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Nandula, V.K. , D.A. Giacomini, B.. Lawrence, W.T. Molin, and J.A. Bond. 2020. Resistance to clethodim in Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) from Mississippi and North Carolina. Pest Management Science. 76(4):1378-1385.  PDF

Nandula, V.K.  2019. Herbicide resistance traits in maize and soybean: Current status and future outlook. Plants. 8:337-345.  PDF

Tehranchian, P., V.K. Nandula, M. Matzrafi, and M. Jasieniuk. 2019. Multiple herbidice resistance in California Italian Ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum): Characterization of ALS-Inhibiting herbicide resistance. Weed Science. 67(3):273-280.  PDF

Nandula, V.K., D.E. Riechers, Y. Ferhatoglu, M. Barrett, S.O. Duke, F.E. Dayan, A. Goldberg-Cavalleri, C.Tetard-Jones, D.J. Wortley, N. Onkokesung, M. Brazier-Hicks, R. Edwards, T. Gaines, S. Iwakami, M. Jugulam and R. Ma. 2019. Herbicide metabolism: crop selectivity, bioactivation, weed resistance, and regulation.  Weed Science. 67:149-175.  PDF

Nandula, V.K., G.B. Montgomery, A.R. Vennapusa, M. Jugulam, D.A. Giacomini, J.D. Ray,, J.A. Bond, L.E. Steckel, and P.J. Tranel. 2018.Glyphosate-resistant junglerice (Echinochloa colona) from Mississippi and Tennessee: Magnitude and resistance mechanisms.  Weed Science.  66:603-610.  PDF

Nandula, V.K., W.T. Molin, and J.A. Bond. 2018. Influence of water quality, formulation, adjuvant, rainfastness, and nozzle type on efficacy of formesafen on palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri ) control.  American Journal of Plant Sciences. 9:1660-1676. PDF

Nandula, V.K. 2018. Recent advances in deciphering metabolic herbicide resistance mechanisms. In: Jugulam, Mithila, editor. Biology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Weeds. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. Chapter 8, pgs. 144-155. PDF

Tehranchian, P., V. Nandula, M. Jugulam, K. Putta, and M. Jasieniuk. 2018. Multiple resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in Italian ryegrass populations from California: Confirmation and mechanisms of resistance.  Pest Management Science. 74(4):868-877. PDF

Maroli, A.S., V.K. Nandula, S.O. Duke, P. Gerard, and N. Tharayil. 2018. Comparative metabolomic analyses of Ipomoea lacunosa biotypes with contrasting glyphosate tolerance captures herbicide-induced differential perturbations in cellular physiology.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 66(8):2027-2039. PDF

Wright, A.A., R. Sasidharan, L. Koski, M. Rodriguez-Carres, D.G. Peterson, V.K. Nandula, J.D. Ray, J.A. Bond and D.R. Shaw. 2018. Transcriptomic changes in Echinochloa colona in response to treatment with the herbicide imazamox. Planta. 247:369-379. PDF

Wright, A.A., M. Rodriguez-Carres, R. Sasidharan, L. Koski, D.G. Peterson, V.K. Nandula, J.D. Ray, J.A. Bond and D.R. Shaw. 2018. Multiple herbicide-resistant junglerice (Echinochloa colona): Identification of genes potentially involved in resistance through differential gene expression analysis. Weed Science. 66:347-354. PDF

Huang, Y., M.A. Lee, V.K. Nandula and K.N. Reddy. 2018. Hyperspectal imaging for differentiating glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-susceptible Italian ryegrass. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 9:1467-1477. PDF

Nandula, V.K., P. Tehranchian, J.A. Bond, J.K. Norsworthy and T.W. Eubank. 2017. Glyphosate resistance in common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.). Weed Biology and Management. 17:45-53. PDF

Molin, W.T. and V.K. Nandula.  2017. Morphological characterization of Amaranthus palmeri x A. spinosus hybrids.  American Journal of Plant Sciences. 8:1499-1510.  PDF

Nandula, V.K. and  H.L. Tyler. 2016.  Effect of  new auxin herbicide formulations on control of herbicide resistant weeks and on microbial activities in the rhizosphere. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 7:2429-2439.  PDF

Wright, A.A., V.K. Nandula, L. Grier, K.C. Showmaker, J.A. Bond, D.G. Peterson, J.D. Ray and D.R. Shaw. 2016.  Characterization of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl-resistant junglerice (Echinochloa colona) from Mississippi. Weed Science. 64(4):588-595. PDF

Maroli, A.,V. Nandula, S. Duke, and N. Tharayil. 2016. Stable isotope resolved metabolomics reveals the role of anabolic and catabolic processes in glyphosate-induced amino acid accumulation in Amaranthus palmeri biotypes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 64:7040-7048. PDF

Nandula, V.K.. 2016. Herbicide resistance in weeds: Survey, characterization and mechanisms. Indian Journal of Weed Science.48(2): 128-131. PDF

Wright, A.A., W.T. Molin and V.K. Nandula. 2016. Distinguishing between weedy Amaranthus species based on intron one sequences from the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS)gene. Pest Management Science. 72(12): 2347–2354. PDF

Molin, W.T., V.K. Nandula , A.A. Wright, and J.A. Bond.  2016. Transfer and expression of ALS inhibitor resistance from Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) to an A. spinosus x A. palmeri hybrid. Weed Science. 64(2): 240-247. PDF

Nandula, V.K., A.A. Wright, C.R. Van Horn, W.T. Molin, P. Westra and K.N. Reddy.  2015.  Glyphosate resistance in giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) from Mississippi is partly due to reduced translocation.  American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6:2104-2113. PDF

Nandula, V.K. and W.K. Vencill.  2015. Herbicide absorption and translocation in plants using radioisotopes.  Weed Science. 63(Special Issue):140-151. PDF

