Publications - 1994
- Bauer, P.J. and M.J. Kasperbauer. 1994. Leaf morphology and photosynthesis of cotton seedlings as influenced by spectral balance of light reflected from the soil surface. 1994 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences, pp. 1339-1340.
- Bauer, P.J. 1994. Cotton crop production. In Encyclopedia of Agricultural Science 1:485-493, Academic Press.
- Busscher, W.J., J.H. Edwards, D.L. Karlen, and M.J. Vepraskas. 1994. A comparison of slit tillage and subsoiling in a subsurface hardpan soil. Proceedings of the 1994 So. Conservation Tillage Conf. for Sustainable Agriculture, June 7-9, Columbia, SC, pp. 114-119.
- Busscher, W.J. and R.E. Sojka. 1994. Intensive cropping of maize in the southeastern United States. Soil Technology 7:197-208.
- Calhoun, D.S., D.T. Bowman, and O.L. May. 1994. Pedigrees of Upland and Pima cotton cultivars released between 1970 and 1990. Mississippi Agric. & Forestry Exper. Sta. Bulletin 1017, 42 pgs.
- Cambardella, C.A., T.B. Moorman, J.M. Novak, T.B. Parkin, D.L. Karlen, R.F. Turco, and A.E. Konopka. 1994. Field-scale variability of soil properties in central Iowa soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58(5):1501-1511.
- Camp, C.R., W.M. Thomas, and C.W. Doty. 1994. Drainage and irrigation effects on cotton production. Trans. ASAE 37(3):823-830.
- Camp, C.R. and E.J. Sadler. 1994. Center pivot irrigation system for site-specific water and nutrient management. ASAE Paper # 94-1586. 1994 Winter International Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 13-16, 9 pgs.
- Carter, C.E. and C.R. Camp. 1994. Yield increases needed to justify subsurface drainage in sugarcane fields. Jour. Amer. Soc. of Sugar Cane Technologists 14:25-32.
- Carter, C.E. and C.R. Camp. 1994. Drain spacing effects on water table control and cane sugar yields. Trans. ASAE 37(5):1509-1513.
- Cook, M.G., P.G. Hunt, and J.H. Canterberry. 1994. Improving water quality through sound conservation practices. pp. 138-139. Proceedings of ISCOConference, New Delhi.
- Fouss, J.L. and C.R. Camp. 1994. Irrigation and subirrigation in the southeastern U.S. Proceedings of Fifteenth International Irrigation Exposition and Technical Conference, Atlanta, Ga., pp. 223-234.
- Ge, J., D.L. Thomas, C.R. Camp, and E.J. Sadler. 1994. Microsprinkler performance under a moving irrigation system simulator. ASAE Paper # 94-2168, Summer meeting, June.
- Hunt, P.G., P.J. Bauer, and T.A. Matheny. 1994. Cotton production in a two-year corn-wheat-cotton rotation with conservation tillage. Proceedings of 1994 Beltwide Cotton Conference, National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN, pp. 1580-1581.
- Hunt, P.G., F.J. Humenik, A.A. Szogi, J.M. Rice, K.C. Stone, and E.J. Sadler. 1994. Swine wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands. In Campbell, K.L., W.D. Graham, and A.B. Bottcher (eds.) Proceedings of the Second Environmentally Sound Agriculture Conference, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI, pp. 268-275.
- Hunt, P.G., A.A. Szogi, F.J. Humenik, J.M. Rice, and K.C. Stone. 1994. Swine wastewater treatment by constructed wetlands in the southeastern United States. In DuBowy, P.J. and R.P. Reaves (eds.) Proceedings of Constructed Wetlands for Animal Waste Management Workshop, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, pp. 144-154.
- Hunt, P.G., K.C. Stone, F.J. Humenik, M.H. Johnson, and A.A. Szogi. 1994. Landscape features used for water quality improvement in a USDA water quality demonstration project. ASAE Paper # 94-2553. 1994 International Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 13-16, 7 pgs.
