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Arkansas State University Ecotoxicology Research Facility
Ecological Integrity of Wetland Soils Validation of a Perturbation Index in Northern Mississippi Wetlands
Use of Willow Cutting for Stream Bank Restoration
Publications Resulting from Willow Research
Constructed Wetlands to Prevent Adverse Effects of Cropland Runoff: A Modeling and Empirical Approach
Evaluation of Agricultural Retention and Processing in a Large Forested Wetland/Riparian Zone in the Mississippi Delta MSEA: Shallow Ground Water
Mississippi Delta MSEA
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Conservation Tillage
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Slotted Board Riser
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Grass Filter Strip
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Pioneering Weed Control Technology
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Surface Water Quality
Mississippi Delta-MSEA - Agrichemical Movement in Shallow Ground Water
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Lake Water Quality Evaluations
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Sampling Lake Sediment
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Deep Hollow
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Beasley Lake
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Thigman Lake Watershed
Mississippi Delta MSEA - Personnel
Mississippi Delta MSEA Reporter Archive
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 1, Issue 1, Page 1
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 1, Issue 1, Page 2
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 1 Issue 1, Page 3
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 1 Issue 1, Page 4
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 1, Page 1
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 2, Page 1
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 2, Page 2
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 2, Page 3
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 2, Page 4
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 1, Page 2
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 2, Page 1 (1)
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 1
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 2
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 3
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 4
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 2, Issue 3, Page 5
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 1, First Semester 1997
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 2, First Semester 1997
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 3, First Semester 1997
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 4, First Semester 1997
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 1, First Semester 1997
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 2, First Semester 1997
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 2, Page 3, First Semester 1997
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 1, First Semester 1998
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 2, First Semester 1998
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 3, First Semester 1998
Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 4, Issue 1, Page 4, First Semester 1998
University of Mississippi Field Station at Bay Springs
Little Topashaw Creek - Project Description - Photo
Sam Testa
Constructed Wetland Process Farm Waste
Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater Contamination
Gully Controls Develop Habitat
Laboratory Tests Reveal Watershed Needs
Stream Stability Structures Help Restore Life
Tillage and Transport of Agricultural Contaminants
Use of Acoustic Doppler Devices to Measure Aquatic Habitat Quality
River Restoration Research
Hotophia Creek
Goodwin Creek
Martin Dale Creek and Martin Dale Tributary
Harland Creek
Synthesis of Findings to Date
Little Topashaw Creek
Little Topashaw Creek - Summary of Findings - Discharge
Little Topashaw Creek - Summary of Findings - Effects of Debris Structures
Little Topashaw Creek - Summary of Findings - Vegetative Control of Gullies
Little Topashaw Creek - Summary of Findings
Little Topashaw Creek - LWDS Failure
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects of Wood Structures - High Flow Stages
Little Topashaw Creek - High Flow Stages - Englarged Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Sediment Transport
Little Topashaw Creek - Sediment Transport Englarged Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects on Physical Aquatic Habitat
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects on Macroinvertebrate Community
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects on Fish Community
Little Topashaw Creek - Effect of Debris Structures - Effects on Fish Community - Enlarged Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects of Debris Structures - Channel Stabilization
Little Topashaw Creek - Channel Stabilization - Cross Section 23
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variation of Pesticides
Little Topashaw Creek - Implications of Nutrient Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Criteria for Little Topashaw Creek
Little Topashaw Creek - Response of physical aquatic habitat
Little Topashaw Creek - Response of physical aquatic habitat (1)
Little Topashaw Creek - Velocities during high flows
Little Topashaw Creek - Channel Stabilization - Thalweg
Little Topashaw Creek - Channel Stabilization - Topagraphy at Study Bend
