Sustainable Water Management Research
- Examining Sustainable Production Systems to Improve Water Resources in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Indicator Based Approach to Estimate Impact of Land-Use/Land Cover Change on Water Footprint Using Artificial Intelligent (AI) Methods
- Decision Support Tools to Address Sustainable Water Management Issues in the Mississippi Delta
- Climate States and Climate Changes Observed and Projected in the Mississippi Embayment Aquifer Region from 1981 to 2060
- Real-Time Greenhouse Emission Monitoring Sensor Development
- Real-Time Greenhouse Emission Monitoring Using Intelligence Crop Sensor Network
- Improving Modeling of the Agroecosystem in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Agronomic Feasibility of Tile Drainage Sub-irrigation and Furrow Irrigation Systems for Crop Production Systems in Mississippi Delta
- Development of Best Management Practices, Tools, and Technologies to Optimize Water Use Efficiency and Improve Water Distribution in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Development of Best Management Practices and Technologies to Optimize Water Use in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Intensification of Agroecosystems and its Impact on Soil health and Water Quality
- Optimizing Irrigation Water Use in the Arkansas Delta
- Aqua-FIT: Early Diagnosis of Water Toxicity Driven by Fish-mounted Low-cost and Miniaturized Sensors
- Developing Best Management Practices, Tools, and Technologies to Optimize Sustainable Water Use in the Lower Mississippi River Basin
- Prescription Irrigation: Constructing the Foundational National Data Alignment Pillar
- IRA funds: Inflation Reduction Act Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurement (Stoneville)
- Low-Cost Infrared Thermometer for Agricultural Applications
- Low-Cost Real-Time Greenhouse Gas Emission Sensor Development
- Develop an Evapotranspiration-based Decision Support System for Climate-Resilient Sustainable Water Management Strategies for Mississippi Farms
- Baseline Methane Data and Mitigation Measures: Field and Modeling Approaches
- Hemp-based Fiber Materials, Technology, and Commerce as Drivers for Northwest American Indian Tribal Economic Development
Water Quality and Ecology Research
- Integrating Cover Crops, Tillage, and Irrigation Management to Enhance Crop Productivity and Profitability
- Long-Term Agro-Ecosystem Sustainability Research Common Experiment
- Strategic Investigations to Improve Water Quality and Ecosystem Sustainability in Agricultural Landscapes
- Contribution of Legacy P to Watershed Outcomes - Phase 1
- Gulf of Mexico Program
- Enhancing Long-Term Agroecosystem Sustainability of Water and Soil Resources Through Science and Technology
- Using Phytoremediation and Other Ecosystem Services to Address Emerging Contaminants in Agroecosystems
- FY 2022 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) - (WQERU Oxford)
- Autonomous Irrigation of Cover-Crop-Production Systems Reduces Pollutant Loss from Farm Fields, Transport of Agrochemicals in Streams, and Aquifer
- Sensible Agronomics and Shrewd Conversations Support the Adoption of Environmentally Sustainable and Economically Sound Production Systems
- Hydrological Modeling in Support of Lower Mississippi River Basin Long-Term Agroecosystem (LTAR) Research Studies
- Enhancing Long-Term Agroecosystem Sustainability of Water and Soil Resource Through Science and Technology
- Eddy Covariance Assessments in the Lower Mississippi Basin Long-Term Agroecosystem Research site
- Examination of Irrigation Water Quality and Role in Mississippi Soybean Production
- Development of Novel Sensor System for Water Quality Analysis in Agricultural Watersheds
Watershed Physical Processes Research
- Analyses and Tools for Sonar-Derived Data of River Flow and River Bottom Geomorphology
- Assess Agricultural Conservation Practices to Reduce Nutrient Losses
- Database of Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Stream System Morphologic Attributes
- Utilizing Acoustic and Geophysics Technology to Assess and Monitor Watersheds in the United States
- Assessing Conservation Practice Impacts on Reducing Soil Loss from Ephemeral Gullies within CEAP Watersheds
- Wave Erosion Measurements for an Irrigation Reservoir Embankment
- Science and Technologies for Improving Soil and Water Resources in Agricultural Watersheds
- Computational Tools and Decision Support System Technologies for Agricultural Watershed Physical Processes, Water Quality and Ground Water Management
- Acoustic and Geophysical Methods for Multi-Scale Measurements of Soil and Water Resources
- Computational Tools & Decision Support System Technologies for Agricultural Watershed Physical Processes, Water Quality and Ground Water Management
- Watershed Legacy Sediment Assessment
- Assessment of Conservation Practice Impacts on Water and Sediment Loads Using Enhanced USDA Field and Watershed Management Planning Technology
- FY 2022 Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) - Benchmark Watershed Assessment Studies (on croplands) - (WPPRU Oxford)
- RUSLE2 Development
- Analyses of USDA Flood Control Reservoir Sedimentation
- Characterization of Existing Soil Conservation Practices Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
- Measurement and Modeling of Groundwater Recharge in Agroecosystems
- Groundwater and Soil Water Dynamics Modeling to Advance Erosion Prediction in Agricultural Fields
- RUSLE2 Execution Parameters Database Updates
- RUSLE2 c~Climate Database Updates
- Investigating Groundwater Flow and Provenance Induced by Managed Aquifer Recharge Using Injection Wells
- Development and Enhancement of USDA-ARS AnnAGNPS Watershed Technology
- Experiments on Earthen Levee Breach by Overtopping