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ARS Home » Plains Area » Clay Center, Nebraska » U.S. Meat Animal Research Center » Meat Safety and Quality » Research » Research Project #437924

Research Project: Validation of a novel method for the detection of select Salmonella serovars in raw meat enrichments

Location: Meat Safety and Quality

Project Number: 3040-42000-020-004-T
Project Type: Trust Fund Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Apr 1, 2020
End Date: Mar 31, 2021

The proposed study will investigate the sensitivity and specificity of a novel molecular assay for the detection of select Salmonella serovars in raw meat enrichmennts.

In order to characterize the sensitivity and specificity of a novel assay for identifying highly pathogenic Salmonella (HPS) in raw meat enrichment samples, we propose to evaluate using the following methods: 1) Culture isolation using Salmonella specific immunomagnetic separation (IMS) to determine prevalence; 2) Direct plating enumeration of Salmonella present within an enrichment to examine limit of detection; 3) The HPS molecular detection assay; and 4) the 3M Salmonella Molecular detection assay for comparison to the FSIS approved molecular detection method. Further all Salmonella isolated will be characterized for determination of serotype and antibiotic resistance.