Little Topashaw Creek - Shifts in bed sediment size
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects on fish community - Fish species richness
Little Topashaw Creek - Centrarchids, % of Total Catch by Weight
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects on fish community - Links between changes in fish community and fish habitat
Little Topashaw Creek - Retention of particulate organic matter(POM)
Little Topashaw Creek - Historical Aerial Photos - Set 1
Little Topashaw Creek - Historical Aerial Photos - Set 2
Little Topashaw Creek - Historical Aerial Photos - Set 3
Little Topashaw Creek - Historical Aerial Photos - Set 4
Little Topashaw Creek - Site Description
Little Topashaw Creek - Major Objectives
Little Topashaw Creek - Project Description
Little Topashaw Creek - Experiments
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring
Little Topashaw Creek - Construction
Little Topashaw Creek - Geomorphology
Little Topashaw Creek - Soil Borings
Little Topashaw Creek - Pre-construction census of large woody debris
Little Topashaw Creek - Wood Density
Little Topashaw Creek - Expected benefits
Little Topashaw Creek - Expected benefits - Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Reports and downloadable end products
Little Topashaw Creek - Construction 1 - Enlarged Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Construction 2 - Enlarged Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Cleared areas
Little Topashaw Creek - As built dimensions
Little Topashaw Creek - Photos of Construction
Little Topashaw Creek LWDS Construction July 2000
Little Topashaw Creek LWDS Construction July 2000 Excavation of key trench
Little Topashaw Creek LWDS Construction July 2000 Placing key member
Little Topashaw Creek LWDS Construction July 2000 Placing racked member
Little Topashaw Creek - Installation of earth anchors
Little Topashaw Creek - Completed earth anchor installation
Litttle Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Channel processes
Litttle Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Vegetative control of gullies
Little Topashaw Creek - Vegetated Inlet Construction July 2000
Demonstration Erosion Control Project
NSL Research Sponsored by DEC
Selected National Technology Transfer
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Water quality and ecological processes
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Large wood structures
Little Topashaw Creek - Experiments - Innovative bank stabilization
Little Topashaw Creek - Experiments - Low-cost channel habitat restoration
Little Topashaw Creek - Bank stabilization structures made from large wood
Little Topashaw Creek - Structure Elevation
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring Plan - Periodic data
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal biological data
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Monthly water quality data
Little Topashaw Creek - Location and sizes of large woody debris formations
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Density of wood
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Water stage
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Channel Surveys
Little Topashaw Creek - Size and organic matter content of channel bed material
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Stratigraphic logging
Little Topashaw Creek - Stratigraphic logging results
Little Topashaw Creek - Plan View
Little Topashaw Creek - Structure Design
Using RIST to Convert Rainfall Records into Erosion Model Inputs
Little Topashaw Creek - Effects of Large Woody Debris Structures on Bend Flow Field
Rainfall Intensity Summarization Tool
Little Topashaw Creek - High Flow Conditions at Little Topashaw Creek
Little Topashaw Creek - Vegetative control of gullies
Little Topashaw Creek - Subsurface Erosion Control Processes
Little Topashaw Creek - Use of willow cuttings for riparian zone rehabilitation
Little Topashaw Creek - Method2
Little Topashaw Creek - Vegetated Inlet Performance
Little Topashaw Creek - Woody material became lighter as it dried
Little Topashaw Creek - Sediments deposited within the debris structures were scoured away
Little Topashaw Creek - Subsurface Erosion Background
Little Topashaw Creek - Methods
Little Topashaw Creek - Nutrient TMDL's - Abstract
Little Topashaw Creek - Nutrient TMDL's - Introduction
Little Topashaw Creek - Nutrient TMDL's - Methods
Little Topashaw Creek - Nutrient TMDL's - Results
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Bank Soil Moisture
Little Topashaw Creek - Channel Processes - Bank Stabilization by Soil Moisture Control - Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Innovative Bank Stabilization - Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Innovative Bank Stabilization
Little Topashaw Creek - Monitoring - Geomorphic Evaluation
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variations of Pesticides - Abstract
Little Topashaw Creek - Abstract - Photo
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variations of Pesticides - Introduction
Little Topashaw Creek - Bed Organic Carbon
Little Topashaw Creek - Dye Study
Little Topashaw Creek - Fate of Large Wood Structures
Little Topashaw Creek - Carbon Concentrations
Little Topashaw Creek - Current-use Pesticides
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variations of Pesticides - Conclusions
Little Topashaw Creek - Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus
Little Topashaw Creek - Ammonia and Nitrate