Tehranchian, P., J.K. Norsworthy, V.K. Nandula , S. McElroy, S. Chen and R.C. Scott.  2015. First report of resistance to acetolactate-synthase-inhibiting herbicides in yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus): Confirmation and characterization.  Pest Management Science. 71:1274-1280. PDF

Tehranchian, P., D.S. Riar, J.K. Norsworthy, V.K. Nandula , S. McElroy, S. Chen and R.C. Scott.  2015. ALS-Resistant smallflower umbrella sedge (Cyperus difformis) in Arkansas rice: physiological and molecular basis of resistance.  Weed Science. 63:561-568. PDF

Riar, D.S., P. Tehranchian, J.K. Norsworthy, V.K. Nandula , S. McElroy, V. Srivastava, S. Chen, J.A. Bond, and R.C. Scott.  2015. Acetolactate synthast-inhibiting, herbicide-resistant rice flatsedge (Cyperus iria): Cross-resistance and molecular mechanism of resistance.  Weed Science. 63(4):748-757. PDF

Ribeiro, D.N., V.K. Nandula, F.E. Dayan, A.M. Rimando, S.O. Duke, K.N. Reddy and D.R. Shaw.  2015.  Possible glyphosate tolerance mechanism in pitted morningglory (Ipomoea lacunosa L.).  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 63:1689-1697. PDF

Nandula, V.K., D.H. Poston, C.H. Koger, K.N. Reddy and K.R. Reddy.  2015.  Morpho-physiological characterization of glyphosate-resistant and -susceptible horseweed (Conyza canadensis) biotypes of US midsouth.  American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6:47-56. PDF

Reddy, K.N., C.T. Bryson, and V.K. Nandula.   2015.  Late-season grass weed management with in-crop and post-harvest herbicides in twin-row glyphosaste-resistant soybean.  American Journal of Plant Sciences. 6:213-218. PDF

Nandula, V.K.  2014.  Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) and corn (Zea mays) competition.  American Journal of Plant Sciences. 5:3914-3924.  PDF

Reddy, K.N., Y. Huang, M.A. Lee, V.K. Nandula, R.S. Fletcher, S.J. Thomson, and F. Zhao.  2014.  Glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-susceptible Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.): hyperspectral reflectance properties of plants and potential for classification.  Pest Management Science. 70:1910-1917. PDF

Nandula, V.K., A.A. Wright, J.A. Bond, J.D. Ray, T.W. Eubank, and W.T. Molin.  2014.  EPSPS amplification in glyphosate-resistant spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus): A case of gene transfer via interspecific hybridization from glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri). Pest Management Science. 70:1902-1909. PDF

Ribeiro, D.N., Z. Pan, S.O. Duke, V.K. Nandula, B.S. Baldwin, D.R. Shaw, and F.E. Dayan.  2014.  Involvement of facultative apomixis in inheritance of EPSPS gene amplification in glyphosate-resistant Amaranthus palmeriPlanta. 239:199-212.  PDF

Eubank, T.W., V.K. Nandula, K.N. Reddy, D.H. Poston, and D.R. Shaw.  2013.  Saflufenacil efficacy on horseweed and its interaction with glyphosate.  Weed Biology and Management. 13:135-143.  PDF

Molin, W.T., A.A. Wright and V.K. Nandula.  2013.  Glyphosate-resistant goosegrass from Mississippi.  Agronomy. 4:474-487.  PDF

Nandula, V.K., J.D. Ray, D.N. Ribeiro, Z. Pan, and K.N. Reddy. 2013. Glyphosate resistance in tall waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) from Mississippi is due to both altered target-site and nontarget-site mechanisms. Weed Science . 61:374-383. PDF

Riar, D.S., J.K. Norsworthy, V. Srivastava, V.K. Nandula, J.A. Bond and R. C. Scott. 2013. Physiological and molecular basis of acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicide resistance in barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61(2):278-289. PDF

Nandula, V.K. and K.N. Reddy. 2012. Weed resistance challenges and management under herbicide resistant cropping systems. Indian Journal of Agronomy.57:302-309. PDF

Queiroz, S.C.N., C.L. Cantrell, S.O. Duke, D.E. Wedge, V.K. Nandula, R.M. Moraes and A.L. Cerdeira. 2012. Bioassay-directed isolation and identification of phytotoxic and fungitoxic acetylenes from Conyza canadensisJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60:5893-5898.  PDF 

Eubank, T.W., V.K. Nandula, D.H. Poston and D.R. Shaw. 2012. Multiple resistance of horseweed to glyphosate and paraquat and its control with paraquat and metribuzin combinations.  Agronomy. 2:358-370. doi:10.3390/agronomy2040358.  PDF 

Reddy, K.N.and V.K. Nandula. 2012. Herbicide resistant crops: History, development and current technologies.  Indian Journal of Agronomy. 57(1): 1-7.  PDF 

Nandula, Vijay K.,  Krishna N. Reddy, Clifford H. Koger, Daniel H. Poston, Agnes M. Rimando, Stephen O. Duke, Jason A. Bond and Daniela N. Ribeiro. 2012. Multiple resistance to glyphosate and pyrithiobac in palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) from Mississippi and response to flumiclorac.  Weed Science. 60:179-188.  PDF 

Nandula, Vijay K. Daniel H. Poston and Krishna N. Reddy.   2009.  Seed Germination Differences between Glyphosate-Resistant and -Susceptible Italian Ryegrass Populations. Seed Technology 31: 122-133.  PDF

Nandula, V.K., D.H. Poston, K.N. Reddy, and K. Whiting.   2009.  Response of soybean to halosulfuron herbicide.  International Journal of Agronomy  DOI: 10.1155/2009/754510.    PDF