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Reeves, D. W., P. J. Bauer, C. D. Monks, D. P. Delaney, C. H. Burmester, and R. W. Goodman. 1998. Ultra-narrow row cotton: tillage, cover crops and nitrogen. Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conf. 1:623. National Cotton Council:Memphis, TN.
Rice, J. M., A. A. Szogi, S. W. Broome, F. J. Humenik, and P. G. Hunt. 1998. Constructed wetland systems for swine wastewater treatment. pp. 501-505. In Conf. Proc. Animal Production Systems and the Environment, July 19-22, Des Moines, IA.
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Sadler, E. J., W. J. Busscher, K. C. Stone, P. J. Bauer, D. E. Evans, and J. A. Millen. 1998. Site-specific modeling of corn yield in the SE Coastal Plain. pp. I214-I221. In Proc. 1st Int'l. Conf. Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, 1-3 June, Lake Buena Vista, FL.
Stone, K. C., P. G. Hunt, F. J. Humenik, and M. H. Jonson. 1998. Impact of swine waste application on ground and stream water quality in an eastern Coastal Plain watershed. Trans. ASAE 41(6):1665-1670.
Stone, K. C., P. G. Hunt, M. H. Johnson, and S. W. Coffey. 1998. GLEAMS simulation of groundwater nitrate-N from row crop and swine wastewater spray fields in the eastern Coastal Plain. Trans. ASAE 41(1):51-57.
Stone, K. C., P. G. Hunt, M. H. Johnson, and T. A. Matheny. 1998. Nitrate-N distribution and trends in shallow groundwater on an eastern Coastal Plains watershed. Trans. ASAE 41(1):59-64.
Stone, K. C., M. H. Johnson, J. M. Novak, D. W. Watts, and P. G. Hunt. 1998. Flow proportional and time composite estimates of nutrient loading from an eastern Coastal Plain watershed. Paper No. 98-2153, ASAE:St. Joseph, MI. 14 pp.
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