Little Topashaw Creek - Reports and downloadable end products |
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Adams, F. A. 2000. "Geologic Investigation Report: Yalobusha River Subwatershed, Little Topashaw Creek Stream Corridor Rehabilitation, Chickasaw County, Mississippi." (unpublished report) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Jackson, Mississippi.
Collison, A.J.C., Simon, A. and Dickerson, W. 2001. Riverbank stabilization using low cost submersible pumps. Proceedings of the Conference on Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. Published on CD-ROM
Cooper, C.M., Testa, S., III, Gillespie, W.B., Jr., Shields, F.D., Jr. and Smiley, P.C., Jr. 1998. Preliminary assessment of the water quality, biological habitat, and biotic communities of the Yalobusha Watershed. National Sedimentation Laboratory Research Report No. 7.
Cooper, C.M. and Testa, S., III. 2002. Invertebrate community dynamics during a stream rehabilitation exercise. Proceedings of Annual Conference, American Water Resources Association, November 3-7, 2002, Philadelphia, PA, AWRA, Middleburg, VA., p. 252.
Cooper, C.M., Testa III, S., Shields Jr., F.D.2004. Rehabilitation of a severely damaged stream channel with large woody debris structures: macroinvertebrate community response. Proceedings, Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society.
Dabney, S. M. and Shields, F. D., Jr. 2002. Vegetative side inlets to control riparian zone gullies. Proceedings of Annual Conference, American Water Resources Association, November 3-7, 2002, Philidelphia, PA, AWRA, Middleburg, VA., p. 253.
Dabney, S. M., Shields, Jr., F. D., Temple, D., Collison, A. and Simon, A. 2002. Layout and establishment of grass hedges for gully control. In Proceedings, 12th International Soil Conservation Organization Conference, May 26-31, 2002, Beijing, China.
Dabney, S. M., Shields, F. D., Jr. and Temple, D. M. 2004. Grass hedge effects on gully hydraulics and erosion. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Gully Erosion April 28-May 1, 2004, Oxford, Mississippi, U.S.A, USDA ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory, CD-ROM.
Dabney, S., Shields, F. D., Jr., Temple, D., Langendoen, E. 2004. Erosion processes in gullies modified by establishing grass hedges. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers 47(5): 1561-1571.
Davis, S. 1999. Within-channel vegetation survey, Little Topashaw Creek stream corridor rehabilitation project. Unpublished report, National Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, Miss.
Fox, G. A., Wilson, G. V., Periketi, R., Cullum, B. F., and Gordji, L. 2006. The role of subsurface water in contributing to streambank erosion. Proceedings, US-China Workshop on Advanced Computational Modeling in Hydroscience and Engineering, September 19-21, Oxford, MS, USA. University, Mississippi.
Knight, S.S., Shields, F.D., Jr. and Welch, T.W. 2002. Effects of woody debris erosion control structures on fish communities of Little Topashaw Creek, Mississippi. Proceedings of Annual Conference, American Water Resources Association, November 3-7, 2002, Philadelphia, PA, AWRA, Middleburg, VA., p. 239.
Lizotte, R.E., Jr., Moore, M.T. and Cooper, C.M. 2001. Implications of nutrient total maximum daily load (TMDL) criteria for Little Topashaw Creek. Abstracts from the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22nd Annual Meeting, November 11-15, 2001, Baltimore, Maryland, p. 178.
Lizotte, R.E., Jr., Cooper, C.M., Smith, S. Jr. and Bryant, C.T. 2002. Seasonal variations of pesticide concentrations during storm events in Little Topashaw Creek. Abstracts from the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Mid-South Region Annual Meeting, June 2-4, 2002, Vicksburg, Mississippi, p. 19.
Martin, L.T., Pezeshki, S. R. and Shields, F. D., Jr. 2005. Soaking treatment increases survival of black willow posts in a large-scale field study. Ecological Restoration 23(2):95-98.
Martin, L.T., Pezeshki, S.R. and Shields, F.D., Jr. 2002. Improving success of willow cuttings planted in damaged riparian zones: Little Topashaw Creek Study. Proceedings of Annual Conference, American Water Resources Association, November 3-7, 2002, Philadelphia, PA, AWRA, Middleburg, VA., p. 238.
Pezeshki, S. R., Li, S., Shields, F. D., Jr. and Martin, L. T. 2007. Factors governing survival of black willow (Salix nigra) cuttings in a field restoration project. Ecological Engineering 29:56-65. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2006.07.014
Shields, F. D., Jr., Dabney, S. M., Langendoen, E. J., Temple, D. M. 2005. Control of gully erosion using stiff grasses. International Journal of Sediment Research 20(4):319-332.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Knight, S. S., Cooper, C. M. and Testa, S. III. 2000. Large woody debris structures for incised channel rehabilitation. In R. H. Hotchkiss and M. Glade (eds.) Building Partnerships Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management, Environmental and Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. Published on CD-ROM.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Morin, N. and Cooper, C. M. 2001. Design of large woody debris structures for channel rehabilitation. In U. S. Subcommittee on Sedimentation. Proceedings of the Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conferences, 1947 to 2001, Seventh Conference Proceedings, CD-ROM, Washington, D. C. II-42 ? II-49.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Morin, N.and Kuhnle, R. A. 2001. Effects of large woody debris structures on stream hydraulics. In Proceedings of the Conference on Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA. Published on CD-ROM.
