Grassland Soil and Water Research Laboratory
- FY2021, FY2022 Contribution of Legacy Phosphorus to Watershed Outcomes, Phase 2 (Temple, TX)
- Sustainability of Groundwater and Irrigated Agriculture in the Western United States Under a Changing Climate
- Development of Enhanced Tools and Management Strategies to Support Sustainable Agricultural Systems and Water Quality
- Conservation Effects Assessment Project - 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027
- Field-Scale SWAT+ Modeling to Support Regional Legacy P Model Development
- FY 2022-2027 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) Temple
- Water Use, Growth, and Yield of Cotton and Guayule under Gravity Drip Irrigation
- Developing Climate Based Ag Management Operation Scheduling and Natural Infrastructure Practices in the National Agroecosystem Model
- Parameterization and Testing of New Groundwater Flow and Salinity Model in the National Agroecosystem Model
- Incorporating Precision Agriculture Equipment to Maximize Profitability in Maryland – Best Practices for Creating Management Zones
- Development and Testing of New Groundwater Phosphorus Model in Selected HUC8 From the National Agroecosystem Model
- Nitrogen Fertility and Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers for Sustainable Biofuels Production
Wind Erosion and Water Conservation Research
- Partitioning of Anthropogenic Radioisotopes on Aeolian Sediments and Erosion-affected Soils
- Establishing a Soil Health Framework for Water-limited Regions
- REEU: Student Career in Agricultural Research, Learning, and Extension Training (SCARLET)
- Developing Strategies for Resilient and Sustainable Crop, Water, and Soil Management in Semi-Arid Environments
Soil and Water Management Research
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region - KSU
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas A&M
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- Texas Tech
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer Region- WTAMU
- Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production- OAP 2nd Phase with KSU
- Optimized Allocation of Limited Amount of Irrigation Water among Simultaneous Annual Crops at Farm Level (ORDILS)
- Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production- OAP 3rd Phase with TAMU
- Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production- OAP 3rd Phase with KSU
- Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with TTU
- Precipitation and Irrigation Management to Optimize Profits from Crop Production - OAP 3rd Phase with WTAMU
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with WTAMU
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with KSU
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TAMU
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with TTU
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TAMU
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 KSU
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 2
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 TTU
- Collaborative Research and Outreach to Facilitate Cotton Production in the Thermo-limited Regions of the Southern Ogallala Aquifer - Phase 2 WTAMU
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Kansas State University Phase 2
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 2
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought - OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 2
- Improving Precision Irrigation Systems for Increased Crop Water Productivity in Different Climates
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas A&M University Phase 3
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Kansas State University Phase 3
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with Texas Tech University Phase 3
- Dryland and Irrigated Crop Management Under Limited Water Availability and Drought- OAP with West Texas A&M University Phase 3