Publications - 1992
- Busscher, W.J., E.J. Sadler, and F.S. Wright. 1992. Soil and crop management aspects of water table practices. J. Soil Water Conserv. 47(1):71-74.
- Camp, C.R., P.G. Hunt, and P.J. Bauer. 1992. Subsurface microirrigation and nitrogen management for cotton in the southeastern Coastal Plain. ASAE Paper No. 922572, St. Joseph, MI, 9 pp.
- Camp, C.R., K.C. Stone, and P.G. Hunt. 1992. A water table- water quality management research facility for the southeastern Coastal Plain: Progress report. In Proc. 6th Int'l. Drain. Symp., pp. 229-235, Nashville, TN, Dec. 13-15, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI.
- Carter, C.E., R.L. Bengtson, C.R. Camp, J.L. Fouss, and J.S. Rogers. 1992. Crop yield increases required to justify subsurface drainage installation costs in the lower Mississippi Valley. In Proc. 6th Int'l. Drain. Symp., pp. 428-439, Nashville, TN, Dec. 13-15, Am. Soc. Agric. Engr., St. Joseph, MI.
- Champion, R.A., J.N. Mathis, D.W. Israel, and P.G. Hunt. 1992. Response of soybean to inoculation with efficient and inefficient Bradyrhizobium japonicum variants. Crop Science 32(2):457-463.
- Culp, T.W. 1992. Genetic contributions to yield in cotton. Book Chapter, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
- Evans, R.O., J.E. Parsons, K.C. Stone, and W.B. Wells. 1992. Water table management on a watershed scale. J. Soil & Water Conser. 47(1):58-64.
- Fortnum, B.A. and M.J. Kasperbauer. 1992. Biomass partitioning and root knot nematode development in tomato plants under end-of-day red or far-red light. Crop Science 32:408-411 .
- Kasperbauer, M.J. 1992. Phytochrome regulation of morphogenesis in green plants: From the Beltsville spectrograph to colored mulch in the field. Photochemistry & Photobiology 56(5):823-832.
- Kasperbauer, M.J. and P.G. Hunt. 1992. Cotton seedling morphogenic responses to FR/R ratio reflected from different colored soils and soil covers. Photochemistry & Photobiology 56(5):579-584.
- Kasperbauer, M.J. and P.G. Hunt. 1992. Root size and shoot/root ratio as influenced by light environment of the shoot. J. of Plant Nutrition 15(6 & 7):685-697.
- Kaul, K. and M.J. Kasperbauer. 1992. Mulch color effects on reflected light, rhizosphere temperature and pepper yield. Trans. Ky Acad. Sci. 53(3-4):109 112.
- Lipiec, J. and W. Busscher. 1992. Root growth in compacted soils with fine and coarse structural units. In Root Ecology and its Practical Application 3:129-132. (Proc. of Int'l. Soil Sci. Soc. Meetings, Vienna, Austria.)
- Matheny, T.A., P.G. Hunt, and M.J. Kasperbauer. 1992. Potato tuber production in response to reflected light from different colored mulches. Crop Sci. 32(4):1021-1024.
- May, O.L. and D.A. Van Sanford. 1992. Selection for early heading and correlated response in maturity of soft red winter wheat. Crop Sci. 32:47-51.
- Novak, J.M., P.M. Bertsch, and G.L. Mills. 1992. Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra of soil water-soluble organic carbon. J. Environ. Qual. 21:537-539.
- Novak, J.M., G.L. Mills, and P.M. Bertsch. 1992. Estimating the percent aromatic carbon in soil and aquatic humic substances using ultraviolet absorbance spectrometry. J. Environ. Qual. 21:144-147.
- Shirmohammadi, A., C.R. Camp, and D.L. Thomas. 1992. Water table management for field-sized areas in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. J. Soil Water Conserv. 47(1):52-57.
- Stone, K.C., R.C. Sommers, G.H. Williams, and D. E. Hawkins. 1992. Water table management in the Eastern Coastal Plain. J. Soil Water Conserv. 47(1):47-51.
- Thomas, D.L., P.G. Hunt, and J.W. Gilliam. 1992. Water table management for water quality improvement. J. Soil Water Conserv. 47(1):65-70.