examine the state’s bee disease landscape based on our extensive dataset, providing insights into the prevalence and status of honey bee diseases. Other states covered in the series, ranked by the volume of diagnostic samples received, are New York with a total number of samples analyzed (N = 10,697), South Dakota (N = 6,475), Maryland (N = 3,949), Arizona (N = 2,156), Virginia (N = 1,980), Illinois (N = 1,979), North Dakota (N = 1,925), Washington (N = 1,249) and West Virginia (N = 1,249). These states are the most significant contributors to our diagnostic service. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive longitudinal study of honey bee disease and pathogen trends, illuminating their evolution over the studied period.