- Kasperbauer, M.J. 1994. Cotton plant size and fiber developmental responses to FR/R reflected from the soil surface. Physiologia Plantarum 91:317-321.
- Kasperbauer, M.J. 1994. Light and plant development. In R.E. Wilkinson (ed.) Plant Environment Interactions. Marcel Dekker, Inc., pp. 83-123.
- Kasperbauer, M.J. and P.G. Hunt. 1994. Shoot/root assimilate allocation and nodulation of Vigna unguiculata seedlings as influenced by shoot light environment. Plant and Soil 161:97-101.
- Kasperbauer, M.J. and D.L. Karlen. 1994. Plant spacing and reflected far-red effects on phytochrome-regulated photosynthate allocation in corn seedlings. Crop Sci. 34(5):1564-1569.
- May, O.L. C.C. Green, S.H. Roach, and B.U. Kittrell. 1994. Registration of PD93001, PD93002, PD93003, and PD93004 germplasm lines of upland cotton with brown lint and high fiber quality. Crop Sci. 34(2):542.
- May, O.L. and C.C. Green. 1994. Genetic variation for fiber traits in elite Pee Dee cotton populations. Crop Sci. 34(3):684-690.
- McCutcheon, G.S., P.J. Bauer, J.G. Alphin, and J.R. Frederick. 1994. Population dynamics of tobacco budworm and cotton bollworm and their natural enemies in conservation tillage cotton. Proceedings of the 1994 So. Conservation Tillage Conf. for Sustainable Agriculture, June 7-9, Columbia, SC, pp. 181-185.
- Novak, J.M., T.B. Moorman, and D.L. Karlen. 1994. Influence of soil aggregate size on atrazine sorption kinetics. J. Agric. Food Chem. 42:1809-1812.
- Novak, J.M. and L. Burras. 1994. Influence of summer storms on the solution geochemistry in a Coastal Plain hydrosequence. International Journal of Ecology & Environmental Sciences 20:15-30.
- Sadler, E.J. and D.L. Karlen. 1994. Higher-order analysis of nutrient accumulation data. Agron. J. 86(1):26-31.
- Smeck, N.E. and J.M. Novak. 1994. Weathering of soil clays with dilute sulfuric acid as influenced by sorbed humic substances. Geoderma 63:63-76.
- Stone, K.C., P.G. Hunt, J.M. Novak, and T.A. Matheny. 1994. Impact of BMP's on stream and ground water quality in a USDA demonstration watershed in the eastern Coastal Plain. pp. 280-286. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Environmentally Sound Agriculture, 22-22 April, Orlando, FL.
- Stone, K.C., J.R. Stansell, J.R. Young. 1994. Insecticide distribution through an irrigated corn canopy. Trans. ASAE 37(1):135-138.
- Stone, K.C., P.G. Hunt, and M.H. Johnson. 1994. Groundwater monitoring and modeling of spatially distributed management systems on a demonstration watershed. ASAE Paper # 94-2618. 1994 International Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 13-16, 10 pgs.
- Szogi, A.A. and W.H. Hudnall. 1994. Water chemistry of two hydric soils of southern Louisiana. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 20:1-14.
- Szogi, A.A., P.G. Hunt, F.J. Humenik, K.C. Stone, J.M. Rice, and E.J. Sadler. 1994. Seasonal dynamics of nutrients and physico-chemical conditions in a constructed wetland for swine wastewater treatment. ASAE Paper # 94-2602. 1994 International Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 13-16, 12 pgs.
- Upchurch, D.R., W.J. Busscher, and J.E. Box. 1994. Symposium on rhizosphere research in honor of Howard M. Taylor. Agron. J. 86(5):743-744.
- Usrey, L.J., C.R. Camp, P.J. Bauer, and P.G. Hunt. 1994. Evaluation of GOSSYM/COMAX for scheduling microirrigation in the southeastern Coastal Plain. ASAE Paper # 94-2585. 1994 International Winter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 13-16, 11 pgs.