Mississippi Delta MSEA Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 4, First Semester 1997 |
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Volume 3, Issue 1, Page 4, First Semester 1997
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From the Technical Steering Committee
As was done last year, it will soon be time during early summer for the three TSC co-chairmen to set down and do some long term thinking and planning for the MDMSEA Project. Once goals and objectives are identified, they will be prioritized. Feel most free to have input in this process by letting your thoughts on planning and project vision be known to any of the three co-chairmen. In this regard, one item of very high priority this year, is to bring regionality into the MDMSEA Project. The Mississippi River Valley Alluvium/Delta is made up of 20 million acres, which share ?somewhat? similar soils, climate, and cropping systems/problems. Thus, it is our obligation as scientists, farmers, and citizenry, to share MDMSEA project milestones with natural resource managers from the four-state area that comprises the ?DELTA?. Transfer of technology across political boundaries, which share common environmental concerns, will be a challenge to us all. Another important reason for the development of regionality is it ensure continued project support by agencies and Congress by gaining a broader political support of several state congressional delegations and agencies. Plans for the development of regionality are just now being formulated. At this point in time a fall meeting in Greenwood is envisioned. Those invited would be the heads/leaders of various state and federal natural resource agencies from Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Tennessee, as well as lead farmers and landowners. Tours of the MDMSEA project would be conducted and presentations made by project scientists.
Dr. J .D. Schreiber, co-chairman
MDMSEA Tech. Steering Committee
National Sedimentation Laboratory
Oxford, MS 38655-1157
Phone: 601-232-2936
Fax: 601-232-2915
Email: schreibe@.sedlab.olemiss.edu
Bryson, C. T. and J. E. Hanks. Weeds in reduced-tillage cotton: Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Area. Southern Weed Science Society, Houston TX, January 1997.
Hanks, J. E. and C. T. Bryson. Herbicide reduction in no-till row crop production systems. Weed Science Society of America, Orlando, FL, February 1997.
Rebich, R.A. 1997. Streamflow and water-quality sampling network for the Mississippi Delta Management Systems Evaluation Areas (MSEA) project. Proceedings Mississippi Water Resources Conference, Jackson, MS, March 1997.
Shankle, M. W., D. R. Shaw, W. L. Kingery, and S. D. Askew. 1997. Influence of best management practices (BMPs) on fluometuron adsorption. Proc. South. Weed Sci. 50:in press.
On January 9th, Richard Rebich and Jonathon Schreiber, at the invitation of the Mississippi Soil and Water Conservation Commission, presented a program on the MDMSEA Project before the Mississippi Association of Conservation Districts.
A new MDMSEA Internet web site is under development at the USDA-ARS National Sedimentation Laboratory (NSL) in Oxford. The site's address is:
The home page gives the project description along with major objectives and expected benefits. There are hyperlinks to all issues of this newsletter, the project personnel directory, and the NSL?s home page. We are attempting to keep the site updated, especially the personnel directory. If there are any errors, discrepancies, or omissions in the directory, please contact the site?s webmaster via email.
The MDMSEA headquarters at Thighman Lake now has local Internet access with an email address of:
Frank Gwin, Jr., the project coordinator, checks incoming email messages several times per week.
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