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ARS Home » Southeast Area » Stoneville, Mississippi » Research » Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Research Projects Subjects of Investigation at this Location

Each ARS research project has related subjects of investigation.  Listed below are the subjects of investigation currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a subject of investigation will list the research projects within that  subject of investigation.

Subjects of Investigation
Beef cattle, live animal
Corn (for sweetcorn use 1480)
Cotton, other
Cross-commodity research--multiple animal species
Cross-commodity research--multiple crops
Dairy cattle, live animal
Drainage and irrigation facilities and systems
Feed and feed additives
Fish habitats
Grain sorghum
Honey bees
Laboratory animals
Meat-type chicken, live animal
Other bees (non-Apis bees)
Remote sensing equipment and technology
Sheep, live animal
Sugar cane
Sweet potato
Swine, live animal
Upland cotton
Water resources
Watersheds and river basins, general
Wildlife habitats
Research Projects within Cross-commodity research--multiple animal species
item Advancing Phenotyping Methods in Plant Breeding Programs
item Bioinformatics and Application Development
item Bioinformatics and Application Development
item Building Tools for Specialty Crop Breeding Programs
item Computational Biology: Studying Species of Agronomic, Ecological, and Evolutionary Importance
item Coordinating Breeding Informatics to Benefit Specialty Crops
item Developing Intelligent Tools for High-throughput Crop Phenotyping
item Development of Improved Cytology-Aware Genome Assemblies of Intra-specific Sugarcane Hybrid Cultiivars
item Genomic and Informatic Development for Genetic and Phenotypic Analysis
item Genomics of Kenaf, Cotton, and Other Malvaceae
item Genomics of Malvaceae
item Integrative Applied Agricultural ‘Omics and Bioinformatics Research
item Investigating Agricultural and Environmental Systems
item Machine Learning Integration into Breeding Programs
item Modernizing Cotton and Other Crop Breeding Systems by Integrating Genomic Analyses
item The Development of a high Throughput Salmonella Pathogenic Screening Assay
item The Development of Microfluidic and Computational Techniques for Microbial Consortia Optimization
item The Development of Novel RNA Dependent RNA Polymerases, Nucleases, and Transposases by Metagenomics and Protein Engineering
item USDA ARS Research Apprenticeship Program at University of Texas at Arlington
item Xenosurveillance of Flies in Wet Markets to Monitor for the Emergence and Spillover Potential of Viral, Bacterial, and Parasitic Pathogens