Location: Meat Safety and Quality
Project Number: 3040-32000-035-002-R
Project Type: Reimbursable Cooperative Agreement
Start Date: Feb 15, 2018
End Date: Dec 31, 2021
The objectives of the research are to investigate mobile genetic elements (viromes and plasmidome) towards understanding the emergence and ecology of antimicrobial resistance in beef cattle production, and to evaluate a novel direct fed microbial as an alternative to antibiotics.
ARS investigators at USMARC will conduct studies with beef cattle in which cattle have been raised in the absence or presence of antimicrobials to determine the potential role that dietary and therapeutic antimicrobials may play in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance. ARS scientists will collect samples of cattle ruminal fluid and feces, feedlot surface materials, swabs of cattle hides, and runoff from feedlot pens, and monitor animal performance (gain and intake) relative to the production scheme. Samples will be monitored for antibiotic resistant E. coli and Enterococcus by USMARC scientist and sub-sample provided to UNL for sequencing and antibiotic residue testing. ARS scientists will conduct a study in feedlot cattle to evaluate the benefits of a direct fed microbial to improving animal performance and reducing liver abscesses.