Shields, F. D., Jr. 2002. Performance of woody debris structures for stream restoration. Proceedings of Annual Conference, American Water Resources Association, November 3-7, 2002, Philadelphia, PA, AWRA, Middleburg, VA., p. 237.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Cooper, C. M., Knight, S. S., and Dabney, S. M. 2002. Little Topashaw Creek restoration project: context and overview. Proceedings of Annual Conference, American Water Resources Association, November 3-7, 2002, Philadelphia, PA, AWRA, Middleburg, VA., p. 236.
Shields, F. D., Jr. 2003. Large wood as a restoration tool: I fought the law, and the law won. Extended abstract, Proceedings of the STREAMS Channel Protection and Restoration Conference, October 6-7, 2003, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 35-39.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Knight, S. S., Morin, N., and Blank, J. C. 2003. Response of fishes and aquatic habitats to sand-bed stream restoration using large woody debris. Hydrobiologia 494:251-257.
Shields, F.D., Jr., Morin, N. and Cooper, C.M. 2004. Large Woody Debris Structures for Sand Bed Channels. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 130(3), 208-217.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Knight, S. S. 2005. Large wood for stream habitat restorations: harder than it looks. Stream Notes. Stream Systems Technology Center, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO., 4-6.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Knight, S. S., Stofleth, J. M. 2006. Large wood addition for aquatic habitat rehabilitation in an incised, sand-bed stream, Little Topashaw Creek, Mississippi. River Research and Applications. Published online 29 June 2006.
Shields, F. D., Jr., Knight, S. S. and Stofleth, J. M. 2008. Stream bed organic carbon and biotic integrity. Aquatic Conservation. 18:761-779
Shields, F. D., Jr., Pezeshki, S. R., Wilson, G. V., Wu, W., and Dabney, S. M. 2008. Rehabilitation of an incised stream with plant materials: The dominance of geomorphic processes. Ecology and Society 13(2): 54. [online].
Shields, F. D., Jr., Simon, A. and Dabney, S. 2009. Streambank dewatering for increased stability. Hydrological Processes. 23, 1537-1547 (2009) Published online 31 March 2009 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7286.
Shields, F. D., Jr. , Lizotte, R. E., Jr., Knight, S. S., Cooper, C. M., and Wilcox, D. L. 2009. The stream channel incision syndrome and water quality. Ecological Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2009.09.014
Smith, S. Jr., Cooper, C. M., Lizotte, R., and Shields, F. D., Jr. 2006. Storm pesticide concentrations in Little Topashaw Creek, USA. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 32(2):173-182.
Stofleth, J. M., Shields, F. D., Jr., Fox G. A. 2004. Organic carbon concentrations in the hyporheic zone: A tool for measuring stream integrity. World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2004, ASCE, Salt Lake City, USA, June 27-July 1.
Stofleth, J., F. D., Jr. and Fox, G. A. 2007. Hyporheic and total hydraulic retention in small sand-bed streams. Hydrologic Processes. Published online, doi: 10.1002/hyp.6773.
Testa, S. III, Shields, F. D., Jr. and Cooper, C. M. 2010. Macroinvertebrate response to stream restoration by large wood addition. Ecohydrology Published online in Wiley Interscience. DOI: 10.1002/eco.146.
Testa, S., III and Cooper, C. M. 2002. Considerations for water resource bioassessments based on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities: Mississippi experiences. Proceedings of the Mississippi Water Resources Conference, Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute, Mississippi State.
Wallerstein, N. P. 2000. Geomorphic evaluation of Little Topashaw Creek: June 2000. Unpublished report, National Sedimentation Laboratory, Oxford, MS.
Wilson, G. V., Periketi, R., Fox, G. A., Dabney, S., Shields, F. D., Jr. and Cullum, R. F. 2007. Soil properties controlling seepage erosion contributions to streambank failure. Earth Surface Properties and Landforms 32:447-459 (2007). doi: 10.1002/esp.1405.
Wilson, G.V., Shields, F. D., Jr., Bingner, R. L., Reid-Rhoades. P., Dicarlo, D. A. and Dabney, S. M. 2008. Conservation Practices and Gully Erosion Contributions in the Topashaw Canal Watershed. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
2008 63(6):420-449; doi:10.2489/jswc.63.6.420
Wu, W., Shields, F. D., Jr., Bennett, S. J., Wang, Sam S. Y. 2005. A depth-averaged two-dimensional model for flow, sediment transport, and bed topography in curved channels with riparian vegetation. Water Resources Research 41(3)W03015: doi:10.1029/2004WR003730.
Wu, W., He, Z., Wang, S. S. Y., Shields, F. D., Jr. 2006. Analysis of aquatic habitat suitability using a depth-averaged 2-D model. Proceedings, 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference.
He, X., Wu, W., and Shields, F. D., Jr. 2009. Numerical Analysis of Effects of Large Wood Structures on Channel Morphology and Fish Habitat Suitability in Southern U.S. Sandy Creek. Ecohydrology 2, DOI: 10.1002/eco.60.