Uniform Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery Reports
Note: Viewing these reports requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded from: http://get.adobe.com/reader/?promoid=DINRS*
Uniform Eastern Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery
15-16 UESRWWN (1MB)
14-15 UESRWWN (1.05MB)
13-14 UESRWWN (1.6MB)
12-13 UESRWWN (993KB)
11-12 UESRWWN (785KB)
10-11 UESRWWN (916KB)
09-10 UESRWWN (685KB)
08-09 UESRWWN (704KB)
07-08 UESRWWN (709KB)
06-07 UESRWWN (1.22MB)
05-06 UESRWWN (982KB)
04-05 UESRWWN (1.25MB)
03-04 UESRWWN (1.56MB)
02-03 UESRWWN (1.44MB)
01-02 UESRWWN (Under 300KB)
00-01 UESRWWN (Under 300KB)
99-00 UESRWWN (Under 300KB)
98-99 UESRWWN (Under 300KB)
Uniform Southern Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery
15-16 USSRWWN (1MB)
14-15 USSRWWN (1.2MB)
13-14 USSRWWN (1.6MB)
12-13 USSRWWN (1231KB)
11-12 USSRWWN (516KB)
10-11 USSRWWN (900KB)
09-10 USSRWWN (703KB)
08-09 USSRWWN (728KB)
07-08 USSRWWN (698KB)
06-07 USSRWWN (1.27MB)
05-06 USSRWWN (992KB)
04-05 USSRWWN (1.24MB)
03-04 USSRWWN (1.43MB)
02-03 USSRWWN (1.48MB)
01-02 USSRWWN (385KB)
00-01 USSRWWN (375KB)
99-00 USSRWWN (Under 300KB)
98-99 USSRWWN (Under 300KB)
Uniform Eastern Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery
Uniform Southern Soft Red Winter Wheat Nursery
This is a joint progress report of cooperative investigations underway in the State Agricultural Experiment Stations and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture containing preliminary data which have not been sufficiently confirmed to justify general release; interpretations may be modified with additional experimentation. ARS expressly does not warrant the validity of the data provided in this report coming from non-ARS sources. The report is primarily a tool for the use of the cooperators and their official staff and those persons having direct and special interest in the development of agricultural research programs.
Cooperators may use the following data from this report in registration notices, release requests, and PVP applications: their line, the check entries, the mean of the test, and (with permission from the owners) any other lines that have already been released.
For further information contact:
Harold Bockelman
1691 S 2700 W
Aberdeen, ID 83210
Email: Harold.Bockelman@ars.usda.gov
*Goes to a non-federal site