Publications - 2008
- Bauer, P.J., J.R. Frederick, W.J. Busscher, J.M. Novak, and B.A. Fortnum. 2008. Soil Sampling for Fertilizer Recommendations in Conservation Tillage with Paratill Subsoiling. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2008-0218-01-RS.
- Campbell, B.T., Bowman, D.T., Weaver, D.B. 2008. Heterotic Effects in Topcrosses of Modern and Obsolete Cotton Cultivars. Crop Science 48:593-600.
- Cantrell, K.B., J.P. Chastain, and K.P. Moore. 2008. Geotextile Filtration Performance for Lagoon Sludges and Liquid Animal Manures Dewatering. Transactions of the ASABE, 51(3): 1067-1076.
- Cantrell, K.B., T.F. Ducey, K.S. Ro, P.G. Hunt. 2008. Livestock Waste-to-bioenergy Generation Opportunities. Bioresource Technology. 99:7941-7953.
- Holan, S., S. Wang, A. Arab, E.J. Sadler, and K. Stone. 2008. Semiparametric GeographicallyWeighted Response Curves with Application to Site-Specific Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, Vol.13(4): 424-439.
- Hunt, P.G., T.A. Matheny, K.S. Ro, K.C. Stone, and M.B. Vanotti. 2008. Denitrification of Agricultural Drainage Line Water via Immobilized Denitrification Sludge. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A,43:9,1077-1084.
- Liang, Y., H.T. Gollany, R.W. Rickman, S.L. Albrecht, R.F. Follett, W.W. Wilhelm, J.M. Novak, and C.L. Douglas, Jr. 2008. CQESTR Simulation of Management Practice Effects on Long-Term Soil Organic Carbon. Soil Sci Soc Am J 72:1486-1492.
- Ro, K.S., A.A. Szogi, M.B. Vanotti, and K.C. Stone. 2008. Process Model for Ammonia Volatilization from Anaerobic Swine Lagoons Incorporating Varying Wind Speeds and Gas Bubbling. Transactions of the ASABE, 51(1): 259-270.
- Ro, K.S., Mcconnell, L.L., Johnson, M.H., Hunt, P.G., Parker, D. 2008. Livestock air treatment using PVA-coated powdered activated carbon biofilter. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 24(6):791-798.
- Shappell, N.W., M.A. Vrabel, P.J. Madsen, G. Harrington, L.O. Billey, H.Hakk, G.L. Larsen, E.S.Beach, C.P. Horwitz, K. Ro, P.G. Hunt, and T.J. Collins. 2008. Destruction of Estrogens Using Fe-TAML/Peroxide Catalysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 42(4): 1296-1300.
- Stone, K.C., P.J. Bauer, W.J. Busscher, J.A. Millen. 2008. Narrow Row Corn Production with Subsurface Drip Irrigation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 24(4):455-464.
- Stone, K.C., P.G. Hunt, J.A. Millen, M.H. Johnson, T.A. Matheny, M.B. Vanotti, and J.C. Burns. 2008. Forage Subsurface Drip Irrigation Using Treated Swine Wastewater. Trans. ASABE 51(2):433-440.
- Szogi, A.A., M.B. Vanotti, and P.G. Hunt. 2008. Phosphorus Recovery From Poultry Litter. Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 51(5): 1727-1734.
- Vanotti, M.B. and A.A. Szogi. 2008. Water Quality Improvements of Wastewater from Confined Animal Feeding Operations after Advance Treatment. Journal of Environmental Quality 37(5):S86-S96.
- Vanotti M.B., A.A. Szogi, and C.A.Vives. 2008. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Environmental Quality Improvement from Implementation of Aerobic Waste Treatment Systems in Swine Farms. Waste Management 28(4):759-766.
- Ward,T.J., T.F. Ducey,T. Usgaard, K.A. Dunn, and J.P. Bielawsk. 2008.Multilocus Genotyping Assays for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism-Based Subtyping of Listeria monocytogenes Isolates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74(24):7629-7642.