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The NEPSWL is a research laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS) located in Orono, Maine.  Our mission is to develop and transfer sustainable, environmentally sound cropping systems and management practices that are profitable; efficiently use nutrients and water; and control pathogens, insects, and weeds with minimal chemical inputs. Towards this mission, research is conducted to evaluate the impact of new cropping systems and management practices on plant pathogens, nutrient dynamics, water availability, soil properties, yield, profitability, and associated interactions.  Research is also conducted to optimize recycling of manure-derived nutrients while minimizing adverse environmental impacts of manure application to cropland. Decision Support Systems are developed to transfer up-to-date technology to growers.  The common goal and vision of these research and technology transfer programs is to enhance rural economic vitality in concert with the environment.