Little Topashaw Creek - Nitrite and Kjedahl-N
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variations of Pesticides - Discussion
Little Topashaw Creek - Herbicides - Discharge and Suspended sediment concentration
Little Topashaw Creek - Herbicides - Acetanilide
Little Topashaw Creek - Herbicides - Dinitroanaline
Little Topashaw Creek - Insecticides - Q and SS
Little Topashaw Creek - Insecticides - Chlorinated Hydrocarbon
Little Topashaw Creek - Insecticides - pp' DDT Metabolites
Little Topashaw Creek - Insecticides - Pyrethroid
Little Topashaw Creek - Performance of Earth Anchors
Little Topashaw Creek - Performance of Earth Anchors - Summary
Little Topashaw Creek - Analysis of Forces in Anchors
Little Topashaw Creek - Anchor Performance
Little Topashaw Creek - Historical Aerial Photos
Little Topashaw Creek - Anchor Installation
River Restoration Technical Committee
River Restoration Resources
River and stream restoration links
Demonstration Erosion Control Project - Low drop channel grade control structures
Little Topashaw Creek - Herbicides - Triazine
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Goals and Objectives
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Study sites in Northwest Mississippi
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Key Partners
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Publications and products
Little Topashaw Creek - Cultivation of corn on a riparian flood plain, July 2001
Little Topashaw Creek - Cultivation of cotton on a riparian flood plain, July 2001
Mississippi Technology Transfer
International Technology Transfer
Legacy WQERU Projects
Little Topashaw Creek - As built dimensions - Results
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variations of Pesticides - Methods
Little Topashaw Creek - Experimental Objectives
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Effects of Flow Augmentation
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Project Information
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Abstract
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Study Site
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Flow Augmentation to simulate a backwater flood event
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Flow Augmentation to simulate a backwater flood event - Graphs
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Water Quality
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Discussion
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Discussion - Direct and Indirect effects of decreased water volume on water quality
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Conclusions
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - References
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - Temperature
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - Dissolved Oxygen
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - Conductivity
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - pH
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - Total Dissolved and suspended solids
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - Filterable Phosphorus and Total Phosphorus
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - Nitrogen Compounds (Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite)
Rehabilitation of a Severed Meander Bendway: Effects of Flow Augmentation - Results - Chlorophyll
Effects of cutting size on performance of black willow (Salix nigra) stakes
Effects of cutting size on performance of black willow (Salix nigra) stakes - Abstract
Effects of cutting size on performance of black willow (Salix nigra) stakes - Introduction
Effects of cutting size on performance of black willow (Salix nigra) stakes - Materials and Methods
Effects of cutting size on performance of black willow (Salix nigra) stakes - Results
Effects of cutting size on performance of black willow (Salix nigra) stakes - Conclusions
Research Links
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Ecological Engineering
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Study sites in Tunica County
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Rehabilitation of cutoff bend
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Two - cell design for rehabilitated bendway
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Weirs controlling lake cell and wetland
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Management of natural wetland
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Available Backwater Restoration Approaches
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Heavily Degraded Reference Site
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Artificial Runoff Event
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Artificial Runoff Events
Coldwater River Backwater Restoration - Lightly Degraded Reference Site
Little Topashaw Creek - Use of willow cuttings for riparian zone rehabilitation - General
Little Topashaw Creek - Use of willow cuttings for riparian zone rehabilitation - Soaking
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variations of Pesticides - Authors
Little Topashaw Creek - Seasonal Variations of Pesticides - Results
Beasley Lake CEAP Watershed
Additional Publications (1998 & earlier)
Matthew Moore - Technical Reports
Matthew Moore - Invited presentations
Matthew Moore - Course Instructor
Matthew Moore - Professional Activities
Future Scientists Program
Matthew Moore - Other Presentations
Publications Request
Vegetated Agricultural Drainage Ditches
Tailwater Recovery Systems
Roundaway Lake