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ARS Home » Plains Area » Mandan, North Dakota » Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory » Research » Publications at this Location » Publication #413389

Research Project: Transdisciplinary Research that Improves the Productivity and Sustainability of Northern Great Plains Agroecosystems and the Well-Being of the Communities They Serve

Location: Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory

Title: Overview of the USDA-ARS Healthy Soils -Healthy Food -Healthy People Initative

item Whippo, Craig
item Clemensen, Andrea
item Archer, David
item Roemmich, James
item Grusak, Michael

Submitted to: Meeting Abstract
Publication Type: Abstract Only
Publication Acceptance Date: 3/9/2024
Publication Date: 3/9/2024
Citation: Whippo, C.W., Clemensen, A.K., Archer, D.W., Roemmich, J.N., Grusak, M.A. 2024. Overview of the USDA-ARS Healthy Soils -Healthy Food -Healthy People Initative. Meeting Abstract. 1.

Interpretive Summary:

Technical Abstract: Crop nutrition, soil health, and seed genetics are important for producers in making crop management decisions. However, these decisions are often narrowly focused on crop yield impacts and do not consider broader potential impacts. This presentation provides an overview of the USDA ARS Health Soils -Healthy People -Healthy Plants Initiative, which is a collaborative effort between the three ARS research locations in North Dakota. The presentation describes how these three ARS units are working together to assess impacts of soil health management principles and practices on grain quality with consequences for human nutrition.