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ARS Home » Plains Area » Fargo, North Dakota » Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center » Sugarbeet Research » Research

Research Programs and Projects at this Location

ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are  the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a National Program (NP) will take you  to the main ARS site for more information on the program. Clicking on a research  project title will take you to more information on the project.

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Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (NP #301)
Improving Sugarbeet Productivity and Sustainability through Genetic, Genomic, Physiological, and Phytopathological Approaches
(In-House Appropriated)
Identification and Introgression of Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot and Root Maggot for Sugarbeet Improvement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Strategies for Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot and Rhizomania Diseases of Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Technologies to Study Virus-host Interactions to Identify Strategies for Sugarbeet Viral Disease Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI A Comprehensive Model for Cercospora Leaf Spot Risk Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Disrupting Beet Curly Top Virus Transmission by Targeting Critical Genes in Beet Leafhopper Using Nanoparticle-Mediated RNAi Delivery
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Design and Testing of a Pilot Scale Sugar Beet Diffuser and Press to Evaluate Optimum Microbial Control Mechanisms
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Investigation of Soil Management Practices to Control Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Genetic Dissection of Sugarbeet Respiration Rate and Root Firmness to Identify Genes for Reducing Post-harvest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Improving sugar beet production through greater understanding of light-mediated crop-weed interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Integrating Cover Crops into High Plain and Intermountain West Sugar Beets for Management of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Intelligence On-farm Sugarbeet Weed Management Solution Based on Edge AI and Unmanned Automation Systems (UAV and UGV)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Molecular Evolution of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus and Rhizomania Disease Epidemiology Compromising the Host Resistance in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Non-destructive Sugar Beet Yield Estimation Using Ground Penetrating Radar for Breeding and Harvest Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Novel Palmer Amaranth Management Tools Using RNA-targeting with FANA Antisense Oligonucleotides
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Understanding the Impact of Sugar Beet Variety Mixtures on Cercospora Leaf Spot Epidemiology and Evolution of Cercospora beticola
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI: Using Nanotechnology to Enhance Fungicide Efficacy and Duration for Sugarbeet Disease Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Studying of Metabolic Biomarkers for Rapid Detection of Microbial Contamination and Antimicrobial Resistance in Sugarbeet Processing Facilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding of Storage Diseases in Sugarbeet and Assessing the Quality Problems in the Factory Processing
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Comparative Genomics to Identify Genes Associated with Sucrose Production in Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
When SAM Meets Weeds: AI-driven Weed Identification for Herbicide Resistant Weed Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Diseases (NP #303)
Improving Sugarbeet Productivity and Sustainability through Genetic, Genomic, Physiological, and Phytopathological Approaches
(In-House Appropriated)
Identification and Introgression of Resistance to Cercospora Leaf Spot and Root Maggot for Sugarbeet Improvement
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Strategies for Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot and Rhizomania Diseases of Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
New Technologies to Study Virus-host Interactions to Identify Strategies for Sugarbeet Viral Disease Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI A Comprehensive Model for Cercospora Leaf Spot Risk Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Disrupting Beet Curly Top Virus Transmission by Targeting Critical Genes in Beet Leafhopper Using Nanoparticle-Mediated RNAi Delivery
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Design and Testing of a Pilot Scale Sugar Beet Diffuser and Press to Evaluate Optimum Microbial Control Mechanisms
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI FY 24 Investigation of Soil Management Practices to Control Cercospora Leaf Spot in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Genetic Dissection of Sugarbeet Respiration Rate and Root Firmness to Identify Genes for Reducing Post-harvest
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Improving sugar beet production through greater understanding of light-mediated crop-weed interactions
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Integrating Cover Crops into High Plain and Intermountain West Sugar Beets for Management of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Intelligence On-farm Sugarbeet Weed Management Solution Based on Edge AI and Unmanned Automation Systems (UAV and UGV)
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Molecular Evolution of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus and Rhizomania Disease Epidemiology Compromising the Host Resistance in Sugar Beet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Non-destructive Sugar Beet Yield Estimation Using Ground Penetrating Radar for Breeding and Harvest Management
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Novel Palmer Amaranth Management Tools Using RNA-targeting with FANA Antisense Oligonucleotides
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI Understanding the Impact of Sugar Beet Variety Mixtures on Cercospora Leaf Spot Epidemiology and Evolution of Cercospora beticola
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
SSBRI: Using Nanotechnology to Enhance Fungicide Efficacy and Duration for Sugarbeet Disease Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Studying of Metabolic Biomarkers for Rapid Detection of Microbial Contamination and Antimicrobial Resistance in Sugarbeet Processing Facilities
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding of Storage Diseases in Sugarbeet and Assessing the Quality Problems in the Factory Processing
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
Using Comparative Genomics to Identify Genes Associated with Sucrose Production in Sugarbeet
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)
When SAM Meets Weeds: AI-driven Weed Identification for Herbicide Resistant Weed Control
(Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement)