Develop, characterize, and deploy improved barley and oat cultivars. Produce barley and oat germplasm that will reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture and improve animal and human nutrition. Move traits from accessions in the National Small Grains Collection (NSGC) and other sources into improved plant types, focusing on barley for food, barley and oats for feed (particularly aquaculture feeds), and improved disease and insect resistance. Develop, evaluate, and apply technologies such as genetic transformation and marker assisted selection and devise methods for their routine application to germplasm enhancement and variety development. Problem to be Addressed: Germplasm improvement and variety release for barley and oats. This research contributes to National Program 301 Plant, Microbial, and Insect Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement, especially Component 2: Genomic Characterization and Genetic Improvement. Objectives of Research: New funds will be used to expand the research objective (1) Develop, characterize, and deploy improved barley and oat cultivars.